NXOpen.Features Package


AOCS Class Represents a Offset In Face feature (aka Associative Offset Curve on Surface )
AOCSBuilder Class Represents a Offset In Face(aka Associative offset curve on face)feature builder.
AdaptiveShell Class Represents a adaptive shell feature
AdaptiveShellBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AdaptiveShell builder
AddendumSection Class Represents an Addendum Section feature
AddendumSurface Class Represents an Addendum Surface feature
AdmMoveFace Class Represents a ADM Move Face feature
AdmMoveFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AdmMoveFace builder
AdmOffsetRegion Class Represents a linear dimension feature
AdmOffsetRegionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AdmOffsetRegion builder
AdmResizeFace Class Represents an ADM resize face feature
AdmResizeFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a resize face feature.
AeroCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating aero design feature builder.
AeroFlange Class Represents a flange feature
AeroFlangeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AeroFlange builder
AeroRib Class Represents a aero rib feature
AeroRibBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AeroRib builder
AestheticFaceBlend Class Represents an aesthetic face blend feature
AestheticFaceBlendBuilder Class This class will provide ability to create aesthetically pleasing blend surfaces on sheet and solid bodies.
AnalyzePocket Class Represents a analyze pocket feature.
AnalyzePocketBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AnalyzePocket builder for Analyze Pocket feature.
AngularDim Class Represents a angular dimension feature
AngularDimBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AngularDim builder
AssemblyCut Class Represents an assembly cut feature.
AssemblyCutBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AssemblyCut builder.
AssociativeArc Class Represents a associative arc feature
AssociativeArcBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AssociativeArc builder
AssociativeLine Class Represents a associative line feature
AssociativeLineBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.AssociativeLine builder
AutomotiveCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating automotive feature builder.
BaseFeatureCollection Class This class contains methods for creating builders for features that are owned by a NXOpen.BasePart`that is not necessarily a :py:class:`NXOpen.Part.
Bead Class Represents a Bead feature
Bend Class Represents a Bend feature
BendTaper Class Represents a bend taper feature
BlendCorner Class Represents a blend corner feature
BlendCornerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.BlendCorner builder.
BlendPocket Class Represents a blend pocket feature.
BlendPocketBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.BlendPocket builder for Blend Pocket feature.
Block Class Represents a block feature.
BlockFeatureBuilder Class Represents a block feature builder.
BodyFeature Class Represents a feature on a part that has a body associated with it.
BodySelectTestBuilder Class Represents a Features.
BooleanBuilder Class Represents a boolean feature builder.
BooleanFeature Class Represents a boolean feature.
BoundedPlane Class Represents a bounded plane feature
BoundedPlaneBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.BoundedPlane builder
BreakCorner Class Represents a BreakCorner feature
Brep Class Represents an unparameterized feature
BridgeCurve Class Represents a bridge curve feature
BridgeCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.BridgeCurve builder
BridgeCurveBuilderEx Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.BridgeCurve builder.
BridgeSurface Class Represents a bridge surface feature
BridgeSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.BridgeSurface builder
BridgeTransition Class Represents a bridge transition feature
Chamfer Class Represents a chamfer feature.
ChamferBuilder Class Represents the chamfer builder data.
ChangeShellThickness Class Represents a shell face feature
ChangeShellThicknessBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ChangeShellThickness builder
CircularBlendCurve Class Represents a Circular Blend Curve feature
CircularBlendCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.CircularBlendCurve builder
ClosedCorner Class Represents a ClosedCorner feature
Coaxial Class Represents a coaxial feature
CoaxialBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Coaxial builder
CollectorTestBuilder Class Represents a Features.
ColorFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ColorFaceBuilder
ColorFeatureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ColorFeatureBuilder Represents a color feature builder.
ColorFeatureGroupBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ColorFeatureGroupBuilder Represents a color feature group builder.
CombineBodyFeature Class Represents a boolean feature.
CombinedProjection Class Represents a combined projection feature
CombinedProjectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.CombinedProjection builder
CompensateRoughData Class Represents a compensate rough curve or compensate rough sheet feature
CompositeCurve Class Represents a composite curve feature
CompositeCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.CompositeCurve builder.
ConcaveFaces Class Represents a radius faces feature
ConcaveFacesBuilder Class Represents a Concave Faces builder.
Cone Class Represents a cone feature
ConeBuilder Class Represents a builder for a cone feature.
ConstructionFeatureData Class JA interface for the ConstructionFeatureData object
ContourFlange Class Represents a Contour Flange feature
ConvertToSheetmetal Class Represents a ConvertToSheetmetal feature
Coplanar Class Represents a Coplanar feature
CoplanarBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Coplanar builder
CopyFace Class Represents a copy face feature
CopyFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a copy face feature.
CopyPasteBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.CopyPasteBuilder
CurveFeature Class Represents a curve feature
CurveFeatureCollection Class Manages curve features.
CurveFinderBuilder Class Represents a collection of curves and their relationships to other curves in the model
CurveLength Class Represents a curve length feature.
CurveLengthBuilder Class Represents the CurveLength builder
CurveOnSurface Class Represents a curve on surface feature
CurveOnSurfaceBuilder Class Curve On Surface builder class.
CustomAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomAttribute class
CustomAttributeCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating custom attribute object.
CustomDoubleArrayAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomDoubleArrayAttribute class
CustomDoubleAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomDoubleAttribute class
CustomExpressionArrayAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomExpressionArrayAttribute class
CustomExpressionAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomExpressionAttribute class
CustomFeature Class Represents a custom feature
CustomFeatureBuilder Class Represents a Features.CustomFeature builder
CustomFeatureClass Class JA interface for CustomFeatureClass
CustomFeatureClassManager Class JA interface for the CustomFeatureClassManager object
CustomFeatureCreateFeatureGeometryEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeatureCreateFeatureGeometryEvent object
CustomFeatureData Class JA interface for CustomFeatureData oject
CustomFeatureDataCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating custom feature data object.
CustomFeatureEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeatureEditEvent on Custom Feature
CustomFeatureInformationEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeatureInformationEvent object
CustomFeatureInternalFeaturePreUpdateEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeatureInternalFeaturePreUpdateEvent object
CustomFeatureModifyFeatureGeometryEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeatureModifyFeatureGeometryEvent object
CustomFeaturePostUpdateEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeaturePostUpdateEvent object
CustomFeaturePreUpdateEvent Class JA interface for the CustomFeaturePreUpdateEvent object
CustomFeatureSelectionFilter Class Represents a Features.CustomFeatureSelectionFilter class
CustomIntegerArrayAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomIntegerArrayAttribute class
CustomIntegerAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomIntegerAttribute class
CustomLogicalArrayAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomLogicalArrayAttribute class
CustomLogicalAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomLogicalAttribute class
CustomStringArrayAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomStringArrayAttribute class
CustomStringAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomStringAttribute class
CustomTagArrayAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomTagArrayAttribute class
CustomTagAttribute Class Represents a Features.CustomAttribute class
CutFace Class Represents a cut face feature
CutFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a cut face feature.
Cylinder Class Represents a cylinder feature
CylinderBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Cylinder builder
DatumAxisBuilder Class Represents a datum axis feature builder.
DatumAxisFeature Class Represents a datum axis feature
DatumBuilder Class Represents a builder for datum features.
DatumCsys Class Represents a Datum Coordinate System feature.
DatumCsysBuilder Class Represents a datum csys builder
DatumFeature Class Represents a Datum feature that is positioned by a set of constraints.
DatumPlaneBuilder Class Represents a datum plane feature builder.
DatumPlaneFeature Class Represents a datum plane feature
DeleteBody Class Represents a delete body feature.
DeleteBodyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.DeleteBody builder for Delete Body feature.
DeleteCurve Class Represents a delete curve feature
DeleteCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.DeleteCurve builder
DeleteEdge Class Represents a delete edge feature
DeleteEdgeBuilder Class Represents a builder for a delete edge feature.
DeleteFace Class Represents a delete face feature , don’t use it until nx502
DeleteFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a delete face feature, don’t use it until nx502.
DesignFeatureCollection Class Manages design features.
DimensionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.DimensionBuilder
Dimple Class Represents a Dimple feature
DivideCurveBuilder Class Represents a builder for non-associative divide curve operation.
Divideface Class Represents a Divideface feature.
DividefaceBuilder Class Represents a divide face builder.
Draft Class Represents a Draft feature.
DraftBody Class Represents a draft body feature
DraftBodyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.DraftBody builder
DraftBuilder Class Represents a Draft Feature Builder that creates or edits a draft (Old name Taper) feature.
DraftingSplineBuilder Class Sketch Spline builder class.
DrawDiePunch Class Represents a draw die punch feature.
DrawnCutout Class Represents a DrawnCutout feature
EdgeBlend Class Represents an Edge Blend feature
EdgeBlendBuilder Class Represents a Edge Blend builder.
EdgeRip Class Represents an EdgeRip feature
EdgeSymmetry Class Represents an edge symmetry feature
EdgeSymmetryBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.EdgeSymmetry builder
EditBend Class Represents a edit bend feature
EditCrossSection Class Represents a edit cross section feature.
EditCrossSectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.EditCrossSection builder
EditDimensionBuilder Class Represents a builder of edit feature dimensions
EmbeddedOperationBuilder Class Represents an EmbeddedOperationBuilder
Emboss Class Represents an emboss feature
EmbossBody Class Represents an emboss body feature
EmbossBodyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.EmbossBody builder
EmbossBuilder Class Represents an emboss feature builder that creates or edits an emboss feature.
EmbossJoggle Class Represents a joggle object.
EmbossLimit Class Represents emboss start and end objects, meaning, targets and end-cap definitions.
EmbossProjection Class Represents a projection object.
EmbossRegion Class Represents an emboss region object.
EmbossSidewall Class Represents an emboss sidewall object.
EmbossTaper Class Represents a taper object.
EmbossTarget Class Represents a target object.
Enlarge Class Represents an enlarge feature
EnlargeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Enlarge builder.
ExtendSheet Class Represents an extend sheet feature
ExtendSheetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ExtendSheet builder
Extension Class Represents a extension feature
ExtensionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Extension builder
ExtractFace Class Represents a Extract face feature
ExtractFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ExtractFace builder.
Extrude Class Represents an extrude feature.
ExtrudeBuilder Class Represents a extrude feature builder.
FaceBlend Class Represents a Face Blend feature.
FaceBlendBuilder Class Represents a face blend builder.
FaceRecognitionBuilder Class Represents a collection of faces and their relationships to other faces in the model
FaceSheet Class Represents a Face Sheet feature
Feature Class Represents a feature on a part
FeatureBuilder Class Represents a Feature Builder to be used in the creation and modification of features.
FeatureCollection Class Represents a collection of features
FeatureGroup Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FeatureGroup
FeatureList Class Represents a list of objects.
FeatureReferencesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FeatureReferencesBuilder
FeatureReplayBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FeatureReplayBuilder builder.
FillHole Class Represents a fill hole feature.
FillHoleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FillHole builder
FitCurve Class Represents a fit curve feature
FitCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FitCurve builder
FitSurface Class Represents a fit surface feature
FitSurfaceBuilder Class This class will provide the ability to fit surfaces through facet bodies or point sets/groups.
Fixed Class Represents a Fixed feature
FixedBuilder Class Represents a builder for a fixed feature.
Flange Class Represents a Flange feature
FlatPattern Class Represents a Flat Solid feature
FlatSolid Class Represents a Flat Solid feature
FlatteningAndForming Class Represents a flattening and forming feature
FlatteningAndFormingBuilder Class This class will provide the solution to unwrap 3D non-planar, curved geometry to a 2D plane.
FlexibleCable Class Represents a flexible cable
FlowBlend Class Represents a flow blend feature
FlowBlendBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FlowBlend builder
FreeTransformer Class Represents a free transformer feature
FreeTransformerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.FreeTransformer builder
FreeformCurveCollection Class Collection of freeform curve based features.
FreeformSurfaceCollection Class Collection of freeform surface based features.
GeneralConic Class Represents a general conic feature
GeneralConicBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeneralConic builder
GeodesicChamfer Class Represents a GeodesicChamfer feature.
GeodesicChamferBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicChamfer builder for GeodesicChamfer command.
GeodesicFillet Class Represents a GeodesicFillet feature.
GeodesicFilletBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicFillet builder for GeodesicFillet command.
GeodesicIntersect Class Represents a GeodesicIntersect feature.
GeodesicIntersectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicIntersect builder for Intersect command.
GeodesicLine Class Represents a GeodesicLine feature.
GeodesicLineBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicLine builder for GeodesicLine command.
GeodesicOffset Class Represents a GeodesicOffset feature.
GeodesicOffsetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicOffset builder for Offset command.
GeodesicPoint Class Represents a GeodesicPoint feature.
GeodesicPointBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicPoint builder for GeodesicPoint command.
GeodesicProject Class Represents a GeodesicProject feature.
GeodesicProjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicProject builder for Project command.
GeodesicResetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicResetBuilder
GeodesicSketch Class Represents a GeodesicSketch feature.
GeodesicSketchBuilder Class Represents a Features.GeodesicSketch builder for GeodesicSketch feature.
GeodesicSketchCollection Class Represents a collection of GeodesicSketch features
GeodesicTrim Class Represents a GeodesicTrim feature.
GeodesicTrimBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GeodesicSketch builder for GeodesicTrim command.
Geomcopy Class Represents a geomcopy feature
GeomcopyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Geomcopy builder
GeometricConstraintData Class Represents Geometric Constraint Data class.
GeometricConstraintDataManager Class Represents Geometric Constraint Data Manager class.
GeometricConstraintDataSetManager Class Represents Geometric Constraint Data Set Manager class.
GlobalShaping Class Represents a global shaping feature
GlobalShapingBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GlobalShaping builder
GlobalShapingCurveOffsetBuilder Class The class used to define the curves and offset laws needed for the target curve list.
GlobalShapingCurveOffsetBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
GlobalShapingPointOffsetBuilder Class The class used to define the points and offsets needed for the target point list.
GlobalShapingPointOffsetBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
GroupFace Class Represents a group face feature
GroupFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a group face feature.
GuidedExtensionBuilderEx Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.GuidedExtensionEx builder
GuidedExtensionEx Class Represents a guided extension feature
Gusset Class Represents a gusset feature
Helix Class Represents a helix feature
HelixBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Helix builder
HemFlange Class Represents a hem flange feature
Hole Class Represents a Hole feature
HoleFeatureBuilder Class Represents a Hole feature builder.
HolePackage Class Represents a hole package and hole series feature.
HolePackageBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.HolePackage builder.
Human Class Represents a human feature.
HumanBuilder Class Represents a human feature.
HybridTestBuilder Class Represents a Features.
IBoolean Class Base class for Unite, Intersect and Subtract features.
IContainerFeature Class Represents a container feature on a part.
IForm Class Represents a IForm feature
IFormBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.IForm builder.
IIsolateToolBodyOperation Class Represents a combine body feature.
InstanceFeature Class Represents a instance feature
InstanceFeatureBuilder Class instance feature builder
Intersect Class Represents a Intersect feature
IntersectionCurve Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.IntersectionCurve.
IntersectionCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.IntersectionCurveBuilder builder.
IsoclineCurve Class Represents a isocline curve feature
IsoclineCurveBuilder Class Represents a Features.IsoclineCurve builder
IsolateFeature Class Represents a Isolate Object of feature
IsolateFeatureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.IsolateFeature builder
IsoparametricCurves Class Represents a isoparametric curves feature
IsoparametricCurvesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.IsoparametricCurves builder
Joe Class Represents a Joe feature
JoeBuilder Class Builds a Joe feature
JoeListItem Class List item inside a Joe feature
JoeListItemList Class Represents a list of objects.
Jog Class Represents a Jog feature
JoinCurves Class Represents a join curve feature
JoinCurvesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.JoinCurves builder.
LabelChamfer Class Represents a label chamfer feature
LabelChamferBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LabelChamfer builder
LabelNotchBlend Class Represents a label notch blend feature
LabelNotchBlendBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LabelNotchBlend builder
LawCurve Class Represents a law curve feature
LawCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LawCurve builder
LawExtension Class Represents a law extension feature
LawExtensionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LawExtension builder
LawExtensionBuilderEx Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LawExtensionEx builder
LawExtensionEx Class Represents a law extension feature
LinearDimension Class Represents a linear dimension feature
LinearDimensionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LinearDimension builder
LinkedFacet Class Represents a linked facet feature
LinkedFacetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.LinkedFacet builder
LocalScaleCurve Class Represents a local scale curve feature
LocalScaleCurveBuilder Class Represents a Features.LocalScaleCurve builder
LoftedFlange Class Represents a Lofted Flange feature
Louver Class Represents a Louver feature
MakeOffset Class Represents a make offset feature
MakeOffsetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MakeOffset builder
MakeSolid Class Represents a make solid feature that converts closed sheet bodies to solid bodies.
MakeSolidBuilder Class Represents a Features.MakeSolid builder.
Maple Class Represents a maple feature
MapleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Maple builder
MasterCut Class Represents a section view feature
MasterCutBuilder Class Represents a master cut feature builder that creates, inquires, or edits a master cut feature associated with a Cut View.
MatchEdge Class Represents a match edge feature
MatchEdgeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MatchEdge builder
MatchedReferenceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MatchedReferenceBuilder
MeshSurface Class Represents a mesh surface feature.
MeshSurfaceBuilder Class Mesh Surface Builder class.
MeshTransformer Class Represents a mesh transformer feature
MeshTransformerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MeshTransformer builder
Metaform Class Represents a metaform feature
MidSurfaceByFacePairs Class Represents a mid surface by face pairs feature
MidSurfaceByFacePairsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MidSurfaceByFacePairs builder
MidSurfaceFacePair Class Represents a mid surface by face pairs feature
MidSurfaceUserDefined Class Represents a midsurface user defined feature
MidSurfaceUserDefinedBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MidSurfaceUserDefined builder
Mirror Class Represents a mirror feature.
MirrorBody Class Represents a mirror body feature.
MirrorBodyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MirrorBody builder.
MirrorBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Mirror builder.
MirrorCurve Class Represents a mirror curve feature
MirrorCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MirrorCurve builder
MirrorFace Class Represents a Mirror Face feature
MirrorFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MirrorFace builder
MirrorFeature Class Represents a mirror feature feature.
MirrorFeatureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MirrorFeature builder
MoveCurve Class Represents a move curve feature
MoveCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MoveCurve builder
MoveEdge Class Represents a move edge feature
MoveEdgeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MoveEdge builder
MoveFace Class Represents a move face feature , don’t use it until nx502
MoveFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a move face feature, don’t use it until nx502.
MoveObject Class Represents a Move-Object feature.
MoveObjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.MoveObjectBuilder.
NSidedSurface Class Represents a nsided surface feature
NSidedSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.NSidedSurface builder
NormalCutout Class Represents a Normal Cutout feature
Offset3DCurve Class Represents a offset 3D curve feature
Offset3DCurveBuilder Class Represents a Features.Offset3DCurveBuilder builder which implements offset curves along a direction with offset distance in three dimension.
OffsetCurve Class Represents a offset curve feature
OffsetCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.OffsetCurve builder
OffsetEdge Class Represents a offset edge feature
OffsetEdgeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.OffsetEdge builder
OffsetEmboss Class Represents an offset emboss feature
OffsetEmbossBuilder Class Represents a builder for an offset emboss feature.
OffsetFace Class Represents a offset face feature
OffsetFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.OffsetFace builder
OffsetMoveCurve Class Represents a offset move curve feature
OffsetMoveCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.OffsetMoveCurve builder
OffsetRegion Class Represents an offset region feature , don’t use it until nx502
OffsetRegionBuilder Class Represents a builder for an offset region feature, don’t use it until nx502.
OffsetSurface Class Represents a offset surface feature.
OffsetSurfaceBuilder Class This class represents a offset surface builder, used for creating or editing an offset surface feature.
OptimizeCurveBuilder Class Represents a builder of optimize curve
OptimizeFace Class Represents a optimize face feature
OptimizeFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder of optimize face
OutputFeatureData Class JA interface for the OutputFeatureData object
OvercrownBuilder Class Represents a Overcrown Builder
PaintParametersBuilder Class Represents a paint feature parameters builder.
Parallel Class Represents a parallel feature
ParallelBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Parallel builder.
PartGeometryCopyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PartGeometryCopyBuilder builder
PartGeometryCopySelectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PartGeometryCopySelectBuilder builder
PartGeometryCopySelectBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
PartModule Class Represents a part module
PartModuleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PartModule builder
PasteFace Class Represents a paste face feature
PasteFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a paste face feature.
Patch Class Represents a Patch feature
PatchBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PatchBuilder Lets you use a sheet body to replace some of the faces of a solid body.
PatchOpenings Class Represents a Patch Openings feature
PatchOpeningsBuilder Class Represents a builder for a Patch Openings feature.
PatternFace Class Represents a pattern face feature , don’t use it until nx502
PatternFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a pattern face feature, don’t use it until nx502.
PatternFaceFeature Class Represents a pattern face feature
PatternFaceFeatureBuilder Class Represents a builder for a pattern face feature, post NX9.
PatternFeature Class Represents a pattern feature
PatternFeatureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PatternFeature builder
PatternGeometry Class Represents a pattern geometry feature.
PatternGeometryBuilder Class This class represents the builder to be used to create Pattern Geometry features.
Perpendicular Class Represents a perpendicular feature
PerpendicularBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Perpendicular builder
PierceTask Class Represents a Pierce Task feature
PointFeature Class Represents a point feature
PointFeatureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PointFeatureBuilder builder
PointSet Class Represents a point set feature
PointSetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PointSetBuilder.
PointSetFacePercentageBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PointSetFacePercentageBuilder.
PointSetFacePercentageBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
PoleSmoothing Class Represents a pole smoothing feature
PoleSmoothingBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PoleSmoothing builder
PolylineBuilder Class Polyline builder class.
Prebend Class Represents a Prebend feature
ProjectCurve Class Represents a project curve feature.
ProjectCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ProjectCurve builder.
Promotion Class Represents a promotion feature.
PromotionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Promotion builder.
PullFace Class Represents a pull face feature
PullFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.PullFace builder
QuickBinder Class Represents a quick binder feature
RPO Class Represents an RPO dimension
RPOBuilder Class Represents a RPO builder.
RPODimension Class Represents a RPO Dimension.
RadialDimension Class Represents a radial dimension feature
RadialDimensionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.RadialDimension builder
RapidSurface Class Represents a Rapid Surfacing feature
RapidSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.RapidSurface builder
RasterImage Class Represents a Raster Image feature
Rebend Class Represents a Rebend feature
ReferenceMapperBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ReferenceMapperBuilder It is used in the context of Boolean Target/Tool Mapping.
RefitFace Class Represents a refit face feature
RefitFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.RefitFace builder
RegionListItemBuilder Class Represents a Features.RegionListItemBuilder builder
RegionListItemBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
RemoveParametersBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.RemoveParametersBuilder.
ReorderBlends Class Represents a reorder blends feature
ReorderBlendsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ReorderBlends builder
ReplaceBlend Class Represents a replace blend feature
ReplaceBlendBuilder Class Represents a builder for a Replace Blend feature.
ReplaceFace Class Represents a replace face feature , don’t use it until nx502
ReplaceFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a replace face feature, don’t use it until nx502.
ReplaceFeatureBuilder Class Represents a replace feature builder.
ResizeBendAngle Class Represents a resize bend angle feature
ResizeBendRadius Class Represents a resize bend radius feature
ResizeBlend Class Represents a resize blend feature , don’t use it until nx502
ResizeBlendBuilder Class Represents a builder for a resize blend feature, don’t use it until nx502.
ResizeChamfer Class Represents a resize chamfer feature
ResizeChamferBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ResizeChamfer builder
ResizeChamferCurve Class Represents a resize chamfer curve feature
ResizeChamferCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ResizeChamferCurve builder
ResizeCurve Class Represents a resize curve feature
ResizeCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ResizeCurve builder
ResizeFace Class Represents a resize blend feature , don’t use it until nx502
ResizeFaceBuilder Class Represents a builder for a resize face feature, don’t use it until nx502.
ResizeNeutralFactor Class Represents a resize neutral factor feature
ResizePlane Class Represents a Resize Datum Plane feature
ResizePlaneBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ResizePlane builder
Revolve Class Represents a revolve feature.
RevolveBuilder Class Represents a revolve builder.
Rib Class Represents a rib feature
RibBuilder Class Represents a Features.Rib builder
Ribbon Class Represents a ribbon feature
RibbonBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Ribbon builder
Rotor Class Represents a Die CAM Rotor feature.
Ruled Class Represents a ruled feature.
RuledBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Ruled builder
Scale Class Represents a scale feature.
ScaleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Scale builder.
ScaleCurve Class Represents a scale curve feature
ScaleCurveBuilder Class Represents a Features.ScaleCurveBuilder builder
SectionCurve Class Represents a section curves feature.
SectionCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SectionCurve builder.
SectionEdit Class Represents a section edit feature
SectionEditBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SectionEdit builder
SectionInertiaAnalysis Class Represents a section inertia analysis feature
SectionInertiaAnalysisBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SectionInertiaAnalysis builder
SectionSurface Class Represents a section surface feature
SectionSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SectionSurface builder
SectionSurfaceBuilderEx Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SectionSurface builder.
SectionTestBuilder Class Represents a Features.
SelectDatumCsysList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectFeature Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectFeatureList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectFlatPattern Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectPartModule Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectionTest Class Class for testing selections
SelectionTestBuilder Class Builder for the SelectionTest class
ServiceOrientedBodyFeature Class Represents a body feature
ServiceOrientedBodyFeatureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ServiceOrientedBodyFeature builder
ServiceOrientedFeatureCurve Class Represents a curve feature
ServiceOrientedFeatureCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ServiceOrientedFeatureCurve builder
Sew Class Represents a sew feature.
SewBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Sew builder.
SheetMetalFromSolid Class Represents a Sheet Metal from Solid feature
Shelf Class Represents a shelf feature
ShelfBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Shelf builder
Shell Class Represents a Shell feature.
ShellBuilder Class Represents the Shell feature builder.
ShellFace Class Represents a shell face feature
ShellFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShellFace builder
ShipCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating ship feature builder.
ShowRelatedFacesBuilder Class Represents a builder for a Show Related Faces.
SilhouetteFlange Class Represents a silhouette flange feature
SilhouetteFlangeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SilhouetteFlange builder
SketchConversionReport Class Represents a collection of status of conversion of features to independent sketch.
SketchConversionStatus Class Represents the status of conversion of features to independent sketch.
SketchFeature Class Represents a sketch feature
SketchFitCurveBuilder Class Sketch Fit Curve builder class.
SketchSplineBuilder Class Sketch Spline builder class.
SmartCollector Class Represents a Smart Collector feature
SmoothCurveString Class Represents a smooth section feature
SmoothCurveStringBuilder Class Represents a Features.SmoothCurveString builder
SmoothRangeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SmoothRangeBuilder builder
SmoothRangeBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
SmoothSpline Class Represents a smooth spline feature
SmoothSplineBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SmoothSpline builder
SnipSurface Class Represents a snip surface feature
SnipSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SnipSurface builder
SoftBlend Class Represents a Soft Blend feature.
SolidPunch Class Represents a Solid Punch feature
Sphere Class Represents a sphere feature
SphereBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Sphere builder.
SphericalCorner Class Represents a spherical corner feature
SphericalCornerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SphericalCorner builder
SpineCurve Class Represents a spine curve feature
SpineCurveBuilder Class Represents a Features.SpineCurve builder
SplitBody Class Represents a split body feature.
SplitBodyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SplitBody builder.
Step Class Represents a step feature
StepBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Step builder
StudioSpline Class Represents a studio spline feature
StudioSplineBuilder Class Studio Spline builder class.
StudioSplineBuilderEx Class Studio Spline builder class.
StudioSurface Class Represents a studio surface feature
StudioSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.StudioSurface builder
StudioXform Class Represents a studio xform feature
StudioXformBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.StudioXform builder
StudioXformBuilderEx Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.StudioXform builder
StyledBlend Class Represents a styled blend feature
StyledBlendBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.StyledBlend builder
StyledCorner Class Represents a styled corner feature
StyledCornerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.StyledCorner builder
StyledSweep Class Represents a styled sweep feature
StyledSweepBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.StyledSweep builder
Subtract Class Represents a Subtract feature.
SweepAlongGuide Class Represents a sweep along guide feature
SweepAlongGuideBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SweepAlongGuide builder
SweepFeatureCollection Class Manages sweep-like features.
Swept Class Represents a swept feature
SweptBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Swept builder
SweptVolume Class Represents a swept volume feature
SweptVolumeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SweptVolume builder
Symmetric Class Represents a symmetric feature.
SymmetricBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Symmetric builder
SynchronousCurveCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating ST curve builder.
SynchronousEdgeCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating ship feature builder.
Tab Class Represents a Tab feature
TabNoteCfgBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.TabNoteCfgBuilder
Tangent Class Represents a tangent feature
TangentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Tangent builder
TestFeature Class Represents a test feature
TestFeatureBuilder Class Represents a Features.
Text Class Represents a text feature
TextBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Text builder
Thicken Class Represents a thicken feature.
ThickenBuilder Class Represents a builder for a NXOpen.Features.Thicken feature.
ThreeBendCorner Class Represents a ThreeBendCorner feature
ThroughCurveMesh Class Represents a through curve mesh feature.
ThroughCurveMeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ThroughCurveMesh builder.
ThroughCurves Class Represents a Through Curves feature.
ThroughCurvesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ThroughCurves builder.
ToolingBox Class Represents a tooling box feature
ToolingBoxBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ToolingBox builder
ToolingCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating tooling feature builder.
ToolingFeatureCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating tooling feature builder.
TrackingData Class JA interface for Tracking Data
TrimAndExtend Class Represents a trim and extend feature
TrimAndExtendBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.TrimAndExtend builder
TrimBody Class Represents a Trim Body feature.
TrimBody2 Class Represents a trim body feature.
TrimBody2Builder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.TrimBody2 builder for Trim Body feature.
TrimBodyBuilder Class Represents the trim body feature builder.
TrimCornerBuilder Class Represents a builder for non-associative trim corner operation.
TrimCurve Class Represents a trim curve feature
TrimCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.TrimCurve builder
TrimExtend Class Represents a trim extend feature.
TrimExtendBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.TrimExtend builder.
TrimFeatureCollection Class Manages design features.
TrimLineDevelopment Class Represents a trim line development feature
TrimSheet Class Represents a trim sheet feature.
TrimSheetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.TrimSheet builder.
Tube Class Represents a tube feature
TubeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Tube builder
Unbend Class Represents a Unbend feature
Unite Class Represents a Unite feature.
UniversalUnform Class Represents a UniversalUnform feature
Unsew Class Represents a Unsew feature
UnsewBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Unsew builder
Untrim Class Represents a Untrim feature.
UntrimBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Untrim builder
UserDefinedFeatureApplicationData Class JA interface for UserDefinedFeatureApplicationData object
UserDefinedFeatureApplicationField Class JA interface for UserDefinedFeatureApplicationField object
UserDefinedFeatureClass Class JA interface for UserDefinedFeatureClass
UserDefinedFeatureClassManager Class JA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureClassManager object
UserDefinedFeatureCopyEvent Class JA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureCopyEvent object
UserDefinedFeatureCreateEvent Class JA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureCreateEvent object
UserDefinedFeatureEditEvent Class JA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureEditEvent object
UserDefinedFeatureExpressionData Class JA interface for UserDefinedFeatureExpressionData object.
UserDefinedFeatureIconEvent Class JA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureIconEvent object
UserDefinedFeatureReferenceData Class JA interface for UserDefinedFeatureReference object.
UserDefinedFeatureUpdateEvent Class JA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureUpdateEvent object
UserDefinedObjectFeature Class Represents a User Defined Object feature.
UserDefinedObjectFeatureBuilder Class Represents a user defined object feature builder.
VarOffsetFace Class Represents a var offset face feature
VarOffsetFaceBuilder Class Represents a Features.VarOffsetFace builder
VariableOffset Class Represents a variable offset feature
VariableOffsetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VariableOffset builder
VariableRadiusPointsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VariableRadiusPointsBuilder builder
VariableRadiusPointsBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
Varsweep Class Represents a Varsweep feature.
VarsweepBuilder Class Represents a Variational Sweep feature builder.
VehicleDesignCollection Class This class contains the factory method for creating vehicle design feature builder.
VirtualBlendEdgeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VirtualBlendEdgeBuilder
VirtualCurve Class Represents a virtual curve feature
VirtualCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VirtualCurve builder
WaveDatum Class Represents a WAVEDATUM feature
WaveDatumBuilder Class Represents a Wave Datum builder.
WaveInterfaceLinkerBuilder Class Represents a WaveInterfacelinker Feature builder
WaveLink Class Represents a wavelink feature.
WaveLinkBuilder Class Represents a Wavelink Feature builder.
WavePoint Class Represents a wavepoint feature
WavePointBuilder Class Represents a Features.Feature builder
WaveRouting Class Represents a waverouting feature
WaveRoutingBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.WaveRoutingBuilder
WaveSketch Class Represents a WAVESKETCH feature
WaveSketchBuilder Class Represents a WaveSketchBuilder.
WrapBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.WrapUnwrap builder.
WrapGeometry Class Represents a wrap geometry feature
WrapGeometryBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.WrapGeometry builder
WrapUnwrap Class Represents a wrap or unwrap curve feature


AOCSBuilderExtend Enumeration AOCS builder extend to each other within section type enum.
AOCSBuilderExtendToFace Enumeration AOCS builder extend to face edges type enum.
AOCSBuilderFilletOptions Enumeration AOCS builder fillet options type enum.
AOCSBuilderOffsetDirection Enumeration AOCS builder offset direction type enum.
AOCSBuilderOffsetDistanceType Enumeration AOCS builder offset distance type enum.
AOCSBuilderOffsetType Enumeration AOCS builder offset type enum.
AOCSBuilderTrim Enumeration AOCS builder trim to each other within section type enum.
AdmMoveFaceBuilderMoveOptionType Enumeration Represents the move option.
AeroFlangeBuilderGuideObjectTypes Enumeration This attribute represents the Guide Object types
AeroFlangeBuilderLimitObjectTypes Enumeration This attribute represents the limit object types
AeroFlangeBuilderPointOption Enumeration This attribute represents the options for on path dimension
AeroFlangeBuilderThicknessDimensionOptions Enumeration This attribute represents the options for thickness dimension
AeroFlangeBuilderWidthDimensionOptions Enumeration This attribute represents the options for width dimension
AeroFlangeBuilderWidthMethods Enumeration This attribute represents the width method
AeroRibBuilderGuideObjectTypes Enumeration This attribute represents the Guide Object types
AeroRibBuilderHeightDimensionOptions Enumeration This attribute represents the options for height dimension
AeroRibBuilderLimitObjectTypes Enumeration This attribute represents the limit object types
AeroRibBuilderPointOption Enumeration This attribute represents the options for on path dimension
AeroRibBuilderRibForms Enumeration This attribute represents the Rib Form
AeroRibBuilderThicknessDimensionOptions Enumeration This attribute represents the options for thickness dimension
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderAlignmentType Enumeration Alignment method provides the ability to align the cross sections of the blend in the user specified direction
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderBlendFacesType Enumeration Trimming options
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderBlendType Enumeration Tangent method will create tangent lines based on the method employed.
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderCenterType Enumeration Center methods will define peak of the blend
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderEndTrimObjectType Enumeration End object overriding trim options
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderRhoType Enumeration Rho options
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderSegmentationType Enumeration Segmentations options
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderShapeType Enumeration Shape methods will define the high level shape of the blend cross section.
AestheticFaceBlendBuilderStartTrimObjectType Enumeration Start object overriding trim options
AnalyzePocketBuilderAngledWallSolutions Enumeration Represents the solution which defines how the End Mill is positioned with the angled walls.
AnalyzePocketBuilderToolTypes Enumeration Represents the tool type which defines how the angled walls are cut.
AssociativeArcBuilderCenterReference Enumeration Represents references for center point
AssociativeArcBuilderEndOption Enumeration Represents end point options type
AssociativeArcBuilderEndReference Enumeration Represents references for end point
AssociativeArcBuilderMidOption Enumeration Represents mid point options type
AssociativeArcBuilderMidReference Enumeration Represents references for mid point
AssociativeArcBuilderStartOption Enumeration Represents start point options type
AssociativeArcBuilderStartReference Enumeration Represents references for start point
AssociativeArcBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents arc type.
AssociativeLineBuilderEndOption Enumeration Represents end options type.
AssociativeLineBuilderEndReference Enumeration Represents references for end point
AssociativeLineBuilderStartOption Enumeration Represents start options type.
AssociativeLineBuilderStartReference Enumeration Represents references for start point
AssociativityType Enumeration Represents the associativity type for a dimension entity
BlendCornerBuilderContinuityTypes Enumeration Continuity options
BlendPocketBuilderAngledWallSolutions Enumeration Represents the solution which defines how the End Mill is positioned with the angled walls.
BlendPocketBuilderToolTypes Enumeration Represents the tool type which defines how the angled walls are cut.
BlockFeatureBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the block types
BridgeCurveBuilderConstraintTypes Enumeration This enum represents the end continuity constraint types for the bridge curve
BridgeCurveBuilderCurveDirectionTypes Enumeration This enum represents the direction type for input curves
BridgeCurveBuilderCurveFitTypes Enumeration This enum represents the curve fit types for the bridge curve
BridgeCurveBuilderEndObjectTypes Enumeration This enum represents the current selected end object types for the bridge curve
BridgeCurveBuilderMinRadiusTypes Enumeration This enum represents the minimum radius types for the bridge curve
BridgeCurveBuilderSelectedObject Enumeration This enum represents the current selected object for the bridge curve
BridgeCurveBuilderShapeControlTypes Enumeration This enum represents the shape control types for the bridge curve
BridgeCurveBuilderSurfaceDirectionTypes Enumeration This enum represents the direction type for input surfaces
BridgeCurveBuilderExEndObjectTypes Enumeration End object type
BridgeCurveBuilderExRadiusConstraintMethods Enumeration Radius constraint methods
BridgeCurveBuilderExShapeControlMethods Enumeration Shape control methods
BridgeCurveBuilderExStartObjectTypes Enumeration Start object type
ChamferBuilderChamferOption Enumeration This enum represents the chamfer parameter options
ChamferBuilderOffsetMethod Enumeration This enum represents the offset method options
CircularBlendCurveBuilderCylinderDirectionOption Enumeration Represents the cylinder direction options
CircularBlendCurveBuilderCylinderRadiusOption Enumeration Represents the cylinder radius options
ColorFeatureBuilderOperationType Enumeration specify color or remove color type
ColorFeatureGroupBuilderOperationType Enumeration specify color or remove color type
ColorFeatureGroupBuilderProcessType Enumeration set color for new features only or set color and apply to all members
CompositeCurveBuilderJoinMethod Enumeration the join method
CompositeCurveBuilderPartType Enumeration Composite Curve part type.
ConeBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the Cone type
CopyPasteBuilderBuilderVersion Enumeration Types of version number
CopyPasteBuilderExpressionTransferOption Enumeration Types of expression transfer mode
CopyPasteBuilderParentSelectOption Enumeration Types of parent select option; Specifying smart object or selecting input for original parent
CopyPasteBuilderParentTransferOption Enumeration Types of parent transfer mode
CustomAttributeProperty Enumeration Specifies custom attribute type.
CustomAttributeType Enumeration Specifies custom attribute type.
CylinderBuilderTypes Enumeration the cylinder types
DatumAxisBuilderAlternateSolution Enumeration Specifies the alternate solution for datum axis using point on curve method only
DatumAxisBuilderConstraintType Enumeration Specifies different constraint types for selected geometries
DatumAxisBuilderCurveOption Enumeration Specifies the distance on the curve as absolute distance or relative distance as percentage
DatumAxisBuilderCurveOrientations Enumeration Available orientations that the user can choose when the Datum Axis type is On Curve Vector
DatumAxisBuilderDirectionOrientations Enumeration Two available direction orientations that the user can choose when the Datum Axis type is Point and Direction
DatumAxisBuilderFixedType Enumeration Specifies the fixed type datum axis going thru only one specific axis or thru all axes.
DatumAxisBuilderTypes Enumeration New Datum Axis types in NX5
DatumAxisBuilderUseArcLength Enumeration Specifies points for which arclength is to be used.
DatumPlaneBuilderAlternateSolution Enumeration Specifies the alternate solution for a datum plane using point on curve method
DatumPlaneBuilderConstraintType Enumeration Specifies different constraint types of selected geometries
DatumPlaneBuilderCurveOption Enumeration Specifies the distance on the curve as absolute distance or relative distance as percentage
DatumPlaneBuilderFixedType Enumeration Specifies the fixed type datum plane going thru only one specific plane or thru all planes
DatumPlaneBuilderUseArcLength Enumeration Specifies points for which arclength is to be used.
DeleteFaceBuilderCapOptionValues Enumeration Represents the cap option values.
DeleteFaceBuilderFaceEdgeBlendPreferenceOptions Enumeration Represents the face edge blend preference options.
DeleteFaceBuilderSelectTypes Enumeration Enumeration of select type, don’t use it until nx502
DeleteFaceBuilderSetbackOptions Enumeration Represents the set back options.
DivideCurveBuilderCornerOption Enumeration Represents the Divide Curve at Corner option types
DivideCurveBuilderEqualSegmentOption Enumeration Represents the Divide Curve equal segment method types
DivideCurveBuilderInputArcLengthDirectionFlag Enumeration Represents the Divide Curve Input Arc length direction flag
DivideCurveBuilderKnotPointOption Enumeration Represents the Divide Curve at Knot option types
DivideCurveBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the Divide Curve types
DraftBodyBuilderMatchOption Enumeration Describes the different match options.
DraftBodyBuilderMatchingScope Enumeration Describes the different match scopes.
DraftBodyBuilderMatchingType Enumeration Describes the different match types
DraftBodyBuilderMethod Enumeration Describes the Draft Body method as true draft or isocline draft.
DraftBodyBuilderRepairOption Enumeration Describes the different repair options.
DraftBodyBuilderRepairingPartingEdgeOption Enumeration Describes the different repair parting edges options.
DraftBodyBuilderTypes Enumeration Describes the different Draft Body types
DraftBuilderDraftReferencesMethods Enumeration Describes the different Draft Methods in Draft References
DraftBuilderMethod Enumeration Describes the Draft type as true draft or isocline draft.
DraftBuilderType Enumeration Describes the different Draft types
EdgeBlendBuilderConic Enumeration This enum represents the Conic option
EdgeBlendBuilderFaceContinuity Enumeration The Blend Face Continuity
EdgeBlendBuilderOrderOfBlending Enumeration This enum represents the order of Blending
EdgeBlendBuilderOverlap Enumeration This enum represents the Overlap resolution options for Edge Blend
EdgeBlendBuilderRhotype Enumeration This enum represents the rho type for conic section blend
EdgeBlendBuilderSection Enumeration This enum represents the Section option
EdgeBlendBuilderSetback Enumeration This enum represents the Setback option
EdgeSymmetryBuilderMovementDirections Enumeration Movement directions
EdgeSymmetryBuilderMovementMethods Enumeration Matching method options
EdgeSymmetryBuilderSymmetryPlaneOptions Enumeration Symmetry plane options
EmbossJoggleJoggleDirectionMethod Enumeration Describes the option that joggle direction along.
EmbossLimitEndcapMethod Enumeration Describes the method that can be applied to the selected geometry to define the End-Cap.
EmbossLimitEndcapSourceOption Enumeration Describes the geometry that is used to create the End-Cap face/body.
EmbossProjectionProjectionOption Enumeration Describes the geometry for projection
EmbossRegionConvexityOption Enumeration Describes whether the emboss geometry is above the target(Pad) or below the target(Pocket), or both(Mixed).
EmbossSidewallSidewallMethod Enumeration Describes the method that can be applied to define the sidewall.
EnlargeBuilderExtensionTypes Enumeration Extension types
ExtendSheetBuilderBodyOutput Enumeration Creates extension as an existing or a new entity
ExtendSheetBuilderLimit Enumeration Determines the Limit type for extension
ExtendSheetBuilderSideEdgeShape Enumeration Determines the path of the extension
ExtendSheetBuilderSurfaceShape Enumeration Determines the surface type of the extension
ExtensionBuilderDistance Enumeration The distance type.
ExtensionBuilderExtension Enumeration The extension method.
ExtensionBuilderTypes Enumeration The part of the face to extend.
ExtractFaceBuilderExtractType Enumeration enum for feature type being extracted
ExtractFaceBuilderFaceOptionType Enumeration enum for face option type
ExtractFaceBuilderFaceSurfaceType Enumeration type of resulting surface
ExtractFaceBuilderFeatureOptionType Enumeration enum for feature option type
ExtractFaceBuilderParentPartType Enumeration enum for scope of part
FaceBlendBuilderCrossSectionOption Enumeration This enum represents the Cross section types
FaceBlendBuilderDefiningType Enumeration This enum represents the Face Blend defining type, it is added in NX75 for new three face blend
FaceBlendBuilderOverflowMethod Enumeration This enum represents the overflow options
FaceBlendBuilderRhoMethod Enumeration This enum represents the rho types
FaceBlendBuilderTrimmingMethod Enumeration This enum represents the Trimming options for Face Blend
FaceBlendBuilderType Enumeration This enum represents the Face Blend types
FaceBlendBuilderWidthMethod Enumeration This enum represents the Face Blend width method, it is added in NX10 for two face blend
FeatureBooleanType Enumeration Boolean operation type.
FeatureDiagnosticType Enumeration Diagnostic type
FeatureCollectionReorderType Enumeration Reorder operation type.
FeatureGroupType Enumeration Feature group type.
FillHoleBuilderContinuityTypes Enumeration border continuity connects border object with the surface continuity
FillHoleBuilderShapeControlTypes Enumeration type of the shape control
FitCurveBuilderFittingParametersOptions Enumeration Fitting parameters options
FitCurveBuilderProjectionDirectionOptions Enumeration Auxiliary curve projection direction options
FitCurveBuilderTargetSourceTypes Enumeration Fitting target types
FitCurveBuilderTypes Enumeration Fitting types
FitSurfaceBuilderDirectionType Enumeration Direction method provides the ability to specify the projection direction and orientation
FitSurfaceBuilderTargetType Enumeration Target type provides the ability to specify a object or a color coded region as the target
FitSurfaceBuilderTypes Enumeration Fit Surface creation types
FlatteningAndFormingBuilderDistortionMap Enumeration Distortion Map options.
FlatteningAndFormingBuilderTypes Enumeration Flattening Types
GeneralConicBuilderDrawingPlaneOptions Enumeration Drawing Plane options.
GeneralConicBuilderTypes Enumeration General Conic Types.
GeodesicIntersectBuilderType Enumeration Represents the type of objects that intersect with the support faces.
GeodesicProjectBuilderType Enumeration Represents the type of objects projected to the support faces.
GeomcopyBuilderAlongPathDistanceOptions Enumeration along path distance options
GeomcopyBuilderCsysMirrorOptions Enumeration CSYS mirror options
GeomcopyBuilderTransformTypes Enumeration user input transform types.
GeometricConstraintDataAutoConstraintType Enumeration Automatic constraint types
GeometricConstraintDataParameterDirection Enumeration Parameter direction to be used for creation of the constraint at a point which is attached to an object, for example a curve or a face
GlobalShapingBuilderBodyMethod Enumeration Represents the body method type.
GlobalShapingBuilderDeformBodyType Enumeration Represent sheet deformation type.
GlobalShapingBuilderDeformationTypeValues Enumeration Represents the deformation type.
GlobalShapingBuilderDirectionMethodType Enumeration Represents the direction method type.
GlobalShapingBuilderModifyMethodType Enumeration Represent surface modify method.
GlobalShapingBuilderOffsetMethod Enumeration Represents the offset method type.
GlobalShapingBuilderPointMethodType Enumeration Represents the point method type.
GlobalShapingBuilderRadiusType Enumeration Represents radius options used.
GlobalShapingBuilderRotationMethod Enumeration Represents the rotation method type.
GlobalShapingBuilderRotationMethodType Enumeration Represents the rotation type.
GlobalShapingBuilderTargetCurveOrientationType Enumeration Represents the orientation of the target curve(s) to the limit curves.
GlobalShapingBuilderTransitionType Enumeration Represents the transition method type.
GuidedExtensionBuilderExSegmentType Enumeration Segment type for segments
GuidedExtensionBuilderExTypes Enumeration Option types to create guided extension surface
HelixBuilderLengthMethods Enumeration Method for defining the length
HelixBuilderOrientationOptions Enumeration Orientation options for along spine type
HelixBuilderSizeOptions Enumeration Option indicating how size is defined
HelixBuilderTurnDirections Enumeration Option indicating direction of the turn
HelixBuilderTypes Enumeration Type of helix
HoleSubtype Enumeration Represents the subtype of the hole
HoleFeatureBuilderHoleSubtype Enumeration Represents the subtype of the hole
HolePackageBuilderHoleDepthLimitOptions Enumeration Represents hole depth limit options.
HolePackageBuilderHoleDepthOptions Enumeration Represents hole depth specification options.
HolePackageBuilderHoleForms Enumeration Represents hole form options.
HolePackageBuilderThreadLengthOptions Enumeration Represents thread length options.
HolePackageBuilderThreadRotationOptions Enumeration Represents thread rotation options.
HolePackageBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents hole types.
IFormBuilderBSurfaceExtractionOptions Enumeration B-surface extraction options
IFormBuilderGlobalTransitionTypes Enumeration Global transition options of the surface
IFormBuilderInsertionMethodOptions Enumeration Iso-parameter curve insertion option
IFormBuilderParameterDirectionOptions Enumeration Iso-parameter direction options
IFormBuilderTransitionTypes Enumeration Transition options of the surface
IsoclineCurveBuilderCurveTypes Enumeration The option indicating number of curves to be created
IsoparametricCurvesBuilderDirectionTypes Enumeration Curve direction options
IsoparametricCurvesBuilderPlacementTypes Enumeration Curve creation options
JoeBuilderDiscreetTypes Enumeration Enumeration of discreet types
JoinCurvesBuilderOutputCurve Enumeration Represents the output curve type.
LabelChamferBuilderChamferOrientType Enumeration the option for chamfer orientation types
LabelChamferBuilderChamferType Enumeration the option for chamfer types
LawExtensionBuilderOppositeSideExtensionOptions Enumeration Opposite side extension options
LawExtensionBuilderTypes Enumeration Law extension creation types
LawExtensionBuilderExMiterOptions Enumeration Miter options
LawExtensionBuilderExOppositeSideExtensionOptions Enumeration Opposite side extension options
LawExtensionBuilderExTypes Enumeration Law extension creation types
LinearDimensionBuilderOrientationOptionType Enumeration the option that controls whether the OrientXpress or whether the vector block Controls the orientation of the Linear Dimension
MapleBuilderAssociativityEnum Enumeration the Associativity
MatchEdgeBuilderEdgeConstraintType Enumeration Edge constraint type
MatchEdgeBuilderMatchExact Enumeration Match Exact types
MatchEdgeBuilderPoleMoveDirection Enumeration Pole movement direction
MatchEdgeBuilderPoleMovementConstraintEnumType Enumeration Pole movement type
MatchEdgeBuilderTypes Enumeration Match Edge match types.
MatchedReferenceBuilderResolvedStatus Enumeration Matched status
MatchedReferenceBuilderTypes Enumeration MatchedReference block type
MeshSurfaceBuilderConstraintDirection Enumeration End face constraints direction.
MeshSurfaceBuilderConstraintType Enumeration End face constraints types.
MeshTransformerBuilderContinuityType Enumeration Continuity type
MeshTransformerBuilderMeshTopologyType Enumeration Mesh topology option type
MeshTransformerBuilderSmoothingType Enumeration Smoothing option type
MeshTransformerBuilderStepCountValue Enumeration Step count enum value for converting to actual count number
MidSurfaceByFacePairsBuilderPairingStrategyType Enumeration pairing strategy
MidSurfaceByFacePairsBuilderSurfaceType Enumeration midsurface options
MidSurfaceByFacePairsBuilderTrimmingOptionType Enumeration trimming options
MirrorBodyBuilderFeatureOptionType Enumeration enum for feature option type
MirrorBodyBuilderParentPart Enumeration the parent part types
MirrorBuilderCsysMirrorOptions Enumeration the Coordinate System mirror options
MirrorCurveBuilderPlaneOptions Enumeration Represents the Plane options.
MirrorFaceBuilderMirrorPlaneOptions Enumeration Represents the mirror plane options
MirrorFeatureBuilderPlaneOptions Enumeration the Plane options.
MoveEdgeBuilderEndFaceBehaviorType Enumeration Represents the end face behavior.
MoveFaceBuilderTypes Enumeration the move face types, don’t use it until nx502
MoveObjectBuilderLayerOptionType Enumeration Indicates the layer on which moved or copied objects will be placed
MoveObjectBuilderMoveObjectResultOptions Enumeration Indicates whether to move or copy objects
NSidedSurfaceBuilderCenterControlAxisType Enumeration the center control types
NSidedSurfaceBuilderCenterControlType Enumeration the center control type options
NSidedSurfaceBuilderFlowDirectionType Enumeration the flow direction options
NSidedSurfaceBuilderSurfaceType Enumeration the surface type options
NSidedSurfaceBuilderUVOrientationType Enumeration the UV orientation options
OffsetCurveBuilderTrimOption Enumeration Represents the Offset Curve trim option
OffsetCurveBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the Offset Curve types
OffsetEdgeBuilderEndFaceBehaviourType Enumeration the end face behavior settings enumeration
OffsetEdgeBuilderOffsetEdgeMethod Enumeration the offset edge method enumeration
OffsetEmbossBuilderTypes Enumeration Enumeration of center types
OffsetSurfaceBuilderOrientationMethodType Enumeration Represents the type of orientation method.
OffsetSurfaceBuilderOutputOptionType Enumeration Represents the type of output option.
OvercrownBuilderControlType Enumeration This enum represents the control type of Global Shaping Operation
OvercrownBuilderOperationType Enumeration This enum represents the type of Global Shaping Operation
OvercrownBuilderOutputType Enumeration This enum represents the output type of Global Shaping Operation
OvercrownBuilderTransitionType Enumeration This enum represents the transition type of Global Shaping Operation
PartGeometryCopyBuilderType Enumeration Specifies object types to copy in the part geometry copy block
PartModulePartLoadOption Enumeration Defines part load options
PasteFaceBuilderPasteOptionType Enumeration represents the paste option which defines whether the tool body is additive or subtractive.
PatchOpeningsBuilderOutputTypes Enumeration Indicates what to output
PatchOpeningsBuilderTypes Enumeration The method used to patch the opening
PatternFaceBuilderPatternTypes Enumeration Enumeration of pattern type, don’t use it until nx502
PatternFeatureBuilderExpressionTransferOptions Enumeration the Expression transfer options.
PatternFeatureBuilderOutputOptions Enumeration the Output options.
PatternFeatureBuilderPatternMethodOptions Enumeration the Pattern method options.
PointSetBuilderCurvePointsType Enumeration The settings for the curve points definition.
PointSetBuilderFacePointsType Enumeration The settings for the face points definition.
PointSetBuilderPatternLimitsType Enumeration The settings for the pattern limit definition.
PointSetBuilderSplinePointsType Enumeration The settings for the spline points definition.
PointSetBuilderTypes Enumeration The settings for the type of Point Set feature.
PolylineBuilderDrawingPlaneOptions Enumeration Drawing plane options
PolylineBuilderMovementMethodType Enumeration Points movement types
PolylineBuilderWCSOptionType Enumeration WCS principal axis or plane types
ProjectCurveBuilderArcLengthType Enumeration Represents Equal Arc Length type
ProjectCurveBuilderDirectionType Enumeration Represents direction method
ProjectCurveBuilderProjectionOptionType Enumeration Represents projection option type used when direction type is along vector
RPOBuilderAssociativityType Enumeration Represents the associativity type for a dimension entity
RadialDimensionBuilderValueOption Enumeration the option for radius or diameter
RapidSurfaceBuilderAttachmentTypes Enumeration the attachment types
RapidSurfaceBuilderLoopTypes Enumeration the subdivision loop types
RapidSurfaceBuilderOperationTypes Enumeration the operation types
RasterImageMaxTextureSize Enumeration Specifies the maximum number of pixels to allow for the width or height of a raster image.
RefitFaceBuilderTypes Enumeration the type of face refit
RegionListItemBuilderType Enumeration bridge continuity
ReplaceFaceBuilderReplaceTypes Enumeration Enumeration of replace face type, don’t use it until nx502
ReplaceFeatureBuilderMappingMethodType Enumeration Type of mapping method to be used for replace feature
ResizeChamferBuilderSectionType Enumeration the chamfer section types
ResizeCurveBuilderValueType Enumeration the option for radius or diameter
RibBuilderRibCapGeometryOptions Enumeration These represent the options for the Rib cap
RibBuilderRibDraftOptions Enumeration These represent the options for drafting the Rib
RibBuilderRibThicknessOffsetOptions Enumeration These represent the options for Rib Walls Offset
RibBuilderRibTypes Enumeration These represent the options for Rib type
ScaleBuilderTypes Enumeration Scale type
ScaleCurveBuilderScaleCurveType Enumeration Scale type
SectionCurveBuilderPlaneType Enumeration Represents section plane type.
SectionCurveBuilderSpacingType Enumeration Represents spacing type.
SectionInertiaAnalysisBuilderCoordSys Enumeration The coordinate system associated with the analysis.
SectionInertiaAnalysisBuilderPropertyType Enumeration Type of Analysis property.
SectionInertiaAnalysisBuilderSampleMethod Enumeration Type of sampling method to be used in sections along curve type of analysis.
SectionInertiaAnalysisBuilderSectionAxisNormal Enumeration Slice direction in case of parallel section type of analysis.
SectionInertiaAnalysisBuilderTypes Enumeration The type of Section Inertia Analysis to be performed.
SectionSurfaceBuilderControlRegionEnum Enumeration This enum represents the type of the region where depth and skew can be applied
SectionSurfaceBuilderFlowDirectionEnum Enumeration This enum represents the type of flow direction for the start/end of the section surface
SectionSurfaceBuilderSectionMethodCircularTangentEnum Enumeration This enum represents the current types of section method for circular tangent method
SectionSurfaceBuilderSectionMethodFilletBridgeEnum Enumeration This enum represents the current types of section method for fillet bridge method
SectionSurfaceBuilderSectionMethodRhoEnum Enumeration This enum represents the current types of section method for section methods with rho law
SectionSurfaceBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the current types of section surface methods
SectionSurfaceBuilderUDegreeEnum Enumeration This enum represents the current types of section surface in u direction
SectionSurfaceBuilderExBodyType Enumeration Body Preference type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExCircularType Enumeration This enum represents the current modes of circular type section surfaces.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExConicType Enumeration This enum represents the current modes of conic type section surfaces.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExControlRegionType Enumeration Control Region type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExCubicType Enumeration This enum represents the current modes of cubic type section surfaces.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExLinearType Enumeration This enum represents the current modes of linear type section surfaces.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSectionMethodCircleTangentType Enumeration Section method Circle Tangent type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSectionMethodFilletBridgeType Enumeration Section method Fillet Bridge type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSectionMethodRhoType Enumeration Section method Rho type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSlopeControlType Enumeration Slope Control type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSpine Enumeration Spine type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSpineEndFlowType Enumeration Spine End Flow type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExSpineStartFlowType Enumeration Spine Start Flow type.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExTypes Enumeration This enum represents the current types of section surface methods.
SectionSurfaceBuilderExUDegreeType Enumeration Surface Degree type.
SewBuilderTypes Enumeration Specifies the sew type.
ShelfBuilderDepthMethods Enumeration Depth Method for Depth Face
ShelfBuilderLengthMethods Enumeration Depth Method for Length
ShelfBuilderReferenceType Enumeration Type of Reference Object
ShelfBuilderStepMethod Enumeration Step Method for Side Face
ShelfBuilderTypes Enumeration Type of shelf.
ShipCollectionSteelFeatureApproach Enumeration Represents steel feature different approaches.
SilhouetteFlangeBuilderOutputSurfaceOptions Enumeration Output surface options
SilhouetteFlangeBuilderReferenceDirectionOptions Enumeration Reference direction options
SilhouetteFlangeBuilderTypes Enumeration Silhouette flange creation types
SketchConversionStatusReasonType Enumeration Reason for partial-success or failure of conversion to sketch
SketchConversionStatusType Enumeration Status of conversion - Success, Failure or Partial-Success
SmoothCurveStringBuilderLevelTypes Enumeration the smoothing levels.
SmoothCurveStringBuilderMergeTypes Enumeration the options to merge curves after being made continuous.
SmoothCurveStringBuilderTypes Enumeration the type of input curves.
SmoothSplineBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the Smoothing Type option
SnipSurfaceBuilderTypes Enumeration Snip method added in v 7.
SphereBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the sphere types.
SpineCurveBuilderArcSegmentsTypes Enumeration This enum represents the arc segments types
StepBuilderDepthMethods Enumeration Represents face operations applied to the motion face
StepBuilderReferenceBoundaryTypes Enumeration Represents selected type as reference boundary object
StepBuilderStepFaceMethods Enumeration Represents face operations applied to the step face
StepBuilderStepTypes Enumeration Represents the step feature type
StepBuilderStepWallMethods Enumeration Represents face operation applied to the step wall face
StudioSplineBuilderCurveOption Enumeration Options of the actions to be taken on an input non-parametric spline after its editing is done.
StudioSplineBuilderMatchKnotsType Enumeration Options for creating knots at the defining points in case of through point spline
StudioSplineBuilderMethod Enumeration Spline methods.
StudioSplineBuilderExDrawingPlaneOptions Enumeration Drawing plane options
StudioSplineBuilderExInputCurveOptions Enumeration Options of the actions to be taken on an input non-parametric spline after its editing is done.
StudioSplineBuilderExMatchKnotsTypes Enumeration Options for creating knots at the defining points in case of through point spline
StudioSplineBuilderExMovementMethodType Enumeration Points movement types
StudioSplineBuilderExTypes Enumeration Spline methods.
StudioSplineBuilderExWCSOptionType Enumeration WCS principal axis or plane types
StudioSurfaceBuilderTransitionOptions Enumeration the transition control options when using By Points alignment method
StudioXformBuilderAdvancedMethodType Enumeration Represents the advanced method type
StudioXformBuilderFeatureType Enumeration Represents the feature type
StudioXformBuilderInsertKnotDirectionType Enumeration Represents the insert knot direction type
StudioXformBuilderPlanarizeDirectionType Enumeration Represents the planarize direction type
StudioXformBuilderPlanarizeMethodType Enumeration Represents the planarize method type
StudioXformBuilderPlanarizePlaneOptionType Enumeration Represents the plane option type
StudioXformBuilderRotatingPivotType Enumeration Represents the rotating pivot type
StudioXformBuilderRotationDirectionType Enumeration Represents the rotation direction type
StudioXformBuilderScalingCenterType Enumeration Represents the scaling center type
StudioXformBuilderScalingDirectionType Enumeration Represents the scaling direction type
StudioXformBuilderTranslationDirectionType Enumeration Represents the translation direction type
StudioXformBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the Xform type
StudioXformBuilderExAdvancedMethodOptionType Enumeration Represents the advanced method option type
StudioXformBuilderExAdvancedMethodType Enumeration Represents the advanced method type
StudioXformBuilderExExtrationMethodType Enumeration B-surface extraction method
StudioXformBuilderExFeatureType Enumeration Represents the feature type
StudioXformBuilderExInsertKnotDirectionType Enumeration Represents the insert knot direction type
StudioXformBuilderExInsertPoleType Enumeration Represents the insert pole type
StudioXformBuilderExMovementMethodType Enumeration Represents the Xform movement type
StudioXformBuilderExPlanarizeDirectionType Enumeration Represents the planarize direction type
StudioXformBuilderExPlanarizeMethodType Enumeration Represents the planarize method type
StudioXformBuilderExPlanarizeProjectionPlaneType Enumeration Represents the planarize projection plane type
StudioXformBuilderExPoleEditType Enumeration Editing types of a pole of spline belonging to a Studio Spline feature
StudioXformBuilderExPrincipalMovementDirectionType Enumeration Represents the principal movement direction type
StudioXformBuilderExPrincipalRotatingAxisType Enumeration Represents the principal rotation axis type
StudioXformBuilderExPrincipalScalingDirectionType Enumeration Represents the principal scaling direction type
StudioXformBuilderExProportionalPoleControlType Enumeration Represents the pole control type in proportional method
StudioXformBuilderExRotatingAxisType Enumeration Represents the rotation axis type
StudioXformBuilderExRotatingPivotType Enumeration Represents the rotating pivot type
StudioXformBuilderExScalingCenterType Enumeration Represents the scaling center type
StudioXformBuilderExScalingDirectionType Enumeration Represents the scaling direction type
StudioXformBuilderExSurfaceDirectionType Enumeration Represents the U or V direction of a B-Surface
StudioXformBuilderExTypes Enumeration Represents the Xform editing type
StyledBlendBuilderStyledBlendRadiusConstraintType Enumeration The radius constraint type
StyledBlendBuilderStyledBlendShapeControlType Enumeration The shape control types
StyledBlendBuilderStyledBlendTrimMethodType Enumeration The trim method types
StyledBlendBuilderTypes Enumeration The styled blend types
StyledCornerBuilderCurveControlTypes Enumeration Curve control types
StyledCornerBuilderInteriorCurveTypes Enumeration Intertior curve type
StyledCornerBuilderShapeControlMethodsTypes Enumeration Shape control types
StyledCornerBuilderTrimAndSewMethodTypes Enumeration Trim and attach method types
StyledCornerBuilderTrimCurveTypes Enumeration Trim curve types
StyledSweepBuilderFixedStringOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Fixed String option
StyledSweepBuilderScalingMethodOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Scaling Method option
StyledSweepBuilderSectionOrientationOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Section Orientation option
StyledSweepBuilderTransitionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Transition option
StyledSweepBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the sweep type option (Number of Guides)
SweptBuilderInterpolationOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Interpolation option.
SweptBuilderSectionLocationTypes Enumeration This enum represents the Section Location option.
SweptVolumeBuilderSweepOrient Enumeration These represent the type of Sweep Orientation feature to be created
SymmetricBuilderPlaneOptions Enumeration Represents the plane options.
TabNoteCfgBuilderRefplane Enumeration the reference plane type.
TextBuilderFontStyleOptions Enumeration Font style options
TextBuilderOnFacePlacementMethodOptions Enumeration The placement options for NXOpen.Features.TextBuilderTypes.OnFace type
TextBuilderOrientationMethodOptions Enumeration The orientation options for NXOpen.Features.TextBuilderTypes.OnCurve type
TextBuilderScriptOptions Enumeration Script or character set options
TextBuilderTypes Enumeration Text placement type
ThroughCurveMeshBuilderBodyPreferenceTypes Enumeration This enum represents the body type option.
ThroughCurveMeshBuilderConstructionMethod Enumeration This enum represents the Construction options.
ThroughCurveMeshBuilderEmphasisType Enumeration This enum represents the Emphasis options.
ThroughCurvesBuilderBodyPreferenceTypes Enumeration This enum represents the body type option.
ThroughCurvesBuilderConstructionMethod Enumeration This enum represents the Construction options.
ThroughCurvesBuilderPatchTypes Enumeration This enum represents the Patch options.
ToolingBoxBuilderRefCsysType Enumeration the type of reference csys for box feature
ToolingBoxBuilderTypes Enumeration the type for box feature
TrimAndExtendBuilderArrowSideType Enumeration Trim or Extend Arrow Side Results type.
TrimAndExtendBuilderOperationType Enumeration Trim or Extend operation type.
TrimBodyBuilderDirectionType Enumeration Represents the trim direction
TrimCurveBuilderCurveEndOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve end options
TrimCurveBuilderCurveExtensionTypes Enumeration Represents the trim curve extension types
TrimCurveBuilderCurveTrimRegionOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve trim region options
TrimCurveBuilderFirstBoundingObjectEndOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve first bounding object end options
TrimCurveBuilderFirstBoundingObjectOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve first bounding object options
TrimCurveBuilderInteresectionDirectionOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve interesection direction options
TrimCurveBuilderInteresectionMethods Enumeration Represents the trim curve interesection methods
TrimCurveBuilderSecondBoundingObjectEndOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve second bounding object end options
TrimCurveBuilderSecondBoundingObjectOptions Enumeration Represents the trim curve second bounding object options
TrimExtendBuilderArrowSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the TrimExtend Arrow Side Options
TrimExtendBuilderCreationTypes Enumeration This enum represents the TrimExtend types
TrimExtendBuilderExtensionMethods Enumeration This enum represents the TrimExtend Extension Methods
TrimSheetBuilderKeepDiscardOption Enumeration Represents the keep discard options for selected region
TubeBuilderOutput Enumeration This enum represents the topology output option
UnsewBuilderUnsewOutput Enumeration Unsew body option type.
UnsewBuilderUnsewTool Enumeration Unsew tool option type.
VarOffsetFaceBuilderContinuity Enumeration bridge continuity
VarOffsetFaceBuilderOutput Enumeration body output type
VarOffsetFaceBuilderTypes Enumeration feature type
VariableOffsetBuilderMethodOptions Enumeration offset methods for creating the new surface
VirtualCurveBuilderTypes Enumeration the type of virtual curve
WaveDatumBuilderParentPartType Enumeration enum for scope of part
WaveLinkBuilderTypes Enumeration Wave Linker type
WavePointBuilderParentPartType Enumeration enum for scope of part
WrapBuilderTypes Enumeration Settings for the type of wrap operation being performed.
WrapGeometryBuilderCloseGapType Enumeration Represents the close gap type


FillHoleBuilderBorderContinuity_Struct Struct Represents continuity value at a border curve.
FlatPatternObjectDataCsys_Struct Struct Structure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern.
FlatPatternObjectDataEdge_Struct Struct Structure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern.
FlatPatternObjectDataFace_Struct Struct Structure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern.
FlatPatternObjectDataGeneral_Struct Struct Structure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern.
FlatSolidObjectDataCsys_Struct Struct Structure used to return the objects of a flat solid.