NXOpen.CAE Package


AbstractionManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for abstraction commands in a fem part
AdaptivityExclusionZone Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.AdaptivityExclusionZone.
AdaptivityExclusionZoneBuilder Class Builds a NXOpen.CAE.AdaptivityExclusionZone object which represets adaptivity meta solution related exclusion zones.
AdaptivityExclusionZoneCollection Class Represents a collection of correl meta solution.
AdaptivityMetaSolution Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.AdaptivityMetaSolution.
AdaptivityMetaSolutionBuilder Class Builds a NXOpen.CAE.AdaptivityMetaSolution object which represets a recipe for generating adaptive remesh.
AdaptivityMetaSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of adaptivity meta solution.
AdjacentFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the adjacent face smart selector method
AfuAbscissaHeaderInfo Class
Represents the data to define abscissa header information for an afu record
AfuData Class the data used to create an AFU Data Record
AfuDataConvertor Class Convert data values for the AFU Data Record
AfuHeaderId Class the data used to create header id information for an AFU Data Record
AfuManager Class AFU File and Data Record Manager
AfuMathFastRMSInfo Class
Represents the Fast RMS parameter information
AfuMathFastRMSOutput Class
Represents the Fast RMS output information
AfuMathOperation Class Does math operations on the AFU Data Records
AfuOrdinateHeaderInfo Class
Represents the ordinate header information for an afu record
AfuZHeaderInfo Class
Represents the Z axis header information for an afu record
AssignNodalCSBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.AssignNodalCSBuilder
AssociationUtilities Class Represents Physical NXOpen.CAE.AssociationUtilities class
AssyFEModel Class
This class represents an Assembly Finite Element Model. This class will act as the gateway to the Finite Element Nodes (NXOpen.CAE.FENode) and Elements (NXOpen.CAE.FEElement) in the model. Only one instance of this class will exist in each assyfem part file
AssyFemPart Class
Represents an NX part of type .afm.
AttachElementsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.AttachElementsBuilder
AutoBCBuilder Class Builds one or more NXOpen.CAE.SimSimulationObject object(s).
AutoCyclicSymmetryPairsBuilder Class Builds a NXOpen.CAE.AutoPairs object which represents a recipe for generating face pairs from a selected set of faces in the model.
AutoMacViewerBuilder Class Represents the correlation pairing viewer builder
AutoPairs Class
Represents an autopairs obj
AutoPairsBuilder Class Builds a NXOpen.CAE.AutoPairs object which represets a recipe for generating face pairs from a selected set of faces or solids in the model whose distance is less than a specified tolerance.
AutomaticMorphBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.AutomaticMorphBuilder
AutomaticSweepBetweenSelection Class Builder for creating Manual Hex Mesh - Face Dependency type - Multi Face Automatic
AxiSymmetricParameters Class Implementation of axi-symmetry utility
BCSelectionDisplayBuilder Class This class provides BC Selection Visual Display support, use this class to get the BC types in current solution, adds special BCs to list, and display the BC’s selection geometry with the BC’s color to do visually check
BaseFEModel Class
This class represents an Assembly Finite Element Model. This class will act as the gateway to the Finite Element Nodes (NXOpen.CAE.FENode) and Elements (NXOpen.CAE.FEElement) in the model. Only one instance of this class will exist in each assyfem part file
BaseFemPart Class
Represents an NX part of type .afm.
BaseIteration Class This class provides interfaces to query iteration attributes
BaseLoadcase Class This class provides interfaces to query loadcase attributes
BaseResultType Class This class provides interfaces to query result type attributes
BcLabelManagerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.BcLabelManagerBuilder builder which can be used to renumber NXOpen.CAE.SimBC id.
BeamEADBuilder Class This class provides Beam/Bar Associated Data Support
BeamElementInfo Class Represents a Beam Element Information.
BeamElementInfoHandler Class Represents a Beam Element Information Hanlder.
BeamSection Class Represents a Beam Cross Section
BeamSectionCollection Class
Represents the collection of all NXOpen.CAE.BeamSection in a fem part
BeamSectionOffsetOptions Class  
BeamSectionOptions Class
Represents the synchronize options to be used when a FEM part is created These options will be used to synchronize the specified entities from the master CAD part file to the FEM part file
BeamSectionOrientationOptions Class  
Bolt Class Represents Bolt
BoltBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.BoltBuilder
BoltCollection Class
Provides method for creating builder for bolt operation commands in a fem/afem part
BoundingVolume Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.BoundingVolume.
BoundingVolumeBuilder Class Represents a CAE.BoundingVolume builder
BoundingVolumeCollection Class Represents a collection of bounding volumes.
BushingEADBuilder Class This class provides Bushing Associated Data Support
CADModeling Class The CADModeling class provides method to create cad face using polygon face
CAEBody Class
Represents a CAE body geometry
CAEConnection Class Represents Connection Recipe
CAEConnectionBuilder Class Builder for creating Connection Recipes
CAEConnectionCollection Class
Provides method for creating builder for connection operation commands in a fem/afem part
CAEEdge Class
Represents a CAE edge geometry
CAEFace Class
Represents a CAE face geometry
CAESet Class
Represents a group of CAE object sets. The objects in each set can be used to create loads, constraints ..etc
CAEVertex Class
Represents a CAE vertex geometry
CAEWeldConnection Class Represents WeldConnection Recipe
CAEWeldConnectionBuilder Class Builder for creating 1D Weld Connection
CaeDOFSet Class Represents a dofset class NXOpen.CAE.CaeDOFSet.
CaeDOFSetCollection Class
Provides methods for managing DOFSet NXOpen.CAE.CaeDOFSet
CaeDOFSetDisplay Class
Represents a DOF Set display attributes
CaeDataContainer Class Represents a list of named properties, where the property name is a unique string.
CaeGroup Class Represents a group class NXOpen.CAE.CaeGroup.
CaeGroupCollection Class
Provides methods for managing set NXOpen.CAE.CaeGroup
CaePart Class
This is an abstract class for NX parts of type .fem and .sim
CaeRegion Class Represents a cae region object.
CaeRegionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CaeRegionBuilder builder
CaeRegionCollection Class
Provides methods for managing CAE.CaeRegion in a sim part
CaeSession Class
This class provides access to all session related CAE functionality
CfdAutoRefinementConstraint Class The automatic refinement constraint is used by surface wrap recipes
CfdAutoRefinementConstraintBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CfdAutoRefinementConstraint builder
CfdAutoRefinementConstraintCollection Class
Provides methods for managing automatic refinement constraints:py:class:CAE.CfdAutoRefinementConstraint in a fem part
CfdContactPreventionConstraint Class The contact prevention constraint is a type of constraint which is used by the Fluid Domain Recipe to generate a fluid domain.
CfdContactPreventionConstraintBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CfdContactPreventionConstraint builder
CfdContactPreventionConstraintCollection Class
Provides methods for managing Contact Prevention Constraints:py:class:CAE.CfdContactPreventionConstraint in a fem part
CfdLocalResolutionConstraint Class The local resolution constraint is a type of constraint which is used by the Fluid Domain Recipe to generate a fluid domain.
CfdLocalResolutionConstraintBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CfdLocalResolutionConstraint builder
CfdLocalResolutionConstraintCollection Class
Provides methods for managing Local Resolution Constraints:py:class:CAE.CfdLocalResolutionConstraint in a fem part
CircularEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the circular edge smart selector method
CircularImprintBuilder Class Builder for creating Circular Imprint
ClippingParameters Class This class is worked as a packet of information that can be used to set the clipping parameters of a NXOpen.CAE.Post object.
ComacViewerBuilder Class Represents the correlation MAC matrix viewer builder
CombineTrisBuilder Class Builder for creating Combine Tris
CompanionResult Class
Represents additional results data that will augment a primary set of Analysis results associated to a NXOpen.CAE.SimSolution.
CompanionResultBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CompanionResult builder and can be used to create or edit an NXOpen.CAE.CompanionResult
CompanionResultCollection Class
Provides methods for managing CompanionResults NXOpen.CAE.CompanionResult in a NXOpen.CAE.SimResultReference
ConflictResolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ConflictResolutionBuilder builder which can resolve conflicts between the two input BCs by a specified rule
ConstraintResolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ConstraintResolutionBuilder builder which can resolve conflicts between the two input constraints by a specified rule
ContactMeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ContactMeshBuilder
ConvexMeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ConvexMeshBuilder
CorrelAlignmentBuilder Class This builder is used to control the alignment parameters of a NXOpen.CAE.CorrelSolution
CorrelApplyAlignmentFromBuilder Class This builder is used to apply the alignment matrix read from selected xml file to the test model
CorrelBaseBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class for all objects defined in correl meta solution
CorrelFineTuneAlignmentBuilder Class This builder is used to nudge the alignment by a fine adjustment
CorrelManager Class Represents the correl manager that contains all correl and pre-test objects
CorrelModePairingBuilder Class This builder is used to control the mode pairing behavior of a NXOpen.CAE.CorrelSolution
CorrelSolution Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CorrelSolution, which is a meta-solution used to compare results from two structural dynamics solutions
CorrelSolutionBuilder Class This is a manager to the CAE.CorrelSolution class.
CorrelSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of correl meta solution
CreateJtBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.CreateJtBuilder
CrossSectionParameters Class This class is worked as a packet of information that can be used to change cross-section state.
CyclicSymmetricParameters Class Implementation of axi-symmetry utility
CylinderFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the cylinder face smart selector method
DeformationParameters Class This class is worked as a packet of information that can be be used to deform NXOpen.CAE.Post objects.
DeletePolygonFaceBuilder Class Builder for Delete Polygon Face
DependentMesh Class Represents Mesh Recipe
DependentMeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Mesh2d
DependentMeshListItemBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DependentMeshListItemBuilder
DependentMeshListItemBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
DestinationCollectorBuilder Class Represents a Element Collector Container (Ecc) selection
DurabilityAxisSearch Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityAxisSearch.
DurabilityAxisSearchCollection Class Represents a collection of stress axes.
DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilder Class Represents the builder for evaluating durability damage.
DurabilityDataControlBuilder Class Represents a builder class for the transient event data control.
DurabilityEvaluateFatigueHistoryBuilder Class Represents the builder for evaluating fatigue histories.
DurabilityEvent Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityEvent, which is an event of a durability solution process.
DurabilityEventBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class for all durability events.
DurabilityEventCollection Class Represents a collection of durability events.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilder Class Represents a builder class for the event fatigue settings.
DurabilityEventOverridesBuilder Class Represents a builder class for Event Overrides.
DurabilityEventSolverBuilder Class Represents the builder for solving the durability event.
DurabilityEventStrengthSettingsBuilder Class Represents a builder class for the event strength settings.
DurabilityExcitation Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityExcitation.
DurabilityExcitationBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class for all durability excitations.
DurabilityExcitationCollection Class Represents a collection of durability excitations.
DurabilityFatigue Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityFatigue.
DurabilityFatigueCollection Class Represents a collection of event fatigue settings.
DurabilityFunctionExcitation Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityFunctionExcitation.
DurabilityFunctionExcitationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityFunctionExcitation builder.
DurabilityLoadPattern Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityLoadPattern.
DurabilityLoadPatternBuilder Class Represents a CAE.DurabilityLoadPattern builder.
DurabilityManager Class Represents the durability manager that contains all durability objects.
DurabilityMetaSolution Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityMetaSolution.
DurabilityMetaSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityMetaSolution builder.
DurabilityMetaSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of correl meta solution.
DurabilityRandomEvent Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityRandomEvent.
DurabilityRandomEventBuilder Class Represents the builder for the random durability event.
DurabilityRandomFatigue Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityRandomFatigue.
DurabilityRandomFatigueBuilder Class Represents a builder class for the event fatigue settings.
DurabilityRandomFatigueCollection Class Represents a collection of random fatigue.
DurabilityResultPath Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityResultPath.
DurabilityResultPathBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityResultPath builder.
DurabilityResultsReportBuilder Class Represents the builder for reporting the durability results.
DurabilitySolveOptions Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilitySolveOptions.
DurabilitySolveOptionsCollection Class Represents a collection of correl meta solution.
DurabilitySolverBuilder Class Represents the builder for solving the durability solution process.
DurabilityStaticEvent Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityStaticEvent.
DurabilityStaticEventBuilder Class Represents the builder for the static durability event.
DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilder Class Represents the builder for analyzing strain gage data.
DurabilityStrength Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityStrength.
DurabilityStrengthCollection Class Represents a collection of event strength settings.
DurabilityStressAxesBuilder Class Represents a builder class for the event fatigue settings.
DurabilityTransientEvent Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.DurabilityTransientEvent.
DurabilityTransientEventBuilder Class Represents the builder for the transient durability event.
EdgeDensity Class
Represents a CAE edge density
EdgeFaceImprintBuilder Class Builder for creating Face Face Imprint
EdgePathMethod Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.EdgePathMethod.
EdgeSticherBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.EdgeSticherBuilder
ElemEdgePathMethod Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElemEdgePathMethod.
ElemLabelMethod Class Represents the output from the elem label smart selector method
ElementConnectivityBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementConnectivityBuilder
ElementCreateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementCreateBuilder which allows you to manually create elements from existing nodes.
ElementDeleteBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementDeleteBuilder
ElementDetachBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementDetachBuilder
ElementExtractBuilder Class Builder for creating Element Extract
ElementExtrudeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementExtrudeBuilder
ElementInfoUtils Class Represents a system to query information about FE-based elements
ElementModifyLabelBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementModifyLabelBuilder
ElementModifyOrderBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementModifyOrderBuilder
ElementModifyTypeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementModifyTypeBuilder
ElementProjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementProjectBuilder
ElementReflectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementReflectBuilder
ElementRevolveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementRevolveBuilder
ElementSplitBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementSplitBuilder
ElementTranslateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ElementTranslateBuilder
ElementTypeBuilder Class Represents the specification of the FEA Element Type for a meshing dialog.
ElementTypes Class Represents an NXOpen.CAE.ElementTypes class.
FEElemEdge Class Represents a Finite Element Edge which can be shared by more that one element.
FEElemFace Class Represents a Finite Element Face.
FEElement Class Represents a Finite Element.
FEElementLabelMap Class
Represents a Elementl Label to an CAE.FEElement map, it can be used to quickly convert a CAE.FEElement label, which is generally used in solver input files and results files, in the element object itself CAE.FEElement
FEModel Class
This class represents a Finite Element Model. This class will act as the gateway to the Finite Element Nodes (CAE.FENode) and Elements (CAE.FEElement) in the model. Only one instance of this class will exist in each fem part file
FEModelOccAttribute Class
This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model Attributes.
FEModelOccurrence Class
This class represents a Finite Element Model Occurrence. Only one instance of this class will exist in each sim part file
FENode Class Represents a Finite Element Node.
FENodeLabelMap Class
Represents a Nodel Label to an CAE.FENode map, it can be used to quickly convert a CAE.FENode label, which is generally used in solver input files and results files, in the node object itself CAE.FENode
FaceDensity Class
Represents a CAE face density
FaceFaceImprintBuilder Class Builder for creating Face Face Imprint
FaceFromBoundaryBuilder Class Builder for creating Polygon Face by boundary
FacetProximityBuilder Class Represents a CAE.FacetProximityBuilder builder
FeatureEdgeNodeMethod Class Represents the output from the feature edge node smart selector method
FeatureElemEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the feature element edge smart selector method
FeatureElemFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the feature element face smart selector method
FeatureElemMethod Class Represents the output from the feature element smart selector method
FeatureNodeMethod Class Represents the output from the feature node smart selector method
FeatureShellElemMethod Class Represents the output from the feature shell element smart selector method
FemCreationOptions Class
Represents the FEM creation options to be used when a FEM part is created
FemPart Class
Represents an NX part of type .fem.
FemSynchronizeOptions Class
Represents the synchronize options to be used when a FEM part is created These options will be used to synchronize the specified entities from the master CAD part file to the FEM part file
FilletFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the fillet face smart selector method
FlatPatternsBuilder Class Represents a Flat Patterns Builder.
FluidDomainBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.FluidDomainRecipe
FluidDomainCollection Class
Provides methods for managing fluid domains:py:class:NXOpen.CAE.FluidDomainRecipe in a fem part
FluidDomainRecipe Class
Represents a FluidDomainRecipe
FreeBodyResultsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.FreeBodyResultsBuilder
FreezeGeometryBuilder Class Builder for creating Freeze Geometry
FreezeGeometryRecipe Class Represents FreezeGeometryRecipe
Function Class Represents a function object
FunctionBuilder Class This builder class is used to create or edit NXOpen.CAE.Function objects.
FunctionCollection Class Represents a collection of function objects
GRMSearch Class
Contains methods for searching Teamcenter for CAE objects, as well as a cache of already found items.
GapEADBuilder Class This class provides Gap Associated Data Support
GeneralGeometryBeamSection Class Represents a General Geometry Beam Cross Section
GeneralGeometryBeamSectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.GeneralGeometryBeamSectionBuilder
GeometryRecipe Class
Represents a Geometry Recipe
GeometryRecipeCollection Class
Provides methods for managing set NXOpen.CAE.GeometryRecipe
GlobalLayupImportFromPptBuilder Class Represents a Global Layup IMport From Ppt Builder.
GraphFromResultProbeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.GraphFromResultProbeBuilder
GroupByBoundaryBuilder Class
Represents a CAE.GroupByBoundaryBuilder.
GroupEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the Group Edge smart selector method
GroupElemEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the Group Element Edge smart selector method
GroupElemFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the Group Element Face smart selector method
GroupElemMethod Class Represents the output from the Group Element smart selector method
GroupElemMethodElemOption Class Represents the output from the Group Element smart selector method
GroupFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the Group Face smart selector method
GroupMethod Class Represents the output from the Group smart selector method
GroupNodeMethod Class Represents the output from the Group Node smart selector method
HoleElementEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the hole element edge smart selector method
HybridMesh Class Represents swept Mesh
IAncillaryDisplayableEntity Class Represents an ANCILLARY_DISPLAYABLE_ENTITY.
IBeamSectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.IBeamSectionBuilder
IExportableFEEntity Class Represents an EXPORTABLE_FE_ENTITY.
IFEModel Class
This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model.
IFolder Class
This class represents an Interface to the Folder.
IHierarchicalFEModel Class
This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model.
IMeshCollector Class
Represents the base IMeshCollector class for MeshCollector and MeshCollectorOccurrence classes
IMeshManager Class
Manages meshes:py:class:NXOpen.CAE.IMeshManager in cae parts
IPostScenarioDataSource Class
This class represents a data source that can be used for a post processing scenario.
ImportSimulationBuilder Class Represents NXOpen.CAE.ImportSimulationBuilder
ImportedResult Class Represents analysis results for a imported solver results file.
ImportedSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ImportedSolutionBuilder builder
ImprintBuilder Class Builder for creating Imprint
InterpolationEADBuilder Class This class provides Interpolation Associated Data Support
Iteration Class Represents iteration present in a NXOpen.CAE.Loadcase.
Laminate Class
Represents a Laminate, which is a specialized kind of NXOpen.CAE.PhysicalPropertyTable
LaminateDampingFactorBuilder Class The builder for the damping factor.
LaminateDrapingData Class Encapsulate the ply information related to the draping algorithm
LaminateDrapingDataBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateDrapingData builder
LaminateDrapingExtension Class Encapsulate the ply information related to a ply draping extension
LaminateDrapingExtensionBuilder Class Builder class for NXOpen.CAE.LaminateDrapingExtension
LaminateDrapingOrientation Class Encapsulates the ply draping results
LaminateDynamicEvent Class The Laminate Dynamic Event.
LaminateDynamicEventBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateDynamicEvent builder
LaminateDynamicEventCollection Class Represents a collection of laminate dynamic events
LaminateDynamicSim Class The Laminate Dynamic Simulation builder is the journalling interface to build the LaminateDyanmicSim object.
LaminateDynamicSimBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateDynamicSim builder
LaminateDynamicSimCollection Class Represents a collection of laminate dynamic sims
LaminateElementFilterBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateGraphicalReport builder
LaminateExtrudeSetup Class Extrude Setup
LaminateExtrudeSetupBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateExtrudeSetup builder
LaminateExtrudeSetupCollection Class Represents a collection of laminate extrusion setups
LaminateFiberOrientationOptions Class Laminate Fiber Orientation Options
LaminateFiberOrientationOptionsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateFiberOrientationOptions builder
LaminateFillSetupBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateFillSetupBuilder builder
LaminateGlobalLayup Class Represent a global layup in the ply based modeling.
LaminateGlobalLayupCollection Class
Represents a global layup, which is defined by a sequence of NXOpen.CAE.LaminateGlobalLayup, each with a name and a list of plies
LaminateGlobalLayupMgr Class Represent the laminate global layup manager which manages all the global layups in the laminate ply-based modeling project
LaminateGlobalLayupPlyGroupCollection Class Represents a laminate layup in the global layup context (ply based modeling), which is defined by a sequence of NXOpen.CAE.LaminatePlyGroup, each with a name and a list of plies.
LaminateGraphicalReport Class Represents a laminate graphical report
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilder Class Represents a CAE.LaminateGraphicalReport builder
LaminateGraphicalReportCollection Class Represents a collection of CAE.LaminateGraphicalReport
LaminateIDrapingOrientation Class Encapsulates the ply draping results
LaminateImportZonesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateImportZonesBuilder builder
LaminateImportedLayupBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateImportedLayupBuilder builder
LaminateLayupOffset Class
laminate layup offset
LaminateLayupOffsetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateLayupOffset builder
LaminateLayupOffsetCollection Class Represents a collection of layup offset rules
LaminateLockAngleBuilder Class Represents a builder
LaminateManager Class Represents the laminate manager that contains all laminate post report setups
LaminateMatOrientation Class Laminate Material Orientation
LaminateMatOrientationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateMatOrientation builder
LaminateMatOrientationCollection Class Represents a collection of layup growth rules
LaminateModeProperty Class Represents the properties of one normal mode
LaminateModePropertyCollection Class Represents a collection of laminate mode properties
LaminatePly Class
Represents one ply in a laminate layup
LaminatePlyCollection Class
Represents a list of plies, which have a material, a thickness, an orientation, and a color
LaminatePlyFilterBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminatePlyFilterBuilder
LaminatePlyGroup Class
Represents one ply group in a laminate layup
LaminatePlyGroupCollection Class
Represents a laminate layup, which is defined by a sequence of CAE.LaminatePlyGroup, each with a name and a list of plies
LaminatePlyMaxThicknessVarBuilder Class Builder used to modify the ply maximum accepted thickness variation for laminate fill
LaminatePostReport Class Represents an advanced post reporting setup for laminate results.
LaminatePostReportBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminatePostReport builder
LaminatePostReportCollection Class Represents a collection of laminate post reports
LaminateQuickReport Class Represents a laminate quick report
LaminateQuickReportBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateQuickReport builder
LaminateQuickReportCollection Class Represents a collection of CAE.LaminateQuickReport
LaminateRandomEvent Class The Laminate Dynamic Event.
LaminateRandomEventBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateRandomEvent builder
LaminateRelabelPliesBuilder Class Represents a CAE.LaminateDynamicEvent builder
LaminateSelectEntitiesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateSelectEntitiesBuilder
LaminateSineEvent Class The Laminate Sine Event.
LaminateSineEventBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateSineEvent builder
LaminateSpreadsheetReport Class Represents a laminate spreadsheet report
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LaminateSpreadsheetReport builder
LaminateSpreadsheetReportCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.CAE.LaminateSpreadsheetReport
LaminateViewDrapingResultsBuilder Class Represents the builder for the draping results viewer
LayoutState Class
This is the class representing a layout state.
LayoutStateApplicator Class
Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LayoutStateApplicator which can be used to visualize a layout state.
LayoutStateBuilder Class
Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LayoutStateBuilder which can be used to create layout states.
LayoutStateCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.LayoutState.
LayoutStateDataReference Class
This class represents a data reference of a layout state.
LayoutStateDataReferenceCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.LayoutStateDataReference.
LbcAssociationMgr Class Represents an abstract NXOpen.CAE.LbcAssociationMgr
Loadcase Class Represents loadcases present in a NXOpen.CAE.Result.
LocalRemeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.LocalRemeshBuilder
LumpedMassEADBuilder Class This class provides LumpedMass Associated Data Support
MMCCreateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MMCCreateBuilder which can be used to create or edit NXOpen.CAE.MeshMate objects.
ManualMorphBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ManualMorphBuilder
ManualNodeAssociationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ManualNodeAssociationBuilder
ManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection
ManualSweepBetweenListItemSelectionList Class Represents a list of objects.
ManualSweepBetweenSelection Class Builder for creating Manual Hex Mesh - Face Dependency type.
MappedHole Class
Represents a CAE mapped hole
MappedMesh Class Represents Mesh Recipe
MappedMeshBuilder Class Represents a Mapped Mesh Builder.
MappedResult Class Represents analysis results for a imported solver results file.
MaterialOptions Class
Represents the material options to be used when assigning a material to cae part
MechanicalLoadSumBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MechanicalLoadSumBuilder
MergeFaceBuilder Class Builder for creating Merge Face
Mesh Class Represents a Mesh.
Mesh0d Class Represents 0d Mesh
Mesh0dBuilder Class Represents 0D Mesh * Used to create a NXOpen.CAE.Mesh0d
Mesh1d Class Represents 1d Mesh
Mesh1dBuilder Class Represents 1d Mesh * Used to create a NXOpen.CAE.Mesh1d
Mesh2d Class Represents 2d Mesh
Mesh2dBuilder Class Represents 2D Mesh * Used to create a NXOpen.CAE.Mesh2d
Mesh2dFree Class Represents 2d Mesh
Mesh3d Class Represents 3d Mesh
Mesh3dHexBuilder Class Represents 3D Hex Mesh * Used to create a NXOpen.CAE.SweptMesh
Mesh3dHybridBuilder Class Represents 3D Mesh * Used to create a CAE.Mesh3d
Mesh3dTetBuilder Class Represents 3D Mesh * Used to create a CAE.Mesh3d
MeshCollector Class Represents a MeshCollector.
MeshCollectorBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshCollectorBuilder
MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults Class
Represents the base MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults class for Mesh, MeshCollector and MeshCollectorOccurrence classes
MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults0d Class Represents 0d Mesh Display Settings
MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults1d Class Represents 1d Mesh Display Settings
MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults2d Class Represents 2d Mesh Display Settings
MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults3d Class Represents 3d Mesh Display Settings
MeshCollectorOccurrence Class
Represents a MeshCollector Occurrence
MeshCollectorOccurrenceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshCollectorOccurrenceBuilder
MeshControl Class
Represents a MeshControl
MeshControlBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshControl
MeshControlCollection Class
Provides methods for managing mesh controls:py:class:NXOpen.CAE.MeshControl in a fem part
MeshControlDisplayManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for mesh control display operation commands in both sim and fem part
MeshControlDisplayOptionsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshControlDisplayOptionsBuilder
MeshDisplaySettings Class
Represents the base MeshDisplaySettings class for Mesh class
MeshDisplaySettings0d Class Represents 0d Mesh Display Settings
MeshDisplaySettings1d Class Represents 1d Mesh Display Settings
MeshDisplaySettings2d Class Represents 2d Mesh Display Settings
MeshDisplaySettings3d Class Represents 3d Mesh Display Settings
MeshFollower Class Represents Mesh Recipe
MeshFromBoundaryBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshFromBoundaryBuilder
MeshManager Class
Creates Meshes:py:class:NXOpen.CAE.Mesh in a fem part
MeshManagerOccurrence Class
Manages MeshOccurrencs and MeshCollectorOccurrences in a fem part
MeshManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection
MeshManualSweepBetweenListItemSelectionList Class Represents a list of objects.
MeshMate Class
Represents a Mesh Mate
MeshPoint Class Represents a smart NXOpen.CAE.MeshPoint.
MeshPointCollection Class
Provides methods for managing constraints NXOpen.CAE.MeshPoint in a sim part.
MeshPointConicCenterBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshPointConicCenterBuilder
MeshPointExistingPointBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshPointExistingPointBuilder
MeshPointMultipleOnCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshPointMultipleOnCurveBuilder
MeshPointOnCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshPointOnCurveBuilder
MeshPointOnFaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshPointOnFaceBuilder
MeshPointProjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MeshPointProjectBuilder
MeshRefinementBuilder Class Represents Mesh Refinement * Used to create a NXOpen.CAE.MeshRefinementBuilder
MeshShellFromSolid Class Represents 2d Mesh that follows 3d mesh
ModelCheckManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for node element operation commands in a fem part
ModelDisplayBuilder Class This class provides Model Display Data Support
ModelUpdateCorrelMethodBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateCorrelMethodBuilder
ModelUpdateDesignVariable Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateDesignVariable, which is a meta-solution used to update finite element models to match real life test data
ModelUpdateDesignVariablesCollection Class Represents a collection of durability events.
ModelUpdateDesignVariablesRapidCreateBuilder Class This class is the builder that is used for the rapid creation of design variables.
ModelUpdateOptimOptionsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateOptimOptionsBuilder
ModelUpdateOptionsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateOptionsBuilder
ModelUpdateOverallWeightsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateOverallWeightsBuilder
ModelUpdateSensitivityViewerBuilder Class Represents NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateSensitivityViewerBuilder
ModelUpdateSolution Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateSolution, which is a meta-solution used to update finite element models to match real life test data
ModelUpdateSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelUpdateSolutionBuilder
ModelUpdateSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of model update meta solution
ModelingObjectPropertyTable Class Represents a Modeling Object Property Table.
ModelingObjectPropertyTableCollection Class
Creates Modeling Object property tables:py:class:NXOpen.CAE.ModelingObjectPropertyTable in a fem model
ModifiableFEModelOccAttribute Class
This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model.
MorphRevolvedMeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MorphRevolvedMeshBuilder
MultipleElementCreateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MultipleElementCreateBuilder which can be used to create mutiple elements in one efficient opertation.
MultipleNodeCreateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.MultipleNodeCreateBuilder which can be used to create mutiple nodes in one efficient opertation.
NamedPropTableWithTargetSet Class
Represents a Solver Specific Modeling Object with associated target set(s)
NamedPropertyTable Class
NodeAlignBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeAlignBuilder
NodeAssociationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeAssociationBuilder
NodeCreateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeCreateBuilder.
NodeDeleteBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeDeleteBuilder
NodeDissociationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeDissociationBuilder
NodeElementInfoBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeElementInfoBuilder
NodeElementInfoManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for node element info operation commands in both sim and fem part
NodeElementManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for node element operation commands in a fem part
NodeLabelMethod Class Represents the output from the node label smart selector method
NodeModifyLabelBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeModifyLabelBuilder
NodeModifyLocationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeModifyLocationBuilder
NodeProjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeProjectBuilder
NodeReflectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeReflectBuilder
NodeRotateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeRotateBuilder
NodeTranslateBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodeTranslateBuilder
NodesBetweenNodesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodesBetweenNodesBuilder
NodesOnCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodesOnCurveBuilder
NodesRepositionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NodesRepositionBuilder
NxBcPlotContours Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.NxBcPlotContours object returned from NXOpen.CAE.SimBcPlotContoursBuilder.CreatePlotObject() in NXOpen.CAE.SimBcPlotContoursBuilder.
OneDimensionalElementSplitBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.OneDimensionalElementSplitBuilder
OrderedEdgeElemMethod Class Represents the output from the ordered edge element smart selector method
OrderedEdgeNodeMethod Class Represents the output from the ordered edge node smart selector method
OrderedFeatureEdgeElemMethod Class Represents the output from the ordered feature edge element smart selector method
OrderedFeatureEdgeNodeMethod Class Represents the output from the ordered feature edge node smart selector method
OrderedSelection Class Represents list of ordered selection entitites
PhysicalPropertyTable Class Represents a Physical Property Table.
PhysicalPropertyTableCollection Class
Creates physical property tables:py:class:NXOpen.CAE.PhysicalPropertyTable in a fem model
PolygonFaceOnMeshBuilder Class Builder for creating Polygon Face On Mesh
PolygonGeometryManager Class
Provides methods for managing set NXOpen.CAE.PolygonGeometryManager
Post Class Represents Post-Processing
Post3DGraphBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Post3DGraphBuilder
PostAnnotation Class
Controls appearance of a annoation object in a postview. User must call CAE.PostAnnotation.Draw() to make changes visible.
PostAnnotationBuilder Class Builder to create NXOpen.CAE.PostAnnotation from NXOpen.CAE.Post <br/>User can pass entities which are same as current postview location.
PostAnnotationPreference Class Represents Post-Annotation Preferences
PostGraph Class This class provides interfaces to query graph attributes
PostGraphAcrossIterationsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostGraphAcrossIterationsBuilder
PostGraphAlongPathBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostGraphAlongPathBuilder
PostGraphBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostGraphBuilder
PostGraphOrbitBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostGraphOrbitBuilder
PostGraphPreference Class Represents Post-Graph Preferences
PostIdentifyPreference Class Represents Post-Identify Preferences
PostJtExportBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostJtExportBuilder used for exporting JTs of Result Types in Post Processing
PostLegendPreference Class Represents Post-Legend Preferences
PostPreference Class Represents Post Preferences
PostResultNavigatorPreference Class Represents Post-ResultNavigator Preferences
PostResultPreference Class Represents Post-Result Preferences
PostScenarioBuilder Class
This class represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioBuilder.
PostScenarioBuilderDataDefinitionCollection Class This is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioDataDefinition available to a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioBuilder for a selected Data Source
PostScenarioConfigurationVariable Class A configuration variable to which values can be bound in order to define a user selection (NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioSelectionParameters) for a post scenario (NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioBuilder).
PostScenarioConfigurationVariableCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioConfigurationVariable.
PostScenarioDataDefinition Class
Represents a data source data definition.
PostScenarioDescriptor Class
This class represents a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioDescriptor.
PostScenarioDescriptorCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioDescriptor.
PostScenarioInputDefinition Class
Represents an Input Definition, part of a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioDescriptor.
PostScenarioInputDefinitionCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioInputDefinition.
PostScenarioManager Class Manages the creation of a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioBuilder.
PostScenarioParameters Class
The class represents the NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioParameters used to instanciate a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioBuilder.
PostScenarioSelectionParameters Class
The class handles the User Selection for a Scenario.
PostScenarioVariable Class
A selection variable to which values can be bound in order to define a user selection for a post scenario. See NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioSelectionParameters
PostScenarioVariableCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioVariable.
PostScenarioVariant Class
A dynamically typed scalar value.
PostScenarioVisualizationCollection Class Represents a collection of Visualizations available in a certain Scenario Definition’s Input Definition.
PostScenarioVisualizationDefinition Class
A visualization, in the context of a NXOpen.CAE.PostScenarioDescriptor, dictates how data will be visualized on-screen.
PreTestDofSet Class Represents Dof Set within a pre-test setup
PreTestDofSetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PreTestDofSet builder
PreTestExciterConfig Class Represent a exciter selection configuration
PreTestExciterConfigBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PreTestExciterConfig builder
PreTestExciterConfigCollection Class Represents a collection of exciter selection configuration
PreTestExciterSelectionControl Class Represents a pre-test exciter selection setup
PreTestExciterSelectionDofSetCollection Class Represents a collection of exciter selection configuration.
PreTestExportUnvBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.PreTestExportUnvBuilder class.
PreTestSensorConfig Class Represent a sensor selection configuration
PreTestSensorConfigBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PreTestSensorConfig builder
PreTestSensorConfigCollection Class Represents a collection of sensor selection configuration
PreTestSensorSelectionControl Class Represents a pre-test sensor selection setup
PreTestSensorSelectionDofSetCollection Class Represents a collection of sensor selection configuration.
PreTestSolution Class Represents a pre-test setup
PreTestSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.PreTestSolution builder
PreTestSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of pre-test setups
PrimitiveMesh Class Represents Primitive Mesh
PrimitiveMeshBuilder Class Represents Primitive Mesh * Used to create a CAE.Mesh
PrimitiveRecipeMesh Class Represents a primitive recipe mesh.
PrimitiveRecipeMeshBuilder Class Represents a Primitive Recipe Mesh * Used to create a CAE.Mesh
ProjectNodesToCadGeometryBuilder Class Allows you to query the mesh nodes that are off the underlying Cad geometry by a given tolerance, and if requested this builder can adjust the node locations to put them back on to the underlying Cad geometry.
PropertyTable Class
Represents a property table
QueryCurve Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.QueryCurve
QueryCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.QueryCurveBuilder
QueryCurveManager Class Provides methods for managing the query curves.
QueryCurvePost Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.QueryCurvePost Use NXOpen.CAE.ResultManager to create an instance of this class
QueryCurveUsageOptions Class
Represents the options to apply a query curve
ReassignElementsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ReassignElementsBuilder
RecipeSurfaceWrap Class Represents 2d mesh associated to fluid domain body, all from surface wrapper.
RelatedElemEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the related element edge smart selector method
RelatedElemFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the related element face smart selector method
RelatedElemMethod Class Represents the output from the related element smart selector method
RelatedFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the related face smart selector method
RelatedNodeMethod Class Represents the output from the related node smart selector method
RemoveRibsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.RemoveRibsBuilder
Result Class <para> This class provides interfaces to query analysis results.
ResultAccess Class Represents a specific result state for a given NXOpen.CAE.Result.
ResultManager Class Manages results
ResultMeasure Class Represents a ResultMeasure class NXOpen.CAE.ResultMeasure.
ResultMeasureCollection Class
Provides methods for managing ResultMeasures NXOpen.CAE.ResultMeasure
ResultMeasureModelSubset Class Represents a a subset of the model upon which to calculate results
ResultMeasureModelSubsetFE Class Represents a FE-based subset of the model upon which to calculate results
ResultMeasureModelSubsetGeom Class Represents a geometry-based subset of the model upon which to calculate results
ResultMeasureResultAllOptions Class Represents the combination of all result options for result measure
ResultMeasureResultDirectionOptions Class Represents the result directional options for result measure
ResultMeasureResultDirectionSectionOptions Class Represents the result directional and beam/shell section options for result measure
ResultMeasureResultOptions Class Represents the basic result options for result measure
ResultMeasureResultSectionOptions Class Represents the result with beam/shell section options for result measure
ResultParameters Class This class is worked as a packet of information that can be either be used to change result state or pass around for information exchange between two NXOpen.CAE.ResultAccess objects.
ResultParametersWithProbe Class <para>To obtain an instance of this class use Session.ResultManager().
ResultProbe Class
Result Probe Object.
ResultProbeBuilder Class Result probe Builder
ResultType Class This class represents a result type from a result file.
ResultVariable Class
Controls Result Exp Object.
ResultsCombinationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResultsCombinationBuilder
ResultsEnvelopeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResultsEnvelopeBuilder
ResultsManipulationBuilder Class Represents an abstract NXOpen.CAE.ResultsManipulationBuilder
ResultsModelExportBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResultsModelExportBuilder
ResultsReductionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResultsReductionBuilder
SelectCAEBody Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectCAEBodyList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectCAEEdge Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectCAEEdgeList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectCAEFace Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectCAEFaceList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectElementsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SelectElementsBuilder
SelectElementsManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for select element operation commands in both fem and sim part
SelectFEElemFaceList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectFENode Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectFENodeList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectMeshList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SetManager Class
Represents a group of CAE object sets. The objects in each set can be used to create loads, constraints ..etc
ShapeMetricViewerBuilder Class Represents the correlation Shape metrics viewer builder
Shell2SolidBuilder Class Represents 3D Tet Mesh * Used to create a CAE.Mesh3d
ShellEADBuilder Class This class provides Shell Associated Data Support
ShowAdjacentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ShowAdjacentBuilder
ShowAdjacentGroupMethod Class Represents the output from the Show Hide Group smart selector method
ShowHideBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ShowHideBuilder
ShowHideGroupMethod Class Represents the output from the Show Hide Group smart selector method
ShowHideManager Class
Provides method for creating builder for Show Hide operation commands in a fem/sim part
ShowOnlyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ShowOnlyBuilder
SimAutoBcRecipe Class
Represents a simulation recipe containing the parameters needed for the generation of a set of face pairs from the faces/bodies in the model
SimBC Class
Represents BC class which is a superclass to NXOpen.CAE.SimLoad and NXOpen.CAE.SimConstraint.
SimBCBuilder Class
This is a manager to the CAE.SimBC class. Objects of type CAE.SimBC can be created and edited only through this class
SimBCDisplay Class
Represents a BC display attributes
SimBcGroup Class
Represents a BC group in a solution or solution step
SimBcPlotContoursBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SimBcPlotContoursBuilder builder which can be used to generate a plot of a NXOpen.CAE.SimBC in the graphics area.
SimBcXyPlotBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SimBcXyPlotBuilder builder which can be used to generate a XY plot of a NXOpen.CAE.SimBC in the graphics area.
SimCondition Class
This class represents a Condition which defines a state where all or some values of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionParam are known.
SimConditionCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimCondition.
SimConditionParam Class
This class represents a named measurable quantity. A collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionParam represents a measurable environment. A NXOpen.CAE.SimCondition consists of specified values for all NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionParam, thus defining a state of the measurable environment.
SimConditionParamCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionParam which represents a measurable environment.
SimConditionSeqMgr Class
This is the manager for Condition Sequences. Each Simulation has one manager.
SimConditionSequence Class
This class represents a time history of NXOpen.CAE.SimCondition.
SimConditionSequenceCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSequence. For now, it only supports one NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSequence. To access the one and only NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSequence, use NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSeqMgr.ActiveConditionSequence`()
SimConditionTimeStep Class
This class represents a step in the time history of a NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSequence. The time history of a NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSequence is a time ordered list of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionTimeStep.
SimConditionTimeStepCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionTimeStep.
SimConstraint Class
Represents a constraint
SimConstraintCollection Class
Provides methods for managing constraints NXOpen.CAE.SimConstraint in a sim part
SimConstraintGroup Class
Represents a constraint group in a solution or solution step
SimConstraintSet Class
Represents a cae constraint set object
SimConstraintSetBuilder Class Represents a CAE.SimConstraintSetBuilder builder
SimConstraintSetCollection Class
Provides methods for managing SimConstraintSet in a sim part
SimGroupContainer Class
Represents UGS::CaeSim::LbcGroupContainer
SimLbcFolder Class
Represents a folder object in the .sim files
SimLbcFolderCollection Class
Provides methods for managing LbcFolders NXOpen.CAE.SimLbcFolder in a sim part
SimLoad Class
Represents a load
SimLoadCollection Class
Provides methods for managing loads NXOpen.CAE.SimLoad in a sim part
SimLoadGroup Class
Represents a load group in a solution or solution step
SimLoadRecipe Class
This is the class handling the attributes of a load recipe.
SimLoadRecipeCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipe.
SimLoadRecipeLbcGenerator Class
Handles generation of subcases and loads based on a NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipe.
SimLoadRecipeMapEntry Class
These objects represent one line in a NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipe‘s mapping.
SimLoadRecipeMapEntryCollection Class
This class is a collection of :py:class:`NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipeMapEntry`s.
SimLoadRecipeMapEntryTargetTypes Class
The class handles the enum definitions needed by load recipe map entries
SimLoadRecipeMapping Class
This is the class handling the mapping of a certain load type of a load recipe.
SimLoadRecipeMappingCollection Class
This class is a collection of :py:class:`NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipeMapping`s.
SimLoadRecipeSource Class
This is the class handling the attributes of a source used by a load recipe.
SimLoadRecipeSourceCollection Class
This class is a collection of NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipeSource.
SimLoadRecipeTypes Class
The class handles the enum definitions needed by load recipes
SimLoadSet Class
Represents a cae load set object
SimLoadSetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadSetBuilder builder
SimLoadSetCollection Class
Provides methods for managing NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadSet in a sim part
SimMotionLoadsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SimMotionLoadsBuilder
SimMotionLoadsListItemBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SimMotionLoadsListItemBuilder
SimPart Class
Represents an NX part of type .sim.
SimRecipe Class
This is an abstract class. for all simulation recipe classes
SimRecipeCollection Class
Provides methods for managing NXOpen.CAE.SimRecipe in a sim part
SimResultReference Class Represents a Result Reference in the .
SimSimulation Class
This is the root object in a .sim file. Only one instance of this class will exist in each fem part file.
SimSimulationObject Class Represents a simulation object.
SimSimulationObjectCollection Class
Provides methods for managing simulation objects NXOpen.CAE.SimSimulationObject in a sim part
SimSimulationObjectGroup Class
Represents a simulation object group in a solution or solution step
SimSolution Class Represents a solution in the .
SimSolutionCollection Class
Provides methods for managing Solutions NXOpen.CAE.SimSolution in a NXOpen.CAE.SimSimulation
SimSolutionStep Class Represents a subcase/step in a solution.
SimSolveManager Class
Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SimSolveManager manager which is used to manage the solve process of solutions.
SketchCurves Class Represents a Beam Cross Section
SketchCurvesCollection Class
Represents the collection of all NXOpen.CAE.SketchCurves in a fem part
SliverFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the sliver face smart selector method
SmartSelectionManager Class
Provides methods for creating smart selection methods in a cae part
SolidPropertyCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SolidPropertyCheckBuilder
SolutionManager Class Represents NXOpen.CAE.SolutionManager
SolutionResult Class Represents analysis results for a given NXOpen.CAE.SimSolution.
SolverAppendOption Class
This class provides access to the append option setting for importing solver specific data into existing Fem/Sim
SpiderElementBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.SpiderElementBuilder
SpringEADBuilder Class This class provides Spring Associated Data Support
StandardBeamSection Class Represents a Standard Beam Cross Section
StandardBeamSectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.StandardBeamSectionBuilder
StepManager Class Represents NXOpen.CAE.StepManager
SuppressHoleBuilder Class Builder for creating Hole Suppression Hole
SurfaceCoatBuilder Class Builder for creating Surface Coat
SweepBetweenMeshBuilder Class Builder for creating swept mesh between faces.
SweptMesh Class Represents swept Mesh
TangentContinuousEdgeMethod Class Represents the output from the circular edge smart selector method
TangentFaceMethod Class Represents the output from the tangent face smart selector method
ThickenMeshBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ThickenMeshBuilder
ThicknessBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ThicknessBuilder
ThicknessPlotContours Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ThicknessPlotContours object returned from NXOpen.CAE.ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder.CreatePlotObject() in NXOpen.CAE.ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder.
ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder builder which can be used to generate a plot of a NXOpen.CAE.SimBC in the graphics area.
TransientResultsReductionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.TransientResultsReductionBuilder
UnStitchEdgeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.UnStitchEdgeBuilder
UserDefinedSolidBeamSection Class Represents a User-Defined Solid Beam Cross Section
UserDefinedSolidBeamSectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.UserDefinedSolidBeamSectionBuilder
ViewLaminateBuilder Class Represents a View Laminate Builder.
WeldBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.WeldBuilder
WeldRow Class
Represents a CAE weld row


AfuDataAbscissaType Enumeration Defines abscissa data type for AFU data record
AfuDataExtrapolationType Enumeration Defines data extrapolation type for AFU data record
AfuDataInterpolationType Enumeration Defines data interpolation type for AFU data record
AfuDataOrdinateType Enumeration Defines ordinate data type for AFU data record
AfuDataConvertorFft Enumeration Defines the way of FFT on AFU Data Record
AfuManagerWritingFileMode Enumeration This enumeration defines the modes of outputting information to a file
AfuMathOperationInterpolationMode Enumeration Defines the interpolation mode
AfuMathOperationMultiType Enumeration Defines the type of Multi Math Operations
AfuMathOperationOuterInterpolation Enumeration Defines the outer interpolation method
AfuMathOperationOutputType Enumeration Defines the output type of new AFU Data Record
AfuMathOperationOverall Enumeration Defines the type of Overall Math Operations
AfuMathOperationSrsToTimeOctave Enumeration Defines the octave spacing for SRS to TIME
AfuMathOperationSrsToTimeOption Enumeration Defines the type of conversion option for SRS to TIME
AfuMathOperationSrsToTimeStrategy Enumeration Defines the conversion strategy for SRS to TIME when using the Wavelet method
AfuMathOperationTimeToSrsAxisType Enumeration Defines the frequency axis type for TIME to SRS
AfuMathOperationTimeToSrsResponseType Enumeration Defines the response type paramater for TIME to SRS
AssignNodalCSBuilderCSType Enumeration the CS types
AssignNodalCSBuilderCs Enumeration Assign CS options
AssignNodalCSBuilderGeometryOption Enumeration the geometry options
AssociationUtilitiesPrintInfoType Enumeration The print info type
AssyFEModelMappedComponentRemovalType Enumeration the unmap types
AssyFEModelRepositionType Enumeration the reposition types
AttachElementsBuilderAttachOption Enumeration attach types
AttachElementsBuilderSplitLineOption Enumeration split line types
AutomaticMorphBuilderOrphanNodeMovementType Enumeration Orphan Node Movement Method - specify how the nodes move in topologically modified region.
AxiSymmetricParametersAxisOfRotation Enumeration Axis of rotation
AxiSymmetricParametersEnvVal Enumeration Envelope Values
AxiSymmetricParametersGetResult Enumeration Axi Symmetric result type
AxiSymmetricParametersOptions Enumeration Result Values
BaseFemPartAxisymAbstractionType Enumeration Used to specify the axisymmetric abstraction type during Fempart creation .
BaseIterationIterationType Enumeration The Analysis type of a iteration object
BaseIterationIterationValueType Enumeration The type of value that is stored in a iteration object
BcLabelManagerBuilderRenumberType Enumeration Renumber Method
BeamEADBuilderEndReleaseSetting Enumeration indicates which end release setting to use
BeamEADBuilderOrientationMethod Enumeration indicates which orientation method to use
BeamEADBuilderState Enumeration indicates to ignore, apply or clear the state property upon commit
BeamEADBuilderVectorChoiceType Enumeration indicates which vector choice to use
BeamSectionDirectionOption Enumeration Represents the direction
BeamSectionOffsetOptionsMethod Enumeration Represents the offset definition method
BeamSectionOrientationOptionsMethod Enumeration Represents the orientation definition method
BoltBuilderBoltOperation Enumeration Represents the options for type of operation
BoltBuilderSelection Enumeration Represents the options for entity selection
BoltBuilderSpiderDiameter Enumeration Represents the options for spider diameter
BoundingVolumeBuilderTypes Enumeration the bounding volume creation types
BushingEADBuilderOrientationMethod Enumeration indicates which orientation method to use
BushingEADBuilderState Enumeration indicates to ignore, apply or clear the state property upon commit
CAEConnectionBuilderConnectionTypeEnum Enumeration the type of connection to be created
CAEConnectionBuilderEdgeToEdgeConnectionMethodTypeEnum Enumeration the method of edge to edge connection to be created
CAEConnectionBuilderMethodTypeEnum Enumeration the method of connection to be created
CAEWeldConnectionBuilderMeshDensityTypeEnum Enumeration the mesh density type enum
CAEWeldConnectionBuilderWeldTypeEnum Enumeration the type of weld connection to be created
CaeGroupCollectionEntityType Enumeration Entity type
CaeGroupElementSubType Enumeration Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.
CaeSetGroupFilterType Enumeration Used to specify the filter to extract type of objects from a group e.
CaeSetObjectSubType Enumeration Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.
CfdAutoRefinementConstraintBuilderLocalSubdivisions Enumeration The maximum local subdivision
CfdAutoRefinementConstraintBuilderPriority Enumeration The priority level
CfdAutoRefinementConstraintBuilderSizing Enumeration The sizing option
CfdContactPreventionConstraintBuilderContact Enumeration The contact type.
CfdContactPreventionConstraintBuilderLocalSubdivisions Enumeration The local subdivision.
CfdContactPreventionConstraintBuilderPriority Enumeration The priority level.
CfdContactPreventionConstraintBuilderSizing Enumeration The sizing option.
CfdLocalResolutionConstraintBuilderLocalSubdivisions Enumeration The local subdivision.
CfdLocalResolutionConstraintBuilderPriority Enumeration The priority level.
CfdLocalResolutionConstraintBuilderResolutionDensity Enumeration The Resolution density type.
CfdLocalResolutionConstraintBuilderSizing Enumeration The sizing option.
CircularImprintBuilderAroundEdgeDiaType Enumeration Around Edge Diameter Option
CompanionResultBuilderCompanionResultDisposition Enumeration Companion result disposition indicates how the Companion result will be disposed of when primary result is deleted.
CompanionResultBuilderResultAppendMethod Enumeration Companion results appending method which indicates how Companion results will be appended to the existing primary results.
ConflictResolutionBuilderRule Enumeration Conflict Resolution Rule
ConstraintResolutionBuilderRule Enumeration Constraint Resolution Rule
ContactMeshBuilderAlignmentType Enumeration the type of alignment to be created
ConvexMeshBuilderOffsetMethodOption Enumeration the offset method option
CorrelAlignmentBuilderScalingChoice Enumeration the way the scaling factor is computed
CorrelFineTuneAlignmentBuilderAngleVector Enumeration the angle vector enumeration for the alignment nudge
CorrelFineTuneAlignmentBuilderDistanceVector Enumeration the distance vector enumeration for the alignment nudge
CorrelModePairingBuilderAuto Enumeration The automatic pairing rule type
CorrelShapemetrictype Enumeration shape Metric Code
CorrelSolutionBuilderEnumDampingFrftype Enumeration The damping type enum
CreateJtBuilderComponent Enumeration This option is used to set the component for export
CyclicSymmetricParametersEnvelopeValue Enumeration Selection envelope value of sector
CyclicSymmetricParametersGetResult Enumeration Cyclic Symmetric result type
CyclicSymmetricParametersOriginalResult Enumeration Cyclic Symmetric original model result type
CyclicSymmetricParametersSectorCriteria Enumeration Select sector by value or index
CyclicSymmetricParametersValue Enumeration Selection value of sector
DependentMeshBuilderMeshType Enumeration The mesh type for face dependency
DisplaySectionType Enumeration specifies the type of display for 1d element sections
DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilderBwiWeldClassEnum Enumeration the BWi Weld Class Enum.
DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilderCyclicStressStrainModelEnum Enumeration the cyclic stress strain model.
DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilderEquivalentStressMethodEnum Enumeration the equivalent stress method.
DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilderFatigueLifeCriterionEnum Enumeration the fatigue life criterion.
DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilderProbabilityOptionEnum Enumeration the Probability Option.
DurabilityDataControlBuilderTimeExtentsEnum Enumeration the time extents enum.
DurabilityEvaluateFatigueHistoryBuilderFatigueHistoryDataTypeEnum Enumeration Fatigue history data type: as per event, stress or strain
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderBwiWeldClassEnum Enumeration the BWi Weld Class Enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderCyclicStressStrainModelEnum Enumeration the cyclic stress strain model enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderEquivalentStressMethodEnum Enumeration the equivalent stress method enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderFatigueLifeCriterionEnum Enumeration the fatigue life criterion enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderFatigueSafetyFactorMethodEnum Enumeration the Fatigue Safety Factor Method Enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderFatigueSafetyFactorOutputEnum Enumeration the Fatigue Safety Factor Output Enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderMaximumAlternatingStressEnum Enumeration the Maximum Alternating Stress Enum.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderOrthotropicFatigueCriterionEnum Enumeration the Orthotropic Fatigue Criterion.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderOrthotropicMeanStressEnum Enumeration the Orthotropic Mean Stress.
DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilderProbabilityOptionEnum Enumeration the Probability Option.
DurabilityEventOverridesBuilderUseElementsEnum Enumeration the use elements enum.
DurabilityEventSolverBuilderSubmitOptionsEnum Enumeration the submit options enum.
DurabilityEventStrengthSettingsBuilderOrthotropicFailureCriterionEnum Enumeration the orthotropic Failure criterion enum.
DurabilityEventStrengthSettingsBuilderStressCriterionEnum Enumeration the stress criterion enum.
DurabilityEventStrengthSettingsBuilderStressTypeEnum Enumeration the stress type enum.
DurabilityLoadPatternBuilderPatternTypeEnum Enumeration the pattern type.
DurabilityRandomFatigueBuilderRandomFatigueMethodEnum Enumeration the random method.
DurabilityResultsReportBuilderUseEventsEnum Enumeration the event report options enum.
DurabilitySolverBuilderActiveEventSolveOptionsEnum Enumeration the active event solve options enum.
DurabilitySolverBuilderSubmitOptionsEnum Enumeration the submit options enum.
DurabilityStaticEventBuilderExcitationTypeEnum Enumeration the static excitation type.
DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilderAxisDirectionSearchMethodEnum Enumeration the axis direction search enum.
DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilderCriticalPlaneOptionEnum Enumeration the critical plane option enum.
DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilderGageConstructionEnum Enumeration the gage construction enum.
DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilderGageSourceEnum Enumeration the gage source enum.
DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilderGageTypeEnum Enumeration the gage type enum.
DurabilityStressAxesBuilderBeamStressEnum Enumeration the Beam Stress Enum
DurabilityStressAxesBuilderElementFaceStressAxisEnum Enumeration the Element Face Stress Axis Enum.
DurabilityStressAxesBuilderNodeElementOptionEnum Enumeration the Node Element Option Enum.
DurabilityStressAxesBuilderShellRegionEnum Enumeration the Shell Region Enum.
DurabilityStressAxesBuilderStressAxisDirectionSearchMethodEnum Enumeration the Stress Axis Direction Method Search Enum.
DurabilityStressAxesBuilderStressAxisMethodEnum Enumeration the Stress Axis Method Enum.
EdgeFaceImprintBuilderProjectionDirectionType Enumeration the projection directon type
EdgeSticherBuilderStitchMethods Enumeration Stitch method : NX7.
EdgeSticherBuilderStitchOptions Enumeration Stitch option for stitch : NX7.
EdgeSticherBuilderTypes Enumeration Type of edge stitch : For Pre-NX7.
ElementConnectivityBuilderMethods Enumeration Available modify connectivity methods
ElementConnectivityBuilderTypes Enumeration Modify connectivity types
ElementCreateBuilderElemDimType Enumeration Dimension of the element to be created
ElementCreateBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create new mesh or add to existing mesh
ElementExtrudeBuilderDistanceType Enumeration Distance option
ElementExtrudeBuilderElemDimType Enumeration Dimension of element to be created
ElementExtrudeBuilderMethodType Enumeration Extrusion method
ElementExtrudeBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create new mesh or add to existing mesh
ElementModifyLabelBuilderLabelType Enumeration the label types
ElementModifyOrderBuilderMidnode Enumeration Represents the options for midnodes
ElementModifyOrderBuilderOperation Enumeration Represents the options for type of operation
ElementNormalsType Enumeration specifies the type of display for 2d element normals
ElementProjectBuilderElementDimensionType Enumeration Dimension of element to be projected
ElementProjectBuilderLabelType Enumeration Option to use label/increment or offset
ElementProjectBuilderMethodType Enumeration Projection method
ElementProjectBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create new mesh or add to existing mesh
ElementReflectBuilderElemDimType Enumeration Dimension of element to be reflected
ElementReflectBuilderLabelType Enumeration Option to use label/increment or offset
ElementReflectBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create new mesh or add to existing mesh
ElementRevolveBuilderAngleType Enumeration the angle type - total or per copy
ElementRevolveBuilderElemDimType Enumeration Dimension of element to be created
ElementRevolveBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create new mesh or add to existing mesh
ElementSplitBuilderSplitMethodType Enumeration the split method types
ElementSplitBuilderTypes Enumeration the element split types
ElementTranslateBuilderDistanceType Enumeration Distance - specify whether the translation distance is per copy or total
ElementTranslateBuilderElemDimensionType Enumeration Dimension of the elements to be created
ElementTranslateBuilderLabelType Enumeration Option to use label/increment or offset
ElementTranslateBuilderMethodType Enumeration Translation method
ElementTranslateBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create a new mesh or add the new elements to an existing mesh
ElementTypeBuilderElementOrderType Enumeration Order of the element types to be specified.
ElementTypeBuilderElementType Enumeration Dimension of the element types to be specified.
ElementTypesOrder Enumeration Specifies different CAE Element Order types
ElementTypesShape Enumeration Specifies different CAE Element Shape types
FEModelOccAttributeAltRepDisplayStyle Enumeration Represents the display style when in alt rep
FEModelOccAttributeRepType Enumeration Represents the FemOcc representation type
FacetProximityBuilderDisplayOptions Enumeration List option for facet proximity to UG CAD : NX7.
FacetProximityBuilderListOptionsType Enumeration List option for facet proximity to UG CAD : NX7.
FemCreationOptionsUseBodiesOption Enumeration Used to specify the option of specifying bodies to use from the CAD Part while creating CAE.FemPart.
FemPartUseBodiesOption Enumeration Used to specify the option of specifying bodies to use from the CAD Part while creating the CAE.FemPart object.
FluidDomainBuilderIntExtType Enumeration Represents the interior/exterior types.
FluidDomainBuilderOutputOptionsType Enumeration Represents the output types.
FreeBodyResultsBuilderLocationMethod Enumeration Location definition method
FreeBodyResultsBuilderOutputUnits Enumeration User Specified output units
FreeBodyResultsBuilderVectorDisplay Enumeration Vector display option
FunctionInterpolationMethod Enumeration Defines interpolation method for table function to calculate data as input for solver
FunctionType Enumeration Defines function type
GapEADBuilderOrientationMethod Enumeration indicates which orientation method to use
GapEADBuilderState Enumeration indicates to ignore, apply or clear the state property upon commit
GraphFromResultProbeBuilderPlotType Enumeration Defines the Plot Type options
GroupElemMethodElemOptionElemOption Enumeration Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.
ImprintBuilderImprintTypes Enumeration the imprint types
ImprintBuilderProjectionDirectionType Enumeration the projection directon type
LaminateZoneType Enumeration Type of zones to export
LaminateDrapingDataBuilderDrapingDirectionType Enumeration Draping Direction Option
LaminateDrapingDataBuilderDrapingPathType Enumeration Draping Path Types
LaminateDrapingDataBuilderSecondaryVectorType Enumeration Second Alignment Types
LaminateDrapingDataBuilderSolverType Enumeration Solver Types
LaminateDynamicEventBuilderExcitationSelectedAxisEnum Enumeration The excitation axis enum.
LaminateDynamicEventBuilderReferenceTypeEnum Enumeration The reference enum.
LaminateGlobalLayupStackingRecipeType Enumeration Used to specify the stacking recipe of the global layup
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilderCoordinateSystemType Enumeration Coordinate system to use for ply stresses, ply failure indices, ply strength ratios and ply margins of safety calculation.
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilderElemNodalOptionType Enumeration Element-Nodal option
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilderEnvelopeRule Enumeration Result enveloping rules.
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilderFailureModeType Enumeration Failure indices mode.
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilderPlyExportOptionType Enumeration Ply export options.
LaminateGraphicalReportBuilderSolverInputType Enumeration Solver input type
LaminateImportedLayupBuilderApiTypeEnum Enumeration Type of external API supported.
LaminateImportedLayupBuilderFileEnum Enumeration Type of external file to be imported.
LaminateImportedLayupBuilderImportMethodEnum Enumeration Import method type.
LaminatePlyInterLaminarFailureTheoryType Enumeration Inter-Laminar failure theory types
LaminatePlyPlyFailureTheoryType Enumeration Ply failure theory types
LaminatePlySolidPropertyType Enumeration Solid property type for laminate extrusion
LaminatePlyGroupLink Enumeration Used to specify the kind of linked group created
LaminateQuickReportBuilderElemNodalOptionType Enumeration Element-Nodal option
LaminateQuickReportBuilderEnvelopeRule Enumeration Result enveloping rules.
LaminateRandomEventBuilderConfidenceLevelOptionEnum Enumeration The confidence level option.
LaminateRandomEventBuilderExcitationAxisEnum Enumeration The excitation axis enum.
LaminateRandomEventBuilderReferenceEnum Enumeration The reference enum.
LaminateRelabelPliesBuilderRelabelOptionEnum Enumeration the relabeling option enum.
LaminateSineEventBuilderAdditionalFrequeciesUnitsEnum Enumeration The additional frequencies units
LaminateSineEventBuilderIntermediateFrequeciesBetweenEnum Enumeration The intermediate in between frequencies increment option
LaminateSineEventBuilderIntermediateFrequeciesEnum Enumeration The intermediate frequencies options
LaminateSineEventBuilderNaturalFrequeciesEnum Enumeration The reference enum.
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderCoordinateSystemType Enumeration Coordinate system to use for ply stresses, ply failure indices, ply strength ratios and ply margins of safety calculation.
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderElemNodalOptionType Enumeration Element-Nodal option
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderEnvelopeRule Enumeration Result enveloping rules.
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderFailureModeType Enumeration Failure indices mode.
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderFilteringType Enumeration Filtering rule for the spreadsheet post report
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderSolverInputType Enumeration Solver input type
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderSortOrderType Enumeration Sorting order : acending or descending
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderSortingType Enumeration Sorting rule for the spreadsheet post report
LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilderThreshType Enumeration The type of threshold used to filter results.
LaminateViewDrapingResultsBuilderOuputChoice Enumeration Represents output choice
LbcAssociationMgrBcType Enumeration Option to associate bc type, load, constraint or simulation objects
LocalRemeshBuilderOption Enumeration Size Option
LumpedMassEADBuilderState Enumeration indicates to apply or clear the mass property upon commit
MMCCreateBuilderFaceSearchType Enumeration Types of Face Serach Operations
MMCCreateBuilderMeshMatingType Enumeration Types of Mesh Mating Conditions
MMCCreateBuilderTypes Enumeration Type of the Creation Methods for MMC
ManualMorphBuilderMapMethod Enumeration Represents the chosen type to apply node mapping on selected geometry.
ManualMorphBuilderMapType Enumeration Represents the type of Manual Mapping
MappedMeshBuilderMidNodeType Enumeration Mid-node placement options
MarkerType0d Enumeration specifies the marker to use for the 0d element display
MechanicalLoadSumBuilderUserUnit Enumeration User Specified output unit
Mesh0dBuilderMeshCreationType Enumeration the 0d mesh creation option
Mesh2dBuilderGeometryType Enumeration the geometry usage type
Mesh3dHexBuilderType Enumeration the hex mesh creation type
MeshCollectorBuilderElementDimensionOption Enumeration Indicates the different element dimensions
MeshControlBuilderCylinderAxialElementSizeType Enumeration the cylinder subtypes for size on axial direction.
MeshControlBuilderCylinderCircularSizeType Enumeration the cylinder subtypes for size on circumference.
MeshControlBuilderFilletAxialElementSizeType Enumeration the fillet subtypes for size on axial direction.
MeshControlBuilderFilletCircumferenceSizeType Enumeration the fillet subtypes for size on circumference.
MeshControlBuilderFilletType Enumeration the fillet subtypes.
MeshControlBuilderHeightDefinedByOption Enumeration the height defined by options.
MeshControlBuilderProgressionTypes Enumeration the mesh control progression subtypes.
MeshControlBuilderSizeTypes Enumeration the mesh control size subtypes.
MeshControlBuilderSizingType Enumeration the sizing subtypes for weld row and mapped holes.
MeshControlBuilderTypes Enumeration the mesh control types
MeshControlBuilderWeldSide Enumeration the mesh control weld row direction subtypes.
MeshFromBoundaryBuilderLoopOption Enumeration Type of loop
MeshFromBoundaryBuilderRailOption Enumeration Type of rail
MeshPointMultipleOnCurveBuilderPlacementType Enumeration the placement type types
MeshPointProjectBuilderProjectionMethod Enumeration the projection method types
ModelDisplayBuilderElemQualPass Enumeration specifies display style for elements which pass the element quality check
ModelDisplayBuilderElmClrBasis Enumeration Indicates element color basis.
ModelDisplayBuilderElmDispQuality Enumeration Indicates element display quality.
ModelDisplayBuilderFreeEdgeFont Enumeration specifies the object font for geometry free edges
ModelDisplayBuilderFreeEdgeMarker Enumeration specifies the marker for endpoints of geometry free edges
ModelDisplayBuilderFreeEdgeWidth Enumeration specifies object width for display for geometry free edges
ModelDisplayBuilderNodeDisplayModeType Enumeration Indicates node display mode type.
ModelDisplayBuilderNodeMarkerType Enumeration Indicates node marker display symbol type.
ModelDisplayBuilderNodeMeshShowHideOptionType Enumeration Indicates which nodes to include for meshes in show and hide commands.
ModelDisplayBuilderNodeUnattachedMarkerType Enumeration Indicates unattached node marker display symbol type.
ModelDisplayBuilderRotationAxisLineFont Enumeration specifies the object font for model rotation axis
ModelDisplayBuilderRotationAxisWidth Enumeration specifies object width for display for model rotation axis
ModelDisplayBuilderStitchedEdgeFont Enumeration specifies the object font for geometry free edges
ModelDisplayBuilderStitchedEdgeMarker Enumeration specifies the marker for endpoints of geometry free edges
ModelDisplayBuilderStitchedEdgeWidth Enumeration specifies object width for display for geometry stitched edges
ModelUpdateCorrelMethodBuilderMethod Enumeration correlation method option
ModelUpdateDesignVariablesRapidCreateBuilderDesignVariableTypeEnum Enumeration The enum for the design variable type.
ModelUpdateDesignVariablesRapidCreateBuilderMaterialTypesEnum Enumeration The enum for the material type.
ModelUpdateDesignVariablesRapidCreateBuilderPhysicalTypesEnum Enumeration The enum for the physical type.
ModelUpdateOptimOptionsBuilderMethodChoice Enumeration the method of the optimizer
ModelUpdateOptimOptionsBuilderSteepestDescMethodChoice Enumeration the mode of the Steepest Descent method
ModelUpdateSolutionTargetType Enumeration Represents the type when export to targets and errors to csv file
MorphRevolvedMeshBuilderCurveType Enumeration the type of curve to be used as reference curve for morphing
NodeElementInfoBuilderEntityType Enumeration Option to Info on Node or Element
NodeElementInfoBuilderFormatType Enumeration Output format option
NodeElementInfoBuilderPropertyType Enumeration Element property option
NodeModifyLabelBuilderLabelType Enumeration the label types
NodeProjectBuilderLabelType Enumeration Option to use label/increment or offset
NodeProjectBuilderNodeProjectTypes Enumeration Represents the node project types
NodeProjectBuilderProjectionMethodType Enumeration Represents Projection Method
NodeReflectBuilderCopyType Enumeration the copy types
NodeReflectBuilderLabelType Enumeration the label types
NodeRotateBuilderCopyType Enumeration the copy types
NodeRotateBuilderDistanceType Enumeration the distance types
NodeRotateBuilderLabelType Enumeration the label types
NodeTranslateBuilderCopyType Enumeration the copy types
NodeTranslateBuilderDistanceType Enumeration the distance types
NodeTranslateBuilderLabelType Enumeration the label types
NodeTranslateBuilderMethodType Enumeration the method types
NodesBetweenNodesBuilderTypeEnum Enumeration the method of creation of node
NodesOnCurveBuilderPlacementType Enumeration the placement type types
OneDimensionalElementSplitBuilderSplitMethodType Enumeration represents the split method types
PolygonFaceOnMeshBuilderPolygonFaceOnMeshType Enumeration Represents the polygon face on mesh type to be used
PolygonFaceOnMeshBuilderSelectBodyMethod Enumeration Represents the select body option to be used
PolygonGeometryManagerPolygonBodyResolutionType Enumeration Entity type
PostAbcissa Enumeration Abcissa types for graph
PostAnimationControl Enumeration Animation controls
PostAnimationIterationTypes Enumeration Animation styles
PostAnimationStyle Enumeration Animation styles
PostAnimationType Enumeration Animation types
PostAxisymetricAxis Enumeration Axis about which axis symmetric model rotates to create 3D display
PostBandStyle Enumeration Band styles
PostClipPlane Enumeration Cutting plane options
PostClipSide Enumeration Clip hither-yon-cutplaneonly options
PostEdgeStyle Enumeration Edge display styles
PostExport Enumeration Export types for postview display
PostFaceStyle Enumeration Face display styles
PostFormat Enumeration Colorbar format
PostGroupVisibility Enumeration Show hide options for user group visibiliy control
PostIntegrationScheme Enumeration Intergration schemes for streamline extraction
PostLegend Enumeration legend display options
PostLimitDisplay Enumeration Drawing methods for overflow and under flor values
PostMarkColor Enumeration Mark color options
PostMarkHide Enumeration Mark hide options
PostMarkLocation Enumeration Mark locations
PostMarkMaximumSize Enumeration Maximum mark size options
PostMarkRenderStyle Enumeration Mark render styles
PostMarkSize Enumeration Mark size options
PostMarkTensorStyle Enumeration Mark styles for tensors
PostMarker Enumeration Min-Max marker display options
PostNoDataTreatment Enumeration NoData treatments for extracted data at a graph point
PostNodeValueSharingCriterion Enumeration Criteria for value sharing of extracted data at a graph point
PostPosition Enumeration Colorbar position
PostScale Enumeration Colorbar scales
PostShowHeader Enumeration Show header display options
PostSpectrum Enumeration colorbar spectrums
PostStreamlineColor Enumeration Streamline color options
PostStreamlineDirection Enumeration Direction options for streamline extraction
PostStreamlineLineWeight Enumeration Streamline line weight options
PostStreamlineSize Enumeration Streamline size options
PostStreamlineStyle Enumeration Streamline display styles
PostStreamlineSynchronization Enumeration Synchronization options for streamlines
PostStyle Enumeration Fringe styles
PostTarget Enumeration Target operators
PostThreshold Enumeration colorbar thresholds
PostValueSharingCriterion Enumeration Criteria for value sharing for extracted stream line data
PostAnnotationStyle Enumeration Annotation styles
PostAnnotationTextAlignment Enumeration Annotation text alignment
PostAnnotationValueType Enumeration Annotation value type
PostAnnotationBuilderType Enumeration select option to define the annotation type
PostGraphAcrossIterationsBuilderCombinationMethod Enumeration Defines the methods that can be used to combine multiple values into a single value
PostGraphAcrossIterationsBuilderIterationLabelingOption Enumeration Defines the Iteration labeling options
PostGraphAlongPathBuilderCoordinateSysAxis Enumeration options for defining the specific coordinate system axis to be used
PostGraphAlongPathBuilderCsysType Enumeration csys types
PostGraphAlongPathBuilderXaxis Enumeration select option to define the path as x axis
PostGraphBuilderDataErrorHandling Enumeration error handling option when result values are not present for the selected entities
PostGraphBuilderEdgeIntegralOption Enumeration weighted Average / Integral calculation based on weighted average by on selection of Edge
PostGraphBuilderEntityType Enumeration types of the entity objects which are selected
PostGraphBuilderEvalutionErrors Enumeration error handling option when there are expression evaluation errors while evaluating the formula
PostGraphBuilderFaceIntegralOption Enumeration weighted Average/ Integral calculation based on weighted average by on selection of Face
PostGraphBuilderGeometryValue Enumeration This option is used to when the geometric entity selected has multiple result values.
PostGraphBuilderIncompatibleResult Enumeration error handling option when incompactible results are selected
PostGraphBuilderNodalCombination Enumeration nodal combination option for determining the nodal result value for element and element-nodal result
PostScenarioVariantType Enumeration The data type of a CAE.
PreTestExciterConfigBuilderMethodChoiceType Enumeration Selected method for the exciter selection
PreTestExciterConfigBuilderOffAxisAngleChoiceType Enumeration Selected off axis angle for the exciter selection
PreTestExportUnvBuilderFileUnitsOption Enumeration The unit type enum
PreTestSensorConfigBuilderAlgorithmChoiceType Enumeration Selected algorithm for the sensor selection
PreTestSolutionBuilderModeConversionType Enumeration Enum type for the complex mode conversion settings
PrimitiveRecipeMeshBuilderType Enumeration Mesh primitive type
ProjectNodesToCadGeometryBuilderListingOption Enumeration Listing Options
ProjectNodesToCadGeometryBuilderOperation Enumeration Operations
PropertyTablePropertyType Enumeration Property Types
QueryCurvePostEntityType Enumeration Query curve post entity type
QueryCurveUsageOptionsCurveUsageType Enumeration Types of ways query curves can be used
QueryCurveUsageOptionsResultantCurveLocatorType Enumeration Where the curve will resolve entities on the curve path
RadiusType Enumeration Specify the radius point type
ReassignElementsBuilderElementDimensionOption Enumeration Indicates the different element dimensions
ReassignElementsBuilderElementTypeOption Enumeration Indicates the element types for each dimension.
ResultBeamEnd Enumeration Value type for beam end
ResultComplex Enumeration Complex options
ResultComponent Enumeration Result components
ResultComputationType Enumeration types for different way of computing nodal result from element nodal result.
ResultCoordinateSystem Enumeration Coordinate systems
ResultCoordinateSystemSource Enumeration Source of selected coordinate system
ResultDataType Enumeration Result data types
ResultDbScale Enumeration dB scales
ResultDeformationScale Enumeration Deformation scales
ResultElementValueCriterion Enumeration Element-value criterions
ResultFiletype Enumeration The result file type
ResultGroupContainer Enumeration Group Containers
ResultInitialDeformationSelection Enumeration The initial deformation selection type which will decide how the final calculations will happen after applying the initial deformation on the main deforamtion.
ResultLoadcaseValueType Enumeration Value type for result load case
ResultLocation Enumeration Result locations
ResultQuantity Enumeration Result quantities
ResultSection Enumeration Result sections
ResultSolutionType Enumeration The result solution type
ResultTensorDerivedAbsolute Enumeration This enumeration defines the methods that can be used when calculating absolute values for the following derived components of NXOpen.CAE.ResultDataType.Tensor NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.Determinant, NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.Mean, NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.MaximumShear, NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.MinimumPrincipal, NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.MiddlePrincipal, NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.MaximumPrincipal, NXOpen.CAE.ResultComponent.Octahedral NXOpen.CAE.ResultTensorDerivedAbsolute.AllComponents will make all tensor primary components (XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, ZX) to absolute and then calculate derived component.
ResultMeasureOperation Enumeration Operation type
ResultMeasureSubsetSelection Enumeration Model subset selection type
ResultProbeOutputOption Enumeration Probe output options
ResultProbeBuilderCombineAcrossEntities Enumeration Options to combine multiple geometry values
ResultProbeBuilderCombineAcrossIterations Enumeration Iteration combination types
ResultProbeBuilderEdgeIntegral Enumeration Options to calculate CAE.ResultProbeBuilderGeometryValue.WeightedAverage or CAE.ResultProbeBuilderGeometryValue.Integral over elements on an edge
ResultProbeBuilderErrorHandling Enumeration Options to handel errornious conditions
ResultProbeBuilderFaceIntegral Enumeration Options to calculate CAE.ResultProbeBuilderGeometryValue.WeightedAverage or CAE.ResultProbeBuilderGeometryValue.Integral over elements on an face
ResultProbeBuilderGeometryValue Enumeration Options to combine geometry value
ResultProbeBuilderIterationSelection Enumeration Iteration definition method
ResultProbeBuilderIterationType Enumeration Iteration type filter
ResultProbeBuilderLoadcaseSelection Enumeration Loadcase definition method
ResultProbeBuilderNodalCombination Enumeration Options to combine multiple geometry values
ResultProbeBuilderSelectionType Enumeration Type of objects where probe value will be calculated
ResultProbeBuilderSuperIterType Enumeration Super iteration definition method
ResultVariableNodalCombination Enumeration Element Nodal Combination Options
ResultsCombinationBuilderEvaluationError Enumeration evaluation error options
ResultsCombinationBuilderIncompatibleResults Enumeration Incompatible results options
ResultsCombinationBuilderNoData Enumeration No data options
ResultsCombinationBuilderOutput Enumeration output types
ResultsEnvelopeBuilderIncompatibleResults Enumeration Incompatible results options
ResultsEnvelopeBuilderNoData Enumeration No data options
ResultsEnvelopeBuilderOperation Enumeration Operation
ResultsEnvelopeBuilderOutput Enumeration output types
ResultsManipulationBuilderAction Enumeration Action options
ResultsManipulationBuilderElementValueAtNode Enumeration Value at Nodes for element nodal values
ResultsManipulationBuilderOutputResultType Enumeration Output result types
ResultsManipulationBuilderResultAppendMethod Enumeration Result Append Method options
ResultsManipulationBuilderUnitsSystem Enumeration Units system options
ResultsReductionBuilderEvaluationError Enumeration evaluation error options
ResultsReductionBuilderIncompatibleResults Enumeration Incompatible results options
ResultsReductionBuilderNoData Enumeration No data options
ResultsReductionBuilderOutput Enumeration output types
ShellEADBuilderMaterialOrientationMethod Enumeration indicates which material orientation method to use
ShellEADBuilderState Enumeration indicates to ignore, apply or clear the state property upon commit
SimBCDisplayMode Enumeration Used to specify the display mode for the BC
SimBcPlotContoursBuilderPlotType Enumeration Plot types
SimBcPlotContoursBuilderResolveOverlapType Enumeration Resolve overlap types
SimBcXyPlotBuilderResolveMultipleMatches Enumeration Resolve multiple matches when the location specified matches multiple items in the boundary condition’s target set
SimConditionSeqMgrFileFormat Enumeration Specifies the file format during an import.
SimConditionSequenceOutOfRangeBehavior Enumeration Specifies behavior of NXOpen.CAE.SimConditionSequence.GetValue() when time is out of range.
SimLbcFolderType Enumeration Defines type of Lbc Folder
SimLoadRecipeLbcGeneratorLbcHierarchyTypes Enumeration This enum defines the hierarchy type of LBCs to be created by this NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipeLbcGenerator.
SimLoadRecipeMapEntryTargetTypesTargetTypes Enumeration This enum defines the target type options of a NXOpen.CAE.SimLoadRecipeMapEntry
SimLoadRecipeMappingOrientationTypes Enumeration How the orientation of loads is mapped
SimLoadRecipeTypesDataTypes Enumeration This enum defines the Data Type options
SimLoadRecipeTypesLoadConditionHandling Enumeration This enum defines the types of Data Source handling
SimLoadSetType Enumeration Load Set type
SimResultReferenceType Enumeration Result Types
SimSimulationAxisymAbstractionType Enumeration Used to specify the axisymmetric abstraction type during solution creation.
SimSolutionSetupCheckOption Enumeration Model Setup Check Options
SimSolutionSolveMode Enumeration Run Mode Options
SimSolutionSolveOption Enumeration Solve Options
SimSolutionStepPosition Enumeration Step creation options
SolidPropertyCheckBuilderCoupledSolutionOutput Enumeration Coupled Solution output option
SolidPropertyCheckBuilderUserUnit Enumeration User Specified output unit
SolverAppendOptionImportBehaviorOption Enumeration Options to control how the imported input file is to be combined with the existing model
SolverAppendOptionMergeOption Enumeration Options to control how entities are merge with existing model
SolverAppendOptionSolutionOption Enumeration Options to control if a solution is created during merge
SpiderElementBuilderNewMeshType Enumeration Option to create new mesh or add to existing mesh
SpringEADBuilderState Enumeration indicates to apply or clear the stiffness property upon commit
SuppressHoleBuilderOptionChoice Enumeration the enum for method
SuppressHoleBuilderOptionPointCreate Enumeration the enum for point creation
SurfaceCoatBuilderSelectionMethod Enumeration Represents the selection method to be used
SweepBetweenMeshBuilderTypes Enumeration creation type
ThicknessBuilderEntityType Enumeration Option to Info on Node or Element
TransientResultsReductionBuilderEvaluationError Enumeration evaluation error options
TransientResultsReductionBuilderIncompatibleResults Enumeration Incompatible results options
TransientResultsReductionBuilderNoData Enumeration No data options
WeldBuilderNumberOfPointsOnEdgeType Enumeration Represents the options for specifying maximum number of weld points on an edge
WeldBuilderPointOnEdgeType Enumeration Represents the options for specifying number of weld points on an edge
WeldBuilderWeldLocation Enumeration Represents the options for type of operation
XyFunctionDataType Enumeration Defines the data type of a function in AFU file
XyFunctionGeneralType Enumeration Defines general purpose type of a function
XyFunctionLoadType Enumeration Defines load purpose type of a function
XyFunctionMacroType Enumeration Defines the application type of a function
XyFunctionMaterialType Enumeration Defines material purpose type of a function
XyFunctionMeasure Enumeration Defines measurement unit types
XyFunctionMotionType Enumeration Defines motion purpose type of a function
XyFunctionResponseType Enumeration Defines response purpose type of a function
XyFunctionUnit Enumeration Defines all units used by xy function


BeamSectionProperties_Struct Struct Represents the properties of the beam section.
BeamSectionOffsetOptionsOffset_Struct Struct Represents the offset value
CaeGroupCollectionAutoGroupErrorCodes_Struct Struct Contains list of error codes for each auto group type
CaeGroupCollectionAutoGroupSeedNames_Struct Struct Contains the prefix seed names to be given to auto created groups by type If a seed value is passed as NULL, then the auto created groups by that type will be given a default prefix List of default prefixes are as follows: MAT- for material_seed PPT- for ppt_seed Color- for color_seed XSECT- for section_seed LAM- for laminate seed DIM- for dimension seed FE_TYPE- for meshcolltype_seed
CaeGroupCollectionAutoGroupTypes_Struct Struct Contains information about the types by which we do auto grouping
Complex Struct A complex number
CorrelAlignmentBuilderReferencePt_Struct Struct Specifies the data for the selected reference points
ElemEdgefaceObject Struct
Structure used to retrieve list of Element Edges or Element Faces in a group
FEModelIdSpecificationObject_Struct Struct Structure to specify the Node, Element, and Physical property table start ids and offsets for use in CAE.FEModel.AppendFemodel()
IMeshManagerStatusInfo_Struct Struct Contains status information
PostASCIIDiffTolerances_Struct Struct Tolerances used for comparing postview ASCII display files
PostAnimation_Struct Struct Animation settings
PostAnimationParameters_Struct Struct Animation settings
PostAnimationStreamline_Struct Struct Animation settings for streamline animation
PostAnnotationBox_Struct Struct Annotation box display settings
PostAxisymmetric_Struct Struct 3D Axi-symmetric model display settings
PostClipping_Struct Struct Cutting-plane display settings
PostColorbar_Struct Struct Colorbar settings
PostEdgeFace_Struct Struct Edge and Face display settings
PostGraphIds_Struct Struct Graph handle
PostGraphParameters_Struct Struct Graph extraction parameters
PostHeaderlines_Struct Struct Headerlines
PostMark_Struct Struct Mark display settings
PostStreamline_Struct Struct Streamline display settings
PostStreamlineData_Struct Struct Streamline data extraction parameters
PostStreamlineExtraction_Struct Struct Streamline extraction parameters
PostStreamlineSeed_Struct Struct Streamline seed point definition
PostText_Struct Struct Annotation text settings
QueryCurvePostEntity_Struct Struct Query curve post entity
ResultAveraging_Struct Struct Averaging structure to specify averaging options
ResultDeformationParameters_Struct Struct Deformation parameter structure to specify complete result state for the deformed shape This structure has been replaced by NXOpen.CAE.DeformationParameters
ResultElementValue_Struct Struct Element-value structure to specify element value options
ResultResultBasicUnit_Struct Struct The basic units system for a result
ResultResultParameters_Struct Struct Result parameter structure to specify complete result state for the color display This structure has been replaced by NXOpen.CAE.ResultParameters
ResultResultSection_Struct Struct Result Section structure to specify a result section for beams and shells
ResultType_Struct Struct Result type structure to specify a result dataset
ResultVelocityParameters_Struct Struct Velociy parameter structure to specify result state for the velocity field used in streamline extraction
SetObject Struct
Structure used to pass objects into SetManager and CAESet
SimPartImportErrorCodes_Struct Struct Contains list of error codes for import of each entity type
SimPartImportOptions_Struct Struct Contains information about which entities to be imported