NXOpen.GeometricUtilities Package


AlignmentMethodBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.AlignmentMethodBuilder
AlongPathPattern Class the AlongPath pattern definition.
AlongSpineBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.AlongSpineBuilder
AnchorLocatorBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.AnchorLocatorBuilder
AngularLimits Class Represents a angular limts data.
AngularPatternSpacing Class defines the various ways pattern instances can be spaced within the pattern, particularly in the context of the PatternDefinition class.
BetweenLocationsData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.BetweenLocationsData
BlendLimitsData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.BlendLimitsData
BlendSetbackBuilder Class This class provides ability to define a setback curve on a blend face.
BlendSetbackBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
BlendStopshortBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.BlendStopshortBuilder
BlendStopshortBuilderCollection Class This class contains the factory methods for creating an BlendStopshortBuilder.
BooleanOperation Class Represents a boolean operation .
BooleanRegionSelect Class a class which defines boolean region select.
BooleanToolBuilder Class a class which defines boolean tool builder.
BoundaryDefinitionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.BoundaryDefinitionBuilder.
BoundaryDefinitionBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
BoundingObjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.BoundingObjectBuilder
BoundingObjectBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
BridgeCurveConnectivity Class Data offering connectivity controls for NXOpen.Features.BridgeCurveBuilderEx.
CAMDataPrepManager Class Contains the create functions for builders.
CircularCrossSection Class Represents a circular section data for face blend.
CircularFrameBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.CircularFrameBuilder
CircularPattern Class the circular pattern definition.
ColorCodedRegionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ColorCodedRegionBuilder.
CombOptionsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.CombOptionsBuilder
ConicCrossSection Class Represents a conic section data for face blend.
Continuity Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.Continuity Allows user to specify continuity constraint surface construction.
ControlPoleManagerData Class This class manages the control poles for a set of surfaces or curves.
ConvertFeatureGroupsToModulesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ConvertFeatureGroupsToModulesBuilder builder
CurveExtendData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.CurveExtendData
CurveExtensionBuilder Class Spline extension builder class.
CurveFitData Class Represents the curve fitting methods options.
CurveFitJoin Class Represents the curve fit join data
CurveFitOptions Class Represents the curve fit data
CurveLengthData Class Represents an CurveLength data.
CurveLimitsData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.CurveLimitsData
CurveOptions Class Represents the curve options data
CurveRangeBuilder Class Represents the curve range and anchor builder
CurveSettings Class Represents the curve settings data
CurveShapingBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.CurveShapingBuilder.
DegreesAndSegmentsOrPatchesBuilder Class the DegreesAndSegmentsOrPatches builder
DepthSkewBuilder Class This class provides ability to specify a depth and a skew value.
DisplayResolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.DisplayResolutionBuilder.
DistancePatternSpacing Class defines the various ways pattern instances can be spaced within the pattern, particularly in the context of the PatternDefinition class.
DraftPointData Class Represents a draft point data object
DraftVariableAngleData Class Represents data containing variable angle draft point data objects
EndHoleData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.EndHoleData
EntityUsageInfo Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.EntityUsageInfo.
EntityUsageInfoList Class Represents a list of objects.
EnumTest Class Represents a GeometricUtilities.EnumTest
Extend Class Represents an extend data.
ExtrudeRevolveToolBuilder Class a class which is a sub-component of BooleanTool.
FaceChangeOverflowBehavior Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FaceChangeOverflowBehavior It provides several face change options for controlling behavior when a change face overflows an incident face.
FacePlaneSelectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FacePlaneSelectionBuilder
FacePlaneSelectionBuilderCollection Class This class contains the factory methods for creating an FacePlaneSelectionBuilder.
FacePlaneToolBuilder Class a sub-component of BooleanToolBuilder.
FaceSetData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FaceSetData
FaceSetDataCollection Class This class contains the factory methods for creating an FaceSetData.
FaceSetOffset Class This class represents a face set (collector) offset data.
FaceSetOffsetCollection Class This class contains the factory methods for creating an face set offset.
FaceSetOffsetList Class Represents a list of objects.
FeatureOffset Class Represents a Offset .
FeatureOptions Class Represents various options supported on features.
FlowDirection Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FlowDirection Allows user to specify different flow direction to control output surface shape.
FrameOnPathBuilder Class Frame on path builder
FtmFixedCurvesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FtmFixedCurvesBuilder builder
FtmFixedCurvesBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
FtmTransformCurvesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FtmTransformCurvesBuilder builder
FtmTransformCurvesBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
FtmTransformPointsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.FtmTransformPointsBuilder builder
FtmTransformPointsBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
GeneralPattern Class the General pattern definition.
GeometryLocationData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.GeometryLocationData
GeometryLocationDataCollection Class This class contains the factory methods for creating GeometryLocationData.
HelixPattern Class the Helix pattern definition.
HorizontalReference Class the horizontal reference vector definition.
IComponentBuilder Class Represents a component contained in a builder
InstanceEditedExpressionItem Class edited value of one master expression of the input object(s) being patterned.
InstanceEditedExpressionItemList Class Represents a list of objects.
InstanceEditedExpressionsList Class list of NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.InstanceEditedExpressionItem objects.
InteractiveSectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.InteractiveSectionBuilder.
LawBuilder Class Represents a LawBuilder
Limits Class Represents a limits data.
LinearLimits Class Represents a limits data.
LocalUntrimBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.LocalUntrimBuilder builder.
LocalUntrimManager Class Provides create builder methods for LocalUntrimBuilder
MatchSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.MatchSurfaceBuilder builder.
MiddleHoleData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.MiddleHoleData
MirrorPattern Class the Mirror pattern definition.
ModlAlongCurveAngle Class This class NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ModlAlongCurveAngle represents motion type in ModlMotion
ModlDistanceAngle Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ModlDistanceAngle
ModlMotion Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ModlMotion
MovePoleBuilder Class This class manages the control poles movements for a surface or curve.
MultiDraft Class Represents a multi-draft.
MultiTransitionLawBuilder Class Represents multiple transition law.
NestModuleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.NestModuleBuilder
NonInflectingLawBuilder Class Represents a non-inflecting law.
OmnicadManager Class Represents a manager for creating builder objects for OmniCAD Free Transformer
OnPathDimWithValueBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.OnPathDimWithValueBuilder
OnPathDimensionBuilder Class Builds an on-path dimension
OnPathDistancePatternSpacing Class defines the various ways pattern instances can be spaced within the pattern, particularly in the context of the PatternDefinition class.
OrientXpressBuilder Class Represent the OrientXpress block
OrientXpressTestBuilder Class Represents a ModlUtilsJA.OrientXpressTest builder
OrientationMethodBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.OrientationMethodBuilder
ParentEquivalencyMap Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ParentEquivalencyMap.
ParentEquivalencyMapList Class Represents a list of objects.
PartModuleInputBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PartModuleInputBuilder
PartModuleOutputBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PartModuleOutputBuilder
PartModuleOutputBuilder1 Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PartModuleOutputBuilder1
PartModuleReferencesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PartModuleReferencesBuilder
PartModuleRelationshipBuilder Class Represents a Features.PartModule builder
PathLimits Class Represents a path limits data.
PatternClocking Class enables the ability to apply delta transforms on individual instances of a pattern
PatternClockingBuilder Class enables the ability to apply delta transforms on individual instances of a pattern within the pattern feature
PatternDefinition Class pattern spacing for several pattern based commands.
PatternFill Class the pattern fill definition.
PatternIncrementItem Class variational for one master expression of the input object(s) being patterned.
PatternIncrementItemList Class Represents a list of objects.
PatternIncrementsBuilder Class pattern increments builder
PatternIncrementsList Class list of NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PatternIncrementItem objects.
PatternInstanceEditBuilder Class pattern instance edit builder
PatternOrientation Class the pattern orientation definition.
PatternReferencePointServiceBuilder Class Pattern Reference Point is a service which enables the employing client to compute the reference point for pattern instance locations.
PatternSpacing Class defines the various ways pattern instances can be spaced within the pattern, particularly in the context of the PatternDefinition class.
PatternSpacingsList Class list of NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PatternSpacingsListItem objects.
PatternSpacingsListItem Class one pattern spacing in the spacings list
PatternSpacingsListItemList Class Represents a list of objects.
PlayButtonsBuilder Class VCR buttons for any dialog that needs them
PointSetAlignmentBuilder Class This class performs a point set to point set alignment
PointsFromFileBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.PointsFromFileBuilder builder read points from a text file with format *.
PolygonPattern Class the polygon pattern definition.
PolygonPatternSpacing Class defines the various ways pattern instances can be spaced within the pattern, particularly in the context of the PatternDefinition class.
ProjectionOptions Class Represents a ProjectionOptions
QuadrilateralFrameBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.QuadrilateralFrameBuilder
Rebuild Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.Rebuild.
RectangularFrameBuilder Class Rectangular frame builder
RectangularPattern Class the rectangular pattern definition.
ReduceSurfaceRadiusBuilder Class Reduce Surface Radius Builder of Geometric Utilities.
ReduceSurfaceRadiusFaceGroupBuilder Class Reduce Surface Radius Face Group Builder of Geometric Utilities.
ReduceSurfaceRadiusFaceGroupBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
ReferencePattern Class the reference pattern definition.
RefitControlBuilder Class This class is used to specify the parameter set to refit faces
RegionTracker Class a class which collects all the geometric entities used to identify a region of faces during a boolean feature.
RenameLinkedPartModulePartBuilder Class Represents a Features.PartModule builder
RenewFeatureBuilder Class Represents a RenewFeatureBuilder object.
ReplAsstBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ReplAsstBuilder.
RotationSetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.RotationSetBuilder
RotationSetBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
SShapedLawBuilder Class Represents a s-shaped law.
SaveConstraintsBuilder Class Represents a builder for a Save Constraints.
ScalingMethodBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ScalingMethodBuilder
ScalingSetBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ScalingSetBuilder
ScalingSetBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
SecondarySectionData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.SecondarySectionData
SectionPlaneData Class Represents a Section Plane Data class This class acts like a container to hold the data needed to create a plane.
SelectDividingObjectBuilder Class Represents the dividing tool block for dividing face
SelectionList Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.SelectionList
SelectionListList Class Represents a list of objects.
ShapeFrameBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ShapeFrameBuilder
SimpleDraft Class Represents an Offset .
SmartVolumeProfileBuilder Class This class contains the options for automatically closing the profile to surrounding model geometry.
SnipIntoPatchesBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.SnipIntoPatchesBuilder builder.
SpineDefinitionBuilder Class Provides a spine definition for modeling operations
SpinePlaneBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.SpinePlaneBuilder.
SpinePlaneBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
SpinePointData Class Represents a spine point def object
SpinePointDataCollection Class This class contains the factory methods for creating a SpinePointData object.
SpiralPattern Class the Spiral pattern definition.
SplineExtensionBuilder Class Spline extension builder class.
StartHoleData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.StartHoleData
StepOptionBehavior Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.StepOptionBehavior It provides several step options for controlling behavior when move face and so on.
StringTestBuilder Class Represents a StringTestBuilder
StyledSweepDoubleOnPathDimBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.StyledSweepDoubleOnPathDimBuilder
StyledSweepDoubleOnPathDimBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
StyledSweepReferenceMethodBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.StyledSweepReferenceMethodBuilder
SupportPlaneData Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.SupportPlaneData
SurfaceRangeBuilder Class Represents the surface range and anchor builder
TangentMagnitudeBuilder Class This class provides ability to specify the start and end tangent magnitude values.
TransformerData Class Transformation and orientation tool.
TransitionCurveBuilder Class This class provides ability to create a transition(bridge) curve between two adjacent setback curves.
TransitionCurveBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
TransitionLawNodeBuilder Class Represents a law node with transition type.
TransitionLawNodeBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
TriangularFrameBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.TriangularFrameBuilder
TwoExpressionsCollectorSet Class Represents a two dimension list item builder
TwoExpressionsCollectorSetList Class Represents a list of objects.
TwoExpressionsSectionSet Class Represents a two dimension list section item builder
TwoExpressionsSectionSetList Class Represents a list of objects.
UnnestModuleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.UnnestModuleBuilder
ValueTestBuilder Class Represents a ValueTestBuilder
WaveLinkRepository Class Represents a NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.WaveLinkRepository.


AlignmentMethodBuilderAlignFillerSurfaceType Enumeration Filler surface types
AlignmentMethodBuilderType Enumeration Alignment types supported
AlongPathPatternPathOptions Enumeration This defines path options
AlongPathPatternYDirectionOptions Enumeration This defines y direction Types
AlongSpineBuilderRetainSpineOption Enumeration Represents the Spine option.
AngularPatternSpacingUsePitchOptions Enumeration This defines Use Pitch As options
BlendSetbackBuilderDirections Enumeration Setback direction options
BlendStopshortBuilderChoices Enumeration This enum represents the choice for stopshort option.
BooleanOperationBooleanType Enumeration Boolean operation type.
BooleanRegionSelectKeepRemoveOption Enumeration the keep/remove options for selected region
BooleanRegionSelectSelectOption Enumeration the region selection method
BooleanToolBuilderBooleanToolType Enumeration the boolean tool created options
BoundingObjectBuilderMethod Enumeration Represents Bounding Object option types.
BridgeCurveConnectivityCurveDirectionOptions Enumeration Tangent constraint direction when end is attached to a section
BridgeCurveConnectivityFaceDirectionOptions Enumeration Tangent constraint direction when end is attached to a face
CircularFrameBuilderSubtypes Enumeration Represents the circular frame subtypes
CircularPatternStaggerOptions Enumeration defines any stagger to be defined on the pattern.
CombOptionsBuilderAnalysisTypes Enumeration Represents the Analysis types
CombOptionsBuilderLabelTypes Enumeration Represents the Label types
ConicCrossSectionDefineMethod Enumeration This enum represents the conic method for advanced symmetric conic
ConicCrossSectionDepthMethod Enumeration This enum represents the depth option
ConicCrossSectionOffsetMethod Enumeration This enum represents the offset options
ConicCrossSectionRhoMethod Enumeration This enum represents the rho options
ConicCrossSectionShapeSkewMethod Enumeration This enum represents the shape skew option
ContinuityContinuityTypes Enumeration Continuity type.
CurveExtendDataLimitOptions Enumeration Represents the curve extend options for associative basic curves
CurveExtensionBuilderExtensionOption Enumeration Spline extension options
CurveFitDataJoin Enumeration Represents the curve join method
CurveFitDataMethod Enumeration Represents the curve fitting method in the case of advanced fitting
CurveFitJoinJoinMethod Enumeration Represents the curve join method
CurveFitOptionsFitMethod Enumeration Represents the curve fit method
CurveOptionsInputCurve Enumeration Represents the input curve options
CurveRangeBuilderAnchorPositionType Enumeration Represents the anchor position type
CurveShapingBuilderInsertionMethodOptions Enumeration Point insertion option
CurveShapingBuilderMovementMethodType Enumeration Curve parameter points movement types
CurveShapingBuilderWCSOptionType Enumeration WCS principal axis or plane types
EndHoleDataFormOptions Enumeration Represents hole form options.
EndHoleDataHoleDepthLimitOptions Enumeration Represents hole depth limit options for threaded hole in end plate of hole series.
EndHoleDataHoleDepthOptions Enumeration Represents hole depth specification options.
EndHoleDataThreadLengthOptions Enumeration Represents thread length options.
EndHoleDataThreadRotationOptions Enumeration Represents thread rotation options.
EntityUsageInfoStatus Enumeration enum for usage status
EnumTestAnimals Enumeration Animals are healthy and taste good
EnumTestCars Enumeration Cars are dangerous to eat and not very tasty
EnumTestConstraints Enumeration constraints are rather smelly
EnumTestCurves Enumeration Curves are important
EnumTestDances Enumeration Daaance, dance the night away
EnumTestFruit Enumeration Fruit is healthy and tastes good
EnumTestTrees Enumeration Trees can taste pretty good but have a rather barky texture
ExtendExtendType Enumeration This enum represents the type of extend
ExtensionDirection Enumeration This enum represents extension direction
ExtensionMethod Enumeration This enum represents the extension method
ExtensionSide Enumeration This enum represents the extension side
FaceChangeOverflowBehaviorOption Enumeration face change option.
FacePlaneSelectionBuilderTrimObjectType Enumeration Specifies the object type for blend endcap objects.
FeatureOptionsBodyStyle Enumeration This enum represents the various body types
FlowDirectionType Enumeration flow direction type.
FrameOnPathBuilderAnchorLocationType Enumeration Anchor location types
FtmFixedCurvesBuilderFixedCurvesContinuityType Enumeration Fixed curves continuity type
FtmTransformCurvesBuilderTransformCurvesContinuityType Enumeration Transform curves continuity type
GeneralPatternFromLocationOptions Enumeration the from location options.
GeometryLocationDataEntityTypes Enumeration Represents the entity type.
HelixPatternDirectionTypes Enumeration This defines helix direction method
HelixPatternSizeOptions Enumeration defines Helix size options for Helix type pattern.
LawBuilderRetainLawCurveOption Enumeration Describes the option on whether to retain the original profile.
LawBuilderType Enumeration The law types
MatchSurfaceBuilderMatchConstaint Enumeration This enum represents the type of constaints
MirrorPatternPlaneOptions Enumeration the Plane options.
ModlMotionDelta Enumeration Represents the options of Delta XYZ.
ModlMotionOptions Enumeration Represents the options of Motion.
MovePoleBuilderMoveMethodType Enumeration Move Pole types
MovePoleBuilderWCSDirectionType Enumeration WCS direction
MultiDraftAngleOption Enumeration Represents the angle option.
OnPathDimensionBuilderUpdateReason Enumeration The type of update to perform
OrientXpressBuilderAxis Enumeration the active axis option
OrientXpressBuilderPlane Enumeration the active plane option
OrientXpressBuilderReference Enumeration the option for reference csys
OrientXpressTestBuilderAxis Enumeration the active axis options
OrientXpressTestBuilderAxisBlock Enumeration the options to show or hide the axis block
OrientXpressTestBuilderPlane Enumeration the active plane options
OrientXpressTestBuilderPlaneBlock Enumeration the options to show or hide the plane block
OrientXpressTestBuilderReferenceBlock Enumeration the options to show or hide the reference block
OrientXpressTestBuilderTypes Enumeration the test types
OrientationMethodBuilderOrientationOptions Enumeration This enum represents the orientation option.
ParentEquivalencyMapStatus Enumeration enum for map status
ParentEquivalencyMapType Enumeration enum for map type
PartModuleInputBuilderModifiableGeometryOptions Enumeration the Modifiable Geometry option types
PatternClockingClockingType Enumeration type of pattern clocking to transform individual instances
PatternClockingBuilderClockingType Enumeration type of pattern clocking to transform individual instances
PatternDefinitionPatternEnum Enumeration pattern types available.
PatternFillPatternFillOptions Enumeration This defines Fill Types
PatternIncrementItemOperationEnum Enumeration increment operation option.
PatternOrientationEnum Enumeration pattern orientation options for all pattern types.
PatternOrientationProjDirEnum Enumeration pattern follow face project direction options available.
PatternSpacingSpacingType Enumeration defines the type of spacing instances can have within a pattern.
PlayButtonsBuilderPlayModeValues Enumeration the different play modes available
PointSetAlignmentBuilderConstraintOptions Enumeration Constraint Options
PointsFromFileBuilderOptions Enumeration Coordinate option
PolygonPatternSizeOptions Enumeration defines polygon size options for polygon type pattern.
ProjectionOptionsDirectionType Enumeration This enum represents the projection direction types
QuadrilateralFrameBuilderSubtypes Enumeration Represents the quadrialteral frame subtypes
RadiusMethod Enumeration This enum represents the radius options
RebuildDegreeTypes Enumeration This enum represents the degree type when the Rebuild option menu is set to None.
RebuildRebuildTypes Enumeration This enum represents the Rebuild type.
RectangularFrameBuilderAnchorLocationType Enumeration Anchor location types
RectangularPatternSimplifiedLayoutTypes Enumeration defines simplified layout type for linear pattern.
RectangularPatternStaggerOptions Enumeration defines any stagger to be defined on the pattern.
ReduceSurfaceRadiusBuilderFaceSelectionSpecification Enumeration Specify the face selection type.
ReduceSurfaceRadiusBuilderReduceValueTypeSpecification Enumeration Specify the reduction method.
ReduceSurfaceRadiusBuilderReducedFaceTypeSpecification Enumeration Specify three ways to do preview.
RefitControlBuilderRefitControlDirection Enumeration Refit direction
RefitControlBuilderRefitControlMethod Enumeration Refit method
RegionTrackerExtremityType Enumeration This enum represents the type of edge extremity.
ScalingMethodBuilderBlendingFunctionTypes Enumeration This enum represents the blending function type, if the scaling by BlendingFunction is selected.
ScalingMethodBuilderScalingOptions Enumeration This enum represents the scaling method option.
SelectDividingObjectBuilderIsoparametricDirectionType Enumeration Represents the direction of isoparametric curve
SelectDividingObjectBuilderToolType Enumeration Represents the Dividing Tool types
ShapeFrameBuilderAnchorAttachmentType Enumeration Represents the anchor attachment type
SimpleDraftSimpleDraftType Enumeration This enum represents the kind of simple_draft
SmartVolumeProfileBuilderCloseProfileRuleType Enumeration the type of profile closures to be performed
SpineDefinitionBuilderMethodOptions Enumeration Options to define a spine
SpinePointDataParameterType Enumeration Parameter type
SpiralPatternOrientType Enumeration This defines spiral direction method
SpiralPatternSpiralDefineSize Enumeration This defines size spiral type
SplineExtensionBuilderExtensionOption Enumeration Spline extension options
StartHoleDataHoleForms Enumeration This enum represents hole form options in start plate of hole series.
StepOptionBehaviorStepOptionType Enumeration Step Faec options
StyledSweepReferenceMethodBuilderReferenceOptions Enumeration This enum represents the orientation reference option.
SupportPlaneDataLockPlaneStatus Enumeration Represents support plane lock status for associative basic curves
SurfaceRangeBuilderAnchorPositionType Enumeration Represents the anchor position type
TransformerDataObjectType Enumeration Type of objects.
TransitionCurveBuilderTangentDirections Enumeration Tangent direction options
TransitionLawNodeBuilderTransitionType Enumeration Represents a transition type at a law node.
TriangularFrameBuilderSubtypes Enumeration Represents the triangular frame subtypes
Type Enumeration This enum represents the kind of offset