NXOpen.Weld Package


AutoPoint Class This class will automatically create weld points from selected components
AutoPointBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.AutoPointBuilder builder
AutoWeldSymbolsBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.AutoWeldSymbolsBuilder builder
CharacteristicsBuilder Class This builder allows you to define the attribute values to be set on the output of the weld feature.
CharacteristicsSelectionBuilder Class This builder allows you to define the attribute values to be set on the output of the weld feature.
CharacteristicsValueBuilder Class The object containing the information about the attribute to be placed on the output of the weld feature.
CompoundWeld Class Represents a compound weld feature.
CompoundWeldBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.CompoundWeld builder.
ConnectedFaceFinderBuilder Class Represents a builder to run the Connected Face Finder operation.
ConnectedPart Class Represents weld connected part to customize the retrieval of connected part information.
ConnectionFinderBuilder Class Represents a builder to display, manage, delete, and allow the user to reparent face information for the weld objects.
CustomManager Class Represents weld interface to customize the creation of welding joint features.
DatumCommonBuilder Class Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.DatumSurface or NXOpen.Weld.DatumPin feature.
DatumIconBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.DatumIconBuilder class used to control the part navigator icon for Datum Pin and Surface Locators.
DatumPin Class Represents a Weld Datum Pin feature
DatumPinBuilder Class Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.DatumPin feature.
DatumSurface Class Represents a Weld Datum Surface feature
DatumSurfaceBuilder Class Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.DatumSurface feature.
EasyPatternBuilder Class Represents the easy pattern builder.
EdgePrep Class Represents a Weld Edge Prep feature
EdgePrepBuilder Class A builder used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.EdgePrep feature.
EdgePrepValuesBuilder Class Used to view or edit the values used to define the welding joint and edge preparation.
ExportWeldBuilder Class Represents a ExportWeldBuilder class
ExportWeldJointBuilder Class Represents exporting weld joints.
Extract Class Represents a Linked Feature created in the Weld Assistant.
Fill Class Represents a Weld Fill feature
Fillet Class Represents a Weld Fillet Feature.
FilletBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.Fillet builder.
Groove Class Represents a WeldGroove feature.
GrooveBuilder Class Represents a Groove Weld feature
IFeature Class Represents a Weld Assistant or Structure Welding created feature
InformationBuilder Class This class is used by Fabrication Information to output fabrication objects information.
JointExitBuilder Class Used to set custom edge preparation parameters of a NXOpen.Weld.WeldJoint feaure.
JointItemBuilder Class Used to create or edit a Weld.WeldJoint feature.
JointItemBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
Jointmark Class Represents a Weld Jointmark Feature.
JointmarkBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.Jointmark builder
JointmarkElement Class Represents a Weld.
JointmarkFaceSetsBuilder Class Used to create or edit a set of faces for Jointmark
JointmarkFaceSetsBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
JointmarkGuideBuilder Class Used to create or edit a guide curve for Jointmark.
JointmarkGuideBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
JointmarkPointsBuilder Class Used to create or edit a point in the list of points for Jointmark
JointmarkPointsBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
LocatorReferenceBuilder Class This class is used by Locator Reference to add the additional component for a weld datum DF.
PlugSlot Class create a PlugSlot feature for Weld
PlugSlotBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.PlugSlot builder
PointMark Class Represents a Weld PointMark Feature.
PointMarkBuilder Class Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.PointMark feature.
PointMarkPoint Class Represents a Weld.
PointMarkPointBuilder Class Used to create or edit a point in the list of points for Jointmark
SelectDatumPin Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectDatumSurface Class Represents a single object selection.
StructureWeldBuilder Class This class is used to create or edit the information shared among all Structure Weld builders.
SurfaceWeld Class Represents a surface weld feature
SurfaceWeldBuilder Class Use to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.SurfaceWeld feature.
UserDefinedWeld Class Represents a User Defined Weld feature.
UserDefinedWeldBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.UserDefinedWeldBuilder builder.
WeldAdvisorBuilder Class Represents a weld advisor test
WeldBead Class Represents a Weld Bead feature
WeldBeadBuilder Class Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.WeldBead feature.
WeldBeadPathBuilder Class Represents the path the bead shape will be swept along.
WeldBeadPathBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
WeldBeadSizeBuilder Class This builder is used to define the bead shape.
WeldBeadSizeBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
WeldCpdUtils Class Provides methods for access a WeldCpdUtils class object in NX.
WeldFillBuilder Class A builder used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.Fill feature.
WeldFillStripBuilder Class A builder used to create or edit a single strip of the NXOpen.Weld.WeldFillBuilder.
WeldFillStripBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
WeldGroove Class Represents a Weld Groove Feature
WeldGrooveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.WeldGroove builder
WeldImportBuilder Class Creates Weld features by reading a csv file
WeldJoint Class Represents a weld joint feature
WeldJointBuilder Class Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Weld.WeldJoint feature.
WeldLabelBuilder Class Create weld labels for multiple welds and BIW locators, this builder’s Commit can produce more than one object, the GetCommittedObjects can be used to get the objects and the order of GetCommittedObject’s output array is stable.
WeldManager Class Manages weld features and assistant tools.
WeldObjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.WeldObjectBuilder class used to collect welding objects created or edited from a command.
WeldPmiBuilder Class Create PMI symbols for multiple structure welds, this builder’s Commit can produce more than one object, the GetCommittedObjects can be used to get the objects and the order of GetCommittedObject’s output array is stable.
WeldPoint Class Represents a WeldPoint feature.
WeldPointBuilder Class Represents a Spot Weld feature
WeldPointExitBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.WeldPointExitBuilder class used to pass welding object from the Weld Point command to a user callback.
WeldPreferenceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Weld.WeldPreferenceBuilder builder


AutoPointBuilderInterferenceDetails Enumeration Settings to indicate whether an interference is near an existing weld point.
AutoPointBuilderTypes Enumeration Settings to indicate whether new features should be created, or if features will be reused.
CharacteristicsBuilderType Enumeration The custom type of the datum specified for creation.
CharacteristicsValueBuilderType Enumeration Settings to indicate the type of value contained in the attribute.
ConnectionFinderBuilderFilterTypes Enumeration Filter values to control Save All processing.
DatumCommonBuilderControlMethodTypes Enumeration Settings for the method used to define the control direction.
DatumCommonBuilderCreationDirectionMethods Enumeration Settings to define the creation direction.
DatumCommonBuilderCustomTypes Enumeration The custom type of the datum specified for creation.
DatumCommonBuilderSolidTypes Enumeration Settings for defining the solid type to create for the datum object.
DatumSurfaceBuilderTypes Enumeration Settings to indicate the construction type used for the datum surface.
EasyPatternBuilderHemMethodTypes Enumeration Indicates the method to use to compute the hem vector location.
EasyPatternBuilderPlaneMethodTypes Enumeration The plane to cut sections in to determine placement measurement patterns.
EasyPatternBuilderSpacingMethodTypes Enumeration Indicates whether planes should be cut a grid lines, or if a single plane should be used.
EasyPatternBuilderTypes Enumeration Controls the type of pattern.
EdgePrepValuesBuilderApply Enumeration Option to indicate how the values are to be updated.
EdgePrepValuesBuilderOption Enumeration Option to indicate how the values are to be used.
ExportWeldBuilderAttributeOriginType Enumeration the Attribute Origin enum
ExportWeldBuilderOutputType Enumeration the Output Type enum
FilletBuilderEnumConstructionMethod Enumeration the options for which construction method to use.
FilletBuilderEnumContour Enumeration the Contour enum.
FilletBuilderEnumExtendEdges Enumeration the options for populating the edge selections.
FilletBuilderEnumExtensionMethod Enumeration the Extension enum.
FilletBuilderEnumSkipWeldMethod Enumeration the Skipweld enum.
FilletBuilderEnumWeldingType Enumeration the WeldingType enum.
InformationBuilderAttributeOriginType Enumeration the Object Type enum
JointExitBuilderBodySide Enumeration Settings to indicate the side the positions should be applied to.
JointExitBuilderPositions Enumeration Settings to indicate the desired position of edge preporation thickness and angle.
JointmarkBuilderConnectedPanelTypes Enumeration The type of sheets to create
JointmarkBuilderMethod Enumeration The type of construction method for creating Jointmark
JointmarkBuilderOrientationMethodTypes Enumeration The type of orientation method for defining the default coordinate system.
JointmarkBuilderProjectionDirectionOptions Enumeration The projection direction used to project points onto the reference sheet
JointmarkBuilderReferenceSheetTypes Enumeration The type of sheets to create
JointmarkGuideBuilderLocation Enumeration The type of guide curve
JointmarkGuideBuilderSpaceMethod Enumeration Options for Spacing Method
JointmarkGuideBuilderSpaceOption Enumeration Spacing Option
JointmarkPointsBuilderPointPosition Enumeration The point classification
OutputType Enumeration Settings for output type
PlugSlotBuilderArcProcessEnum Enumeration arc process for the weld feature
PlugSlotBuilderEnumContour Enumeration contour type
PointMarkBuilderWeldTypes Enumeration The weld type to create.
SurfaceWeldBuilderDestinationTypes Enumeration The option specifying where the surface weld feature should be created.
UserDefinedWeldBuilderWeldTypes Enumeration Weld types for 4GD classes.
WeldAdvisorCheckerType Enumeration the type of checker
WeldAdvisorCustomerDefault Enumeration the customer default value types
WeldArcMethod Enumeration Settings for output type
WeldAttribType Enumeration the type of attribute
WeldBeadBuilderBeadLocationMethod Enumeration Settings to indicate the desired location of the bead.
WeldBeadBuilderOutputTypes Enumeration Settings to indicate the update behaviour of the bead feature
WeldBeadBuilderTypes Enumeration Settings to indicate the sweep shape of the bead.
WeldBeadPathBuilderOffsetMethodType Enumeration Settings to indicate the desired offset method.
WeldBeadSizeBuilderSize Enumeration Settings to indicate which standard size to use from the customer defaults file.
WeldBeadSizeBuilderTriangleMethodType Enumeration Settings to indicate the type of method used to build a triangle shape.
WeldBeadSizeBuilderTriangleTypes Enumeration Settings to indicate the type of triangle.
WeldContourShape Enumeration Top contour shape
WeldCreationDirection Enumeration the type of creation direction
WeldCustom Enumeration Settings for output solid type
WeldDatumControlDirection Enumeration the control direction for datum
WeldFacesetIndex Enumeration the index of user picked face sets
WeldFeatureOutput Enumeration Feature output
WeldFeatureSetType Enumeration the feature set types
WeldFillBuilderBoundaryMethodType Enumeration Defines whether the initial boundary of the fill pattern is defined by a two point rectangle or a curve.
WeldFillBuilderWidthAlongType Enumeration Defines the direction the fill strip’s length is aligned
WeldGrooveBuilderContour Enumeration The options for Contour Type
WeldGrooveBuilderEdge Enumeration A value indicating whether the edges have been prepared
WeldGrooveBuilderPrepare Enumeration The type of edges to be prepared
WeldGrooveBuilderSkipWeldMethod Enumeration The options for creating Skip Weld
WeldGrooveBuilderTaper Enumeration The type of Taper Method
WeldGrooveBuilderTypes Enumeration The types of Groove to create
WeldGrooveExtension Enumeration Groove Extension Type
WeldGrooveShape Enumeration Groove Weld Section type
WeldGrooveType Enumeration Groove Creation Type
WeldGroupIdColor Enumeration the group id color indexes
WeldJointBuilderApplication Enumeration Application where joints are created.
WeldJointBuilderCoordinateSystem Enumeration Coordinate system specification.
WeldJointBuilderDestinationTypes Enumeration Where to create new joints.
WeldJointBuilderSplitTypes Enumeration Joint splitting options.
WeldJointBuilderTypes Enumeration Creation method.
WeldJointBuilderWeldTypes Enumeration Weld types.
WeldLabelBuilderOrientationPlaneType Enumeration This represents the Orientation Plane Type.
WeldMeasurementSizeMethod Enumeration the size method for measurement
WeldObjectBuilderCommandName Enumeration Commands that a callback will be invoked after dialog completion.
WeldOverlapStatus Enumeration the create status for overlap
WeldParasetLocation Enumeration the index of user picked refsheet location
WeldPmiBuilderOrientationPlaneType Enumeration This represents the Orientation Plane Type.
WeldPointDirection Enumeration Spot direction
WeldPointExitBuilderCommandName Enumeration The command name used for the newly created features.
WeldPointExitBuilderMethodUsed Enumeration The method use to create the features.
WeldPointExtendMethod Enumeration Offset curve extend method
WeldPointLocation Enumeration Settings locating spot welds using guide curves/edges
WeldPointMethod Enumeration Settings for method
WeldPointReferenceSheetType Enumeration Settings for the reference sheet
WeldPointSpacingMethod Enumeration Guide spacing method
WeldPrepareEdges Enumeration Settings for prepare edges
WeldProjectionMethod Enumeration Settings project method type
WeldRootUpdate Enumeration Arc process type
WeldSelectionType Enumeration the type of selction
WeldSpacingCalcMethod Enumeration Settings spacing method type
WeldTaperMethod Enumeration Settings for groove taper method


JointExitBuilderFilletSizes_Struct Struct The structure for defining fillet weld lengths.
LogInfo Struct Represents entity and its log message
WeldJointBuilderJointMidPointData_Struct Struct Joint evaluation information at the mid point.
WeldObjectBuilderFeatureInfo_Struct Struct
Structure used to identify if each feature is newly created or edited.
WeldPointExitBuilderFeatureInfo_Struct Struct
Structure used to identify newly created features.