NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign Package


AllAroundVision Class Represents an all-around vision feature
AllAroundVisionBuilder Class A NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.AllAroundVisionBuilder used to create or edit a vehicle design NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.AllAroundVision feature.
BaseDataBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataBuilder.
BaseDataDriverBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataDriverBuilder.
BaseDataImportExportBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataImportExportBuilder builder used to import and export expressions from and to a spreadsheet.
BaseDataLoadingBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataLoadingBuilder.
BaseDataLoadingWheelBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataLoadingWheelBuilder.
BaseDataPassengerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataPassengerBuilder.
BaseDataWheelBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BaseDataWheelBuilder.
BumperPendulum Class Represents a bumper pendulum feature
BumperPendulumBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.BumperPendulum builder
CloseRangeBlindVolumeListItemBuilder Class Represents the builder to create blind volume list item used for close range visibility.
CloseRangeCameraListItemBuilder Class Represents the builder to create camera list item used for close range visibility.
CloseRangeCameraListItemBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
CloseRangeDemoCylinderListItemBuilder Class Represents the builder to create demo cylinder list item used for close range visibility.
CloseRangeDemoCylinderListItemBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
CloseRangeVisibility Class Represents a close range visibility feature
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilder Class The builder to create close range visibility feature.
CrashBarrier Class Represents a crash barrier feature
CrashBarrierBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.CrashBarrier builder to create and edit a vehicle design crash barrier.
DynamicCurb Class Represents a dynamic curb feature
DynamicCurbBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.DynamicCurb builder
GroundClearance Class Represents a ground clearance feature.
GroundClearanceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.GroundClearance builder.
HeadImpact Class Represents a head impact feature.
HeadImpactAPillar Class Represents a head impact a-pillar feature.
HeadImpactAPillarBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactAPillarBuilder.
HeadImpactAPillarDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactAPillarDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactAPillarWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactAPillarWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactBPillar Class Represents a head impact b-pillar feature.
HeadImpactBPillarBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactBPillarBuilder.
HeadImpactBPillarDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactBPillarDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactBPillarWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactBPillarWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactBuilder.
HeadImpactFrontHeader Class Represents a head impact front header feature.
HeadImpactFrontHeaderBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactFrontHeaderBuilder.
HeadImpactFrontHeaderDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactFrontHeaderDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactFrontHeaderWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactFrontHeaderWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactOPillar Class Represents a head impact side rail feature.
HeadImpactOPillarBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactOPillarBuilder.
HeadImpactOPillarDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactOPillarDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactOPillarWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactOPillarWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactOtherRail Class Represents a head impact additional side rail feature.
HeadImpactOtherRailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactOtherRailBuilder.
HeadImpactOtherRailDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactOtherRailDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactOtherRailWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactOtherRailWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactRPillar Class Represents a head impact rear pillar feature.
HeadImpactRPillarBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactRPillarBuilder.
HeadImpactRPillarDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactRPillarDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactRPillarWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactRPillarWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactRearHeader Class Represents a head impact rear header feature.
HeadImpactRearHeaderBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactRearHeaderBuilder.
HeadImpactRearHeaderDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactRearHeaderDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactRearHeaderWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactRearHeaderWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactSideRail Class Represents a head impact side rail feature.
HeadImpactSideRailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactSideRailBuilder.
HeadImpactSideRailDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactSideRailDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactSideRailWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactSideRailWizardBuilder.
HeadImpactUpperRoof Class Represents a head impact upper roof feature.
HeadImpactUpperRoofBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactUpperRoofBuilder.
HeadImpactUpperRoofDetailBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactUpperRoofDetailBuilder.
HeadImpactUpperRoofWizardBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HeadImpactUpperRoofWizardBuilder.
HoodVisibility Class Represents a hood visibility spline feature
HoodVisibilityBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.HoodVisibility builder
InnerAngle Class Represents an inner angle feature
InnerAngleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.InnerAngle builder, used to create or edit inner angle feature.
Manikin Class Represents a manikin automotive feature
ManikinBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.Manikin builder
MirrorCertification Class Represents a mirror certification feature.
MirrorCertificationBuilder Class A NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.MirrorCertificationBuilder used to create or edit a vehicle design NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.MirrorCertification feature.
OilPan Class Represents a oil pan feature
OilPanBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.OilPan builder to create and edit a vehicle design oil pan.
PedestrianProtection Class Represents a pedestrian protection feature
PedestrianProtectionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.PedestrianProtection builder
PendulumPlacementBuilder Class This builder allows you to define the pendulum placement information for bumper pendulum features in vehicle design.
ReflectionData Class Represents a reflection data feature
ReflectionDataBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.ReflectionData builder
SeatBeltAnchorage Class Represents a seat belt anchorage feature
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilder Class Represents a Features.VehicleDesign.SeatBeltAnchorage builder
Slope Class Represents a Slope feature
SlopeBuilder Class The builder to create slope feature.
StaticCurb Class Represents a static curb feature
StaticCurbBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.StaticCurb builder used to create or edit static curb feature
TireEnvelope Class Represents a tire envelope feature
TireEnvelopeBuilder Class Represents a builder that is used to edit or create a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.TireEnvelope.
VehicleCoordinateSystem Class Represents a vehicle coordinate system feature
VehicleCoordinateSystemBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.VehicleCoordinateSystem builder
VisionPlane Class Represents a vision plane feature.
VisionPlaneBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.VisionPlane builder used to create or edit a Vision Plane.
WheelCovering Class Represents a wheel covering feature
WheelCoveringBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.WheelCovering feature builder for wheel covering surface section checking.
WheelFixing Class Represents a wheel fixing feature
WheelFixingBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.WheelFixing builder used to create or edit a vehicle design wheel fixing.
WindshieldDatum Class Represents a windshield datum feature.
WindshieldDatumBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.VehicleDesign.WindshieldDatum builder used to create or edit a Windshield Datum.


AllAroundVisionBuilderTypes Enumeration Used to indicate the type of obstructing geometry to use.
AllAroundVisionBuilderWindowTypes Enumeration Used to indicate the type of geometry used to define the window.
BaseDataImportExportBuilderExportOptions Enumeration This enum represents the option to indicate if the expressions are to be exported to a new item or an existing item in Teamcenter.
BaseDataImportExportBuilderOperateOptions Enumeration This enum represents the import or export operate options
BaseDataLoadingBuilderLoadingType Enumeration This enum represents the vehicle loading types.
BaseDataLoadingWheelBuilderDataDefinitionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the options to define the wheel position.
BaseDataPassengerBuilderSeatDirectionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the options to define the passenger’s seat direction type.
BaseDataWheelBuilderPositionDefinitionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the options to define the wheel position.
BumperPendulumBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the bumper pendulum.
BumperPendulumBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration Represents the visualization types of the output.
CloseRangeCameraListItemBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the camera definition options to define the close range visibility.
CloseRangeDemoCylinderListItemBuilderValidateTypes Enumeration This enum represents the simple or detailed checking options to validate demo cylinders visibility.
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilderEyePointOffsetTypes Enumeration This enum represents the eye position offset options.
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilderEyePointTypes Enumeration This enum represents the binocular or monocular eye position definition options.
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilderPathPositionTypes Enumeration This enum represents the cylinder path position display options.
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilderPositionMethods Enumeration This enum represents the cylinder position method options.
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilderPositionPaths Enumeration This enum represents the cylinder position path options.
CloseRangeVisibilityBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration This enum represents the standard or user defined requirement options.
CrashBarrierBuilderCrossPositionType Enumeration Represents the cross position types.
CrashBarrierBuilderOverlapSideType Enumeration Represents the overlap side types for the front and rear barriers.
CrashBarrierBuilderPositionObjectType Enumeration Represents the position object types.
CrashBarrierBuilderRequirementsControlsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the crash barrier.
CrashBarrierBuilderShapeType Enumeration Represents the shape types.
CrashBarrierBuilderSideOverlapSideType Enumeration Represents the overlap side types for side barrier.
CrashBarrierBuilderSidePositionType Enumeration Represents the position types for side barrier.
DynamicCurbBuilderMethodType Enumeration Represents the type of inner line to create dynamic curb.
DynamicCurbBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the dynamic curb positions.
DynamicCurbBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the dynamic curb.
DynamicCurbBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration Represents the visualization types of the output.
DynamicCurbBuilderWheelType Enumeration Represents the type of the wheel size option for dynamic curb.
GroundClearanceBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the ground clearance positions.
GroundClearanceBuilderRequirementControls Enumeration This enum represents the standard or user defined requirement options for ground clearance.
GroundClearanceBuilderSectionCurveType Enumeration Represents the type of under axle section curve type to create ground clearace.
GroundClearanceBuilderSurfaceLengthType Enumeration Represents the type of general surface length to create ground clearace.
GroundClearanceBuilderVisualizationTypes Enumeration This enum represents the output definition options.
GroundClearanceBuilderWheelType Enumeration Represents the type of the wheel size option for ground clearance.
HeadImpactAPillarDetailBuilderMeasurementMethodType Enumeration Represents the measurement methods used to position point 1.
HeadImpactBuilderCalculationType Enumeration Represents the calculation types.
HeadImpactBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types.
InnerAngleBuilderCalculationMethodType Enumeration Represents the calculation method types to calculate inner angle output.
InnerAngleBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the inner angle.
InnerAngleBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration Represents the visualization types of the output.
InnerAngleBuilderWheelSizeType Enumeration Represents the wheel size types to calculate inner angle output.
ManikinBuilderClassificationType Enumeration the vehicle classification type
ManikinBuilderPositionType Enumeration the vehicle seat position type
ManikinBuilderSAEPercentileType Enumeration the vehicle percentile type
ManikinBuilderStandardType Enumeration the vehicle standard type
MirrorCertificationBuilderDriverSideStandardsType Enumeration Used to indicate the standard for the driver mirror.
MirrorCertificationBuilderEyeFromOptionType Enumeration Used to indicate what part the eye is from.
MirrorCertificationBuilderEyeMethodType Enumeration Used to indicate the method to calculate the eye location based on the distance from the eyellipse to the mirror pivot.
MirrorCertificationBuilderEyePointMethodType Enumeration Used to indicate the method to define the eye point.
MirrorCertificationBuilderEyellipsePercentileType Enumeration Used to indicate the eyellipse percentile that is used in mirror certification.
MirrorCertificationBuilderInsideStandardsType Enumeration Used to indicate the standard for the inside mirror.
MirrorCertificationBuilderInstructionFieldPositionType Enumeration Used to indicate the postion where the instruction field will be.
MirrorCertificationBuilderInstructionFieldsType Enumeration Used to indicate the shape type of the instruction field.
MirrorCertificationBuilderLocationType Enumeration Used to indicate the mirror location.
MirrorCertificationBuilderMirrorOrientationType Enumeration Used to indicate the method to rotate mirror.
MirrorCertificationBuilderMirrorSurfaceType Enumeration Used to indicate the mirror surface type.
MirrorCertificationBuilderPassengerSideStandardsType Enumeration Used to indicate the standard for the passenger mirror.
MirrorCertificationBuilderShowVisionConeType Enumeration Used to indicate what vision cone will be shown.
OilPanBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the oil pan positions.
OilPanBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the oil pan.
OilPanBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration Represents the visualization types of the output.
PedestrianProtectionBuilderFont Enumeration Settings for font to create the various output with
PedestrianProtectionBuilderStandardType Enumeration Settings for the type of pedestrian protection standard to use in the study
PedestrianProtectionBuilderTransformMethods Enumeration Settings for the transform method of pedestrian protection active hood system
PedestrianProtectionBuilderTypes Enumeration Settings for the type of pedestrian protection impact study
PedestrianProtectionBuilderWad Enumeration Settings for the start, end and boundary wrap around distance line to create
PedestrianProtectionBuilderWidth Enumeration Settings for width to create the various output with
PendulumPlacementBuilderLocationType Enumeration This enum represents the pendulum placement location options.
PendulumPlacementBuilderPendulumProfileType Enumeration This enum represents the pendulum placement profile options.
PendulumPlacementBuilderPositionMethodType Enumeration This enum represents the pendulum placement method options.
PendulumPlacementBuilderSideType Enumeration This enum represents the pendulum placement side options.
ReflectionDataBuilderResolutionType Enumeration the resolution type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderATLType Enumeration the show ATL type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderAnchorageLocationTypes Enumeration the seat belt anchorage location type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderLOneLimitType Enumeration the lone limit type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderLTwoLimitType Enumeration the ltwo limit type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderLowerAreaType Enumeration the lower area type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderLowerLimitType Enumeration the lower limit type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderRoutingTypes Enumeration the seat belt routing type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderSeatPositionTypes Enumeration the seat position type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderSeatTypes Enumeration the seat type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderStandardTypes Enumeration the standard type
SeatBeltAnchorageBuilderUpperAreaType Enumeration the upper area type
SlopeBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the slope positions.
SlopeBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the slope.
SlopeBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration Represents the visualization types of the output.
SlopeBuilderWheelSizeType Enumeration Represents the wheel size types to calculate slope output.
StaticCurbBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the static curb positions.
StaticCurbBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the static curb.
StaticCurbBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration Represents the visualization types of the output.
TireEnvelopeBuilderDriverGraphOption Enumeration Settings to indicate the driver definition to use with the MacPherson Strut suspension template.
TireEnvelopeBuilderEnvelopeOffsetMethod Enumeration Settings to indicate how the offset will be defined.
TireEnvelopeBuilderMotionMethod Enumeration Settings to indicate how the suspension system motion will be defined.
TireEnvelopeBuilderSpindleFileLocationOption Enumeration Settings to indicate the location to select the spindle file.
TireEnvelopeBuilderSuspensionTemplateType Enumeration Settings to indicate the defined suspension template to use.
TireEnvelopeBuilderTireDefinitionOption Enumeration Settings to indicate how the tire profile will be defined.
VehicleCoordinateSystemBuilderTypes Enumeration Vehicle Coordinate System type
VisionPlaneBuilderCustomVisionAngle Enumeration Represents the vision angle type to define the Vision Plane.
VisionPlaneBuilderEnumEyeType Enumeration Represents the eye definition type to define the Vision Plane.
WheelCoveringBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the wheel covering positions.
WheelCoveringBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the wheel covering.
WheelCoveringBuilderSurfacePlaneType Enumeration Represents the type of the surface plane.
WheelCoveringBuilderSurfaceSectionType Enumeration Represents the type of the surface section.
WheelFixingBuilderObjectPositionType Enumeration Represents the object position used to indicate if the wheel fixing is positioned at the theoretically widest dimension of the wheel (diameter) or exactly at the wheel geometry of the base data.
WheelFixingBuilderPositionType Enumeration Represents the wheel fixing positions.
WheelFixingBuilderRequirementsControlType Enumeration Represents the requirements control types to define the wheel fixing.
WheelFixingBuilderShapeType Enumeration Represents the shape used to indicate if the wheel fixing is a block or a circle segment.
WheelFixingBuilderWheelSizeType Enumeration Represents the wheel size used to indicate if the wheel fixing is based on static radius or the diameter of the wheels.
WindshieldDatumBuilderCustomVisionAngle Enumeration Represents the vision angle type to define the Windshield Datum.
WindshieldDatumBuilderEnumEyeType Enumeration Represents the eye definition type to define the Windshield Datum.