NXOpen.Features.SheetMetal Package


AdvancedFlange Class Represents an advanced flange feature
AdvancedFlangeBuilder Class Represents a Sheetmetal Advanced Flange builder class.
AeroFlangeBuilder Class Represents a Aerospace Sheet Metal Flange Builder.
AeroFlatPatternBuilder Class Represents a Flat Pattern feature builder.
AeroFlatSolidBuilder Class Represents a Flat As Solid feature builder.
AeroJoggleBuilder Class Represents a Aerospace Sheet Metal Joggle Builder.
AeroLighteningCutoutBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SheetMetal.AeroLighteningCutoutBuilder
AeroReformBuilder Class Represents a Aerospace Sheet Metal REFORM Builder.
AeroSheetmetalManager Class Provides methods for manipulating the Knowledge Fusion rules in a part
AeroUnformBuilder Class Represents a Aerospace Sheet Metal UNFORM Builder.
BeadBuilder Class Represents a Bead feature builder.
BendBuilder Class Represents a Bend feature builder.
BendOptions Class Represents a Sheetmetal Bend Options class.
BendTaperBuilder Class Represents a Bend Taper feature builder
BreakCornerBuilder Class Represents a break corner feature builder.
BridgeTransitionBuilder Class Represents a Bridge Transition builder
CleanUpUtilityBuilder Class Represents a Clean-Up Utility builder builder
ClosedCornerBuilder Class Represents a Closed corner feature builder.
ContourFlangeBuilder Class Represents a Contour Flange feature builder.
ConvertToSheetmetalBuilder Class This is the feature builder for the convert to sheetmetal feature.
CornerTreatmentBuilder Class The CornerTreatmentBuilder class is used to manage a builder object for a corner treatment in the flat solid and flat pattern dialogs.
DimpleBuilder Class Represents a Dimple feature builder.
DrawnCutoutBuilder Class Represents a Drawn Cutout feature builder.
EdgeRipBuilder Class Represents a Edge Rip feature builder.
EditBendBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.EditBend builder
EditCornerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SheetMetal.EditCornerBuilder
ExportFlatPatternBuilder Class Represents a Export flat pattern builder.
FlangeBuilder Class Represents a Flange feature builder.
FlatPatternBuilder Class Represents a Flat Pattern feature builder.
FlatSolidBuilder Class Represents a Flat As Solid feature builder.
FlexibleCableBuilder Class Represents a Flexible Cable feature builder.
FlexibleCableSegment Class Represents a Flexible Cable Segment class.
GussetBuilder Class Represents a NX Sheet Metal NXOpen.Features.Gusset builder
HemFlangeBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.HemFlange builder
JogBuilder Class Represents a Jog feature builder.
Joggle Class Represents a joggle feature
JoggleBuilder Class Represents a Sheetmetal joggle builder class.
JoggleInputListItemBuilder Class Represents a Sheetmetal joggle input list item builder class.
JoggleInputListItemBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
JoggleSideOptionsBuilder Class Represents a Sheetmetal Joggle side Options class.
LighteningCutout Class Represents a lightening cutout feature
LighteningCutoutBuilder Class Represents a Features.SheetMetal.LighteningCutout builder
LoftedFlangeBuilder Class Represents a Lofted Flange feature builder.
LouverBuilder Class Represents a louver feature builder.
MetaformBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.Metaform builder
MigratedPanelBuilder Class Represents an I-DEAS Migrated Panel feature builder
MiterOptions Class Represents a Miter Data Options builder.
NormalCutoutBuilder Class Represents a NormalCutout feature builder.
RebendBuilder Class The Rebend feature class.
ResizeBendAngleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.ResizeBendAngle builder
ResizeBendRadiusBuilder Class Represents a ResizeBendRadius feature builder.
ResizeNeutralFactorBuilder Class Represents a Resize Neutral Factor Builder
SMBoundaryConditionBuilder Class Represents a Boundary condition object for Metaform.
SMBoundaryConditionBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
SheetMetalFromSolidBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SheetMetalFromSolid builder (Sheet Metal from Solid).
SheetmetalBaseBuilder Class Represents a Sheet Metal Feature Builder to be used in the creation and modification of features.
SheetmetalManager Class Represents an object that manages sheetmetal features
SolidPunchBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Features.SheetMetal.SolidPunchBuilder
TabBuilder Class Represents a Tab feature builder.
ThreeBendCornerBuilder Class The Three Bend Corner feature class.
UnbendBuilder Class The Unbend feature class.


AdvancedFlangeBuilderInsets Enumeration This enum defines the material types
AdvancedFlangeBuilderLengthReferences Enumeration This enum defines the flange length dimension types
AdvancedFlangeBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum defines the type options.
AeroFlangeBuilderCompType Enumeration This method defines the types of Flange Compensation
AeroFlangeBuilderDimType Enumeration This enum defines the flange length dimension types
AeroFlangeBuilderDirType Enumeration This enum defines the type of direction vector
AeroFlangeBuilderEndType Enumeration This enum defines the ends of a bend edge
AeroFlangeBuilderLengthType Enumeration This enum defines the length type options.
AeroFlangeBuilderMatType Enumeration This enum defines the material types
AeroJoggleBuilderSideType Enumeration This enum defines the side of a twin joggle only side1 is used for a single joggle
AeroLighteningCutoutBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the cutout type.
ApplicationContext Enumeration This is the enum representing application context of the feature
BeadBuilderCrossSectionTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the cross section type options for the Bead.
BeadBuilderEndTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the end type options for the Bead.
BeadBuilderHeightSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the depth direction for the Bead.
BendBuilderBendDirectionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Bend Direction for Bend.
BendBuilderBendLocationOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Bend Location (Material Side) for Bend.
BendBuilderFixedSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Fixed Side for Bend.
BendOptionsBendReliefTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the bend relief type.
BendOptionsCornerReliefTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the corner relief type.
BendTaperBuilderBendTaperInputMethod Enumeration This enum represents the input methods for the bend taper.
BendTaperBuilderBendTaperSides Enumeration This enum represents the taper sides options for the bend taper.
BendTaperBuilderBendTaperType Enumeration This enum represents the bend taper types for the bend taper.
BendTaperBuilderChainingType Enumeration This enum represents the chaining options for the bend taper.
BendTaperBuilderStartType Enumeration This enum represents the start types for the bend taper.
BendTaperBuilderWebTaperType Enumeration This enum represents the web taper types for the bend taper.
BreakCornerBuilderTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the break corner type.
BridgeTransitionBuilderFoldTransitionTypeOptions Enumeration Enum representing the type of Features.SheetMetal.BridgeTransitionBuilderTypeOptions.Fold.
BridgeTransitionBuilderInsetOptions Enumeration Enum representing the side of the Bridge Transition material with respect to the specified tangent plane.
BridgeTransitionBuilderTypeOptions Enumeration Enum representing types for Bridge Transition feature.
BridgeTransitionBuilderWidthDirectionOptions Enumeration Enum representing the width direction for the Bridge Transition.
BridgeTransitionBuilderWidthOptions Enumeration Enum representing width option types for Bridge Transition feature.
ClosedCornerBuilderClosureTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents Corner Closure type
ClosedCornerBuilderOriginTypes Enumeration This enum represents Origin type
ClosedCornerBuilderTreatmentTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents Corner treatment type
ClosedCornerBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the feature types.
ContourFlangeBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section in which material is created.
ContourFlangeBuilderSweepSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side in which the contour flange will be swept.
ContourFlangeBuilderSweepTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the sweep type of the contour flange
ConvertToSheetmetalBuilderBendReliefTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the bend relief type.
CornerTreatmentBuilderCornerTreatmentType Enumeration Corner Treatment Type
DimpleBuilderDepthTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the depth direction for the dimple.
DimpleBuilderDimensionTypeOptions Enumeration the Dimension options for dimple.
DimpleBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section that the dimple punches material.
DimpleBuilderSidewallTypeOptions Enumeration the side walls material option.
DrawnCutoutBuilderDepthTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the depth direction for the drawn cutout.
DrawnCutoutBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section that the drawn cutout punches material.
DrawnCutoutBuilderSidewallTypeOptions Enumeration The side walls material option.
EditCornerBuilderBendClosureTypeOptions Enumeration This enum specifies the type of bend closure required at the corner.
EditCornerBuilderCornerReliefTypeOptions Enumeration This enum specifies the type of relief required at the corner.
EditCornerBuilderPlateClosureTypeOptions Enumeration This enum specifies the type of plate closure required at the corner.
ExportFlatPatternBuilderDxfRevisionType Enumeration Specifies the DXF Revisions for flat pattern export
ExportFlatPatternBuilderFileType Enumeration Specifies the flat pattern export type
FeatureProperty Enumeration This is a common enum that comprises of values to be used for various features.
FlangeBuilderInsetTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the inset type for the material of the flange.
FlangeBuilderLengthTypeOptions Enumeration This enum indicates the two ways that the flange length can be measured.
FlangeBuilderMatchFaceOptions Enumeration This enum represents the match face option for the flange.
FlangeBuilderOffsetTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the offset type for the flange.
FlangeBuilderWidthTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the width type for the flange.
FlatSolidBuilderTransformComponentsOption Enumeration The enum defines how to represent PCB components on flat solid.
FlexibleCableBuilderBendAngleDirectionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the bend angle direction for the bend segment.
FlexibleCableBuilderPathAdjustmentAngleDirectionOptions Enumeration This enum represents the path adjustment angle direction for the bend segment.
FlexibleCableBuilderSegmentTypeOptions Enumeration Represents the Flexible Cable segment options.
GussetBuilderPlacementTypes Enumeration This enum represents the different options for placing an automatic profile Gusset.
GussetBuilderShapes Enumeration This enum represents the two different shapes for Gusset.
GussetBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the two Gusset Feature types.
GussetBuilderWidthSides Enumeration This enum represents the different options for thickening the user defined profile Gusset.
HemFlangeBuilderBendReliefOptions Enumeration This enum represents the Bend relief type of the hem flange.
HemFlangeBuilderInsetTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the inset type for the material of the hem flange.
HemFlangeBuilderTypeOptions Enumeration Represents the Hem Flange type.
JogBuilderBendLocationOptions Enumeration Represents the bend location type.
JogBuilderDimensionTypeOptions Enumeration the Dimension options for jog.
JogBuilderDirectionTypeOptions Enumeration this enum represents the direction for the Jog.
JogBuilderFixedSideOptions Enumeration The left option represents the side to the left of a person who is walking along the section in the direction of its curves when the section normal is pointing up.
JoggleBuilderLimitTypes Enumeration This enum defines the limit types
LighteningCutoutBuilderCutoutType Enumeration Represents the type of Lightening Cutout
LoftedFlangeBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section that the lofted flange creates thickness.
LouverBuilderDepthSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the depth side for the louver.
LouverBuilderEndTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the end type for the louver.
LouverBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section that the louver width is measured.
MiterOptionsClosedCornerTypeOptions Enumeration the closed corner type options.
MiterOptionsCornerTreatmentOriginTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents corner treatment cutout origin type
MiterOptionsPositionOptions Enumeration the miter positions options.
MiterOptionsTypeOptions Enumeration the miter type options.
NormalCutoutBuilderCutTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the cut type for the normal cutout.
NormalCutoutBuilderDepthSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the depth direction for the normal cutout.
NormalCutoutBuilderDepthTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the depth type for the normal cutout.
NormalCutoutBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section that the normal cutout removes material.
NormalCutoutBuilderTypeOptions Enumeration Represents the type of the normal cutout - sketch type OR 3D-curve type
ResizeBendRadiusBuilderBendReliefTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the bend relief type.
ResizeBendRadiusBuilderTypes Enumeration This enum represents the feature types.
SMBoundaryConditionBuilderConstraintTypes Enumeration Types of Boundary condition constraints
SheetmetalBendState Enumeration Bend State
SheetmetalFaceLayer Enumeration Face Layer
SheetmetalFaceType Enumeration Face Type
SheetmetalManagerFlangeWidthOption Enumeration Flange width option
SheetmetalManagerTabSweepDir Enumeration This enum is for Tab sweep direction flag.
SheetmetalManagerTabType Enumeration This is the enum for Tab type i.
SolidPunchBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the punch type
TabBuilderSectionSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the side of the section that the dimple punches material.
TabBuilderThicknessSideOptions Enumeration This enum represents the extent direction for the Tab.
ThreeBendCornerBuilderOriginTypes Enumeration This enum represents Origin type
ThreeBendCornerBuilderTreatmentTypeOptions Enumeration This enum represents the corner treatment type.


SheetmetalBendParameters Struct This structure contains the bend parameters for a Sheet Metal bend area.