NXOpen.CAE.Optimization Package


DAOConstraint Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAOConstraint.
DAOConstraintBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAOConstraintBuilder.
DAOConstraintCollection Class Represents the collection of optimization solution design constraint
DAODesignVariable Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAODesignVariable.
DAODesignVariableBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAODesignVariableBuilder.
DAODesignVariableCollection Class Represents the collection of optimization solution design variable
DAOObjective Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAOObjective.
DAOOptimizationManager Class Represents the Design and Analysis optimization manager that contains all optimization objects.
DAOSolution Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAOSolution.
DAOSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAOSolutionBuilder.
DAOSolutionCollection Class Represents the collection of optimization solution
DAOStopCondition Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.DAOStopCondition.
NameDescription Class  
TBSBaseDesignVariableBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSDesignVariable
TBSCastCondition Class Represents the manufacturing restrictions of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSTopologyRestrictArea
TBSCheckDOF Class Represents the restriction of dispacement in the coordinate direction of the referenced coordinate system
TBSConstraint Class Represents the design constraint, which is defined with NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSDesignVariable
TBSConstraintBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSConstraint
TBSConstraintCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSConstraint
TBSDesignArea Class Represents the design area
TBSDesignResponse Class Represents the design response referenced by NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSConstraint and NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSObjectives
TBSDesignResponseBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSDesignResponse
TBSDesignVariable Class Represents the design variable referenced by NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSConstraint and NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSObjectives
TBSDesignVariableBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSDesignVariable
TBSDesignVariableCollection Class Represents a collection of CAE.Optimization.TBSDesignVariable
TBSEigenvalueOptimizationParameters Class Represents the parameters to control an eigenvalue optimization
TBSGroupDefinition Class Represents a group of nodes or elements
TBSIOptimizationTest Class Represents an interface to perform optimization test
TBSLoadCase Class Represents the load case
TBSLoadCaseManager Class Managers load cases
TBSMeshSmooth Class Represents the mesh smooth
TBSObjectives Class Represents the objective functions of an optimization
TBSOptimizationManager Class Represents the optimization manager to contain the optimization solutions and take charge of creating optimization objects
TBSOptimizationParameters Class Represents the parameters to control an optimization
TBSOptimizationSolution Class Represents the solution to contain optimization setting
TBSOptimizationSolutionBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSOptimizationSolution.
TBSOptimizationSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSOptimizationSolution
TBSOutputControlOptions Class Represents the output result control options of the optimization
TBSRestrictArea Class Represents the restrictions for the design variable in an optimization
TBSRestrictAreaBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSRestrictArea
TBSRestrictAreaCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSRestrictArea
TBSShapeLinkCondition Class Represents the definition of link condition for shape restriction
TBSShapeOptimizationParameters Class Represents the control parameters of shape optimization
TBSShapeOptimizationSolution Class Represents a shape optimization solution
TBSShapeOptimizationSolutionBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSShapeOptimizationSolution.
TBSShapeRestrictArea Class Represents the restrictions of the design variable in Shape optimization
TBSShapeRestrictAreaBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSShapeRestrictArea
TBSSingleObjective Class Represents a single objective
TBSSmooth Class Represents the parameters that control the generation of surfaces by optimization
TBSSmoothBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSSmooth.
TBSSmoothCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSSmooth
TBSStopCondition Class Represents the condtion to end an optimization
TBSTestFunction Class Represents a test displacement for shape optimization or bead optimization
TBSTopologyControllerOptimizationParameters Class Represents the parameters to control an optimization in controller strategy
TBSTopologyLinkCondition Class Represents the definition of symmetry and link conditions for topology optimization
TBSTopologyOptimizationSolution Class Represents the topology optimization solution
TBSTopologyOptimizationSolutionBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSTopologyOptimizationSolution.
TBSTopologyRestrictArea Class Represents the restrictions of the design variable in topology optimization
TBSTopologyRestrictAreaBuilder Class Represents the builder of NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSTopologyRestrictArea
TBSTopologySensitivityOptimizationParameters Class Represents the parameters to control an optimization in sensitivity strategy


Category Enumeration Represents the category type
DAODesignVariableBuilderVariable Enumeration Represents the design variable type
Geometry Enumeration Represents the geometry type
Goal Enumeration Represents the goal type
Hookes Enumeration Represents the Hooke’s location
Limit Enumeration Represents the limit type
Response Enumeration Represents the specific variable
Solver Enumeration Represents the optimization solution solver type
TBSBaseDesignVariableBuilderGroupOperator Enumeration Defines the operator type to determine the design variable that used within the selection area
TBSCastConditionMiddlePlaneType Enumeration Defines the middle plane type
TBSCheckDOFCheckDofOption Enumeration Represents the status of displacement restriction
TBSConstraintBuilderConstraintOption Enumeration Defines the constraint type
TBSConstraintBuilderMagnitudeType Enumeration Defines the type of constraint value
TBSDesignResponseBuilderResponse Enumeration Defines the design response type
TBSGroupDefinitionDefinitionType Enumeration Represents the definition method of a group
TBSGroupDefinitionGroupElementType Enumeration Represents the type of group elements
TBSLoadCaseLayerOption Enumeration Defines the location for calcuating shell stresses
TBSLoadCaseManagerSelectionType Enumeration Defines the selection of the loadcase
TBSMeshSmoothStrategy Enumeration Specify the strategy of mesh smooth
TBSObjectivesObjectiveType Enumeration Defines the target type of the design objective
TBSOptimizationSolutionResultStatus Enumeration Define the status of optimization result
TBSOptimizationSolutionBuilderStrategyType Enumeration Defines the optimization strategy
TBSOutputControlOptionsOp2Option Enumeration Defines the op2 output option
TBSShapeLinkConditionManufacturingOption Enumeration Defines the type of link condition
TBSShapeOptimizationParametersDisplacementStepsize Enumeration the step size option for incrementing the displacement during the optimization operation
TBSSmoothBuilderFormat Enumeration Defines the output file format of surface representation
TBSSmoothBuilderIsoType Enumeration Specifies the content saved to the output files
TBSSmoothBuilderOriginalSurfaceSmoothingOption Enumeration Defines if the original surface is to be smoothed or remain unchanged
TBSSmoothBuilderResultFiltering Enumeration Defines if the element material values are to be filtered before the isocut
TBSSmoothBuilderSelfIntersectionCheckingOption Enumeration Defines if the self-itersection checks are to be performed during the isocut, smoothing and data reduction
TBSSmoothBuilderSliceFormatOption Enumeration Defines how to save slices
TBSTestFunctionDirection Enumeration the direction of test displacements
TBSTopologyControllerOptimizationParametersAutoFrozen Enumeration Defines the automatic fromzen strategy
TBSTopologyControllerOptimizationParametersSpeed Enumeration Specifies the step size of increment
TBSTopologyControllerOptimizationParametersVolumeDefinitionMethod Enumeration Represents the definition of volume that can be removed immediatedly in the first design cycle
TBSTopologyLinkConditionAxisType Enumeration Represents the axis of the symmetry coordinate system
TBSTopologyLinkConditionSymmetryOption Enumeration Defines the type of link condition
TBSTopologyRestrictAreaBuilderCheckTypeOption Enumeration Defines the type of restriction
TBSTopologySensitivityOptimizationParametersDensityUpdate Enumeration the method defines how the densities are updated in the method of moving asymptotes
TBSTopologySensitivityOptimizationParametersMaterialInterpolation Enumeration the relationshp between relative density and relative element stiffness


TBSCheckDOFDofSettings_Struct Struct the displacement restriction settings on three axial directions of referenced coordinate system