NXOpen.Assemblies Package


AbsolutePositionBuilder Class Represents a builder class that absolutely positions the specified objects.
Arrangement Class Manages the suppression of NXOpen.Assemblies.Component`s within a    :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.ComponentAssembly.
ArrangementCollection Class a collection of arrangements
ArrangementsBuilder Class Represents an arrangements builder that selects an arrangement
AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilder Class Represents an NXOpen.Assemblies.AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilder to be used for changing the general properties of a component.
AssembliesParameterPropertiesBuilder Class Represents an NXOpen.Assemblies.AssembliesParameterPropertiesBuilder to be used for changing the name or modifying the positioning mixture status of a component.
Assembly Class Assembly class
AssemblyManager Class Represents the Assembly Manager
AttributeSearchTerm Class An attribute search term within a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe.
AttributeSearchTermBuilder Class An AttributeSearchTermBuilder is used to create or edit an NXOpen.Assemblies.AttributeSearchTerm.
BoxSearchTerm Class A volume search term within a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe.
BoxSearchTermBuilder Class A BoxSearchTermBuilder is used to create or edit an NXOpen.Assemblies.BoxSearchTerm.
ClearanceAnalysisBuilder Class Represents NXOpen.Assemblies.ClearanceAnalysisBuilder.
ClearanceSet Class Represents NXOpen.Assemblies.ClearanceSet.
ClearanceSetCollection Class Represents NXOpen.Assemblies.ClearanceSetCollection.
Component Class Represents a component in a NXOpen.Assemblies.ComponentAssembly.
ComponentAssembly Class Represents the set of :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.Component`s that make up an assembly.
ComponentGroup Class Represents a Component Group that is defined within an Assembly.
ComponentGroupCollection Class
Contains a collection of Component Groups a NXOpen.Assemblies.ComponentGroup that are defined within an Assembly part.
ComponentOrder Class Represents an order object that stores the order of child NXOpen.Assemblies.Component`s in context       of parent :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.ComponentAssembly.
ComponentPattern Class Represents the component pattern class.
ComponentPatternBuilder Class Represents a builder class that performs various NXOpen.Assemblies.ComponentPattern operations.
ComponentPatternCollection Class Represents the collection object for all component patterns.
ConstraintDisplayBuilder Class The NXOpen.Assemblies.ConstraintDisplayBuilder can be used to control visibility of constraints and optionally components.
CreateNewComponentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder builder class.
CreateOverridePartBuilder Class Represents a builder class that creates empty override part in the specified design elements.
DeleteOverridePartBuilder Class Represents a builder class that deletes override part in the specified design elements.
DesignElementBuilder Class Represents a builder class that performs various design element operations.
ExplicitSearchTerm Class A NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe search term that refers explicitly to a design element.
ExplodedComponent Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.Component within an explosion.
Explosion Class Represents an explosion.
ExplosionCollection Class Represents a collection of explosions
FindInCollaborativeDesign Class FindInCollaborativeDesign is a searcher for performing simple searches in the context of a subset.
GroupSearchTerm Class A group of NXOpen.Assemblies.SearchTerm`s within a :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe.
HideComponentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.HideComponentBuilder
LoadInterpartDataBuilder Class Represents a builder:py:class:NXOpen.Assemblies.LoadInterpartDataBuilder
MakeUniquePartBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.MakeUniquePartBuilder builder.
MechanicalRoutingSubsetBuilder Class A MechanicalRoutingSubsetBuilder is used to create/edit Subsets NXOpen.Assemblies.Subset that are used to define the context needed to perform a Mechanical Routing Design activity.
Order Class Represents base class for all Order classes.
OrderCollection Class a collection of :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.Order`s
Partition Class A partition is a Teamcenter object in a Collaborative Design.
PartitionList Class Represents a list of objects.
PartitionScheme Class A partition scheme is a Teamcenter object in a Collaborative Design.
PartitionSearchTerm Class A Assemblies.SubsetRecipe search term that refers to a partition.
PatternInstance Class Represents the pattern instance object.
PatternMaster Class Represents the pattern master object.
PatternMember Class Represents the pattern member object.
PlaneSearchTerm Class A plane search term within a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe.
PlaneSearchTermBuilder Class A PlaneSearchTermBuilder is used to create or edit an NXOpen.Assemblies.PlaneSearchTerm.
PositioningGroup Class Represents the class for positioning group.
PositioningGroupBuilder Class Represents builder class for positioning group which is used to store constraints for design element.
PositioningTask Class Represents the class for positioning task.
PositioningTaskBuilder Class Represents the class for positioning task builder
ProductOutlineBuilder Class Represents a builder NXOpen.Assemblies.ProductOutlineBuilder.
ProductOutlineManager Class Represents a collection of assemblies.
ProximitySearchTerm Class A proximity search term within a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe.
ProximitySearchTermBuilder Class A ProximitySearchTermBuilder is used to create or edit an Assemblies.BoxSearchTerm.
RelinkerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.RelinkerBuilder
RelinkerCollection Class Represents a collection of relinker
ReplaceComponentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.ReplaceComponentBuilder builder.
RunContentProximitySearchTerm Class A proximity search term within a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetRecipe.
RunContentProximitySearchTermBuilder Class A RunContentProximitySearchTermBuilder is used to create or edit an Assemblies.RunContentProximitySearchTerm.
SearchResultCollection Class A collection of :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.SearchResultElement`s.
SearchResultElement Class A search result element can be produced as the result of a search performed in the context of a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetBuilder.
SearchTerm Class A search term is used to specify a search for the contents of a NXOpen.Assemblies.Subset.
SearchTermBuilder Class A SearchTermBuilder is used to create or edit an NXOpen.Assemblies.SearchTerm.
SelectComponent Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectComponentList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
ShowComponentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Assemblies.ShowComponentBuilder
Subset Class A subset is a set of design elements within a collaborative design.
SubsetBuilder Class A SubsetBuilder is used to create or edit an NXOpen.Assemblies.Subset.
SubsetCollection Class Represents a collection of subset.
SubsetConfigurationBuilder Class A SubsetConfigurationBuilder is used to edit the revision rule and effectivity used to configure the contents of the subset.
SubsetRecipe Class A subset recipe is used by a NXOpen.Assemblies.SubsetBuilder to collect :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.SearchTerm`s.
UpdateDesignElementPositionBuilder Class Represents the builder class that updates positions of the DE’s(Shape/Reuse) or Subordinates with override that are out of date.
UpdateStructureBuilder Class Represents a builder NXOpen.Assemblies.UpdateStructureBuilder.
WaveQuery Class Provides information about the inter-part relations (e.g. WAVE, inter-part expressions) in a NX model.


AssembliesChildRevisionOptions Enumeration Child revision options
AssembliesEventTypes Enumeration NX Event types
AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilderHiddenOptions Enumeration Options for managing the hidden property on the components
AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilderLayerOptions Enumeration Layer options for the components
AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilderQuantityOptions Enumeration Options for assigning the quantity on the components
AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilderReferenceComponentOptions Enumeration Options for setting the reference-only property on the components
AssembliesParameterPropertiesBuilderArrangementOptions Enumeration The positioning mixture status options
BoxSearchTermBoxOverlapLogicType Enumeration Logic used to determine the type of inclusion used in a box search term within a recipe.
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderCalculationMethodType Enumeration Specify the analysis method.
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderClearanceBetweenEntity Enumeration Specify the type of clearance analysis.
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderClearanceZoneSource Enumeration Specify the source of the clearance zone
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderCollectionRange Enumeration Specify how to compare objects inside a collection.
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderNumberOfCollections Enumeration Specify the number of collections used for clearance analysis.
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderPairExcludedReason Enumeration Specify the reason for excluding the pair
ClearanceAnalysisBuilderZoneType Enumeration Specify the clearance zone type.
ClearanceSetCopyMode Enumeration Specify the dataset copy mode
ClearanceSetInterferenceType Enumeration Specify the type of interference
ClearanceSetJobStatus Enumeration Specify the job aborted status
ClearanceSetPenetrationDepthResult Enumeration The result of penetration depth calculation
ClearanceSetReanalyzeOutOfDateExcludedPairs Enumeration Specify whether to reanalyze out-of-date excluded pairs.
ClearanceSetReanalyzePairCalculationMethod Enumeration The analysis method to use when reanalyzing a pair.
CollaborativeContentType Enumeration Represents the collaborative content type corresponding to this component
ComponentRepresentationMode Enumeration Representation status of a component
ComponentAssemblyCheckinCheckoutOption Enumeration Check in and Check out options for components
ComponentAssemblyCloseModified Enumeration Indicates how close component should handle component parts when they are modified
ComponentAssemblyOpenComponentStatus Enumeration Open Component Status
ComponentAssemblyOpenOption Enumeration Open options for open_components
ComponentAssemblyOrderTargetLocation Enumeration Option controls whether reordered NXOpen.Assemblies.Component`s are placed         before or after the target :py:class:`NXOpen.Assemblies.Component
ComponentAssemblySubstitutionMode Enumeration Defines how a component substitution operation is performed.
ComponentAssemblySuppressedState Enumeration Defines the component supression states.
ComponentQuantity Enumeration Represents the component quantity type of the component
ConstraintDisplayBuilderVisibleConstraintsRuleOptions Enumeration This enum is used to control which constraints are treated as connected to the selected components.
CreateNewComponentBuilderComponentCamType Enumeration Set the origin type
CreateNewComponentBuilderComponentLayerOptionType Enumeration Set the layer option type
CreateNewComponentBuilderComponentOriginType Enumeration Set the cam component type
CreateNewComponentBuilderComponentReferenceSetType Enumeration Set the reference set
DegreesOfFreedomResult Enumeration The overall result of the degrees of freedom calculation reported in NXOpen.Assemblies.DegreesOfFreedom.
DegreesOfFreedomStatus Enumeration The status of a rotation point, rotation axis or translation direction reported in NXOpen.Assemblies.DegreesOfFreedom.
DesignElementBuilderEditActionType Enumeration Represents the edit action on a design element
DesignElementBuilderLayerOptionType Enumeration Represents the layer option of a design element
DesignElementBuilderOperationType Enumeration Represents an operation type that can be performed on a design element
DesignElementBuilderPositioningOption Enumeration Represents the positioning option of a design element.
DesignElementBuilderReferenceSetType Enumeration Represents the reference set of a design element
DesignElementBuilderSaveAsActionType Enumeration Represents the save as action on a design element
DesignElementBuilderStateType Enumeration Represents the state of a design element
FindInCollaborativeDesignObjectType Enumeration The type of object for which the search is performed.
FindInCollaborativeDesignSearchType Enumeration The attribute against which the search text is matched.
LoadInterpartDataBuilderOpenUnloadedParentsType Enumeration Represents the load interpart parent level types
LoadInterpartDataBuilderSelectionScopeType Enumeration Represents the load interpart selection scope types
MakeUniquePartBuilderOption Enumeration Represents possible copy assembly options for unique part
MechanicalRoutingSubsetBuilderSurroundingDataRecipeMethod Enumeration Represents the method to use to determine the surrounding data corresponding to the routing design content that has been loaded.
OrderState Enumeration Represents whether an order is saved or not
OrderType Enumeration Represents the type of an order
PlaneSearchTermPlaneOverlapLogicType Enumeration Logic used to determine the type of inclusion used in a plane search term within a recipe.
PositionOverrideType Enumeration Represents the type of the positioning override on the component
PositioningGroupStatus Enumeration Represents the position status of positioning group
ProductOutlineBuilderLineFont Enumeration Represents the line font types
RelinkerBuilderLinkCategory Enumeration Represents the link category of Relinker, either geometry WAVE link or interpart expression.
RelinkerBuilderLinkOption Enumeration Represents the relink option.
RelinkerBuilderLinkScope Enumeration Represents the relink scope type of Relinker.
RelinkerBuilderLinkType Enumeration Represents the link type option when browsing current available links.
ReplaceComponentBuilderComponentLayerOption Enumeration Represents possible layer option for replacement part
ReplaceComponentBuilderComponentNameOption Enumeration Represents possible component name option for replace operation
ReplaceComponentBuilderComponentReferenceSet Enumeration Represents possible reference set for replacement part
SearchTermSearchTermLogicType Enumeration Logic used to determine how a search term is used within a recipe.
SubsetContentType Enumeration Represents the content type for a subset.
SubsetPartitionViewStyleType Enumeration Represents the type of partition view style to show for a subset.


ClearanceSetSummary_Struct Struct Summary of the most recent Clearance Analysis results
DegreesOfFreedom Struct Structure used to report the Degrees of Freedom of a component.