Solid Edge Part Type Library
Project Overview
Solid Edge Part Type Library
Class ModuleDescription
AdjustableDefinitionAdjustable Definition object.
AssemblyWeldmentRepresents an insert weldment feature created from an assembly.
AssemblyWeldmentsA collection of AssemblyWeldment objects.
AttachedPropertiesRepresents a collection of AttachedProperty objects.
AttachedPropertyRepresents an occurrence of a custom property with values assigned for a specific topological element.
AttachedPropertyTableRepresents an occurrence of a PropertyTableDefinition object with values assigned for a specific topological element.
AttachedPropertyTablesRepresents a collection of AttachedPropertyTable objects.
BeadRepresents an occurrence of a bead feature in a Sheet Metal document.
BeadsRepresents a collection of Bead objects.
BendAn occurrence of a Bend feature in a Part document.
BendsA collection of Bend objects.
BendTableThe BendTable object represents an occurrence of a bend table in a Sheet Metal part.
BlankBlank Feature
BlanksBlanks collection
BlankSurfaceBlank Feature
BlankSurfacesBlanks collection
BlueSurfRepresents an occurrence of a curve created from existing sections or part edges.
BlueSurfsA collection of BlueSurf objects.
BodyFeatureRepresents the base feature object in the Features object collection, if a non Solid Edge file is opened in Solid Edge.
BooleanFeatureRepresents an occurrence of a Boolean feature in a Part of Sheet Metal document.
BooleanFeaturesRepresents a collection of BooleanFeature objects.
BreakCornerAn object that breaks thickness edges on a Sheet Metal part.
BreakCornersA collection of BreakCorner objects.
BSplineSurfacesCreate a BSpline Surface by poles, weights, knots...
ChamferAn occurrence of a Chamfer object.
ChamfersA collection of Chamfer objects.
ChangeBendAngleAn occurrence of Change Bend Angle feature.
ChangeBendAnglesA collection of Change Bend Angle object.
CloseCornerAn occurrence of a CloseCorner feature in a Sheet Metal part.
CloseCornersA collection of CloseCorner objects.
ConnectorOwnerStudy Owner Interface
ConstraintOwnerStudy Owner Interface
ConstructionModelThe ConstructionModel object represents a collection of all construction models for a part.
ConstructionsRepresents a collection of Construction objects.
ContourCurveRepresents an occurrence of a ContourCurve construction element.
ContourCurvesRepresents a collection of ContourCurve objects.
ContourFlangeAn occurrence of a Contour Flange feature in a Sheet Metal part.
ContourFlangesA collection of ContourFlange objects.
ConvToSMAn occurrence of Convert to Sheet Metal feature.
ConvToSMsA collection of Convert to Sheet Metal objects.
CoordinateSystemRepresents an occurrence of a user-defined coordinate system in a Part or Sheet Metal document.
CoordinateSystemsRepresents a collection of CoordinateSystem objects.
CopiedPartRepresents an occurrence of a CopiedPart feature.
CopiedPartsReturns the copied part collection.
CopyConstructionRepresents an occurrence of a Copy Construction construction element.
CopyConstructionsRepresents a collection of CopyConstruction objects.
CopySurfaceRepresents an occurrence of a CopySurface construction element.
CopySurfacesRepresents a collection of CopySurface objects.
CrossBrakeThe CrossBrake object represents an occurrence of a cross brake in a Sheet Metal part.
CrossBrakesThe CrossBrakes object represents an occurrence of a cross brake feature in a Sheet Metal document.
CrossCurveRepresents an occurrence of a CrossCurve feature in a Part document.
CrossCurvesRepresents a collection of CrossCurve objects.
CurveByTableRepresents an occurrence of a CurveByTable object.
CurvesByTablesRepresents a collection of CurveByTable objects.
DeleteBlendAn occurrence of a Delete Blend feature on a part.
DeleteBlendsRepresents a collection of Delete Blend features
DeleteFaceAn occurrence of a Delete Face feature on a part.
DeleteFacesRepresents a collection of Delete Face features
DeleteHoleAn occurrence of a Delete Hole feature on a part.
DeleteHolesRepresents a collection of Delete Hole features
DeleteRegionAn occurrence of a Delete Region feature on a part.
DeleteRegionsRepresents a collection of Delete Region features
DelSMFaceAn occurrence of Delete Sheet Metal Face feature.
DelSMFacesA collection of Delete Sheet Metal Face object.
DerivedCurveRepresents an occurrence of a curve that is derived from one or more input curves or edges.
DerivedCurvesRepresents a collection of DerivedCurve objects.
DimpleAn occurrence of a Dimple feature in a Sheet Metal part.
DimplesA collection of Dimple objects.
DividedPartRepresents an occurrence of a DividedPart in a Part document.
DividedPartsRepresents a collection of a DividedPart objects.
DraftA material treatment to an existing face or set of faces.
DraftsA collection of Draft objects.
DrawnCutoutAn occurrence of a DrawnCutout feature in a Sheet Metal part.
DrawnCutoutsA collection of DrawnCutout objects.
EdgebarFeaturesA collection of Edgebar Feature objects.
EtchAn occurrence of a Etch feature in a Sheet Metal part.
EtchesA collection of Etch objects.
ExtendSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of an extended surface feature.
ExtendSurfacesRepresents a collection of ExtendSurface objects.
ExtrudedCutoutA cutout with a profile that follows a linear, extruded path.
ExtrudedCutoutsA collection of ExtrudedCutout objects.
ExtrudedProtrusionA protrusion with a profile that follows a linear, extruded path.
ExtrudedProtrusionsA collection of ExtrudedProtrusion objects.
ExtrudedSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of an Extruded Surface construction element.
ExtrudedSurfacesRepresents a collection of ExtrudedSurface objects.
FamilyMemberRepresents an occurrence of a Family of Parts member in a Part or Sheet Metal document.
FamilyMembersRepresents a collection of FamilyMember objects.
FEAConnectorStudy Owner Interface
FEAConstraintStudy Owner Interface
FeatureGroupThe FeatureGroup object represents a collection of features contained in the group.
FeatureGroupsThe FeatureGroups object represents a collection of feature group objects.
FeaturesA collection of Feature objects.
FilletWeldRepresents an occurrence of a fillet weld in a Weldment document.
FilletWeldsRepresents a collection of FilletWeld objects.
FlangeAn occurrence of a Flange feature on a Sheet Metal part.
FlangesA collection of Flange objects.
FlatPatternFlatpattern feature
FlatPatternModelFlatpattern model collection
FlatPatternModelsFlatpattern models collection
FlatPatternsFlatpattern feature collection
GrooveWeldRepresents an occurrence of a Groove Weld in a Weldment document.
GrooveWeldsRepresents a collection of GrooveWeld objects.
GussetThe Gusset object represents an occurrence of a gusset feature in a Part or Sheet Metal document.
GussetsThe Gusset object represents an occurrence of a gusset feature in a Part or Sheet Metal document.
HelixCutoutAn occurrence of a Helix Cutout feature in a Part document.
HelixCutoutsA collection of HelixCutout objects.
HelixProtrusionAn occurrence of a Helix Protrusion feature in a Part document.
HelixProtrusionsA collection of HelixProtrusion objects.
HemThe Hem object represents an occurrence of a hem feature in a Part or Sheet Metal document.
HemsThe Hems object represents a collection of Hem objects.
HoleA type of cutout that uses a circular pattern.
Hole2dUsed to define the centers of holes on a profile that is used to define a Hole object.
HoleDataContains the characteristics of an associated Hole object.
HoleDataCollectionRepresents a collection of HoleData objects.
HolesA collection of Hole objects.
Holes2dA collection of Hole2d objects.
InterpartConstructionRepresents an occurrence of a InterpartCopy Construction construction element.
InterpartConstructionsRepresents a collection of InterpartConstruction objects.
IntersectionCurveRepresents an occurrence of an IntersectionCurve feature in a Part document.
IntersectionCurvesRepresents a collection of IntersectionCurve objects.
IntersectionPointRepresents an occurrence of an Intersection Point construction element.
IntersectionPointsRepresents a collection of IntersectionPoint objects.
IterationIteration Interface
IterationOwnerIteration Owner Interface
JogAn occurrence of a Jog feature in a Sheet Metal document.
JogsA collection of Jog objects.
KeyPointCurveRepresents an occurrence of a KeyPointCurve construction element.
KeyPointCurvesRepresents a collection of KeyPointCurve objects.
LabelWeldRepresents an instance of a Label Weld feature in a Weldment model.
LabelWeldDataRepresents an occurrence of weld symbology data.
LabelWeldDataCollectionRepresents a collection of LabelWeldData objects.
LabelWeldsA collection of LabelWeld objects.
LipAn occurrence of a Lip feature in a Part document.
LipsA collection of Lip objects.
LoadStudy Owner Interface
LoadOwnerStudy Owner Interface
LoftedCutoutAn occurrence of a Lofted Cutout feature in a Part document.
LoftedCutoutsA collection of LoftedCutout objects.
LoftedFlangeAn occurrence of a Lofted Flange in a Sheet Metal part.
LoftedFlangesA collection of LoftedFlange objects.
LoftedProtrusionAn occurrence of a Lofted Protrusion feature in a Part document.
LoftedProtrusionsA collection of LoftedProtrusion objects.
LoftedSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of a Lofted Surface construction element.
LoftedSurfacesRepresents a collection of LoftedSurface objects.
LouverAn occurrence of a Louver feature in a Sheet Metal part.
LouversA collection of Louver objects.
MeasureVariableMeasure variable object.
MeshControlStudy Owner Interface
MeshOwnerStudy Owner Interface
MidSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of an Mid Surface construction element.
MidSurfacesRepresents a collection of MidSurface objects.
MirrorCopiesA collection of MirrorCopy objects.
MirrorCopyAn occurrence of a Mirror Copy feature in a Part or Sheet Metal document.
MirrorCopyGeometriesThe MirrorCopyGeometries object represents a collection of MirrorCopyGeometry objects.
MirrorCopyGeometryThe MirrorCopyGeometry object represents an occurrence of a mirrored curve or surface in a Part document.
MirrorPartRepresents an occurrence of a Mirror Part feature in a Part document.
MirrorPartsRepresents a collection of MirrorPart objects.
ModeStudy Owner Interface
ModelRepresents a collection of features that define a single part.
ModelsA collection of Model objects.
ModesOwnerStudy Owner Interface
MountingBossAn occurrence of a mounting boss feature.
MountingBoss2dAn occurrence of a mounting boss profile.
MountingBoss2dCollectionA collection of MountingBoss2d objects.
MountingBossCollectionA collection of MountingBoss objects.
NormalCutoutA cutout with a profile that follows a linear, Normal path.
NormalCutoutsRepresents a collection of NormalCutout objects.
NormalToFaceCutoutA cutout with closed curves that follows a path normal to the faces on which the curves lie.
NormalToFaceCutoutsRepresents a collection of NormalToFaceProtrusion objects.
NormalToFaceProtrusionA protrusion with closed curves that follows a path normal to the faces on which the curves lie.
NormalToFaceProtrusionsRepresents a collection of NormalToFaceProtrusion objects.
OffsetEdgeOffset Edge Automation Object.
OffsetEdgesOffset Edges Automation Object.
OffsetSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of an Offset Surface construction element.
OffsetSurfacesRepresents a collection of OffsetSurface objects.
OptimizationOptimization Interface
OptimizationOwnerOptimization Owner Interface
OverPropStudy Owner Interface
PartDocumentThe data file that contains the geometry and properties for a single part.
PartFilletWeldRepresents an occurrence of a fillet weld in a Part document.
PartFilletWeldsRepresents a collection of PartFilletWeld objects.
PartGrooveWeldRepresents an occurrence of a Groove Weld in a Part document.
PartGrooveWeldsRepresents a collection of PartGrooveWeld objects.
PartingSplitAn occurrence of a parting split feature.
PartingSplitsA collection of PartingSplit objects.
PartingSurfaceAn occurrence of a parting surface feature.
PartingSurfacesA collection of PartingSurface objects.
PartLabelWeldRepresents an instance of a Label Weld feature in a Part model.
PartLabelWeldsA collection of LabelWeld objects.
PartStitchWeldRepresents an occurrence of a stitch weld in a Part document.
PartStitchWeldsRepresents a collection of PartStitchWeld objects.
PatternAn occurrence of a Pattern feature in a Part of Sheet Metal document.
PatternCopyGeometriesThe PatternCopyGeometries object represents a collection of PatternCopyGeometry objects.
PatternCopyGeometryThe PatternCopyGeometry object represents an occurrence of a patterned curve or surface in a Part document.
PatternPartAn occurrence of a pattern part feature.
PatternPartsA collection of PatternPart objects.
PatternsA collection of Pattern objects.
PlotStudy Owner Interface
PlotsOwnerStudy Owner Interface
ProfileOne or more endpoint-connected geometric elements that do not intersect with one another.
ProfilesA collection of Profile objects.
ProfileSetActs as the owner of a Profiles collection object.
ProfileSetsA collection of ProfileSet objects.
ProjectCurveRepresents an occurrence of a Project Curve feature.
ProjectCurvesRepresents a collection of ProjectCurves objects.
PropertyDefinitionRepresents an occurrence of a custom property available for a Part or Sheet Metal document.
PropertyDefinitionsRepresents a collection of PropertyDefinition objects.
PropertyTableDefinitionRepresents an occurrence of a set of custom properties available for a Part or Sheet Metal document.
PropertyTableDefinitionsRepresents a collection of PropertyTableDefinition objects.
PropOwnerStudy Owner Interface
RebendAn occurrence of a Rebend feature in a Sheet Metal part.
RebendsA collection of Rebend objects.
RefAxesA collection of RefAxis objects.
RefAxisDefines the axis of conical-based features.
RefPlaneA planar object that provides a flat surface on which to create a profile within profile-based features.
RefPlanesA collection of RefPlane objects.
ReleaseRelease Interface
ReleaseOwnerRelease Owner Interface
ReplaceFaceRepresents an occurrence of a ReplaceFace feature in a Part or Sheet Metal part.
ReplaceFacesRepresents a collection of ReplaceFace objects.
ResultsOwnerStudy Owner Interface
RevolvedCutoutA feature that is defined by using an open or closed profile that revolves about a reference axis.
RevolvedCutoutsA collection of RevolvedCutout objects.
RevolvedProtrusionA feature that is defined using an open or closed profile that revolves about an axis.
RevolvedProtrusionsA collection of RevolvedProtrusion objects.
RevolvedSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of a Revolved Surface construction element.
RevolvedSurfacesRepresents a collection of RevolvedSurface objects.
RibA feature that is defined by a profile curve that is projected to intersect a part.
RibsA collection of Rib objects.
RipEdgeAn occurrence of RipEdge feature.
RipEdgesA collection of RipEdge objects.
RoundA material treatment to an existing edge or set of edges.
RoundsA collection of Round objects.
SheetMetalDocumentThe data file that contains the geometry and properties for a single Sheet Metal part.
SimplifiedModelRepresents a collection of features that define a single simplified part.
SimplifiedModelsRepresents a collection of Simplified Models on a Document.
SketchRepresents an occurrence of a Sketch feature.
SketchsRepresents a collection of Sketch objects.
SplitCurveRepresents an instance of a split curve in a construction model.
SplitCurvesRepresents a collection of SplitCurve objects.
SplitFaceAn occurrence of a split face feature.
SplitFacesA collection of SplitFace objects.
StitchSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of a StitchSurface construction element.
StitchSurfacesRepresents a collection of StitchSurface objects.
StitchWeldRepresents an occurrence of a stitch weld in a Weldment document.
StitchWeldsRepresents a collection of StitchWeld objects.
StudyFEA Study
StudyOwnerStudy Owner Interface
SuppressVariableReturns the suppress variable object.
SurfaceByBoundariesReturns the SurfaceByBoundaries collection object.
SurfaceByBoundaryRepresents an occurrence of a surface defined by input edges.
SweptCutoutAn occurrence of a Swept Cutout feature in a Part document.
SweptCutoutsA collection of SweptCutout objects.
SweptProtrusionAn occurrence of a Swept Protrusion feature in a Part document.
SweptProtrusionsA collection of SweptProtrusion objects.
SweptSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of a Swept Surface construction element.
SweptSurfacesRepresents a collection of SweptSurface objects.
TabAn occurrence of a Tab feature on a Sheet Metal part.
TabsA collection of Tab objects.
ThickenRepresents an occurrence of a Thicken feature in a Part document.
ThickensA collection of Thicken objects.
ThinRepresents an occurrence of a Thin Region feature in a Part document.
ThinsA collection of Thin objects.
ThinwallRepresents an occurrence of a Thinwall feature in a Part document.
ThinwallsA collection of Thinwall objects.
ThreadAn occurrence of a Thread feature in a Part document.
ThreadsA collection of Thread objects.
TrimSurfaceRepresents an occurrence of a trim surface feature.
TrimSurfacesRepresents a collection of TrimSurface objects.
TubeFeatureRepresents the base feature in the Part environment that corresponds to the Tube object in the Assembly environment.
TubeFeaturesRepresents a collection of TubeFeature objects.
UnbendAn occurrence of an Unbend feature in a Sheet Metal part.
UnbendsA collection of Unbend objects.
UserDefinedPatternA mechanism for grouping features that is independent of the positioning of the features.
UserDefinedPatternsA collection of User-DefinedPattern objects.
VentAn occurrence of a Vent feature.
VentsA collection of Vent objects.
WebNetworkRepresents an occurrence of a Web Network feature in a Part document.
WebNetworksRepresents a collection of WebNetwork objects.
WeldBeadByExtrudedProtrusionRepresents an instance of a WeldExtrudedProtrusion feature in a Weldment model.
WeldBeadByExtrudedProtrusionsRepresents a collection of WeldBeadProtrusion objects.
WeldBeadByRevolvedProtrusionRepresents an instance of a WeldBeadByRevolvedProtrusion feature in a Weldment model.
WeldBeadByRevolvedProtrusionsRepresents a collection of WeldBeadByRevolvedProtrusion objects.
WeldBeadBySweptProtrusionRepresents an instance of a WeldBeadBySweptProtrusion feature in a Weldment model.
WeldBeadBySweptProtrusionsRepresents a collection of WeldBeadSweptProtrusion objects.
WeldBeadModelRepresents a collection of the WeldBead geometry within the associated Weldment document. The remaining geometry for the Weldment document can be accessed through the WeldPartModel object.
WeldBeadModelsRepresents a collection of WeldBeadModel objects.
WeldChamferRepresents an instance of a WeldChamfer feature in a Weldment model.
WeldChamfersRepresents a collection of WeldChamfer objects.
WeldExtrudedCutoutRepresents an instance of a WeldExtrudedCutout feature in a Weldment model.
WeldExtrudedCutoutsRepresents a collection of WeldExtrudedCutout objects.
WeldHoleRepresents an instance of a WeldHole feature in a Weldment model.
WeldHolesRepresents a collection of WeldHole objects.
WeldmentDocumentThe data file that contains the geometry and properties for a single Sheet Metal part.
WeldmentModelRepresents a collection of features that define a single weldment.
WeldmentModelsA collection of WeldmentModel objects.
WeldMirrorRepresents a collection of weldment features to be mirrored.
WeldMirrorsRepresents a collection of WeldMirror objects.
WeldPartModelRepresents a collection of the geometry (excluding weld beads) in a weldment document.
WeldPartModelsRepresents a collection of WeldPartModel objects.
WeldPatternRepresents a collection of weldment features to be patterned.
WeldPatternsRepresents a collection of WeldPattern objects.
WeldRevolvedCutoutRepresents an instance of a WeldRevolvedCutout feature in a Weldment model.
WeldRevolvedCutoutsRepresents a collection fo WeldRevolvedCutout objects.
WeldRoundRepresents an instance of a WeldRound feature in a Weldment model.
WeldRoundsRepresents a collection of WeldRound objects.
WireFeatureRepresents the base feature in the Part environment that corresponds to the Wire object in the Assembly environment.
WireFeaturesRepresents a collection of WireFeature objects.
Public Enumerations
AssemblyWeldmentOccurrencesOptionsConstantsAssembly Weldment Occurrences Options Constants
BendDirectionConstantsBend Direction Constants
BendFeatureConstantsBend Feature Constants
BlendShapeConstantsBlend Shape Constants
BooleanFeatureConstantsBoolean Feature Constants
CapturedRelationshipOffsetTypeConstantsCaptured Relationship Offset Type Constants
CapturedRelationshipTypeConstantsCaptured Relationship Type Constants
CleanProfileOptionsThe options available for cleaning profiles.
CloseCornerFeatureConstantsClose Corner Feature Constants
CoordinateSystemFeatureConstantsCoordinate System Feature Constants
CoordinateSystemOffsetTypeConstantsCoordinate System Offset type Constants
CoordinateSystemRotationTypeConstantsCoordinate System Rotation Type Constants
CoordinateSystemTypeConstantsCoordinate System Type Constants
CopySurfaceExternalBoundaryConstantsCopy surface external boundary options.
CopySurfaceInternalBoundaryConstantsCopy surface internal boundary options.
DeleteFaceConstantsDelete face options.
DerivedCurveTypeConstantsDerived Curve Type Constants
DimpleFeatureConstantsDimple Feature Constants
DividedPartCutDirectionConstantsDivided Part Cut Direction constants
DividedPartStatusConstantsDivided Part Status constants
DraftSideConstantsDraft side constants.
DrawnCutoutFeatureConstantsDrawn Cutout Feature Constants
ExtendSurfaceExtentTypeConstantsExtend Surface Extent Type Constants
FaceMoveConstantsFace Move Constants
FaceRotateConstantsFace Rotate Constants
FamilyMemberStatusConstantsFamily Member Status constants
FeaturePropertyConstantsPart Feature and Reference Element Properties
FeatureStatusConstantsPart Feature Status Constants
FeatureTypeConstantsPart Feature Object Type Constants
FilletWeldSetbackConstantsFillet Weld Setback Constants
FlangeFeatureConstantsFlange Feature properties
FlattenPatternModelTypeConstantsFlatten Pattern Model Type Constants
GussetConstantsGusset Constants
HemFeatureConstantsHem Feature Constants
HoleDataUnitsConstantsHole Data Units Constants
HoleTypeToDeleteConstantsHole Type To Delete Constants
IsoclineDirectionConstantsIsocline Curve Constants
JogFeatureConstantsJog Feature Constants
KeypointEndConditionConstantsKeypoint End Condition Constants
KeyPointExtentConstantsKey-point extent constants
LiveRulesConstantsLive Rules relations
LouverFeatureConstantsLouver Feature Constants
MeasureVariableTypeConstantsMeasure variable type constants
MeasureVariableValueConstantsMeasure variable value type constants
ModelingModeConstantsModeling mode for the referenced object.
OffsetSideConstantsOffset side constants.
PartBaseStylesConstantsPart Base Styles Constants
PartGlobalConstantsPart Global Constants
PatternCurveAnchorSideConstantsPattern curve anchor side constants.
PatternTransformRotateTypeConstantsPattern transformation rotate type constants.
PatternTransformTypeConstantsPattern transformation type constants.
PatternTypeConstantsPattern Type Constants
PhysicalPropertiesStatusConstantsPhysical Properties Status Constants
PMIModelStateConstantsEnumerates the model states – will be used to get PMI dimensions and annotations based on model state through the function PMI_ByModelState()
PointTypeConstantsPoint Type Constants
ProfileValidationTypeProfile Validation Types
PropertyFilterTypeConstantsProperty Filter Type Constants
PropertyTableConstantsProperty Table Constants
PropertyTypeConstantsProperty Type Constants
RayIntersectionEntityConstantsRay Intersection Entity Type Constants
ReferenceElementConstantsReference Element constants
RoundTypeConstantsRound type constants
RuledSurfaceDirectionConstantsRuled Surface direction constants
RuledSurfaceSideConstantsRuled Surface side constants
RuledSurfaceTypeConstantsRuled Surface type constants
SEPatternRecognitionLevelPattern Recognition Level
SheetMetalGlobalConstantsSheet Metal Global Constants
SurfaceByBoundaryConstantsSurface By Boundary options.
ThreadDiameterOptionConstantsThread Diameter Option
TreatmentCrownCurvatureSideConstantsCrown curvature side constants.
TreatmentCrownSideConstantsCrown side constants.
TreatmentCrownTypeConstantsCrown type constants.
TreatmentTypeConstantsTreatment type constants.
TrimSurfaceAreaSideConstantsTrim Surface Area Side Constants
VentDraftSideConstantsConstants that specify vent draft side.
VentExtentSideConstantsConstants that specify vent extent side.
VentExtentTypeConstantsConstants that specify vent extent type.
WebNetworkFeatureConstantsWebNetwork Feature Constants
WeldmentGlobalConstantsWeldment Global Constants
WeldmentLinkStatusConstantsWeldment Link Status Constants
WeldmentSectionTypeConstantsWeldment Section Type Constants