NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck Package


AlignShellElementNormalBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.AlignShellElementNormalBuilder builder used to align the normals of connected shell elements with a seed shell element.
DuplicateElementsCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.DuplicateElementsCheckBuilder to check for duplicate elements within the candidate elements.
DuplicateNodesCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.DuplicateNodesCheckBuilder to check for duplicate nodes within the candidate nodes.
ElementEdgeCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementEdgeCheckBuilder which can be used to detect free element edges or non-manifold edges.
ElementMaterialOrientationCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementMaterialOrientationCheckBuilder used to check the material orientation for shell and solid elements.
ElementQualityCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementQualityCheckBuilder to perform quality checking on the candidate elements.
ElementQualityCheckResults Class Represents the element quality checking result of NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementQualityCheckBuilder
ElementQualitySetting Class
Represents element quality check settings of a specified solver language. Each solve language has a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementQualitySetting. To get a quality check criteria value of a specfied quality test for one element, you can call NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementQualitySetting.LocateTestDescriptorName() to get the test criteria value name, then call NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementQualitySetting.GetQualityValue() to get the criteria value object.
ElementQualitySettingCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ElementQualitySetting in a cae part.
ElementSpecificTestValue Class
Represents the quality setting for a specfied element reference
ElementTestResult Class Represents quality checking result for an element.
FaceClearanceCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.FaceClearanceCheckBuilder to perform polygon face interference or clearance check.
ITestValue Class
Represents the quality check criteria value settings
ModelSetupCheckBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ModelSetupCheckBuilder which can be used to check if the active NXOpen.CAE.SimSolution contains all the necessary items for the analysis, including elements, loads, constraints and materials.
QualityTestValue Class
Represents quality test settings of a specified test type
ReverseShellElementNormalBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.ReverseShellElementNormalBuilder used to reverse normals for specified shell elements.
SolidElementFaceNormalBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ModelCheck.SolidElementFaceNormalBuilder used to reorient normals for left handed solid elements.
TestResult Class Represents quality checking result of a quality test
TestValueTypes Class
Represents the quality check criteria value settings


AlignShellElementNormalBuilderConnectedElementScope Enumeration the options to define the connection scope to the seed element for model checking
DuplicateElementsCheckBuilderDeletePreference Enumeration Represents the duplicate elements deleting preference
DuplicateNodesCheckBuilderListOption Enumeration Represents the duplicate nodes merging preference
DuplicateNodesCheckBuilderMergePreference Enumeration Represents the duplicate nodes merging preference
ElementEdgeCheckBuilderScope Enumeration the Scope over which the Computation of free/non-manifold edges with be done
ElementMaterialOrientationCheckBuilderMaterialOrientationType Enumeration the material orientation type
ElementQualityCheckBuilderOutputElements Enumeration indicates how to create output group
ElementQualityCheckBuilderReportFormat Enumeration indicates how to generate report
ElementQualitySettingLimitValue Enumeration indicates how criteria value is defined
ReverseShellElementNormalBuilderDisplayTypeValue Enumeration indicates how display type value is defined
TestValueTypesCriteriaType Enumeration the alert level of a criteria value
TestValueTypesResult Enumeration the checking result
TestValueTypesTestType Enumeration the test types
TestValueTypesValidator Enumeration indicates how to compare the check result with the criteria value


DuplicateElementsCheckBuilderDisplaySettings_Struct Struct Represents the display settings of duplicated elements detected
DuplicateNodesCheckBuilderDisplaySettings_Struct Struct Represents the display settings data
ElementEdgeCheckBuilderEdgeDisplayStyle_Struct Struct the display style of the edges detected
ElementQualityCheckResultsTestSummary_Struct Struct Reprents the summary data of a specified quality checking test type
TestValueTypesElementReference_Struct Struct represents an element reference definition associated with this test