NXOpen.Diagramming Package


Annotation Class Represents the Annotation class.
AnnotationBuilder Class Represents a AnnotationBuilder.
AnnotationCollection Class Represents a collection of Annotation.
BaseObject Class Represents the BaseObject class.
BaseObjectBuilder Class Represents a BaseObjectBuilder.
BaseSubObjectBuilder Class Represents a BaseSubObjectBuilder.
BaseTaggedObjectBuilder Class Represents a BaseTaggedObjectBuilder.
BulkEditBuilder Class Represents a BulkEditBuilder to edit bulk of objects.
CannedAnnotationBuilder Class Represents a CannedAnnotationBuilder.
ConnectableElement Class Represents the ConnectableElement class.
ConnectableElementBuilder Class Represents a ConnectableElementBuilder.
Connection Class Represents the Connection class.
ConnectionBuilder Class Represents a ConnectionBuilder.
ConnectionCollection Class Represents a collection of connection.
ConnectionLocationBuilder Class Represents a ConnectionLocationBuilder.
ConnectionLocationBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
DiagrammingManager Class A manager to deal with all objects.
FormattedStringBuilder Class Represents a FormattedStringBuilder.
Group Class Represents the Group class.
GroupBuilder Class Represents a GroupBuilder.
GroupCollection Class Represents a collection of group.
LeaderLine Class Represents the LeaderLine class.
LeaderLineBuilder Class Represents a LeaderLineBuilder.
LeaderLineBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
LeaderLineCollection Class Represents a collection of leader line.
LocationBuilder Class Represents a LocationBuilder.
Node Class Represents the Node class.
NodeBuilder Class Represents a NodeBuilder.
NodeCollection Class Represents a collection of Node.
Port Class Represents the Port class.
PortBuilder Class Represents a PortBuilder.
PortBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
PortCollection Class Represents a collection of Port.
RenderingPropertiesBuilder Class Represents a RenderingPropertiesBuilder.
Shape Class Represents the Shape class.
ShapeBuilder Class Represents a ShapeBuilder.
ShapeCollection Class Represents a collection of Shape.
Sheet Class Represents the Sheet class.
SheetBordersAndZones Class Represents Sheet Borders and Zones
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilder Class Represents Sheet Borders and Zones builder.
SheetBordersAndZonesCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.Diagramming.SheetBordersAndZones objects
SheetBuilder Class Represents a SheetBuilder.
SheetCollection Class Represents a collection of Sheet.
SheetElement Class Represents the SheetElement class.
SheetElementBuilder Class Represents a SheetElementBuilder.


AnnotationBuilderTextTypeOption Enumeration Represents the option NXOpen.Diagramming.AnnotationBuilder.TextType() for a NXOpen.Diagramming.AnnotationBuilder.
Axis Enumeration Represents the axis type.
CannedAnnotationBuilderInheritOption Enumeration Represents the inherit option.
DiagrammingAlignment Enumeration Represents the alignment.
DiagrammingAnnotationboundarytype Enumeration Represents the boundary type of annotation.
DiagrammingArrowtype Enumeration Represents the arrow type.
DiagrammingConnectionlabelhorizontaloffsetposition Enumeration Represents the horizontal connection label offset position.
DiagrammingConnectionlabelposition Enumeration Represents the connection label position.
DiagrammingConnectionlabelverticaloffsetposition Enumeration Represents the vertical connection label offset position.
DiagrammingFlowdirectionarrowstyle Enumeration Represents the flow direction arrow style.
DiagrammingJumperprioritytype Enumeration Represents the jumper priority.
DiagrammingJumpertype Enumeration Represents the jumper type.
DiagrammingLocationstyle Enumeration Represents the location style.
DiagrammingRepeatstartposition Enumeration Represents the repeat start position.
DiagrammingSizingpolicy Enumeration Represents the sizing policy type.
DiagrammingStubsides Enumeration Represents the stub side type.
Direction Enumeration Represents the direction type.
LeaderLineBuilderVerticalAlignmentOption Enumeration Represents the option NXOpen.Diagramming.LeaderLineBuilder.VerticalAlignment() for a NXOpen.Diagramming.LeaderLineBuilder.
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderArrowDirectionType Enumeration Represents the arrow direction type
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderArrowStyleType Enumeration Represents the arrow style type
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderHorizontalCenteringMarkType Enumeration Represents the horizontal centering mark type.
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderTrimmingMarkStyleType Enumeration Represents the trimming mark style type
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderVerticalCenteringMarkType Enumeration Represents the vertical centering mark type.
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderZoneMethod Enumeration Represents the zone method.
SheetBordersAndZonesBuilderZoneOrigin Enumeration Represents the zone origin.
SheetElementBuilderResizeOptionType Enumeration Represents the resize option for a NXOpen.Diagramming.SheetElementBuilder.