NXOpen.PDM Package


NXOpen.PDM.AlternateIdManager This class is responsible for setting and getting NX Manager database attribute.
NXOpen.PDM.AttributeGroup Represents an attribute group.
NXOpen.PDM.AttributeGroupCollection Represents a collection of attribute group objects.
NXOpen.PDM.AttributeGroupDescription Represents an attribute group type.
NXOpen.PDM.AttributeGroupDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of attribute group description objects.
NXOpen.PDM.AttributeGroupReviseBuilder Represents an attribute group revise builder.
NXOpen.PDM.CAEFileContainer This class is a File Container class for uploading JT files created by NX CAE Post Processing to Teamcenter.
NXOpen.PDM.CaeCloneManager This class is used for executing CAE Clone on a Simulation File or a FeModel File.
NXOpen.PDM.ConfigurationContextBuilder Represents a NXOpen.PDM.ConfigurationContextBuilder builder
NXOpen.PDM.ConfigurationManager Represents Configuration Manager
NXOpen.PDM.DatabaseAttributeManager This class is responsible for setting and getting NX Manager database attribute.
NXOpen.PDM.DesignElementRevision Represents the design element revision in the database.
NXOpen.PDM.DesignFeatureRevision Represents the design feature revision in the database.
NXOpen.PDM.DesignSubordinateRevision Represents the design subordinate revision in the database.
NXOpen.PDM.EffectivityAttributePropertiesBuilder Represents an NXOpen.PDM.EffectivityAttributePropertiesBuilder to be used for creating effectivity attributes.
NXOpen.PDM.EffectivityTableBuilder Represents a builder class for effectivity configuration.
NXOpen.PDM.EffectivityTableRow Represents the class that contains effectivity parameters.
NXOpen.PDM.FileManagement This class is responsible for Teamcenter file management related activities.
NXOpen.PDM.GenericObjectAttributeHolder Represents the class that contains database business logic or pre-creation information for the objects.
NXOpen.PDM.IAttributeGroupOwner An interface class for objects that own attribute groups.
NXOpen.PDM.ListOfValues Represents list of values to be used in search query
NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject Represents the class that contains database business logic or pre-creation information for the objects.
NXOpen.PDM.ModelElementRevision Represents a base class that provides common methods for various model elements in a NXOpen.CollaborativeDesign.
NXOpen.PDM.NativePartLogicalObject Represents the class that contains information for the objects participating in import operation.
NXOpen.PDM.ObjectCreateBuilder Represents a builder class that perofrms create operation
NXOpen.PDM.OperationErrors Represents Operation Errors to be returned in TCIN related operations
NXOpen.PDM.PartBuilder This class serves as the base class for NX Manager part builders.
NXOpen.PDM.PartCreationObject This class is a proxy for a to-be-created part prior to the part being created.
NXOpen.PDM.PartCreationObjectAttributePropertiesBuilder Represents an NXOpen.PDM.PartCreationObjectAttributePropertiesBuilder.
NXOpen.PDM.PartFromPartBuilder This class provides the methods necessary to create a new part in NX Manager from an existing part.
NXOpen.PDM.PartFromTemplateBuilder This class provides the methods necessary to create a new part in NX Manager from a template part.
NXOpen.PDM.PartManager This class contains methods to create and manage parts in NX Manager mode.
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationAttributePropertiesBuilder Represents an NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationAttributePropertiesBuilder to be used for creating attributes in part operation.
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationBuilder Represents a builder class that performs various design element operations.
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCopyBuilder Represents a builder class that performs various Save As operations.
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCreateBuilder Represents a builder class that performs Create operations
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationImportBuilder Represents a builder class that performs Create operations
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationImportCallbackData JA interface for PartOperationImportCallbackData object
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationImportObserver This class is responsible for invoking registered callbacks at different stages in import operation.
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationMakeUniqueBuilder Represents a NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationMakeUniqueBuilder builder
NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationValidationPropertiesBuilder Represents an NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationValidationPropertiesBuilder to be used for overriding the default validation parameters for a part in import operation.
NXOpen.PDM.PdmNavigatorNode Represents a PdmNavigatorNode
NXOpen.PDM.PdmPart This class serves as a gateway to part-specific tools for NX Manager mode.
NXOpen.PDM.PdmSearch Represents search query
NXOpen.PDM.PdmSearchManager Represents search manager class
NXOpen.PDM.PdmSession Represents the NX Manager session
NXOpen.PDM.PendingComponentsManager This class is used for managing a part’s pending components, that is, those that have been added within Teamcenter but are not yet present in NX.
NXOpen.PDM.PersistentSettings Persistently held settings for a Teamcenter user account.
NXOpen.PDM.RequirementUtils Collection of PDM utility methods
NXOpen.PDM.SearchResult Represents search query
NXOpen.PDM.SessionSettings Values for the settings that affect the current Teamcenter session.
NXOpen.PDM.SoaQuery Represents search soa query to perform Teamcenter search
NXOpen.PDM.TracelinkQuery Represents the Trace link query
NXOpen.PDM.VariantConfigurationBuilder Represents a builder class that performs variant rule configuration.


CaeCloneManagerCloneOption Enumeration Option for creation of part builder for CAE Clone
ConfigurationContextBuilderConfigContextMode Enumeration configuration mode
ConfigurationContextBuilderConfigContextType Enumeration configuration type
ConfigurationContextBuilderConfigurationDetail Enumeration configuration detail
DesignElementRevisionDesignElementCategory Enumeration Represents the category for this design element revision.
ModelElementRevisionPositioningStatus Enumeration Represents the positioning status of a design element
PartBuilderOperation Enumeration Tokens identifying every possible UG/Manager part selection dialog.
PartFromPartBuilderFileSaveAs Enumeration This enum is used to specify which non-master parts and dependent files should be saved during the save as operation.
PartOperationBuilderDependentFileSaveAs Enumeration This enum is used to specify which dependent files should be saved during the save as operation.
PartOperationBuilderNonMasterSaveAs Enumeration This enum is used to specify which non-master parts should be saved during the save as operation.
PartOperationBuilderOperationType Enumeration Represents an operation type that can be performed on a part
PartOperationCopyBuilderCopyDependentFiles Enumeration This enum is used to specify which dependent files should be copied to new part during the save as operation.
PartOperationCopyBuilderCopyNonMasterParts Enumeration This enum is used to specify which non-master parts should be copied to new part during the save as operation.
PartOperationCopyBuilderOperationSubType Enumeration Represents an operation sub type for copying a part
PartOperationCreateBuilderOperationSubType Enumeration Represents an operation sub type for creating a part
PartOperationImportBuilderConversionRule Enumeration This enum is used to specify the conversion rule for <ja_type>JA_PART_OPERATION_IMPORT_BUILDER_NumberingSourceOption_OSFilename</ja_type>.
PartOperationImportBuilderExistingPartAction Enumeration This enum is used to specify the default action for import.
PartOperationImportBuilderNumberingSourceOption Enumeration This enum is used to specify the default behavior for auto assign.
PartOperationImportBuilderValidation Enumeration This enum is used to specify the validation mode.
PartOperationImportBuilderValidationRuleSetFileBrowseOption Enumeration This enum is used to specify the option to browse the validation rule set file from.
PdmSoaqueryNxmgrfielddatatype Enumeration NX Manager search field data type


AlternateIdManagerAlternateIdsData_Struct Struct Contains alternate Ids data
AlternateIdManagerAssignAlternateRevData_Struct Struct Contains alternate Revision Id data
PartBuilderPartFileNameData_Struct Struct Contains part file name information
PartBuilderPartNumberData_Struct Struct Contains part number information.
PartBuilderPartRevisionData_Struct Struct Contains part revision information
PdmPartCheckinInput_Struct Struct Reservation check-in input struct
PdmPartCheckoutInput_Struct Struct Reservation check-out input struct