NXOpen.BlockStyler Package


NXOpen.BlockStyler.AngularDimension Represents a Angular Dimension block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.BlockDialog Represents a Dialog
NXOpen.BlockStyler.BodyCollector Represents a Body Collector block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Button Represents a button
NXOpen.BlockStyler.ChooseExpression Represents Choose Expression block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.CompositeBlock A composite block is a block that contains other blocks
NXOpen.BlockStyler.CurveCollector Represents a Curve Collector
NXOpen.BlockStyler.DoubleBlock Represents a Double block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.DoubleTable Represents a Double Table block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.DrawingArea Represents a Drawing Area block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Enumeration Represents an Enumeration block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Explorer Represents an Explorer block.
NXOpen.BlockStyler.ExpressionBlock Represents an Expression block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.FaceCollector Represents a Face Collector
NXOpen.BlockStyler.FileSelection Represents File Selection With Browse block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.FolderSelection Represents Folder Selection With Browse block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Group Represents a Group Block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.IntegerBlock Represents a Integer block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.IntegerTable Represents a Integer Table block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Label Represents a Label
NXOpen.BlockStyler.LayerBlock Represents a Layer block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.LineColorFontWidth Represents a Line Width block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.LineFont Represents a Line Width block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.LineWidth Represents a Line Width block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.LinearDimension Represents a Linear Dimension block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.ListBox Represents a ListBox block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Microposition Represents a Microposition block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.MultilineString Represents a Multiline String block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Node Represents the node created and utilized by BlockStyler.Tree.
NXOpen.BlockStyler.ObjectColorPicker Represents an Object Color Picker Block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.OnPathDimension Represents a On Path Dimension block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.OrientXpress Represents OrientXpress Block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.PropertyList Represents a list of properties
NXOpen.BlockStyler.RGBColorPicker Represents a RGB Color Picker block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.RadiusDimension Represents a Radius Dimension block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.ReverseDirection Represents Reverse Direction block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.ScrolledWindow Represents a Scrolled Window block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SectionBuilder Represents a Section Builder
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SelectElement Represents a Select Elements block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SelectFeature Represents a Select Feature block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SelectNode Represents a Select Node block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SelectObject Represents a Select Object block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SelectPartFromList Represents a Select Part From List block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Separator Represents a Separator block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SetList Represents a SetList block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyAxis Represents a Specify Axis block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyCSYS Represents a Specify CSYS block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyLocation Represents a Specify Location block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyOrientation Represents Specify Orientation block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyPlane Represents a Specify Plane block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyPoint Represents a Specify Point block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SpecifyVector Represents Specify Vector block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.StringBlock Represents a String block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SuperPoint Represents a Super Point block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.SuperSection Represents a Super Section block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.TabControl Represents a Tab Control layout
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Table Represents a Table layout
NXOpen.BlockStyler.TextColorFontWidth Represents a Line Width block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Toggle Represents a Toggle block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Tree Represents the Tree block in block styler automation.
NXOpen.BlockStyler.TreeListMenu Represents a menu class utilized by BlockStyler.Tree.
NXOpen.BlockStyler.UIBlock Represents a UI Block
NXOpen.BlockStyler.Wizard Represents a Wizard block


BlockDialogDialogMode Enumeration Datatype containing options for showing the dialog
NodeDragType Enumeration Represents the drag type
NodeDropType Enumeration Represents the drop type
NodeExpandOption Enumeration Represents the Expand/Collapse option
NodeScroll Enumeration Represents the scroll position to be applied on node.
PropertyListListMode Enumeration Indicates whether the properties in the list are named.
PropertyListPropertyType Enumeration Represents the property types.
SelectObjectFilterType Enumeration Indicates the general filter type for selection.
SetListInsertionLocation Enumeration During Insert, indicates whether component should be inserted before or after the insertion location
TreeBeginLabelEditState Enumeration Represents the state to allow/disallow the node label edit.
TreeColumnDisplay Enumeration Represents the column display type.
TreeColumnResizePolicy Enumeration Represents column resize policy.
TreeColumnSortOption Enumeration Represents the column sort option.
TreeControlType Enumeration Represents the type of edit options.
TreeEditControlOption Enumeration Represents the options to accept or reject the changed value.
TreeEndLabelEditState Enumeration Represents the state to accept/reject the edited label of node.
TreeNodeInsertOption Enumeration Represents the node insert option which is used while inserting the node in tree.
WizardSubNodeAction Enumeration Specifies the type of action performed on a sub-node in the Wizard Task Navigator.
WizardTaskNavigatorItem Enumeration Specifies an item in the Task Navigator.