Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Project Overview
Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Class ModuleDescription
AnnotAlignmentShapeThis class is for handling individual 'AnnotAlignmentShape'.
AnnotInitDataStores the data required to create an annotation. Use with AddPMIAnnotations() method. This is the only way to create PMI annotations.
Arc2dAn Arc2d graphic object drawn on a sheet or a profile.
Arcs2dA collection of Arc2d objects.
AreaPropertiesThe AreaProperties object exposes all of the computed properties for a given set of closed boundaries.
AreaPropertiesCollectionThe AreaPropertiesCollection object represents a collection of AreaProperties objects.
BackDropDisplays graphics in a Window or SheetWindow that serves as a context backdrop for working in paper space.
BalloonAn annotation object that consists of text contained within a closed shape.
BalloonsA collection of Balloon objects.
BoltHoleCircleA BoltHoleCircle object represents a bolt hole circle annotation.
BoltHoleCirclesA BoltHoleCircles object represents a collection of BoltHoleCircles objects.
Boundaries2dA collection of Boundary2d objects.
Boundary2dRepresents a closed 2-D region.
BoundaryStyle2dProvides properties and methods that allow you to change the Fill Style or to override the display characteristics of a Boundary2d object.
BoundingObjects2dProvides access to the linear geometries that drive the Boundary2d geometry.
BSplineCurve2dA multi-curved object that contains poles and transition points.
BSplineCurves2dA collection of BSplineCurve2d objects.
CenterLineA linear element that delineates the center of a nonlinear object.
CenterLinesA collection of CenterLine objects.
CenterMarkConsists of two perpendicular linear elements that form a crosshair pattern at the center point of a curved element.
CenterMarksA collection of CenterMark objects.
ChamferGeometry2dContains methods and properties for a Line2d object defined as a chamfer.
Circle2dA circle graphic object drawn on a sheet or profile.
Circles2dA collection of Circle2d objects.
CircularPattern2dRepresents an occurrence of a circular pattern in a sheet or profile.
CircularPatterns2dA collection of CircularPattern2d objects.
ComplexString2dA string of endpoint-coincident 2-D geometry objects.
ComplexStrings2dA collection of ComplexString2d objects.
ConnectorThe Connector object is an annotation object that connects 2D elements, objects, blocks and other annotations.
ConnectorsThe Connectors object represents a collection of Connector objects.
CornerAnnotationA corner annotation on a mechanical drawing.
CornerAnnotationsA collection of CornerAnnotation objects.
DatumFrameA datum feature on a mechanical drawing.
DatumFramesA collection of DatumFrame objects.
DatumPointAn object in the DatumPoints object collection.
DatumPointsA collection of DatumPoint objects.
DatumTargetAn object in the DatumTargets object collection.
DatumTargetsA collection of DatumTarget objects.
DimensionStores characteristics such as size, distance, and angle.
DimensionsA collection of Dimension objects.
DimensionStyleConsists of a group of parameters that control the dimension format and presentation characteristics.
DimensionStylesA collection of DimensionStyle objects.
DimInitDataStores the data required to create a dimension. Use with AddDimension() method. This is the only way to create PMI dimensions.
DimStyleA virtual object on a specific dimension.
DisplayDataThe DisplayData object is a temporary, virtual object that contains data about a referenced dimension.
DrawingObjectsContains a single drawing object or a collection of all the drawing objects on a sheet.
DrawingViewStyleConsists of a group of parameters that control the format and presentation characteristics of captions and lines of drawing views and other view annotations such as, cutting plane line, view plane line and detail envelope.
DrawingViewStylesA collection of DrawingViewStyle objects.
Ellipse2dAn Ellipse2d graphic object drawn on a sheet or a profile.
Ellipses2dA collection of Ellipse2d objects.
EllipticalArc2dAn asymmetrical arc graphic object drawn on a sheet or a profile.
EllipticalArcs2dA collection of EllipticalArc2d objects.
FeatureControlFrameA graphic object used for conveying the acceptable tolerance or variation allowd on a feature or dimension.
FeatureControlFrameDataSetA collection of predefined Feature Control Frame property settings.
FeatureControlFrameDataSetsA collection of FeatureControlFrameDataSet objects.
FeatureControlFramesA collection of FeatureControlFrame objects.
FilletGeometry2dContains methods and properties for an Arc2d object defined as a fillet.
FrameContains a set of style properties that specify how a frame is drawn.
GeometryStyle2dControls geometric characteristics for 2-D geometry objects.
GostWeldSymbolSpecifies all unique GOST weld types necessary in the fabrication of the weldment.
GostWeldSymbolsA collection of GOST WeldSymbol objects.
GroupAn object in the Groups object collection.
GroupsA collection of Group objects.
GroupStyleRepresents the editable style characteristics of the associated Group object.
Image2dAn Image2d object represents an occurrence of an image file in a profile.
Images2dThe Images2d object represents a collection of Image2d objects.
LeaderA linear object that associates an annotation to a point of reference.
LeadersA collection of Leader objects.
Line2dA Line2d graphic object drawn on a sheet or profile.
Lines2dA collection of Line2d objects.
LineString2dAn endpoint-connected set of lines drawn as a single object.
LineStrings2dA collection of LineString2d objects.
Point2dA Point2d graphic object drawn in a document or sheet.
Points2dA collection of Point2d objects.
RectangularPattern2dRepresents an occurrence of a rectangular pattern in a sheet or profile.
RectangularPatterns2dA collection of RectangularPattern2d objects.
Relation2dControls the graphic behavior of one or more graphic objects.
Relations2dA collection of Relation2d objects.
Relationships2dA collection of Relations2d collection objects.
SmartFrame2dA placeholder for an OLE object.
SmartFrame2dDefaultsA set of default properties that are used when an OLE object is attached to a SmartFrame2d object.
SmartFrame2dStyleHolds properties to be used to determine the behavior of a SmartFrame2d object.
SmartFrame2dStylesA collection of SmartFrame2dStyle objects.
SmartFrames2dA collection of SmartFrame2d objects.
SurfaceFinishSymbolDefines surface roughness, waviness, and any necessary machining lay markings.
SurfaceFinishSymbolDataSetA collection of predefined Surface Finish Symbol property settings.
SurfaceFinishSymbolDataSetsA collection of SurfaceFinishSymbolDataSet objects.
SurfaceFinishSymbolsA collection of SurfaceFinishSymbol objects.
SymbolicPMISpecifies all unique GOST weld types necessary in the fabrication of the weldment.
SymbolicPMIGroupA collection of GOST WeldSymbol objects.
TableStyleConsists of a group of parameters that control the format and presentation characteristics of Tables.
TableStylesA collection of TableStyle objects.
TechnicalRequirementA Technical Requirement object.
TechnicalRequirementsA collection of Technical Requirements objects.
TextBoxA rectangular element that contains paragraphs of text or symbols.
TextBoxesA collection of TextBox objects.
TextEditA virtual object that has common methods and properties to act on the text data of the associated text.
TextProfileA TextProfile object.
TextProfilesA collection of TextProfile objects.
VFSetA View Filter Set object.
WeldSymbolSpecifies all unique weld types necessary in the fabrication of the weldment.
WeldSymbolDataSetA collection of predefined Weld Symbol property settings.
WeldSymbolDataSetsA collection of WeldSymbolDataSet objects.
WeldSymbolsA collection of WeldSymbol objects.
Public Enumerations
Boundary2dStateConstantsBoundary2d State Constants
ComponentImageCreationModeConstantsComponent Image Creation Mode Constants
ConnectorTypeConstantsConnector Type Constants
CurveFitTypeConstantsUsed by the Curve.FitType property.
CuttingPlaneLineDisplayStyleConstantsCutting Plane Line constants for display style.
DimAngularCoordnateOrientationConstantsAngular Coordinate Dimension Orientation
DimAngularUnitConstantsDimension Angular Units
DimAxisModeConstantsDimension Axis Modes
DimBalloonDirTypeConstantsDimension Chained Balloon Direction Types
DimBalloonTypeConstantsDimension Balloon Types
DimBreakPositionConstantsDimension Break Positions
DimCalloutBalloonBreaklineDirectionConstantsBreakline direction for callout and balloon
DimCalloutLeaderTextConnectionPointConstantsConnection point of callout text with leader or breakline
DimCalloutTextWidthModeConstantsCallout Text Width Mode Constants.
DimCenterlineTypeConstantsCenterline Types
DimChamferModeConstantsChamfer Dimension Modes
DimCommonOriginTypeConstantsDimension Common Origin Types
DimCoordTextPositionConstantsDimension Coordinate Text Position
DimDatumPointTypeConstantsDatum Point Types
DimDatumTargetLeaderTypeConstantsDatum Target Leader Types
DimDatumTargetTermTypeConstantsDimension Datum Target Terminator Type
DimDatumTargetTypeConstantsDatum Target Type
DimDatumTermTypeConstantsDimension Datum Terminator Type
DimDecimalRoundOffTypeConstantsDimension Decimal Round off
DimDelimiterTypeConstantsDimension Delimiter Types
DimDispTypeConstantsDimension Display Types
DimDMSRoundOffTypeConstantsDimension Angle Degree-Minute-Sec Round off
DimDualUnitPositionConstantsConstants for Dual Unit Position
DimFCFLeaderTextConnectionPointConstantsConnection point of FCF text with leader or breakline
DimFCFOrientationConstantsFeature control frame orientation
DimFractionRoundOffTypeConstantsDimension Fraction Round off
DimGostWeldPermanentJointTypeConstantsGOST Weld Permanent Joint Type
DimGostWeldTerminatorTypeConstantsGOST Weld Terminator Side Type
DimGroupMemberTypeConstantsDimension Group Type
DimHoleShaftSeparatorTypeConstantsConstants for Hole Shaft Separator
DimItemNumDirConstantsDefines item numbers of balloons connected to alignment shape and part list based on the order in which balloons are placed around the drawing view.
DimLimitTextArrangmentConstantsDimension Limit Text Arrangment
DimLinearUnitConstantsDimension Linear Units
DimNTSTypeConstantsDimension NTS Type
DimOffsetLeaderTypeConstantsDimension Offset Leader Type
DimProjArcConstantsDimension Radial Projection Arc
DimProjDisplayTypeConstantsDimension Projection Line Display Types
DimProjTolZonePositionConstantsDimension Projection Tolerance Zone Type
DimReattachStatusConstantsDimension Reattach Status
DimRoundOffTypeConstantsDimension Round Off Types
DimRoundUpTypeConstantsDimension RoundUp Types
DimScaleModeConstantsDimension Scale Modes
DimStatusConstantsDimension Status
DimStyleDatumFrameShapeConstantsDatum Frame shape
DimStyleSecondaryUnitSeparatorConstantsSecondary Unit Separator
DimStyleSymbolFontConstantsDimension Symbol Font
DimSurfTextureLaySymTypeConstantsSurface Finish Texture Lay Symbol Types
DimSurfTextureSymTypeConstantsSurface Finish Texture Symbol Types
DimSymbolPositionConstantsDimension Symbol Positions
DimTermDisplayTypeConstantsDimension Terminators Display Type
DimTermTypeConstantsDimension Terminators Types
DimTextFontStyleConstantsDimension Text Font Styles
DimTextOrientationConstantsDimension Text Orientation
DimTextPositionConstantsDimension Text Position
DimToleranceTextHorizontalAlignOptionsConstantsConstants for Tolerance Text Horizontal Alignemnt
DimTypeConstantsDimension Types
DimViewCaptionLocationConstantsDrawing View Caption Location
DimViewCPLCaptionLocationConstantsCutting Plane Caption Location
DimViewCuttingPlaneDisplayTypeConstantsDimension View Cutting Plane Display Type
DimViewPlaneDisplayTypeConstantsDimension View Plane Display Type
DimWeldDashLineTypeConstantsDimension Weld Dash Line Types
DimWeldTailTypeConstantsWeld Tail Type
DimWeldTreatmentTypeConstantsWeld Treatement Types
DimWeldTypeConstantsWeld Types
DisplayTypeConstantsPredefined Values for DisplayType
DrawingViewAnnotationTypeConstantsDrawing View Annotation Type constants for defining captions.
DrawingViewCaptionTextAlignmentDrawing View Caption Text Alignment constants
DrawingViewCaptionTypeConstantsDrawing View Type constants for defining captions.
DrawingViewStyleSheetNumberLocationConstantsConstants for Sheet Number Location for cutting planes and view planes.
DynamicGridSpacingConstantsGrid Spacing Constants
FrameShapeConstantsPredefined Values for FrameShape
Geom2dFormConstantsForm Constants
Geom2dOrientationConstantsOrientation Constants
Geom2dScopeConstantsScope Constants
GridTypeConstantsGrid Type Constants
HandleTypeHandle Type Constants
PatternOffsetTypeConstantsPattern Offset Type Constants
PlacementMethodConstantsPredefined Values specifying placement methods for Insert command
PMIEditDirectionConstantsEnumerates the PMI dimension edit direction – will be used to set the edit direction of locked PMI dimensions
SizeModeConstantsPredefined Values for when links are updated
StaggerTypeConstantsStagger Type Constants
SubfixAlignmentConstantsSubfix Alignment Constants
TableStyleLineTypeConstantsTable Style Line Type
TextBorderTypeConstantsBorder Type
TextBulletTypeConstantsText Bullet Types
TextControlTypeConstantsText Control Types
TextFlowDirectionConstantsText Flow Direction
TextFlowOrientationConstantsText Flow Orientation
TextFractionAlignConstantsText Fraction Align Types
TextFractionSizeConstantsText Fraction Sizes
TextFractionTypeConstantsText Fraction Types
TextHorizontalAlignmentConstantsHorizontal Alignment
TextLineSpacingTypeConstantsText Line Spacing Types
TextNumberFormatConstantsText Number Format
TextNumberJustificationConstantsText Number Justification
TextNumberTypeConstantsText Number Types
TextPlacementTypeConstantsText Placement Types
TextSelectConstantsConstants used with TextEdit.SetSelect
TextSpecialIndentTypeConstantsText Special Indent Types
TextTabTypeConstantsText Tab Types
TextVerticalAlignmentConstantsVertical Alignment
UpdateOptionConstantsPredefined Values for when links are updated
WeldSymbolFlagDirectionConstantsWeld symbol 'weld in field' flag direction