NXOpen.SIM Package


ArchiveImportBuilder Class Represents a ArchiveImportBuilder builder object.
ExportMachineKitBuilder Class This class is used for the Export Machine Kit Dialog.
ImportMachineKitBuilder Class This class is used for the Import Machine Kit Dialog.
IsvControlPanelBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilder
KinematicAxis Class
Represents the SimKimAxis class object
KinematicAxisBuilder Class
Represents the SimKimAxisBuilder class object
KinematicChain Class This class is used for add kinematic chain to the list.
KinematicChainConfiguration Class This class is used for define kinematic chains.
KinematicChainList Class Represents a list of objects.
KinematicChannelBuilder Class This class is used for add kinematic channel to the channel configuratation list.
KinematicChannelBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
KinematicChannelConfigurationBuilder Class This class is used for channel configuration.
KinematicComponent Class
Represents the KinematicComponent class object
KinematicComponentBuilder Class
Represents the KinamaticComponentBuilder class object
KinematicComponentCollection Class Represents the SimKimComponent Collection
KinematicConfigurator Class
Represents the ISV base class object
KinematicImportMcfBuilder Class
Represents a builder for an import axis and channel data from mcf
KinematicJunction Class
Represents the KinematicJunction class object
KinematicJunctionBuilder Class
Represents the SimKimJunctionBuilder class object
KinematicJunctionBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
KinematicModel Class Represents the Kinematic Model class object.
KinematicSinumerikCaBuilder Class This class is used for edit sinumerik collision avoidance properties.
MachineKitBuilder Class This class is used for the Machine Kit Create Dialog.
MachineLibraryBuilder Class This class is used for the Machine Library Dialog.
NcChannelSelectionData Class
Represents the NcChannelSelectionData class object
SimDebugBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.SIM.SimDebugBuilder
SinumerikCaExportBuilder Class This class is used for export a spf file.
SinumerikCaFacetBuilder Class This class is used for set the facet tolerance.
SinumerikCaPlaceholderBuilder Class This class is used for select or unselect component of the placeholder tools.
SinumerikCaSimplifyBodiesBuilder Class This class is used for replace geometry.


IsvControlPanelBuilderDetailType Enumeration Type of record reported in the Simulation Details group
IsvControlPanelBuilderSingleStepModeType Enumeration The Single Step Mode type that used in :py:class:` NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType.MachineCodeSimulateCse < NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType>` simulation mode.
IsvControlPanelBuilderSingleStepType Enumeration The Single Step type that used in :py:class:` NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType.MachineCodeSimulateMtd < NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType>` or :py:class:` NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType.ToolPathSimulation < NXOpen.SIM.IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType>` simulation mode.
IsvControlPanelBuilderVisualizationType Enumeration The Visualization type
IsvControlPanelBuilderVncMode Enumeration Type of VNC Mode
KinematicAxisBuilderAxisDirectionType Enumeration The axis direction type
KinematicAxisBuilderAxisMotionType Enumeration The axis motions type
KinematicChainCoordinatePlaneTypes Enumeration Represents the coordinate plane type
KinematicChainTypes Enumeration Represents the kinematic chain type
KinematicComponentBuilderRegisterTypes Enumeration The register types
KinematicComponentBuilderSystemClass Enumeration The SIM KIM system classes
KinematicComponentBuilderWorkPositionAngleTypes Enumeration The Working Position Angle type
KinematicConfiguratorUniteTypes Enumeration The unite types for spinning geometries
KinematicJunctionBuilderSystemClass Enumeration The junction system classes
KinematicSinumerikCaBuilderPlcInitStateTypes Enumeration The init state types
KinematicSinumerikCaBuilderPlcUsageTypes Enumeration The usage types
SimDebugBuilderDriverType Enumeration Represents the driver type
SimDebugBuilderDumpType Enumeration Represents the dump type
SimDebugBuilderKinematicModelType Enumeration Represents the kinematic model type
SimDebugBuilderOutputType Enumeration The output type
SimDebugBuilderPrintoutTagsOrPointersType Enumeration Represents the printout tags or pointers type
SimDebugBuilderTraceType Enumeration Represents the trace type
SimDebugBuilderUiType Enumeration Represents the ui type
SinumerikCaSimplifyBodiesBuilderCloseGapTypes Enumeration Represents the close gap types
SinumerikCaSimplifyBodiesBuilderObjectToReplaceWithTypes Enumeration The object to replaces with types