NXOpen.UIStyler Package


NXOpen.UIStyler.Attachment Represents an Attachment for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.BitMap Represents a Bit Map for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.ButtonLayout Represents a Button Layout for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.CollapsibleGroup Represents a Collapsible Group for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.ColorTool Represents a ColorTool for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.Dialog Represents a DialogItem for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.DialogItem Represents a DialogItem for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.FileOperationData Represents a FileOperationData for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.GroupBox Represents a GroupBox for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.IntegerItem Represents a Integer for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.IntegerScale Represents a IntegerScale for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.LabelItem Represents a Label for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.MultiSelectList Represents a MultiSelectList for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.MultiTextBox Represents a MultiTextBox for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.OptionMenu Represents a OptionMenu for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.OptionToggle Represents a OptionToggle for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.PageSwitchData Represents a PageSwitchData for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.PropertyPage Represents a PropertyPage for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.PushButton Represents a PushButton for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.RadioBox Represents a RadioBox for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.RealItem Represents a Real for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.RealScale Represents a RealScale for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.RowColumn Represents a RowColumn for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.ScrolledWindow Represents a ScrolledWindow for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.SelectionBox Represents a SelectionBox for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.Separator Represents a Separator for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.SingleSelectList Represents a SingleSelectList for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.StringItem Represents a StringItem for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.Styler Represents a Uistyler for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.StylerEvent Represents a StylerEvent
NXOpen.UIStyler.StylerItem Represents a Styler Item
NXOpen.UIStyler.TabControl Represents a Tab Control for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.Toggle Represents a Toggle for UI Styler.
NXOpen.UIStyler.ToolPalette Represents a ToolPalette for UI Styler
NXOpen.UIStyler.WideString Represents a WideString for UI Styler


AttachmentAttachType Enumeration Represents alignment option for Styler Item
DialogItemType Enumeration Represents dialog item type
DialogIndex Enumeration Represents indexes
DialogItemDialogItemIndex Enumeration Describes dialog item index
DialogResponse Enumeration Represents dialog response
DialogState Enumeration Represents the dialog state
FileOperationDataFileOperationState Enumeration Describes file state
FileOperationDataFileOperationType Enumeration Describes file operation
StylerEventIndicator Enumeration Describes indicator value
StylerEventMiscellaneous Enumeration Describes event index
StylerEventReason Enumeration Describes callback reason
StylerItemItemType Enumeration Describes kind of action to be taken from callbac.