Preferences Used to Convert Items to JT

See Also:


Teamcenter must be restarted after modifying preferences.

View these preferences in an .xls file.

CATParts and Alternate Shape Representations

CATPart documents and their related Alternate ShapeRepresentations can be converted into JT files when the dataset type is defined in COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types.

V4 Alternate ShapeRepresentations can be converted into JT files when the dataset type is defined in COMMONcatiatojtV4_ets_ds_types.


CATProducts can be converted into JT files when the dataset type is defined in COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types. CATProducts can be converted with their related Alternate ShapeRepresentations, component ShapeRepresenations and/or secondary parts.

The CATIA_convert_to_jt_with_product preference defines the element related to the CATProduct that can be linked to the JT for a CATProduct. This preference is empty, by default.

Multiple values are permitted.

Value of CATIA_convert_to_jt_with_product Result
ASR Convert the CATProduct with its default Alternate ShapeRepresentation
CSR Convert the CATProduct with its default component ShapeRepresentation
SP Convert the CATProduct with its secondary parts and secondary products

The following configuration option is used when Theorem Translator or Siemens Translator is used to convert the product. On Windows, this configuration file can be found in %TCICV5_DIR%\bin\WIN32\convert_catiav5producttojt.config.

EAITranslator {     OutputDirectory  = "C:\temp"     CommonPartsPath = ""      chordalOption = "RELATIVE"     structureOption  = "MONOLITHIC"     writeWhichFiles = "ALL"      pmiOption = "ASM_ONLY"     partMonitor  = false     compression = true     triStripOpt  = true     seamSewing = false     seamSewingTol  = 0.001     includeBrep = true     brepPrecision  = "DOUBLE"     autoNameSanitize = true     deleteUnusedParts  = false     updateChangedPartsOnly = false     verboseReporting  = false     writeAsciiAssembly = false     singlePartsNoAssem  = true     autoLowLODgeneration = true     smartLODgeneration  = false     numLODs = 3 }

Dataset Owner

Specify the owner of visualization datasets. This property must be specified such that it applies to all services.

Possible values are:

CATIA_pv_dataset_owner = NONE

The default value is NONE.

Dispatcher Services

Teamcenter Integration for CATIA V5 supports Dispatcher Services. When the Dispatcher Services solution is installed, the ETS_available Teamcenter preference is set to TRUE. The Integration also requires the following Teamcenter Preferences to be set correctly.

List of Dispatcher Services Names

The CATIA_ETS_translation_services Teamcenter multiple string values preference contains the list of Dispatcher Services name preferences that will be called during the Convert Items to JT process.

Multiple values are permitted.

CATIA_ETS_translation_services =

The Dispatcher Service used to create .bmp thumbnails,SIEMENS.catiav5preview,  does not depend on this preference. This service should not be listed in CATIA_ETS_translation_services Teamcenter preference. Refer to the Create .bmp Thumbnail Files documentation for more information.

The Teamcenter preference associated with the name of the service must be defined for each value listed in CATIA_ETS_translation_services.

CATIA_IdService1_translation_service_name =

Service Name of the CATIA V5 Translation Services

The Teamcenter preference defining the service name of the CATIA V5 translation service must be defined in CATIA_translation_service_name.

CATIA_translation_service_name =

The default value is SIEMENS.catiav5tojtdirect.

Requirement to Convert JTs using Dispatcher Services

When the Dispatcher Services solution is installed, the ETS_available Teamcenter Preference is set to TRUE. The Integration also requires that the CATIA_ETS_catiav5tojtdirect_available Teamcenter Preference is set to TRUE and the CATIA_ETS_translation_services preference contains the value CATIA_translation_service_name, in order to convert JTs using Dispatcher Services.

When either of these Teamcenter Preferences values are set to FALSE, the Integration translation method uses the catia2jt script. When both of the values are set to TRUE, the Integration uses the Dispatcher Services translation method.

The catia2jt method is used when either ETS_available and CATIA_ETS_catiav5tojtdirect_available are set to false.

Specify CAD Dataset Type Names for Primary or Secondary Objects

Use the ETS_trans_rqst_referenced_dataset_types preference to specify which CAD dataset type names can be referenced by translation requests as primary or secondary objects. A pre-delete action is registered for each of the defined dataset types to support CAD data deletion while a translation is in process.

Add the dataset types to be managed via Dispatcher Services to the preference's value. Extend the dataset type list to avoid deleting datasets related to the dataset conversion type when converting foreign files.

The default values of ETS_trans_rqst_referenced_dataset_types are:

JT Creation: Save Process

JT datasets created during the Save process in Teamcenter Integration for CATIA.

CATIA_pv_create_dataset_for_active_shapes =  true

The default value is true.

JT datasets are created for active Alternate Shape Representations of CATParts whose type is defined in COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types when all of the following occur:

This preference is ignored when the Save Active Shapes button is toggled off or the Create JT button is toggled on in Save Manager toolbar.

JT Dataset and Link Type

Change the JT dataset and link type used by Teamcenter Integration for CATIA to manage JT files resulting from JT conversion, by setting the following variable within Teamcenter Preferences. For example:

Customize the dataset type containing the JT file

CATIA_pv_dataset_type =  DirectModel

The default value is DirectModel.

Customize the link type between the item revision/Dataset CATPart/Shape Representation dataset and the dataset containing JT file

CATIA_pv_relation_type =  IMAN_Rendering

This variable is case-sensitive. The default value is IMAN_Rendering.

Specify CATIA Documents to Convert

Ensure the following Teamcenter Preferences have been set to specify the CATIA documents managed by the conversion (script and/or Dispatcher Services) process.

Preferences listed below apply to the Dispatcher Services translation process only.
The managed Named Reference dataset type for JT files is the same type managed by the Integration when the translation is preformed using the catia2jt script.
Preference Description Default Values
COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types Lists the types of CATIA V5 datasets that can be translated into JT documents. CATProduct, CATPart

Multiple values are permitted.

COMMONcatiatojtV4_ets_ds_types Lists the types of CATIA V4 datasets that can be translated into JT documents. catia

Multiple values are permitted.

COMMONcatiatojt_<dataset_type>_ets_nr_types CATIA V5 Named References required for translation of the corresponding dataset type listed in the COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types preference. All Named Reference types specified for this preference must exist for a dataset of this type to be translated. If Named Reference types are not specified, Named Reference type validation is not performed. Corresponding file types must be managed by your translation tool.

COMMONcatiatojt_CATProduct_ets_nr_types = catproduct

COMMONcatiatojt_CATPart_ets_nr_types = catpart

For example:
COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types = CATPart
COMMONcatiatojt_CATPart_ets_nr_types = catpart

Default Values

Default values are created during deployment of the catiav5tojt translation service. If the catiav5tojt translation service is not deployed and a local translator is used instead, these preferences must contain the proper list of dataset type values.

Default values of COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types are also created during the deployment of the Database Template.

If CATParts are already configured to convert to JTs, remove CATProduct from the COMMONcatiatojt_ets_ds_types preferences to prevent CATProducts from being converted to JTs.

Volume Storage

Determine if JT visualization data files for a source dataset will be stored in the same volume as the associated source dataset data files. This preference is TRUE, by default, indicating JT visualization data files for a source dataset are stored in the same volume as the associated source dataset data files.

CATIA_pv_store_file_in_source_vol =  TRUE

The default value is TRUE.

When the value of this preference is set to TRUE, the TS Proxy User must be granted access to all volumes where source dataset data files are stored.

When the value of this preference is set to FALSE, visualization data files are stored in the TS Proxy User default volume.

When CATIA_pv_store_file_in_source_vol is TRUE for the client and FALSE for the TS Proxy user, JT visualization data files are stored in the TS Proxy user default volume

It Is recommended to create this preference in SITE scope. At issue:

The Client Teamcenter user is using volume vol1.
The TS Proxy user is using volume vol2.
The value of CATIA_pv_store_file_in_source_vol is User.