Convert Items to JT

See Also:

Installation Topics:


It is recommended to test translation commands in the native environment before using the Integration.

JT is a mature lightweight data format that enjoys widespread use in the automobile and aerospace industries, and is equally suitable for all manufacturing industry applications. The success of JT and applications that use it have caused JT to become the preferred common data format for many large end-users. The JT data representation is:

Software product development organizations have developed translators from the popular MCAD systems into JT. It is a common format to major applications that might be used in an enterprise. JT data can be very lightweight, holding little more than facet data or it can be richer and hold associations to the original CAD information, assemblies, product structure, geometry, attributes, metadata and PMI. It supports multiple tessellations and level-of-detail generation.

Two CATIA (V5) documents converted to JT documents in Teamcenter are illustrated below:

JT Example


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