General Options Toolbar

Buttons within the General Options toolbar act on the entire Save process, regardless of selection (or lack of selection). This toolbar uses toggle buttons pull-down lists when several values are available. Refer to the table below for specific descriptions.

Save Manager Toolbar

The selected options are not carried from one save to another.
Button Name Description
Create JT Create JT
Activate this button to create JT's for each document to be saved in Teamcenter.
Compute Mass Properties Compute Mass Properties Activate this button to compute Mass Properties of each document to be saved in Teamcenter.
Compute Mass Properties for the Main Body Only Compute Mass Properties for the Main Body Activate this button to compute Mass Properties for the main body (only) of each document to be saved in Teamcenter.
Save Active Shapes Save Active Shapes Activate to save the current Active Shape of any CATPart or CATProduct in Teamcenter. The CATPart/CATProduct will be loaded in the same state as previously saved.
Hide/Show Activate this button to manage Hide/Show for each document to be saved in Teamcenter
Check-in After Save Check-in After Save
Activate to check-in the entire assembly to Teamcenter at the end of the Save process. Only items that have been modified are checked-in. Use Check-in After Save to avoid manually checking in items when saving large assemblies.
Force Save for Unmodified Files Force Save for Unmodified Files
Activate this option by changing the value of CATIA_saved_modified_file_option to false, or by manually activating the Force Save for Unmodified Files button. Once activated, a message displays in the status bar indicating that modified and unmodified files are saved. The Status column of the Save Manager is updated according to the following rules:
  • When the unmodified files are CI or RO, the Status column displays a Warning indicating these elements cannot be saved.
  • When the unmodified files are CO and RW, the Status column displays a checkmark indicating the save was successful..

In the illustrations below, an assembly containing Item ID 014667 is CI and 014669 is RO. The Status column displays a Warning indicating those elements cannot be saved.

Force Save for Unmodified Files

As a result, the Final Save Panel indicates that Item IDs 014665 and 014666 have been successfully saved.

Force Save for Unmodified Files Result

When Force Save for Unmodified Files is deactivated, the message in the status bar indicates Ready and the usual checks are performed on the modified files.
Destination Folder  Destination Folder
  • Newstuff: All documents are saved in the user's Newstuff folder during the Save As process.
  • Browse: Displays the Browse panel to select directories in which the item can be saved..
  • None: Save documents directly to the database and not to a specific folder. This may be beneficial for performances issues, however, the database must then be queried to locate the documents.

Browse panel:

Browse panel

Use Create Folder to display the New Folder panel and create a new directory to save the item to:

New Folder