NXOpen.Facet Package


NXOpen.Facet.BestFitAlignBuilder This class performs the best fit alignment between objects
NXOpen.Facet.BridgeFacetBodyBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.BridgeFacetBodyBuilder It bridges two disjoint NX facet bodies.
NXOpen.Facet.CurvatureBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.CurvatureBuilder.
NXOpen.Facet.DecimateFacetBodyBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.DecimateFacetBodyBuilder.
NXOpen.Facet.DetectPrimitivesBuilder This class manages the primitive shape detection for a facet body.
NXOpen.Facet.ExtrudeFacetBodyBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.ExtrudeFacetBodyBuilder It extrudes a NX Facet Body.
NXOpen.Facet.ExtrudeProfileBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.ExtrudeProfileBuilder It extrudes 3D closed profile between planes.
NXOpen.Facet.FacetModelingCollection Collection of freeform facet operations.
NXOpen.Facet.FacetedBody Represents a faceted body.
NXOpen.Facet.FacetedBodyCollection Represents a collection of faceted bodies in a part
NXOpen.Facet.FacetedEdge Represents a faceted edge.
NXOpen.Facet.FacetedFace Represents a faceted face.
NXOpen.Facet.FeatureExtractionBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.FeatureExtractionBuilder It extracts feature lines or separates regions of different curvature from a facet body based on the curvature map.
NXOpen.Facet.FillHoleBuilder This class finds and fills holes to a prescribed boundary smoothness condition
NXOpen.Facet.MergeFacetBodyBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.MergeFacetBodyBuilder It merges two overlapping NX facet bodies.
NXOpen.Facet.MultiPatchAlignmentBuilder Aligns multiple facet bodies to one another without using reference points.
NXOpen.Facet.PaintBrushBuilder This class manages the paint brush utility for a facet body.
NXOpen.Facet.PaintFacetBodyBuilder This class manages the color painting on a facet body.
NXOpen.Facet.STLImportBuilder The STL file import builder
NXOpen.Facet.SelectFacetedBody Represents a single object selection.
NXOpen.Facet.SelectFacetedBodyList Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
NXOpen.Facet.SewFacetBodyBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.SewFacetBodyBuilder It sews two touching NX facet bodies.
NXOpen.Facet.SmoothFacetBodyBuilder Represents a NXOpen.Facet.SmoothFacetBodyBuilder.
NXOpen.Facet.SnipFacetBodyBuilder Represents a SnipFacetBody builder
NXOpen.Facet.SubdivideFacetBodyBuilder This class provides functionality to subdivide the polygons to increase the density of the facet bodies.


BestFitAlignBuilderConstraintOptions Enumeration Represents the constraint options
BridgeFacetBodyBuilderInput Enumeration Represents the option for keeping, deleting or hiding input two facet bodies after builder committing
BridgeFacetBodyBuilderSmoothTypes Enumeration Represents the smoothness type for the inserted new facets
DecimateFacetBodyBuilderDecimateMethodType Enumeration Decimate Method
ExtrudeFacetBodyBuilderLimitType Enumeration Represents the extrude limit type
FacetedBodyFacetedbodyType Enumeration Body type
FacetedBodyCollectionType Enumeration Specifies the type of facets created when copying or converting faceted bodies
FacetedEdgeFacetededgeType Enumeration Facet Edge type
FacetedFaceFacetedfaceType Enumeration Facet Face type
FeatureExtractionBuilderInputActions Enumeration Specifies how to handle the input facet bodies.
FillHoleBuilderSmoothTypes Enumeration Smoothness and boundary continuity options.
FillHoleBuilderTargetTypes Enumeration Options defining how to target holes for filling.
FillHoleBuilderTypes Enumeration Hole filling type options.
MergeFacetBodyBuilderInput Enumeration Represents the option for keeping, deleting or hiding input two facet bodies after builder committing
MultiPatchAlignmentBuilderResolutionType Enumeration Determines the number of facets used in the alignment.
STLImportBuilderAngularToleranceTypes Enumeration The angular tolerance types
STLImportBuilderFacetBodyTypes Enumeration These represent the type of body that will get created on importing the STL file
STLImportBuilderSTLFileUnitsTypes Enumeration The STL file units types
SewFacetBodyBuilderInput Enumeration Represents the option for keeping, deleting or hiding input two facet bodies after builder committing
SewFacetBodyBuilderVertexIndex Enumeration Index of the vertex
SnipFacetBodyBuilderBoundaryFacetTreatmentMethod Enumeration Boundary facet treatment type:
SnipFacetBodyBuilderDirectionType Enumeration Snipping direction when snipping type by profiles
SnipFacetBodyBuilderTypes Enumeration Snip method
SubdivideFacetBodyBuilderInterpolationMethodType Enumeration Subdivision interpolation methods
SubdivideFacetBodyBuilderSubdivisionMethodType Enumeration Subdivision methods


FacetingParameters Struct The structure of JA faceting parameters