TrimLineDevelopmentBuilder Class

class NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilder

Bases: NXOpen.Features.FeatureBuilder

Represents a NXOpen.Features.TrimLineDevelopment builder

To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen.Die.DieCollection.CreateTrimLineDevelopmentBuilder()

New in version NX6.0.0.


Property Description
Addendum Returns the collection of addendum faces
Associative Returns or sets the associative switch.
BendAllowance Returns the bend allowance formula.
ConstraintCurveFromTargetRegion Returns the collection of constraint curve from target region
ConstraintCurveFromUnformRegion Returns the collection of constraint curve from unform region
DistanceTolerance Returns or sets the distance tolerance.
DrawDirection Returns or sets the draw direction.
Faces Returns the collection of formed faces
FormingBoundary Returns the forming boundary
InferElementSize Returns or sets the option to infer 2-D element size.
InferThickness Returns or sets the option to infer thickness.
LimitPoint1 Returns or sets the first limit point
LimitPoint2 Returns or sets the last limit point
Limits Returns the limits to control the span of the addendum
MaterialPropertyDensity Returns or sets the density of material.
MaterialPropertyE Returns or sets the material property elasticity(E) which enables a material to return to its original shape and dimension.
MaterialPropertyF Returns or sets the friction of material.
MaterialPropertyInitialStrain Returns or sets the material initial strain to represent in a material upon achieving the given loading conditions in a relaxation or creep test.
MaterialPropertyK Returns or sets the K(Strength Coefficient) of material.
MaterialPropertyN Returns or sets the material n(Hardening Exponent) to represent the constant index used in calculations for stress-strain behaviour.
MaterialPropertyPoisson Returns or sets the material Poisson’s ratio between the contraction at right angles to a stress and the direct extension.
MaterialPropertyR0 Returns or sets the r0(Anisotropy Coefficient) of material.
MaterialPropertyR45 Returns or sets the r45(Anisotropy Coefficient) of material.
MaterialPropertyR90 Returns or sets the r90(Anisotropy Coefficient) of material.
MaterialPropertyYieldStress Returns or sets the yield stress of material.
MaterialType Returns or sets the material type - steel or aluminum
MeshAttemptMapping Returns or sets the option to attemp mapping for mesh elements.
MeshElementSize Returns or sets the 2-D element size for mesh.
MeshElementType Returns or sets the 2-D mesh element type, either triangle or quadrate element.
MeshMaxJacobian Returns or sets the maximum Jacobian for mesh elements.
MeshMaxWarp Returns or sets the maximum warp for meshing.
MeshProcessFillet Returns or sets the option to process fillet for mesh element.
MeshSizeVariation Returns or sets the variation of mesh element size.
MeshSmallFeature Returns or sets the value of small feature for mesh setting
MeshSplitQuad Returns or sets the option to split quadrate element to triangle element when creating meshes.
OutputMethod Returns or sets the curve output method - geometric, corrected or both
ParentFeatureInternal Returns or sets whether or not the latest timestamped parent feature of this feature should be made internal
PatchSolutionFlag Returns or sets the patch solution flag
PatchSurfaceFilename Returns or sets the patch surface filename
RegionPoint Returns or sets the point in product region
RemoveLoops Returns or sets the remove loops setting.
ReverseSide Returns or sets the option to indicate whether or not to unform the profile to the other side on the target body.
SampleDensityIndex Returns or sets the sample density index which controls the density of the sample planes.
SheetThickness Returns or sets the thickness of sheet metal model.
Smoothing Returns or sets the curve smoothing method - linear (none), cubic or quintic
SolverConvergencyLevel Returns or sets the convergency level of onestep solver.
SolverJoinOutputCurves Returns or sets the option to join output curves.
SolverMaxIterationSteps Returns or sets the maximum number of iteration steps in onestep solver.
SolverSaveAnalysisResultsIntoFeature Returns or sets the option to save analysis result into feature.
Spine Returns the spine string, which determines the orientation of the sample planes
SpineRadius Returns or sets the spine radius, used by NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilder.CreateDefaultSpine()
SurfaceType Returns or sets the surface type used to determine offset direction.
SurroundingPatchSurfaceFilename Returns or sets the surrounding patch surface filename
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.
Thickness Returns the material thickness.


Method Description
Calculation Starts solver to calculate.
Commit Commits any edits that have been applied to the builder.
CommitFeature Commits the feature parameters and creates the feature
CreateDefaultSpine Creates a smoothed spine curve from the forming boundary using the spine radius value
DefaultDraw Creates a default draw vector by finding the least squares plane of the formed faces
Destroy Deletes the builder, and cleans up any objects created by the builder.
GetCommittedObjects For builders that create more than one object, this method returns the objects that are created by commit.
GetFeature Returns the feature currently being edited by this builder.
GetObject Returns the object currently being edited by this builder.
HideInternalParentFeatureAfterEdit Re-suppress an internal parent feature (a slave feature) after it has been edited.
Mesh Create FEM 2-D meshes based on the unform region surfaces and the target region surfaces.
SetParentFeatureInternal Set the parent features which would be internal or slaves to the feature being created or commited
ShowInternalParentFeatureForEdit Unsuppress an internal parent feature (a slave feature) so it can be edited.
ShowResults Updates the model to reflect the result of an edit to the model for all builders that support showing results.
UnsetParentFeatureInternal Set the internal parent feature of the feature being edited to external
Validate Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.


TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderConvergency Enumeration The solver convergency level of onestep unform.
TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderMaterialTypeName Enumeration Indicates type of material
TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderMeshElement Enumeration The 2-D mesh element type of onestep unform.
TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderOutputMethodName Enumeration Indicates which trim curves to output
TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderSmoothingName Enumeration Indicates type of curve smoothing
TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderSurface Enumeration The surface types of onestep unform.

Property Detail



Returns the collection of addendum faces


Getter Method

Signature Addendum

Return type:NXOpen.ScCollector

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the associative switch.

True indicates a feature should be output


Getter Method

Signature Associative

Return type:bool

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Associative

Parameters:associative (bool) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns the bend allowance formula.

Value should be between 0 and 1


Getter Method

Signature BendAllowance

Return type:NXOpen.Expression

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the collection of constraint curve from target region


Getter Method

Signature ConstraintCurveFromTargetRegion

Return type:NXOpen.Section

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the collection of constraint curve from unform region


Getter Method

Signature ConstraintCurveFromUnformRegion

Return type:NXOpen.Section

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the distance tolerance.

Used for sewing sheet bodies and joining curves


Getter Method

Signature DistanceTolerance

Return type:float

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DistanceTolerance

Parameters:distTol (float) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the draw direction.

Also points in the direction of material side of metal


Getter Method

Signature DrawDirection

Return type:NXOpen.Direction

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DrawDirection

Parameters:punchDirection (NXOpen.Direction) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns the collection of formed faces


Getter Method

Signature Faces

Return type:NXOpen.ScCollector

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the forming boundary


Getter Method

Signature FormingBoundary

Return type:NXOpen.ScCollector

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the option to infer 2-D element size.

If it is true, the element size will be auto-detected. If it is false, the element size will be required as input.


Getter Method

Signature InferElementSize

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature InferElementSize

Parameters:inforElementSize (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to infer thickness.

If it is true, the thickness will be auto-detected. If it is false, thickness will be required to input.


Getter Method

Signature InferThickness

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature InferThickness

Parameters:inferThickness (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the first limit point


Getter Method

Signature LimitPoint1

Return type:NXOpen.Point

New in version NX6.0.2.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature LimitPoint1

Parameters:point (NXOpen.Point) –

New in version NX6.0.2.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the last limit point


Getter Method

Signature LimitPoint2

Return type:NXOpen.Point

New in version NX6.0.2.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature LimitPoint2

Parameters:point (NXOpen.Point) –

New in version NX6.0.2.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns the limits to control the span of the addendum


Getter Method

Signature Limits

Return type:NXOpen.Die.DieLimitsBuilder

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the density of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyDensity

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyDensity

Parameters:materialPropertyDensity (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the material property elasticity(E) which enables a material to return to its original shape and dimension.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyE

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyE

Parameters:materialPropertyE (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the friction of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyF

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyF

Parameters:materialPropertyF (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the material initial strain to represent in a material upon achieving the given loading conditions in a relaxation or creep test.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyInitialStrain

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyInitialStrain

Parameters:materialPropertyInitialStrain (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the K(Strength Coefficient) of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyK

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyK

Parameters:materialPropertyK (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the material n(Hardening Exponent) to represent the constant index used in calculations for stress-strain behaviour.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyN

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyN

Parameters:materialPropertyN (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the material Poisson’s ratio between the contraction at right angles to a stress and the direct extension.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyPoisson

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyPoisson

Parameters:materialPropertyPoisson (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the r0(Anisotropy Coefficient) of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyR0

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyR0

Parameters:materialPropertyR0 (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the r45(Anisotropy Coefficient) of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyR45

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyR45

Parameters:materialPropertyR45 (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the r90(Anisotropy Coefficient) of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyR90

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyR90

Parameters:materialPropertyR90 (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the yield stress of material.


Getter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyYieldStress

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialPropertyYieldStress

Parameters:materialPropertyYieldStress (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the material type - steel or aluminum


Getter Method

Signature MaterialType

Return type:NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderMaterialTypeName

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MaterialType

Parameters:materialType (NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderMaterialTypeName) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to attemp mapping for mesh elements.

If it is true, mesh element nodes will be mapped to the orginal surface to ensure the accuracy. if it is false, it will not do mapping.


Getter Method

Signature MeshAttemptMapping

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshAttemptMapping

Parameters:meshAttemptMapping (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the 2-D element size for mesh.


Getter Method

Signature MeshElementSize

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshElementSize

Parameters:meshElementSize (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the 2-D mesh element type, either triangle or quadrate element.


Getter Method

Signature MeshElementType

Return type:NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderMeshElement

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshElementType

Parameters:meshElementType (NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderMeshElement) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the maximum Jacobian for mesh elements.

It is used to control the element shape and quality.


Getter Method

Signature MeshMaxJacobian

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshMaxJacobian

Parameters:meshMaxJacobian (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the maximum warp for meshing.


Getter Method

Signature MeshMaxWarp

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshMaxWarp

Parameters:meshMaxWarp (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to process fillet for mesh element.

If it is true, the small fillet area will be specially processed when generate mesh element. If it is false, it will be not specially processed.


Getter Method

Signature MeshProcessFillet

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshProcessFillet

Parameters:meshProcessFillet (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the variation of mesh element size.


Getter Method

Signature MeshSizeVariation

Return type:int

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshSizeVariation

Parameters:meshSizeVariation (int) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the value of small feature for mesh setting


Getter Method

Signature MeshSmallFeature

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshSmallFeature

Parameters:meshSmallFeature (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to split quadrate element to triangle element when creating meshes.


Getter Method

Signature MeshSplitQuad

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature MeshSplitQuad

Parameters:meshSplitQuad (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the curve output method - geometric, corrected or both


Getter Method

Signature OutputMethod

Return type:NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderOutputMethodName

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature OutputMethod

Parameters:outputMethod (NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderOutputMethodName) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the point in product region


Getter Method

Signature RegionPoint

Return type:NXOpen.Point

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature RegionPoint

Parameters:regionPoint (NXOpen.Point) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the remove loops setting.

True indicates loops should be removed from the output curves


Getter Method

Signature RemoveLoops

Return type:bool

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature RemoveLoops

Parameters:removeLoops (bool) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to indicate whether or not to unform the profile to the other side on the target body.

This option is appliable only in case the following conditions are all satisfied: entire unform to seperate target body, Curve to Curve constraint on inner edges.


Getter Method

Signature ReverseSide

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature ReverseSide

Parameters:reverseSide (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the sample density index which controls the density of the sample planes.

Value should be between 1 and 9


Getter Method

Signature SampleDensityIndex

Return type:int

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SampleDensityIndex

Parameters:sampleDensityIndex (int) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the thickness of sheet metal model.


Getter Method

Signature SheetThickness

Return type:float

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SheetThickness

Parameters:thickness (float) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the curve smoothing method - linear (none), cubic or quintic


Getter Method

Signature Smoothing

Return type:NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderSmoothingName

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Smoothing

Parameters:smoothing (NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderSmoothingName) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the convergency level of onestep solver.


Getter Method

Signature SolverConvergencyLevel

Return type:NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderConvergency

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SolverConvergencyLevel

Parameters:solverConvergencyLevel (NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderConvergency) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to join output curves.

If it is true, join output curves. If it is false, do not join output curves


Getter Method

Signature SolverJoinOutputCurves

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SolverJoinOutputCurves

Parameters:solverJoinOutputCurves (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the maximum number of iteration steps in onestep solver.


Getter Method

Signature SolverMaxIterationSteps

Return type:int

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SolverMaxIterationSteps

Parameters:solverMaxIterationSteps (int) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the option to save analysis result into feature.

If it is true, save analysis result into feature. If it is false, do not save analysis result into feature.


Getter Method

Signature SolverSaveAnalysisResultsIntoFeature

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SolverSaveAnalysisResultsIntoFeature

Parameters:solverSaveAnalysisResultsIntoFeature (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns the spine string, which determines the orientation of the sample planes


Getter Method

Signature Spine

Return type:NXOpen.ScCollector

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the spine radius, used by NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilder.CreateDefaultSpine()


Getter Method

Signature SpineRadius

Return type:float

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SpineRadius

Parameters:spineRadius (float) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns or sets the surface type used to determine offset direction.


Getter Method

Signature SurfaceType

Return type:NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderSurface

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SurfaceType

Parameters:surfaceType (NXOpen.Die.TrimLineDevelopmentBuilderSurface) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Returns the material thickness.

Value should be greater than zero.


Getter Method

Signature Thickness

Return type:NXOpen.Expression

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.

Method Detail



Starts solver to calculate.

Signature Calculation()

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Creates a smoothed spine curve from the forming boundary using the spine radius value

Signature CreateDefaultSpine()

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Creates a default draw vector by finding the least squares plane of the formed faces

Signature DefaultDraw()

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Create FEM 2-D meshes based on the unform region surfaces and the target region surfaces.

Signature Mesh()

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR prog_die_wizard (“UG/Progressive Die Wizard”)



Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.

If the component is not in a state to commit then an exception is thrown. For example, if the component requires you to set some property, this method will throw an exception if you haven’t set it. This method throws a not-yet-implemented NXException for some components.

Signature Validate()

Returns:Was self validation successful
Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.1.

License requirements: None.