NXOpen.Formboard Package


NXOpen.Formboard.FaceAnnotationBuilder Builder for Face Annotation functionality used in formboard.
NXOpen.Formboard.FlipComponentBuilder Builder for flip component operation used in formboard.
NXOpen.Formboard.FormboardLayoutBuilder Class that performs the “layout” of Formboard geometry.
NXOpen.Formboard.FormboardManager Contains information about flattened harness drawing and drafting data for harness manufacturing drawings (Formboard Drawings).
NXOpen.Formboard.LayoutLengthOptions Defines the various options for determining the rounded lengths of formboard geometry during the layout or update process.
NXOpen.Formboard.ObjectAttributeReferenceBuilder Builder for “object attribute” used in formboard which enbles user to create annotation in drafting functionality.
NXOpen.Formboard.OrientBranchBuilder Builder for “Orient Branch” operation used in formboard.
NXOpen.Formboard.PathLengthAnnotationBuilder TODO Class documentation
NXOpen.Formboard.ShapeSegmentBuilder Builder for Face Annotation functionality used in formboard.
NXOpen.Formboard.UpdateDiscrepancy Defines a discrepancy object which contains information about a specific difference between the formboard drawing and the 3D harness model.
NXOpen.Formboard.UpdateFormboardBuilder Class that performs the “update” of Formboard geometry.


FaceAnnotationBuilderDrwDestination Enumeration Enum which defines where the geometry is to be placed.
FaceAnnotationBuilderTypes Enumeration Enum which defines the type to import CGM/Pattern file
FlipComponentBuilderAxisType Enumeration Enum for the selection of axis type for flipping formboard component
FormboardLayoutBuilderBranchAngle Enumeration Methods for determining which angles to apply at each branch of the Formboard.
FormboardLayoutBuilderBranchShape Enumeration Shape option for the branches.
FormboardLayoutBuilderMainRunType Enumeration Selection method for the set of segments that define the main run of the formboard geometry.
LayoutLengthOptionsRoundingMethod Enumeration Methods of rounding lengths for Formboard geometry.
ObjectAttributeReferenceBuilderLeaderType Enumeration Enum which defines types of leader user wants to associate with the annotation.
OrientBranchBuilderBranchAngleMethod Enumeration Enum to define the type of method to orient branch.
PathLengthAnnotationBuilderTypes Enumeration TODO: Document the whole type
UpdateDiscrepancyObjectType Enumeration Specifies the type of objects involved in the discrepancy.
UpdateDiscrepancyType Enumeration The general type of the discrepancy.