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NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager Class Reference

The Routing Custom Manager allows you to customize Routing by setting session wide Routing preferences and by adding plugins, callbacks, and design rules. More...

Inheritance diagram for NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager:
NXOpen.Utilities.NXRemotableObject IMessageSink


class  _CustomManagerAutoroutePluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerBomPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerBundlePluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerCallbackAdapter
class  _CustomManagerChoosePartPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerDesignRuleAdapter
class  _CustomManagerDisciplineChangedPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerDuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerDuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerFilterBlankingPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerImportExportPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerNavigatorObjectSelectedPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerPipingComponentFilePluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerPlmxmlObjectNamePluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerSortConnectionsPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerSpecificationChangedPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerStockComponentLockedPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerUnifyPathPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerValidateFormboardPluginAdapter
class  _CustomManagerWrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPluginAdapter

Public Types

enum  CallbackReason {
  Unknown = -1, PlacePart, MovePart, RemovePart,
  MovePath, CopyPath, DeletePath, TransformPath,
  OffsetPath, AssignStock, WireRouteManual, WireRouteAuto,
  WireCompManual, WireCompAuto, WireUnroute, WireUncomp,
  WireTerminals, ChoosePart, CreateConnection, EditConnection,
  UnassignStock, CreateRun, RunPreDelete, ReplaceStock,
  CreatePortConnection, WireCompProxy, ReplacePart, BrokenConnection,
  EditReplacePart, AttrDiscrepancy, AttributeCopyReplacePart, Count
 The reason for registering a callback indicates which Routing commands will use the callback. More...
enum  DesignRuleReason {
  Unknown = -1, CreatePath, HealPath, AssignCorner,
  AssignStock, RemoveStock, StockStyle, PlacePart,
  CreateFabrication, QualifyPart, MovePath, CopyPath,
  DeletePath, SubdivideSegment, SimplifyPath, RemovePart,
  MovePart, EditCharacteristic, Interactive, Batch,
  OrientStock, UnifyPath, TransformPath, OffsetPath,
  AutoRoutePinLevel, ManualRoutePinLevel, AutoRouteComponentLevel, ManualRouteComponentLevel,
  Import, SpaceReservation, PartialAutoRoute, PartialManualRoute,
  WindCatcher, CreatePlatform, EditPlacePart, BulkReplacement,
 The reason for registering a design rule indicates which Routing commands will use the design rule. More...
enum  DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNoteFlag { AddNote, RemoveNote }
 Used by the Duct Size Calculator's display note plugin to indicate whether to add or remove the note. More...
enum  DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape { Rectangular, Circular, FlatOval }
 Used by the Duct Size Calculator's create stock plugin to indicate what shape stock to create. More...
enum  NavigatorType { Component, Connection }
 Used by the navigator object selected plugin to indicate in which navigator the objects were selected. More...
enum  PipingComponentFileOptions { AskToOverwriteFile, NeverOverwriteFile, AlwaysOverwriteFile }
 Used by the piping component file plugin to indicate if it should overwrite an existing file or not. More...
enum  SelectionType { Deselected, Selected }
 Used by the navigator object selected plugin to indicate whether the objects are selected or deselected. More...

Public Member Functions

unsafe int AddCallback (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CallbackReason reason, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.Callback callbackMethod)
 Adds the callback with the given reason. More...
unsafe int AddDesignRule (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason, string name, string description, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRule designRuleMethod)
 Adds the design rule with the given reason. More...
delegate int AutoroutePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.Electrical.Connection[] connections)
 This defines the prototype for the autoroute plugin. More...
delegate void BomPlugin ()
 This defines the prototype for the bill of materials plugin. More...
delegate double BundlePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.StockData[] stockData)
 This defines the prototype Routing calls to determine the bundle diameter for each bundle in a harness. More...
delegate void Callback (NXOpen.NXObject[] nxObjects)
 This defines the prototype for all Routing callbacks. More...
delegate int ChoosePartPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.ChoosePartPluginData choosePartPluginData)
 This defines the prototype for the choose part plugin used by the Place Part command. More...
CreateViolationForReason (string designRuleName, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason, string shortDescription, string longDescription, NXOpen.NXObject[] objects)
 Creates a new violation for a design rule reason. More...
unsafe void DeleteViolationsOfRuleOnObject (string designRuleName, NXOpen.NXObject nxObject)
 Finds the violation of a design rule attached to the given object and deletes it. More...
unsafe void DeleteViolationsOnObjectForReason (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason, NXOpen.NXObject nxObject)
 Finds the violation of a design rule reason attached to the given object and deletes it. More...
delegate void DesignRule (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason, NXOpen.NXObject[] nxObjects)
 This defines the prototype for all Routing design rules. More...
delegate void DisciplineChangedPlugin (string previousDisciplineName, string newDisciplineName)
 This defines the prototype for the Discipline Changed plugin. More...
delegate void DuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin (NXOpen.Curve[] segments, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape ductShape, double diameter, double height, double width)
 This defines the prototype for the Duct Size Calculator's Create Stock plugin. More...
delegate void DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin (NXOpen.Curve segment, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNoteFlag displayOrRemove)
 This defines the prototype for the Duct Size Calculator's Display Note plugin. More...
delegate bool FilterBlankingPlugin (NXOpen.NXObject segmentOrComponent, string logicalAttributeTitle, string logicalAttributeValue, string variableBuildString)
 This defines the prototype for the filter blanking plugin. More...
unsafe void GetCallbacksRegisteredForReason (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CallbackReason reason, out int[] registeredCallbackIds)
 Returns the callbacks, if any, registered for the given reason. More...
unsafe void GetDesignRulesRegisteredForReason (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason, out int[] registeredDesignRuleIds)
 Returns the design rules, if any, registered for the given reason. More...
GetViolationsForReason (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason)
 Returns any violations recorded against a design rule reason. More...
GetViolationsOfRule (string designRuleName)
 Returns any violations recorded against a design rule. More...
delegate void ImportExportPlugin (string fileName)
 This defines the prototype for the import export plugins. More...
delegate void NavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.NavigatorType navigatorType, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SelectionType selectionType, NXOpen.NXObject[] selectedObjects)
 This defines the prototype Routing calls whenever an object on the Component or Connection Navigator is selected or deselected. More...
delegate void PipingComponentFilePlugin (string fileName, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component[] components, NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PipingComponentFileOptions options)
 This defines the prototype for the piping component file plugin. More...
delegate string PlmxmlObjectNamePlugin ()
 This defines the prototype for the Route Node and Route Section name plugins. More...
unsafe void RemoveAllCallbacks ()
 Removes all the registered callbacks, except those configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveAllCallbacksForReason (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CallbackReason reason)
 Removes all the callbacks registered for a particular reason. More...
unsafe void RemoveAllDesignRules ()
 Removes all the registered design rules, except those configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveAllDesignRulesForReason (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason reason)
 Removes all the design rules registered for a particular reason. More...
unsafe void RemoveAllPlugins ()
 Removes all the registered plugins, except those configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveAutoRoutePlugin ()
 Removes any registered autoroute plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveBomPlugin ()
 Removes any registered bill of materials plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveBundlePlugin ()
 Removes any registered bundle plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveCallback (int callbackMethodId)
 Removes the registered callback. More...
unsafe void RemoveChoosePartPlugin ()
 Removes any registered choose part plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveCmpPostExportPlugin ()
 Removes any registered post-export CMP plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveCmpPreImportPlugin ()
 Removes any registered pre-import CMP plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveDesignRule (int designRuleMethodId)
 Removes the registered design rule. More...
unsafe void RemoveDisciplineChangedPlugin ()
 Removes any registered discpline changed plugin. More...
unsafe void RemoveDuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin ()
 Removes any registered create stock plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveDuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin ()
 Removes any registered display note plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveFilterBlankingPlugin ()
 Removes any registered filter blanking plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveHrnPostExportPlugin ()
 Removes any registered post-export HRN plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveHrnPreImportPlugin ()
 Removes any registered pre-import HRN plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveManualRoutePlugin ()
 Removes any registered manual route plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveNavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin ()
 Removes any registered navigator object selected plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemovePipingComponentFilePlugin ()
 Removes any registered piping component file plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemovePlmXmlPostExportPlugin ()
 Removes any registered post-export PLMXML plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemovePlmXmlPreImportPlugin ()
 Removes any registered pre-import PLMXML plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemovePlmXmlRouteNodeNamePlugin ()
 Removes any registered Route Node name plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemovePlmXmlRouteSectionNamePlugin ()
 Removes any registered Route Section name plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveSortConnectionsPlugin ()
 Removes any registered sort connections plugin. More...
unsafe void RemoveSpecificationChangedPlugin ()
 Removes any registered discpline changed plugin. More...
unsafe void RemoveStockComponentLockedPlugin ()
 Removes any registered stock component locked plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveUnifyPathPlugin ()
 Removes any registered unify path plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveUnroutePlugin ()
 Removes any registered unroute plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveValidateFormboardPlugin ()
 Removes any registered validate formboard plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void RemoveWrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin ()
 Removes any registered wrapped overstock length calculation plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file. More...
unsafe void SetAutoRoutePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin autoRoutePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will instead of the internal automatic routing of connections along a path. More...
unsafe void SetBomPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.BomPlugin bomPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called just after Routing creates a bill of materials. More...
unsafe void SetBundlePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.BundlePlugin bundlePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call to determine the bundle diameter for each bundle in a harness. More...
unsafe void SetChoosePartPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ChoosePartPlugin choosePartPlugin)
 Sets the choose part plugin. More...
unsafe void SetCmpPostExportPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin cmpPostExportPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called just after Routing exports an CMP file. More...
unsafe void SetCmpPreImportPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin cmpPreImportPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called before importing an CMP file. More...
unsafe void SetDisciplineChangedPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DisciplineChangedPlugin disciplineChangedPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will use to display a note on the segments selected in the Duct Size Calculator. More...
unsafe void SetDuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin createStockPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will use to create stock for the Duct Size Calculator command. More...
unsafe void SetDuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin displayNotePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will use to display a note on the segments selected in the Duct Size Calculator. More...
unsafe void SetFilterBlankingPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.FilterBlankingPlugin filterBlankingPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called by Routing to determine if a segment or component needs to be blanked. More...
unsafe void SetHrnPostExportPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin hrnPostExportPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called just after Routing exports an HRN file. More...
unsafe void SetHrnPreImportPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin hrnPreImportPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called before importing an HRN file. More...
unsafe void SetManualRoutePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin manualRoutePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will instead of the internal manual routing of connections along a path. More...
unsafe void SetNavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.NavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin navigatorObjectSelectedPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call whenever an object on the Component or Connection Navigator is selected or deselected. More...
unsafe void SetPipingComponentFilePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PipingComponentFilePlugin pipingComponentFilePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will use for the Unify Path command. More...
unsafe void SetPlmXmlPostExportPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin plmXmlPostExportPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called just after Routing exports an PLMXML file. More...
unsafe void SetPlmXmlPreImportPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin plmXmlPreImportPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called before importing an PLMXML file. More...
unsafe void SetPlmXmlRouteNodeNamePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PlmxmlObjectNamePlugin plmXmlRouteNodeNamePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call to get the name of the next Route Node for the PLMXML file. More...
unsafe void SetPlmXmlRouteSectionNamePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PlmxmlObjectNamePlugin plmXmlRouteSectionNamePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call to get the name of the next Route Section for the PLMXML file. More...
unsafe void SetSortConnectionsPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SortConnectionsPlugin sortConnectionsPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call to sort the connections about to be routed. More...
unsafe void SetSpecificationChangedPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SpecificationChangedPlugin specificationChangedPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will use to display a note on the segments selected in the Duct Size Calculator. More...
unsafe void SetStockComponentLockedPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.StockComponentLockedPlugin stockComponentLockedPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call to see if a stock component is modifiable. More...
unsafe void SetUnifyPathPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.UnifyPathPlugin unifyPathPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will use for the Unify Path command. More...
unsafe void SetUnroutePlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin unroutePlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will instead of the internal unroute method. More...
unsafe void SetValidateFormboardPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ValidateFormboardPlugin validateFormboardPlugin)
 Sets the plugin Routing will call to validate the harnesses on a formboard. More...
unsafe void SetWrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.WrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin lengthCalculationPlugin)
 Sets the plugin called by Routing to calculate the length of a wrapped overstock. More...
delegate void SortConnectionsPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.Electrical.SortConnectionsPluginData sortConnectionsPluginData)
 This defines the prototype for the sort connections plugin in which you can sort the connections in the order Routing will route them along their paths. More...
delegate void SpecificationChangedPlugin (string previousSpecificationName, string newSpecificationName)
 This defines the prototype for the Specification Changed plugin. More...
delegate bool StockComponentLockedPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.Stock stock)
 This defines the prototype for the stock component locked plugin. More...
delegate void UnifyPathPlugin (NXOpen.NXObject[] objects)
 This defines the prototype for the unify path plugin. More...
delegate bool ValidateFormboardPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.Electrical.HarnessDevice[] harnesses)
 This defines the prototype for the validate formboard plugin. More...
delegate double WrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin (NXOpen.Routing.Overstock overstock)
 This defines the prototype for the wrapped overstock length calculation plugin. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NXOpen.Utilities.NXRemotableObject
IMessageCtrl AsyncProcessMessage (IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
 Asynchronously processes the given message. More...
IMessage SyncProcessMessage (IMessage msg)
 Synchronously processes the given message. More...


Tag Tag [get]
 Returns the tag of this object. More...
- Properties inherited from NXOpen.Utilities.NXRemotableObject
IMessageSink NextSink [get]
 Gets the next message sink in the sink chain. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from NXOpen.Utilities.NXRemotableObject
void initialize ()
 <exclude> More...

Detailed Description

The Routing Custom Manager allows you to customize Routing by setting session wide Routing preferences and by adding plugins, callbacks, and design rules.

To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen.Session

Created in NX12.0.0

Member Enumeration Documentation

The reason for registering a callback indicates which Routing commands will use the callback.


Used only for validation.


Called after the Place Part command.


Called after the Move Part command.


Called after the Remove Part command.


Called after the Move Path command.


Called after the Copy Path command.


Called after the Delete Path command.


Called after the Transform Path command.


Called after the Offset Path command.


Called after the Assign Stock command.


Called after the Manual Route command.


Called after the AutoRoute command.


Called after the Manual Assign command.


Called after the AutoAssign command.


Called after the Unroute command.


Called after the Unassign Component command.


Called after the Model Terminals command.


Called after the Choose Part command.


Called after the Create Connection command.


Called after the Edit Connection command.


Called after the Remove Stock command.


Called after the Create Run command.


Called before deleting a run.


Called after the Replace Stock command.


Called after the creating a connection between two ports.


Called after the Assign Proxy command.


Called after the Replace Part command.


Called after a port-to-port connection is broken.




Called after the Place Part and Replace Part commands.


Called after the Replace Part command.


The number of callback reasons.

The reason for registering a design rule indicates which Routing commands will use the design rule.

NOTE: The Interactive Check command calls all design rules regardless of the reason for which you registered a design rule.


Used only for validation.


Called after the Create Path command.


Called after the Heal Path command.


Called after the Assign Corner command.


Called after the Assign Stock command.


Called after the Remove Stockcommand.


Called after the Stock Style command.


Called after the Place Part command.


Called after the Create Fabrication command.


Called after the Qualify Part command.


Called after the Move Path command.


Called after the Copy Path command.


Called after the Delete Path command.


Called after the Subdivide Segment command.


Called after the Simplify Path command.


Called after the Remove Part command.


Called after the Move Part command.


Called after the Edit Characteristics command.


The design rule is called for an interactive check instead of after a particular command.




Called after the Orient Stock command.


Called after the Unify Path command.


Called after the Transform Path command.


Called after the Offset Path command.


Called after the AutoRoute command using pin level routing.


Called after the Manual Route command using pin level routing.


Called after the AutoRoute command using component level routing.


Called after the Manual Route command using component level routing.


Called after the Import command from the Routing Electrical application's navigators.


Called after the Space Reservation command.


Called after the Partial AutoRoute command.


Called after the Partial Manual Route command.


Called after the Wind Catcher command.


Called after the Create Platform command.


Called after the Edit Place Part command.


Called after the Bulk Replacement command.


The number of design rule reasons.

Used by the Duct Size Calculator's display note plugin to indicate whether to add or remove the note.


Used by the Duct Size Calculator's create stock plugin to indicate what shape stock to create.


Used by the navigator object selected plugin to indicate in which navigator the objects were selected.


The objects were selected in the component navigator.


The objects were selected in the connection navigator.

Used by the piping component file plugin to indicate if it should overwrite an existing file or not.


Prompt the user of the plugin if it is OK to overwrite the piping component file.


Never overwrite any existing piping component file.

Throw an error if the file exists.


Always overwrite any existing piping component file.

Used by the navigator object selected plugin to indicate whether the objects are selected or deselected.


The objects were deselected.


The objects were selected.

Member Function Documentation

unsafe int NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AddCallback ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CallbackReason  reason,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.Callback  callbackMethod 

Adds the callback with the given reason.

NOTE: You can register more than one callback with the same reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want this callback called.
callbackMethodThe method you want to be called.
A unique identifier for your callback.
unsafe int NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AddDesignRule ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason,
string  name,
string  description,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRule  designRuleMethod 

Adds the design rule with the given reason.

NOTE: You can register more than one design rule with the same reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want this design rule called.
nameA descriptive name for this design rule.
descriptionA detailed description of what this design rule checks.
designRuleMethodThe method you want to be called.
A unique identifier for your design rule.
delegate int NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.Electrical.Connection[]  connections)

This defines the prototype for the autoroute plugin.

Returns the number of connections actually routed.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

connectionsThe Routing.Electrical.Connection s to autoroute between their connectors.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.BomPlugin ( )

This defines the prototype for the bill of materials plugin.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

delegate double NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.BundlePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.StockData[]  stockData)

This defines the prototype Routing calls to determine the bundle diameter for each bundle in a harness.

It returns the diameter of the bundle Routing should create to represent the given stock.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

stockDataThe data for the stock to bundle.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.Callback ( NXOpen.NXObject[]  nxObjects)

This defines the prototype for all Routing callbacks.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

nxObjectsThe objects created or affected by the calling command. For example, the component that was just placed or the wires that were just unrouted.
delegate int NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ChoosePartPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.ChoosePartPluginData  choosePartPluginData)

This defines the prototype for the choose part plugin used by the Place Part command.

You can use this plugin to choose any part you wish to be placed by the Place Part command.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

choosePartPluginDataThe Routing.ChoosePartPluginData to fill in once the user chooses a part. The Place Part command will use this inoformation to place the part in the Routing assembly.
unsafe NXOpen.Routing.DesignRuleViolation NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CreateViolationForReason ( string  designRuleName,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason,
string  shortDescription,
string  longDescription,
NXOpen.NXObject[]  objects 

Creates a new violation for a design rule reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

designRuleNameThe Design Rule for which you want to create a new violation.
reasonThe reason for which you want to create a new violation.
shortDescriptionA short description of the violation displayed as the message on the Design Rule Violation dialog.
longDescriptionA more detailed description of the violation displayed by the Full Violation Text button on the Design Rule Violation dialog.
objectsThe objects in violation.
The newly created violation object.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DeleteViolationsOfRuleOnObject ( string  designRuleName,
NXOpen.NXObject  nxObject 

Finds the violation of a design rule attached to the given object and deletes it.

Useful when the given object no longer violates this rule. This method calls update after deleting the violations.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

designRuleNameThe Design Rule for which you want to delete a violation.
nxObjectThe object on which to delete the violation.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DeleteViolationsOnObjectForReason ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason,
NXOpen.NXObject  nxObject 

Finds the violation of a design rule reason attached to the given object and deletes it.

Useful when the given object no longer violates this rule. This method calls update after deleting the violations.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want to delete a violation.
nxObjectThe object on which to delete the violation.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRule ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason,
NXOpen.NXObject[]  nxObjects 

This defines the prototype for all Routing design rules.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which Routing called a design rule. When the reason is an Interactive Check, there will be no objects passed in. Your design rule should check all objects in the work part.
nxObjectsThe objects created or affected by the calling command. For example, the component that was just placed or the wires that were just unrouted.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DisciplineChangedPlugin ( string  previousDisciplineName,
string  newDisciplineName 

This defines the prototype for the Discipline Changed plugin.

Routing calls this plugin any time the user changes the discipline.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin ( NXOpen.Curve[]  segments,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape  ductShape,
double  diameter,
double  height,
double  width 

This defines the prototype for the Duct Size Calculator's Create Stock plugin.

This plugin should take the given parameters and create either circular, rectangular or flat oval space reservation on the given segments.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

segmentsThe segments on which to create the stock.
ductShapeThe shape of the duct to create.
diameterThe diameter to use for Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape.Circular stock.
heightThe height to use for Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape.Rectangular and Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape.FlatOval stock.
widthThe width to use for Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape.Rectangular and Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDuctShape.FlatOval stock.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin ( NXOpen.Curve  segment,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNoteFlag  displayOrRemove 

This defines the prototype for the Duct Size Calculator's Display Note plugin.

This plugin displays notes with values of user specified attributes on the selected segments.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

delegate bool NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.FilterBlankingPlugin ( NXOpen.NXObject  segmentOrComponent,
string  logicalAttributeTitle,
string  logicalAttributeValue,
string  variableBuildString 

This defines the prototype for the filter blanking plugin.

Determines whether or not the segment or component should be blanked based on the value of its filter blanking attribute.

Return true to blank the segment or component. False to unblank it.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

segmentOrComponentThe segment or component to blank or not.
logicalAttributeTitleTitle of RLIST_FILTER_BLANKING_ATTRIBUTE defined in the Application View (APV) file.
logicalAttributeValueValue of the RLIST_FILTER_BLANKING_ATTRIBUTE for this particular segment or component
variableBuildStringVariable Build String assigned to the current display filter. This plugin is not called if the filter has no Variable Build String.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.GetCallbacksRegisteredForReason ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CallbackReason  reason,
out int[]  registeredCallbackIds 

Returns the callbacks, if any, registered for the given reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want a list of callbacks.
registeredCallbackIdsThe callback indentifiers, if any, registered with this reason.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.GetDesignRulesRegisteredForReason ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason,
out int[]  registeredDesignRuleIds 

Returns the design rules, if any, registered for the given reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want a list of design rules.
registeredDesignRuleIdsThe design rule indentifiers, if any, registered with this reason.
unsafe NXOpen.Routing.DesignRuleViolation [] NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.GetViolationsForReason ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason)

Returns any violations recorded against a design rule reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want a list of violations.
The violations for this reason.
unsafe NXOpen.Routing.DesignRuleViolation [] NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.GetViolationsOfRule ( string  designRuleName)

Returns any violations recorded against a design rule.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

designRuleNameThe Design Rule for which you want a list of violations.
The violations for this reason.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin ( string  fileName)

This defines the prototype for the import export plugins.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

fileNameThe name of the file on which the plugin is to work.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.NavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.NavigatorType  navigatorType,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SelectionType  selectionType,
NXOpen.NXObject[]  selectedObjects 

This defines the prototype Routing calls whenever an object on the Component or Connection Navigator is selected or deselected.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

selectedObjectsThe objects selected or deselected in the navigator.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PipingComponentFilePlugin ( string  fileName,
NXOpen.Assemblies.Component[]  components,
NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PipingComponentFileOptions  options 

This defines the prototype for the piping component file plugin.

The Piping Component File is then used by Alias' Isogen program to create an isometric drawing of the given components. This plugin will read the given components and write them to the piping component file in the proper format.

If the filename is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), it is up to the piping component file plugin to come up with a file name.

If the components array is empty, it is up to the piping component file plugin to either write out all components under the work part or prompt the user for the components to write.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_pipetube ("Routing Piping and Tubing")

fileNameThe name of the piping component file to create. May be empty.
componentsThe Assemblies.Component s to write to the piping component file. May be empty.
optionsThe Routing.CustomManager.PipingComponentFileOptions .
delegate string NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PlmxmlObjectNamePlugin ( )

This defines the prototype for the Route Node and Route Section name plugins.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveAllCallbacks ( )

Removes all the registered callbacks, except those configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveAllCallbacksForReason ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.CallbackReason  reason)

Removes all the callbacks registered for a particular reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want to remove all the callbacks.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveAllDesignRules ( )

Removes all the registered design rules, except those configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveAllDesignRulesForReason ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DesignRuleReason  reason)

Removes all the design rules registered for a particular reason.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

reasonThe reason for which you want to remove all the design rules.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveAllPlugins ( )

Removes all the registered plugins, except those configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveAutoRoutePlugin ( )

Removes any registered autoroute plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveBomPlugin ( )

Removes any registered bill of materials plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveBundlePlugin ( )

Removes any registered bundle plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveCallback ( int  callbackMethodId)

Removes the registered callback.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

callbackMethodIdThe callback identifier indicating which callback to remove.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveChoosePartPlugin ( )

Removes any registered choose part plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveCmpPostExportPlugin ( )

Removes any registered post-export CMP plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveCmpPreImportPlugin ( )

Removes any registered pre-import CMP plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveDesignRule ( int  designRuleMethodId)

Removes the registered design rule.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

designRuleMethodIdThe design rule identifier indicating which design rule to remove.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveDisciplineChangedPlugin ( )

Removes any registered discpline changed plugin.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveDuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin ( )

Removes any registered create stock plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveDuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin ( )

Removes any registered display note plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveFilterBlankingPlugin ( )

Removes any registered filter blanking plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveHrnPostExportPlugin ( )

Removes any registered post-export HRN plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveHrnPreImportPlugin ( )

Removes any registered pre-import HRN plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveManualRoutePlugin ( )

Removes any registered manual route plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveNavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin ( )

Removes any registered navigator object selected plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemovePipingComponentFilePlugin ( )

Removes any registered piping component file plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_pipetube ("Routing Piping and Tubing")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemovePlmXmlPostExportPlugin ( )

Removes any registered post-export PLMXML plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemovePlmXmlPreImportPlugin ( )

Removes any registered pre-import PLMXML plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemovePlmXmlRouteNodeNamePlugin ( )

Removes any registered Route Node name plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemovePlmXmlRouteSectionNamePlugin ( )

Removes any registered Route Section name plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveSortConnectionsPlugin ( )

Removes any registered sort connections plugin.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveSpecificationChangedPlugin ( )

Removes any registered discpline changed plugin.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveStockComponentLockedPlugin ( )

Removes any registered stock component locked plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveUnifyPathPlugin ( )

Removes any registered unify path plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveUnroutePlugin ( )

Removes any registered unroute plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveValidateFormboardPlugin ( )

Removes any registered validate formboard plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_harness ("Routing Harness")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.RemoveWrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin ( )

Removes any registered wrapped overstock length calculation plugin, except one configured in the Application View (APV) file.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetAutoRoutePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin  autoRoutePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will instead of the internal automatic routing of connections along a path.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

autoRoutePluginThe method you want Routing to use instead of Routing's internal autoroute method.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetBomPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.BomPlugin  bomPlugin)

Sets the plugin called just after Routing creates a bill of materials.

The intent is that the plugin can then add stocks to Teamcenter's Product Structure.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

bomPluginThe method you want Routing to call after creating a bill of materials.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetBundlePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.BundlePlugin  bundlePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call to determine the bundle diameter for each bundle in a harness.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

bundlePluginThe method you want Routing to call to determine the bundle diameters.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetChoosePartPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ChoosePartPlugin  choosePartPlugin)

Sets the choose part plugin.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

choosePartPluginThe method you want Routing to use to choose a part to be placed.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetCmpPostExportPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin  cmpPostExportPlugin)

Sets the plugin called just after Routing exports an CMP file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

cmpPostExportPluginThe method you want Routing to call after exporting an CMP file.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetCmpPreImportPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin  cmpPreImportPlugin)

Sets the plugin called before importing an CMP file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

cmpPreImportPluginThe method you want Routing to call before importing an CMP file.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetDisciplineChangedPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DisciplineChangedPlugin  disciplineChangedPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will use to display a note on the segments selected in the Duct Size Calculator.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

disciplineChangedPluginThe method you want Routing to call when the user changes the discipline.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetDuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorCreateStockPlugin  createStockPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will use to create stock for the Duct Size Calculator command.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

createStockPluginThe method you want Routing to use for the create stock plugin.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetDuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.DuctSizeCalculatorDisplayNotePlugin  displayNotePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will use to display a note on the segments selected in the Duct Size Calculator.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

displayNotePluginThe method you want Routing to use to display the note.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetFilterBlankingPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.FilterBlankingPlugin  filterBlankingPlugin)

Sets the plugin called by Routing to determine if a segment or component needs to be blanked.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

filterBlankingPluginThe method you want Routing to call to determine if a segment or component should be blanked.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetHrnPostExportPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin  hrnPostExportPlugin)

Sets the plugin called just after Routing exports an HRN file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

hrnPostExportPluginThe method you want Routing to call after exporting an HRN file.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetHrnPreImportPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin  hrnPreImportPlugin)

Sets the plugin called before importing an HRN file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

hrnPreImportPluginThe method you want Routing to call before importing an HRN file.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetManualRoutePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin  manualRoutePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will instead of the internal manual routing of connections along a path.

This uses the same plugin prototype as the autoroute plugin. Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

manualRoutePluginThe method you want Routing to use instead of Routing's internal manual route method.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetNavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.NavigatorObjectSelectedPlugin  navigatorObjectSelectedPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call whenever an object on the Component or Connection Navigator is selected or deselected.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

navigatorObjectSelectedPluginThe method you want Routing to use instead of Routing's internal manual route method.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetPipingComponentFilePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PipingComponentFilePlugin  pipingComponentFilePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will use for the Unify Path command.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_pipetube ("Routing Piping and Tubing")

pipingComponentFilePluginThe method you want Routing to use for the piping component file plugin.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetPlmXmlPostExportPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin  plmXmlPostExportPlugin)

Sets the plugin called just after Routing exports an PLMXML file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

plmXmlPostExportPluginThe method you want Routing to call after exporting an PLMXML file.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetPlmXmlPreImportPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ImportExportPlugin  plmXmlPreImportPlugin)

Sets the plugin called before importing an PLMXML file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

plmXmlPreImportPluginThe method you want Routing to call before importing an PLMXML file.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetPlmXmlRouteNodeNamePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PlmxmlObjectNamePlugin  plmXmlRouteNodeNamePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call to get the name of the next Route Node for the PLMXML file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

plmXmlRouteNodeNamePluginThe method you want Routing to call to get the name of the next Route Node.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetPlmXmlRouteSectionNamePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.PlmxmlObjectNamePlugin  plmXmlRouteSectionNamePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call to get the name of the next Route Section for the PLMXML file.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

plmXmlRouteSectionNamePluginThe method you want Routing to call to get the name of the next Route Section.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetSortConnectionsPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SortConnectionsPlugin  sortConnectionsPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call to sort the connections about to be routed.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

sortConnectionsPluginThe method you want Routing to use to sort the connections.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetSpecificationChangedPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SpecificationChangedPlugin  specificationChangedPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will use to display a note on the segments selected in the Duct Size Calculator.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

specificationChangedPluginThe method you want Routing to call when the user changes the specification.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetStockComponentLockedPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.StockComponentLockedPlugin  stockComponentLockedPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call to see if a stock component is modifiable.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

stockComponentLockedPluginThe method you want Routing to call to see if a stock component is modifiable.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetUnifyPathPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.UnifyPathPlugin  unifyPathPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will use for the Unify Path command.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unifyPathPluginThe method you want Routing to use for the Unify Path command.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetUnroutePlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.AutoroutePlugin  unroutePlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will instead of the internal unroute method.

This uses the same plugin prototype as the autoroute plugin. Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

unroutePluginThe method you want Routing to use instead of Routing's internal unroute method.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetValidateFormboardPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ValidateFormboardPlugin  validateFormboardPlugin)

Sets the plugin Routing will call to validate the harnesses on a formboard.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_harness ("Routing Harness")

validateFormboardPluginThe method you want Routing to call to validate the formboard harnesses.
unsafe void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SetWrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.WrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin  lengthCalculationPlugin)

Sets the plugin called by Routing to calculate the length of a wrapped overstock.

Will throw an error if one is already registered.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

lengthCalculationPluginThe method you want Routing to call to calculate the length of a wrapped overstock.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SortConnectionsPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.Electrical.SortConnectionsPluginData  sortConnectionsPluginData)

This defines the prototype for the sort connections plugin in which you can sort the connections in the order Routing will route them along their paths.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

sortConnectionsPluginDataThe Routing.Electrical.SortConnectionsPluginData s contains the connections that need to be sorted.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.SpecificationChangedPlugin ( string  previousSpecificationName,
string  newSpecificationName 

This defines the prototype for the Specification Changed plugin.

Routing calls this plugin any time the user changes the specification.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_hvac ("Routing HVAC")

delegate bool NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.StockComponentLockedPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.Stock  stock)

This defines the prototype for the stock component locked plugin.

Returns whether or not the given stock component is modifiable because it is not locked.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_base ("Routing Basic")

stockThe Routing.Stock to check.
delegate void NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.UnifyPathPlugin ( NXOpen.NXObject[]  objects)

This defines the prototype for the unify path plugin.

Displays a dialog that allows the users to select new characteristics to use when replacing all of the given objects.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

objectsThe NXObject s to check.
delegate bool NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.ValidateFormboardPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.Electrical.HarnessDevice[]  harnesses)

This defines the prototype for the validate formboard plugin.

Returns whether or not the given harnesses pass the validation test.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_harness ("Routing Harness")

harnessesThe Routing.Electrical.HarnessDevice es on the formboard that need to be validated.
delegate double NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.WrappedOverstockLengthCalculationPlugin ( NXOpen.Routing.Overstock  overstock)

This defines the prototype for the wrapped overstock length calculation plugin.

Created in NX12.0.0

License requirements: routing_advanced ("Routing Advanced"), routing_base ("Routing Basic")

overstockThe wrapped overstock whose length to calculate.

Property Documentation

Tag NXOpen.Routing.CustomManager.Tag

Returns the tag of this object.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Copyright 2019 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.