PartOperationMakeUniqueBuilder Class

class NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationMakeUniqueBuilder

Bases: NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCopyBuilder

Represents a NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationMakeUniqueBuilder builder

To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen.PDM.PdmSession.CreateMakeUniqueOperationBuilder()

New in version NX10.0.0.


Property Description
DefaultDestinationFolder Returns or sets the default destination folder string for the part being created .
DependentFileSaveAsOption Returns or sets the Dependent files Save As option.
DependentFilesToCopyOption Returns or sets the Dependent files Save As option.
ReplaceAllComponents Returns or sets the replace all components.
ReplaceAllComponentsInSession Returns or sets the replace all components.
SelectedComponents Returns the selected components to be made unique are returned.
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.


Method Description
AddRelatedPartToOperate Add related part to the part undergoing an operation.
AddRelatedPartsToCopy Add related part to the part undergoing an operation.
AutoAssignAttributes Auto assigns the attributes for a given array of objects and returns an array of objects that failed to auto assign.
AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern Auto assigns the attributes for a given object and returns an array of objects that failed to auto assign.
ClearWarnings Executes method ClearWarningCodeToLogicalObjectsSetMap() which clears m_warningCodeToLogicalObjectsSetMap
Commit Commits any edits that have been applied to the builder.
CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap Creates a map object of attribute titles to their corresponding naming pattern
CreateLogicalObjects Creates the pre-creation objects for the parts
CreateNonMasterListForCopyLogicalObject Create NonMaster list for the selected logical Object
CreateNonMasterListForLogicalObject Create NonMaster list for the selected logical Object
CreateSpecificationsForLogicalObjects Create new specifications for Logical Objects
Destroy Deletes the builder, and cleans up any objects created by the builder.
EditNonMasterName Sets the name the non-master part will get saved as.
EditNonMasterToCopyName Sets the name the non-master part will get saved as.
GetAlternateIDManager Create an instance of a NXOpen.PDM.AlternateIdManager class that will be used to create alternate ID information while creating the new part.
GetCommittedObjects For builders that create more than one object, this method returns the objects that are created by commit.
GetCopyNonMasterPartsOption Get the nonmasters saveAs option for given logical object.
GetDialogOperation Returns the dialog operation Applicable only for operation types PartOperationBuilderOperationType.SaveAs and PartOperationBuilderOperationType.Revise
GetErrorMessageHandler Returns ErrorMessageHandler
GetNonMasterCopyOption Get the nonmasters saveAs option for given logical object.
GetNonMasterList Gets NonMaster list for the given logical Object
GetNonMasterListForCopyLogicalObject Gets NonMaster list for the given logical Object
GetObject Returns the object currently being edited by this builder.
GetOperationFailures Returns part operation failures
GetOperationSubType Returns the NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCopyBuilderOperationSubType for Create.
IsNonMasterBeingCopied Returns whether or not the non master part specified for the given :py:class:`NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject`will actually get saved during the save as operation.
IsNonMasterForLogicalObjectBeingCopied Returns whether or not the non-master part specified for the given :py:class:`NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject`will actually get saved during the save as operation.
SetCopyNonMasterPartsOption Set the nonmasters saveAs option for given logical object.
SetDialogOperation Sets the dialog operation.
SetNonMasterSaveAsOption Set the nonmasters saveAs option for given logical object
SetOperationSubType Sets the NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCopyBuilderOperationSubType for Create.
SetSelectedNonMasterToCopy Sets whether or not the non-master part specified will actually get saved during the save as operation.
SetSelectedNonMasterToSaveAs Sets whether or not the non-master part specified will actually get saved during the save as operation.
SetSelectedParts Sets the selected parts.
SetSelectedPartsToCopy Sets the selected parts.
ShowResults Updates the model to reflect the result of an edit to the model for all builders that support showing results.
Validate Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.
ValidateLogicalObjectsToCommit Validates NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject objects with this builder and udpates the operation failuers.

Property Detail



Returns the selected components to be made unique are returned.


Getter Method

Signature SelectedComponents

Return type:NXOpen.SelectDisplayableObjectList

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.

Method Detail



Auto assigns the attributes for a given array of objects and returns an array of objects that failed to auto assign.

Signature AutoAssignAttributes(objects)

Parameters:objects (list of NXOpen.NXObject) –
Return type:NXOpen.ErrorList

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Auto assigns the attributes for a given object and returns an array of objects that failed to auto assign.

properties needs to be created using CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap()

Signature AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern(objects, properties)


Return type:


New in version NX12.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Creates a map object of attribute titles to their corresponding naming pattern

Signature CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap(attributeTitles, titlePatterns)

  • attributeTitles (list of str) –
  • titlePatterns (list of str) –

Return type:


New in version NX12.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.

If the component is not in a state to commit then an exception is thrown. For example, if the component requires you to set some property, this method will throw an exception if you haven’t set it. This method throws a not-yet-implemented NXException for some components.

Signature Validate()

Returns:Was self validation successful
Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.1.

License requirements: None.