NXOpen.Diagramming.Tables Package


CellBuilder Class Represents a CellBuilder.
CellRangeBuilder Class Represents a CellRangeBuilder.
CellSettingsBuilder Class Represents a CellSettingsBuilder.
ColumnBuilder Class Represents a ColumnBuilder.
ContinuationDataBuilder Class Represents a ContinuationDataBuilder.
RowBuilder Class Represents a RowBuilder.
Table Class Represents the Table class.
TableBuilder Class Represents a TableBuilder.
TableCollection Class Represents a collection of Table.
TableSettingsBuilder Class Represents a TableSettingsBuilder.


AnchorLocation Enumeration Represents the table anchor location.
ContentAlignment Enumeration Represents the cell content alignment.
ContinuationLocation Enumeration Represents the table continuation location.
HeaderLocation Enumeration Represents the table header location.
HeaderOrientation Enumeration Represents the table header orientation.
OverflowBehavior Enumeration Represents the cell overflow behavior.
SizingMethod Enumeration Represents the column/row sizing method.
ZeroDisplay Enumeration Represents the cell zero display.


SizedSymbol Struct Represents sized symbol information.