Solid Edge Framework Type Library
Project Overview
Solid Edge Framework Type Library
Class ModuleDescription
Represents a collection of KeyBinding objects.
Represents a collection of Accelerator objects.
A control that represents a command added to Solid Edge through the AddIn interface.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
A collection of AddIn objects.
An interface that allows an add-in that has save as capability for Solid Edge files to respond to user interface events.
Animation events.
Provides the properties and methods necessary for a Visual Basic user to drive Solid Edge programmatically.
Fires application events.
Fires document open event
Provides access to the application window events.
Assembly change events.
Fires AssemblyConfigurationChange user interface events.
Fires Assembly Physical Proeprties Change user interface events.
Represents a collection of assembly recompute events.
Represents an occurrence of a user-defined attribute.
Contains the QueryByName method, which enables you to locate attribute sets and individual attributes.
Represents an occurrence of a user-defined attribute set.
Represents a collection of AttributeSet objects.
Fires BeforeFileSaveAs user interface events.
Fires Bend Table events.
BiDM Events
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge events.
Represents all menus, toolbars, and pop-up menus in Solid Edge.
Represents buttons on toolbars and menus.
A collection of CommandBarButtonEvent objects.
Contains the properties and methods that are applicable to both CommandBarButton and CommandBarPopup objects.
Contains all of the buttons and pop-ups on a specific command bar.
Represents pop-ups on toolbars and menus.
A collection of all of the command bars within a specific environment.
A collection of command categories
Triggers Command Window events.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
An object that is sued to Customize the UI
The DashStyle object represents a custom dash style in a Draft document.
The DashStyles object represents a collection of DashStyle objects.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
Animation events.
Fires application events.
Provides access to the application window events.
Assembly change events.
Fires AssemblyConfigurationChange user interface events.
Fires Assembly Physical Proeprties Change user interface events.
Represents a collection of assembly recompute events.
Fires BeforeFileSaveAs user interface events.
Fires Bend Table events.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge events.
A collection of CommandBarButtonEvent objects.
Fires document events.
Feature selected from pathfinder Events.
Fires file user interface events.
Fires display events.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge mouse events.
Fires Sketch recompute events.
Fires view events.
Fires display events.
Represents a collection of DividedPart-based events.
Fires document events.
A collection of Document objects.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Represents a collection of DrawingView events.
The menus and accelerators to a Window object. Defines the set of commands that can be run while a window associated to an environment is active.
A collection of Environment objects.
An object in the FaceStyles collection.
A collection of FaceStyle objects.
Represents a collection of Family of Parts events.
Represents a collection of Feature Library-based events.
These events are fired when a feature is selected from pathfinder.
Fires file user interface events.
Defines the fill characteristics of an enclosed object.
A collection of FillStyle objects.
Represents a collection of GLDisplay events.
A vector pattern that is used to fill a closed boundary.
A collection of HatchPatternStyle objects.
Represents an occurrence of a Highlight set in Assembly, Draft, Part, or Sheet Metal documents.
A collection of HighLightSet objects.
BiDM Events

Automation users please note that, the "Insight Object" will not be supported from Solid Edge 2020 onwards, since we have stopped product support for "Solid Edge for Insight".

This interface will house methods for reporting, loading and saving the documents shown in the Component Tracker.
Represents a collection of KeyBinding objects.
Represents a collection of Accelerator objects.
A control that represents a command added to Solid Edge through the AddIn interface.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
A collection of AddInEvent objects.
A control that represents a command added to Solid Edge through the AddIn interface.
A control that represents a command added to Solid Edge through the AddIn interface.
A collection of AddIn objects.
An interface that allows an add-in to add save as capability for Solid Edge files.
An interface that allows an add-in that has save as capability for Solid Edge files to respond to user interface events.
Animation events.
Fires application events.
Fires application events.
Fires application is ready events.
Fires document open event
Provides access to the application window events.
Assembly change events.
Fires AssemblyConfigurationChange user interface events.
Fires Assembly Physical Proeprties Change user interface events.
Represents a collection of assembly recompute events.
Fires BeforeFileSaveAs user interface events.
Fires Bend Table events.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge events.
Represents all menus, toolbars, and pop-up menus in Solid Edge.
Represents buttons on toolbars and menus.
A collection of CommandBarButtonEvent objects.
Contains the properties and methods that are applicable to both CommandBarButton and CommandBarPopup objects.
Contains all of the buttons and pop-ups on a specific command bar.
Represents pop-ups on toolbars and menus.
A collection of all of the command bars within a specific environment.
A collection of command categories
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge events.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge events.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Represents a collection of DividedPart-based events.
Fires document events.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Represents a collection of DrawingView events.
Fires dynamic edit events.
SEEC Events
Represents a collection of Family of Parts events.
Represents a collection of Feature Library-based events.
Feature selected from pathfinder Events.
Fires file user interface events.
Fires display events.
Represents a collection of GLDisplay events.
Provides information about an existing key binding.
Fires model recompute events.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge mouse events.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Physical Properties change Events.
Represents a collection of rendering events.
Event set for short-cut menu manipulations
Fires Sketch recompute events.
SESP Events
Fires view events.
Provides an interface for add-ins to implement for Solid Edge to connect to them.
Provides information about an existing key binding.
An object in the Layers collection object.
A collection of Layer objects.
Consists of the information required to represent a line graphically.
A collection of LinearStyle objects.
Fires model recompute events.
Provides interfaces for Visual Basic users to capture user input to process Solid Edge mouse events.
A Named View objects.
Automation interface for IJNameMgr.
Contains the AfterUpdate event.
Physical Properties change Events.
A collection of Property objects.
A user-defined document attribute.
A user-defined document attribute.
A collection of PropertySet objects.
Represents the collection of objects returned by a query.
Represents an object that references another object (a part or assembly, for example).
Represents a collection of rendering events.
Distributes a document to recipients either at one time or sequentially.
Automation object for a section view in a Part or Assembly document.
Collection of section views.
SEEC Events
Represents a collection of AttachedProperty objects.
A temporary grouping of one or more selected objects.
Represents an occurrence of a Sensor feature in an Assembly document, a Part document, or a Sheet Metal document.
A collection of Sensor objects.
SESP Events
Represents a collection of sensors on a SheetMetalDocument.
Fires Sketch recompute events.
InsightXT Automation Object.
Solid Edge Teamcenter Automation object.
Automation object for the Steering Wheel used in Sync Edit commands
Contains information about a document.
Allows you to review or manipulate the symbol geometry, the attachment between a symbol and a source document, and the user property.
A collection of SymbolProperty objects.
A collection of Symbol objects.
TemplateManager object to manage template documents and template lists
Contains a set of character characteristics that can be applied as a set to the active text.
A collection of TextCharStyle objects.
Contains characteristics to apply to the active paragraph.
A collection of TextStyle objects.
The UnitOfMeasure object allows you to set and return the unit type and precision for each category, depending on the index of the unit.
Allows you to convert internal measurement units to user-specified measurement units.
Associates a name with a numeric value.
A list of Variable objects returned from a query.
A collection of Variable objects.
Provides methods and properties that allow you to manipulate Solid Edge window views.
Fires view events.
Contains a collection of properties that control view rendering.
A collection of ViewStyle objects.
Provides support for adjusting the size of the actual viewing area.
A collection of Window objects.
Public Enumerations
Animation Event Constants
Application global constants
Fires application ready events constants.
Styles for window arrangement.
Assembly Change Event Constants
Assembly Event constants
Bulk Migration Type Constants
Display types for a placeholder object.
Document Access Constants
Document Status Constants
Document Type Constants
Error while generating master import list
Defines the type of hatch element - Linear or Radial
Keypoint Type Constants
Links Update Options
Material Property Index Constants
Material Property Index Constants
Notify Options
Object Types
Insertion types for an OLE object into a placeholder.
Update options of the placeholder when source is modified.
PMI Section Display Mode
Defines the location of hatch ellipse center
The size of a control.
The text style of a control.
Operation that is done on the item being inserted.
Route Status Constants
Route Type Constants
Analysis Mode Types
Analysis State Types
Assembly Change Event Constants
Assembly Event constants
Background Types
Solid Edge CommandBar Positions
Solid Edge CommandBar Types
Solid Edge Control Types
Solid Edge Button Styles
Solid Edge AddIn Connect Modes
Solid Edge Control Types
Extent side options.
Section View by Plane Extent type constants.
Profile side options.
Solid Edge AddIn Disconnect Modes
Solid Edge Model Recompute, feature add flags
Solid Edge Model Recompute, feature delete flags
Solid Edge Model Recompute, feature modification flags
Solid Edge Image Quality Types
Sketch Recompute Event - Sketch Modification flags
Solid Edge Movie Formats
Solid Edge Standard Movie Resolutions
Sensor Display Type constants
Sensor Operator constants
Sensor Status constants
Sensor Type constants
Sensor Update Mechanism constants
Solid Edge Object Types
Solid Edge Render Mode Types
Sharpen level
Constants to define input arguments to get/set methods on the Steering Wheel automation object
Style types.
Constants for context of short-cut menu event
Solid Edge Command Constants
SharePoint ServerTypeConstants
Style Units Type constant
Sensor Surface Area Type - Positive / Negative
Sensor Surface Area Selection Type - Face / Face Chain
Templates list type
Text Number Justification
Unit Type Constants
Public UDTs