Solid Edge Framework Type Library
SeButtonStyle Enumeration
Solid Edge Framework Type Library : SeButtonStyle Enumeration
Solid Edge Button Styles
seButtonAutomatic1Button Style - Automatic
seButtonCaption2Button Style - Caption
seButtonIcon3Button Style - Icon
seButtonIconAndCaption4Button Style - Icon and Caption
seButtonIconAndCaptionBelow5This style will cause Edge to place the text of a button below the icon. This style MUST be used for any command that wants to use a large icon.
seCheckButton6This style will cause Edge to create a check button. Edge does not provide direct support for checking/unchecking the button. Edge will fire the OnCommand event when the button is clicked. In order to set the check state, the add-in should respond to the OnCommandUpdateUI event and set (to “check”) the seCmdActive_Checked bit of the “lCmdFlags” argument. Failure to set this bit will result in the button being/remaining unchecked. To remain checked, set the bit on each call to OnCommandUpdateUI (failure to do so results in the button being unchecked.)
seCheckButtonAndIcon7This style is analogous to seCheckButton except that instead of text, an icon is displayed with the button. Of course the icon must have been passed to edge via a call to SetAddInInfo(Ex).
seRadioButton8This style will cause Edge to create a radio button. The state of a radio button is set in the same way a check button is set. That is, using the seCmdActive_Checked bit of lCmdFlags.
See Also

Solid Edge ST2 - What's New  | Solid Edge ST MP9 - What's New