Solid Edge Part Type Library
RollToFeature Method
Specifies the feature object to which the model is to be rolled back.
Specifies whether or not the rolled-back model is to be redisplayed.
Rolls the referenced Model object back to a specified feature.
Visual Basic
Public Sub RollToFeature( _
   ByVal Feature As Object, _
   ByVal DisplayPart As Boolean _
Specifies the feature object to which the model is to be rolled back.
Specifies whether or not the rolled-back model is to be redisplayed.
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim objApp As SolidEdgeFramework.Application
    Dim objDoc As SolidEdgePart.PartDocument
    Dim objModel As SolidEdgePart.Model
    Dim objExtProt As SolidEdgePart.ExtrudedProtrusion
    Dim objCutOut As SolidEdgePart.ExtrudedCutout
    Const TESTFILE = "T:\vbtests\testcases\freeform.par"
    Const TOLERANCE = 0.0001
    Dim dblDensity As Double
    Dim dblAccuracyIn As Double
    Dim dblAccuracyOut As Double
    Dim dblVolume As Double
    Dim dblArea As Double
    Dim dblMass As Double
    Dim dblCofGravity() As Double
    Dim dblCofVolume() As Double
    Dim dblGlobalMoments() As Double
    Dim dblPrincipalMoments() As Double
    Dim dblPrincipalAxes() As Double
    Dim dblRadiiOfGyration() As Double
    Dim lngStatus As Long
    ' Report errors
    Const PI = 3.14159265358979
    ' Create/get the application with specific settings
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objApp = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
    If Err Then
        Set objApp = CreateObject("SolidEdge.Application")
        Set objDoc = objApp.Documents.Add("SolidEdge.PartDocument")
        objApp.Visible = True
        Set objDoc = objApp.ActiveDocument
    End If
    ' Close the part document
    Call objDoc.Close
    ' Open a Testcase
    Set objDoc = objApp.Documents.Open(Filename:=TESTFILE)
    ' Get the model object in the test case
    Set objModel = objDoc.Models(1)
    ' Get the feature objects
    Set objExtProt = objModel.ExtrudedProtrusions(1)
    Set objCutOut = objModel.ExtrudedCutouts(1)

    ' ***** CASE 1 : DisplayPart set to FALSE
    ' Set RollToFeature to ExtrudedProtrusions(1)
    Call objModel.RollToFeature(Feature:=objExtProt, DisplayPart:=False)
    ' Compute the physical properties on the model.
    dblDensity = 1
    dblAccuracyIn = 0.0001
    Call objModel.ComputePhysicalProperties( _
         Density:=dblDensity, Accuracy:=dblAccuracyIn, Volume:=dblVolume, _
         Area:=dblArea, Mass:=dblMass, CenterOfGravity:=dblCofGravity, _
         CenterOfVolume:=dblCofVolume, _
         GlobalMomentsOfInteria:=dblGlobalMoments, _
         PrincipalMomentsOfInteria:=dblPrincipalMoments, _
         PrincipalAxes:=dblPrincipalAxes, _
         RadiiOfGyration:=dblRadiiOfGyration, _
         RelativeAccuracyAchieved:=dblAccuracyOut, Status:=lngStatus)

    ' Checking the physical properties of model
    If (dblVolume - TOLERANCE > 1.70449930803606E-03) Or (dblArea - TOLERANCE > 9.01381038623993E-02) Or _
       (dblMass - TOLERANCE > 1.70449930803606E-03) Then
        MsgBox ("ComputePhysicalProperties method of Model object fails")
    End If
    ' Set RollToFeature to ExtrudedProtrusions(1)
    Call objModel.RollToFeature(Feature:=objCutOut, DisplayPart:=False)
    'Get the physical properties on the updated model. _
     Since the updated model has been not computed so _
     GetPhysicalProperties should return lngstatus value to ZERO . _
     Call objModel.GetPhysicalProperties( _
     status:=lngStatus, Density:=dblDensity, _
     Accuracy:=dblAccuracyIn, Volume:=dblVolume, _
     Area:=dblArea, Mass:=dblMass, CenterOfGravity:=dblCofGravity, _
     CenterOfVolume:=dblCofVolume, _
     GlobalMomentsOfInteria:=dblGlobalMoments, _
     PrincipalMomentsOfInteria:=dblPrincipalMoments, _
     PrincipalAxes:=dblPrincipalAxes, _
     RadiiOfGyration:=dblRadiiOfGyration, _
    ' lngstatus value should be zero. This indicates properties of the model to be out of date,
    If (lngStatus <> 0) Then
        MsgBox ("GetPhysicalProperties method of Model object fails for out-of-date values")
    End If

    ' ***** CASE 2 : DisplayPart set to TRUE
    ' Set RollToFeature to ExtrudedProtrusions(1)
    Call objModel.RollToFeature(Feature:=objExtProt, DisplayPart:=True)
    ' Compute the physical properties on the model.
    dblDensity = 1
    dblAccuracyIn = 0.0001
    Call objModel.ComputePhysicalProperties( _
         Density:=dblDensity, Accuracy:=dblAccuracyIn, Volume:=dblVolume, _
         Area:=dblArea, Mass:=dblMass, CenterOfGravity:=dblCofGravity, _
         CenterOfVolume:=dblCofVolume, _
         GlobalMomentsOfInteria:=dblGlobalMoments, _
         PrincipalMomentsOfInteria:=dblPrincipalMoments, _
         PrincipalAxes:=dblPrincipalAxes, _
         RadiiOfGyration:=dblRadiiOfGyration, _
         RelativeAccuracyAchieved:=dblAccuracyOut, Status:=lngStatus)

    ' Checking the physical properties of model
    If (dblVolume - TOLERANCE > 1.70449930803606E-03) Or (dblArea - TOLERANCE > 9.01381038623993E-02) Or _
       (dblMass - TOLERANCE > 1.70449930803606E-03) Then
        MsgBox ("ComputePhysicalProperties method of Model object fails")
    End If
    ' Set RollToFeature to ExtrudedProtrusions(1)
    Call objModel.RollToFeature(Feature:=objCutOut, DisplayPart:=True)
    'Get the physical properties on the updated model. _
     Since the updated model has been not computed so _
     GetPhysicalProperties should return lngstatus value to ZERO . _
     Call objModel.GetPhysicalProperties( _
     status:=lngStatus, Density:=dblDensity, _
     Accuracy:=dblAccuracyIn, Volume:=dblVolume, _
     Area:=dblArea, Mass:=dblMass, CenterOfGravity:=dblCofGravity, _
     CenterOfVolume:=dblCofVolume, _
     GlobalMomentsOfInteria:=dblGlobalMoments, _
     PrincipalMomentsOfInteria:=dblPrincipalMoments, _
     PrincipalAxes:=dblPrincipalAxes, _
     RadiiOfGyration:=dblRadiiOfGyration, _
    ' lngstatus value should be zero. This indicates properties of the model to be out of date,
    If (lngStatus <> 0) Then
        MsgBox ("GetPhysicalProperties method of Model object fails")
    End If
    ' Release objects
    Set objApp = Nothing
    Set objDoc = Nothing
    Set objModel = Nothing
    Set objExtProt = Nothing
    Set objCutOut = Nothing
End Sub
See Also

Model Object  | Model Members