NXOpen .NET Reference Guide  1899
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Package NXOpen.UF


struct  _Args
struct  _EplibCharx
struct  _EplibCharxValueU
struct  _EplibPartLibPart
struct  _MbActivatedButton
struct  _MethodList
struct  _ModlSweepTrimObject
struct  _SfColorAttr
struct  _SfLegendAttr
struct  _SfLegendIndexAttr
struct  _SfLegendIndexColorAttr
struct  _SfLegendIndexTextAttr
struct  _SfLegendTitle
struct  _SplineFit
struct  _StringList
struct  _SystemInfo
struct  _UgmgrAttrInfo
struct  _XUdoViewInfo
struct  Args
 Wrapper for UF_args_s More...
struct  CurveBcmmcp
 Wrapper for UF_CURVE_BCMMCP_s More...
struct  CutLevelSingle
 Wrapper for UF_CUT_LEVEL_single_s More...
struct  EplibCharx
 Wrapper for UF_EPLIB_charx_s More...
struct  EplibCharxValueU
 Wrapper for UF_EPLIB_charx_value_u More...
struct  EplibPartLibPart
 Wrapper for UF_EPLIB_part_lib_part_s More...
struct  ImportPartModes
 Wrapper for UF_import_part_modes_s More...
struct  MbActivatedButton
 Wrapper for MB_activated_button_s More...
struct  MethodList
 Wrapper for method_list More...
struct  ModlSrfValue
 Wrapper for UF_MODL_SRF_VALUE_s More...
struct  ModlSweepTrimObject
 Wrapper for UF_MODL_SWEEP_TRIM_object_s More...
class  NamespaceDoc
 Provides classes and interfaces to the UF API. More...
struct  ScSectionOutputData
 Wrapper for UF_SC_section_output_data_s More...
struct  SfColorAttr
 Wrapper for UF_SF_COLOR_attr_s More...
struct  SfLegendAttr
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LEGEND_attr_s More...
struct  SfLegendIndexAttr
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LEGEND_index_attr_s More...
struct  SfLegendIndexColorAttr
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LEGEND_index_color_attr_s More...
struct  SfLegendIndexTextAttr
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LEGEND_index_text_attr_s More...
struct  SfLegendTitle
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LEGEND_title_s More...
struct  SplineFit
 Wrapper for SPLINE_FIT_s More...
struct  StringList
 Wrapper for string_list More...
struct  SystemInfo
 Wrapper for UF_system_info_s More...
struct  TimerValues
 Wrapper for UF_timer_values_s More...
class  UF
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFAbort
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_ABORT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFAssem
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_ASSEM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFAttr
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_ATTR' functions and data types. More...
class  UFBound
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_BOUND' functions and data types. More...
class  UFBrep
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_BREP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCam
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCambnd
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAMBND' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCambndWedm
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAMBND_WEDM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCamgeom
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAMGEOM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCamPref
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAM_PREF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCamPrepro
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAM_PREPRO' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCamtext
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CAMTEXT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCfi
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CFI' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCgm
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CGM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFClear
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CLEAR' functions and data types. More...
class  UFClone
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CLONE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFClsf
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CLSF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFConstants
 Contains definitions of constants for use by UF methods. More...
class  UFCsys
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CSYS' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCurve
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CURVE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCurveLineArc
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CURVE_LINE_ARC' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCutLevels
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CUT_LEVELS' functions and data types. More...
class  UFCutter
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_CUTTER' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDbcMld
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DBC_MLD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDie
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DIE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDieeng
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DIEENG' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDirpath
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DIRPATH' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDisp
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DISP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDpud
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DPUD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDraw
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DRAW' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDrf
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DRF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFDrpos
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_DRPOS' functions and data types. More...
class  UFEval
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_EVAL' functions and data types. More...
class  UFEvalsf
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_EVALSF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFFacet
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_FACET' functions and data types. More...
class  UFFam
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_FAM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFFbmGeom
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_FBM_GEOM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFFltr
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_FLTR' functions and data types. More...
class  UFForgeo
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_FORGEO' functions and data types. More...
class  UFGdt
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_GDT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFGexp
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_GEXP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFGroup
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_GROUP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFHelp
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_HELP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFHmop
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_HMOP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFKf
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_KF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFKfUgmgr
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_KF_UGMGR' functions and data types. More...
class  UFLayer
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_LAYER' functions and data types. More...
class  UFLib
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_LIB' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMb
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MB' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMct
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MCT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMfm
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MFM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMisc
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MISC' functions and data types. More...
class  UFModl
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MODL' functions and data types. More...
class  UFModlSweep
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MODL_SWEEP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFModlTrex
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MODL_TREX' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMom
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MOM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMotion
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MOTION' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMsao
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MSAO' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMtx2
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MTX2' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMtx3
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MTX3' functions and data types. More...
class  UFMtx4
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_MTX4' functions and data types. More...
class  UFNcgeom
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_NCGEOM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFNcgroup
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_NCGROUP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFNcmthd
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_NCMTHD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFNcprog
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_NCPROG' functions and data types. More...
class  UFNx2d
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_NX2D' functions and data types. More...
class  UFObj
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_OBJ' functions and data types. More...
class  UFOper
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_OPER' functions and data types. More...
class  UFOprbnd
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_OPRBND' functions and data types. More...
class  UFParam
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PARAM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPart
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PART' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPath
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PATH' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPatt
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PATT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPd
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPlist
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PLIST' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPlot
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PLOT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPoint
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_POINT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFProcessAid
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PROCESS_AID' functions and data types. More...
class  UFPs
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_PS' functions and data types. More...
class  UFRoute
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_ROUTE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFRule
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_RULE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFScop
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SCOP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSession
 Represents the NXOpen.UF session . More...
class  UFSetup
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SETUP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSf
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSfCurve
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SF_CURVE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSfl
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SFL' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSfLegend
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SF_LEGEND' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSfPost
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SF_POST' functions and data types. More...
class  UFShopdoc
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SHOPDOC' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSim
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SIM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSket
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SKET' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSmd
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SMD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSo
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SO' functions and data types. More...
class  UFStd
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_STD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFStudio
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_STUDIO' functions and data types. More...
class  UFStyler
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_STYLER' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSubdiv
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SUBDIV' functions and data types. More...
class  UFSurfReg
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_SURF_REG' functions and data types. More...
class  UFTabnot
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_TABNOT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFTabnotF
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_TABNOT_F' functions and data types. More...
class  UFTag
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_TAG' functions and data types. More...
class  UFText
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_TEXT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFTrns
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_TRNS' functions and data types. More...
class  UFTurn
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_TURN' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUde
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UDE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUdobj
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UDOBJ' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUdop
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UDOP' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUgfont
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UGFONT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUgmgr
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UGMGR' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUgmgrKf
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UGMGR_KF' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUi
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UI' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUiOnt
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UI_ONT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUiParam
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UI_PARAM' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUndo
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UNDO' functions and data types. More...
class  UFUnit
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_UNIT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFVec2
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_VEC2' functions and data types. More...
class  UFVec3
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_VEC3' functions and data types. More...
class  UFVec4
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_VEC4' functions and data types. More...
class  UFView
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_VIEW' functions and data types. More...
class  UFWave
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_WAVE' functions and data types. More...
class  UFWeb
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_WEB' functions and data types. More...
class  UFWeight
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_WEIGHT' functions and data types. More...
class  UFWeld
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_WELD' functions and data types. More...
class  UFXs
 Contains wrappers for all 'UF_XS' functions and data types. More...
struct  UgmgrAttrInfo
 Wrapper for UF_UGMGR_ATTR_info_s More...
struct  XUdoViewInfo
 Wrapper for UFX_UDO_view_info_s More...


enum  CallbackReason
 Wrapper for UF_callback_reason_e More...
enum  CamAvoidanceType
 Wrapper for UF_CAM_avoidance_type_e More...
enum  CambndUdeSetType
 Wrapper for UF_CAMBND_UDE_set_type_e More...
enum  CamBoundaryType
 Wrapper for UF_CAM_boundary_type_e More...
enum  CamFeedrateUnit
 Wrapper for UF_CAM_feedrate_unit_e More...
enum  CamGeomType
 Wrapper for UF_CAM_geom_type_e More...
enum  CamMaterialSide
 Wrapper for UF_CAM_material_side_e More...
enum  CamToolPosition
 Wrapper for UF_CAM_tool_position_e More...
enum  Codeset
 Wrapper for UF_codeset_e More...
enum  DrfViewLabelTextToStubFormat
 Wrapper for UF_DRF_view_label_text_to_stub_format_t More...
enum  FeatureSigns
 Wrapper for UF_FEATURE_SIGNS More...
enum  ModlSweepTrimOpts
 Wrapper for UF_MODL_SWEEP_TRIM_OPTS More...
enum  ModlSweepTrimSigns
 Wrapper for UF_MODL_SWEEP_TRIM_SIGNS More...
enum  ModlUnits
 Wrapper for UF_MODL_units_e More...
enum  MotionPvExportType
 Wrapper for UF_MOTION_PV_export_type_e More...
enum  MotnMotionType
 Wrapper for UF_MOTN_motion_type_e More...
enum  NcmctSetupReplaceMode
 Wrapper for UF_NCMCT_setup_replace_mode_t More...
enum  OprbndUdeSetType
 Wrapper for UF_OPRBND_UDE_set_type_e More...
enum  ParamClrplaneStatus
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_clrplane_status_t More...
enum  ParamClrplaneUsage
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_clrplane_usage_t More...
enum  ParamClvRangeType
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_clv_range_type_t More...
enum  ParamLwplaneStatus
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_lwplane_status_t More...
enum  ParamLwplaneUsage
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_lwplane_usage_t More...
enum  ParamTtmoprSubopType
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_ttmopr_subop_type_t More...
enum  ParamTurnWorkpieceDirection
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_turn_workpiece_direction_t More...
enum  ParamTurnWorkpieceType
 Wrapper for UF_PARAM_turn_workpiece_type_t More...
enum  PartLoadState
 Wrapper for UF_PART_load_state_e More...
enum  PdBusModfrType
 Wrapper for UF_PD_BUS_MODFR_type_e More...
enum  RsoSurfCtrlOption
 Wrapper for UF_RSO_surf_ctrl_option_t More...
enum  RsoSurfMethod
 Wrapper for UF_RSO_surf_method_t More...
enum  RsoTrimOption
 Wrapper for UF_RSO_trim_option_t More...
enum  ScaleType
 Wrapper for UF_SCALE_TYPE_e More...
enum  SfLangAnalysisType
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_analysis_type_e More...
enum  SfLangLinearity
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_linearity_e More...
enum  SfLangProblemAbstract
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_problem_abstract_e More...
enum  SfLangTimeDepend
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_time_depend_e More...
enum  SfLegendTextJustification
 Wrapper for UF_SF_LEGEND_text_justification_e More...
enum  SfmcResult
 Wrapper for UF_SFMC_result_e More...
enum  SimKimDegofTypes
 Wrapper for UF_SIM_KIM_degof_types_t More...
enum  SvKimDegofDirection
 Wrapper for UF_SV_KIM_degof_direction_t More...
enum  UdeSetType
 Wrapper for UF_UDE_set_type_e More...
enum  UiMenuType
 Wrapper for UF_UI_MENU_TYPE_e More...
enum  UiMessageDialogType
 Wrapper for UF_UI_MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE More...
enum  UnitMeasureType
 Wrapper for UF_UNIT_MEASURE_TYPE_e More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Wrapper for UF_callback_reason_e

Refer to UF_callback_reason_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAM_avoidance_type_e

Refer to UF_CAM_avoidance_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAMBND_UDE_set_type_e

Refer to UF_CAMBND_UDE_set_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAM_boundary_type_e

Refer to UF_CAM_boundary_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAM_feedrate_unit_e

Refer to UF_CAM_feedrate_unit_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAM_geom_type_e

Refer to UF_CAM_geom_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAM_material_side_e

Refer to UF_CAM_material_side_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_CAM_tool_position_e

Refer to UF_CAM_tool_position_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_codeset_e

Refer to UF_codeset_e for documentation


Refer to UF_FEATURE_SIGNS for documentation


Refer to UF_MODL_SWEEP_TRIM_OPTS for documentation


Refer to UF_MODL_SWEEP_TRIM_SIGNS for documentation

Wrapper for UF_MODL_units_e

Refer to UF_MODL_units_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_MOTION_PV_export_type_e

Refer to UF_MOTION_PV_export_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_MOTN_motion_type_e

Refer to UF_MOTN_motion_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_NCMCT_setup_replace_mode_t

Refer to UF_NCMCT_setup_replace_mode_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_OPRBND_UDE_set_type_e

Refer to UF_OPRBND_UDE_set_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_clrplane_status_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_clrplane_status_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_clrplane_usage_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_clrplane_usage_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_clv_range_type_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_clv_range_type_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_lwplane_status_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_lwplane_status_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_lwplane_usage_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_lwplane_usage_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_ttmopr_subop_type_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_ttmopr_subop_type_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PARAM_turn_workpiece_type_t

Refer to UF_PARAM_turn_workpiece_type_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PART_load_state_e

Refer to UF_PART_load_state_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_PD_BUS_MODFR_type_e

Refer to UF_PD_BUS_MODFR_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_RSO_surf_ctrl_option_t

Refer to UF_RSO_surf_ctrl_option_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_RSO_surf_method_t

Refer to UF_RSO_surf_method_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_RSO_trim_option_t

Refer to UF_RSO_trim_option_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SCALE_TYPE_e

Refer to UF_SCALE_TYPE_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_analysis_type_e

Refer to UF_SF_LANG_analysis_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_linearity_e

Refer to UF_SF_LANG_linearity_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_problem_abstract_e

Refer to UF_SF_LANG_problem_abstract_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SF_LANG_time_depend_e

Refer to UF_SF_LANG_time_depend_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SFMC_result_e

Refer to UF_SFMC_result_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SIM_KIM_degof_types_t

Refer to UF_SIM_KIM_degof_types_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_SV_KIM_degof_direction_t

Refer to UF_SV_KIM_degof_direction_t for documentation

Wrapper for UF_UDE_set_type_e

Refer to UF_UDE_set_type_e for documentation

Wrapper for UF_UI_MENU_TYPE_e

Refer to UF_UI_MENU_TYPE_e for documentation


Refer to UF_UI_MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE for documentation


Refer to UF_UNIT_MEASURE_TYPE_e for documentation

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