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NXOpen::CAE Namespace Reference

Provides classes and interfaces relating to Advanced Simulation and Design Simulation. More...


namespace  AeroStructures
 Provides classes and interfaces relating to Aero Structures.
namespace  Connections
 Provides classes and interfaces relating to Connections.
namespace  FTK
 Provides classes and interfaces to Function Toolkit.
namespace  ModelCheck
 Provides classes and interfaces relating to Model Check.
namespace  Optimization
 Provides classes and interfaces relating to Optimization.
namespace  QualityAudit
 Provides classes and interfaces relating to Quality Audit.
namespace  ResponseSimulation
 Provides classes and interfaces for Response Simulation.
namespace  Xyplot
 Provides classes and interfaces for XY Graphing.


class  AbstractionManager
 Provides method for creating builder for abstraction commands in a fem part. More...
class  AcousticPostEnvironment
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AcousticPostEnvironment of Acoustic Environment Settings
Not support KF. More...
class  Acoustics
 Represents the acoustics manager. More...
class  AdaptivityExclusionZone
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AdaptivityExclusionZone . More...
class  AdaptivityExclusionZoneBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::AdaptivityExclusionZone object which represets adaptivity meta solution related exclusion zones. More...
class  AdaptivityExclusionZoneCollection
 Represents a collection of correl meta solution. More...
class  AdaptivityMetaSolution
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AdaptivityMetaSolution . More...
class  AdaptivityMetaSolutionBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::AdaptivityMetaSolution object which represets a recipe for generating adaptive remesh. More...
class  AdaptivityMetaSolutionCollection
 Represents a collection of adaptivity meta solution. More...
class  AdjacentFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the adjacent face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  AeroStructManager
 Represents the Aerosizing manager that contains all Aerosizing objects. More...
class  AfuAbscissaHeaderInfo
 Represents the data to define abscissa header information for an afu record. More...
class  AfuData
 the data used to create an AFU Data Record
Created in NX4.0.0. More...
class  AfuDataConvertor
 Convert data values for the AFU Data Record
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::AfuManager

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  AfuHeaderId
 the data used to create header id information for an AFU Data Record
Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  AfuManager
 Provides methods to manipulate AFU file or AFU record. More...
class  AfuMathFastRMSInfo
 Represents the Fast RMS parameter information. More...
class  AfuMathFastRMSOutput
 Represents the Fast RMS output information. More...
class  AfuMathOperation
 Does math operations on the AFU Data Records
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::AfuManager

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  AfuOrdinateHeaderInfo
 Represents the ordinate header information for an afu record. More...
class  AfuZHeaderInfo
 Represents the Z axis header information for an afu record. More...
class  AlternateFemRepresentationSource
 This is the class representing a Alternate Fem Representation Source. More...
class  AlternateFemRepresentationSourceBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AlternateFemRepresentationSourceBuilder which can be used to create FemDataSets. More...
class  AlternateFemRepSelectionRecipe
 Represents a Selection Recipe dedicated to Alternate Fem Representations. More...
class  ArbitraryMeshBoundingVolume
 Represents Arbitrary Mesh Bounding Volume for Selection Recipe
This is a sub object

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  ArbitraryPolygonBodyBoundingVolume
 Represents Arbitrary Polygon Body Bounding Volume for Selection Recipe
This is a sub object

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  AssignNodalCSBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AssignNodalCSBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementInfoManager::CreateAssignNodalCsBuilder
Default values. More...
class  AssociationUtilities
 Represents Physical NXOpen::CAE::AssociationUtilities class
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CaeSession

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  AssyFEModel
 This class represents an Assembly Finite Element Model. More...
class  AssyFemPart
 Represents an NX part of type .afm. More...
class  AttachElementsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AttachElementsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateAttachElementsBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  AttributeSelectionRecipe
 Represents a Selection Recipe based on attributes. More...
class  AtvSet
 This is the class representing a Atv result set. More...
class  AtvSetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AtvSetBuilder which can be used to create ATVSets. More...
class  AtvSetCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::AtvSet . More...
class  AutoBCBuilder
 Builds one or more NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulationObject object(s). More...
class  AutoCyclicSymmetryPairsBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::AutoPairs object which represents a recipe for generating face pairs from a selected set of faces in the model. More...
class  AutoHealGeometryBuilder
 Builder for creating Auto Heal Geometry
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateAutoHealGeometryBuilder
Default values. More...
class  AutoMacViewerBuilder
 Represents the correlation pairing viewer builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolutionCollection::CreateAutoMacViewerBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  AutomaticMorphBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::AutomaticMorphBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateAutomaticMorphBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  AutomaticSweepBetweenSelection
 Builder for creating Manual Hex Mesh - Face Dependency type - Multi Face Automatic
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SweepBetweenMeshBuilder::AutomaticSweepBetween

class  AutoPairs
 Represents an autopairs obj. More...
class  AutoPairsBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::AutoPairs object which represets a recipe for generating face pairs from a selected set of faces or solids in the model whose distance is less than a specified tolerance. More...
class  AxiSymmetricParameters
 Implementation of axi-symmetry utility
To obtain an instance of this class use. More...
class  BaseFEModel
 This class represents an Assembly Finite Element Model. More...
class  BaseFemPart
 Represents an NX part of type .afm. More...
class  BaseIteration
 This class provides interfaces to query iteration attributes
An instance of this class can not be obtained

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BaseLoadcase
 This class provides interfaces to query loadcase attributes
An instance of this class can not be obtained

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BaseResultType
 This class provides interfaces to query result type attributes
An instance of this class can not be obtained

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BcLabelManagerBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::BcLabelManagerBuilder builder which can be used to renumber NXOpen::CAE::SimBC id. More...
class  BCSelectionDisplayBuilder
 This class provides BC Selection Visual Display support, use this class to get the BC types in current solution, adds special BCs to list, and display the BC's selection geometry with the BC's color to do visually check
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateBcSelectionDisplayBuilder
Default values. More...
class  BeamEADBuilder
 This class provides Beam/Bar Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateBeamEadBuilder
Default values. More...
class  BeamElementInfo
 Represents a Beam Element Information. More...
class  BeamElementInfoHandler
 Represents a Beam Element Information Hanlder. More...
class  BeamSection
 Represents a Beam Cross Section
This is an abstract class. More...
class  BeamSectionCollection
 Represents the collection of all NXOpen::CAE::BeamSection in a fem part. More...
class  BeamSectionOccurrence
 Represents an occurrence of beam section in a FEM assembly or simulation part
Created in NX12.0.1. More...
class  BeamSectionOffsetOptions
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CaePart::NewBeamSectionOffsetOptions

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BeamSectionOptions
 Represents the synchronize options to be used when a FEM part is created These options will be used to synchronize the specified entities from the master CAD part file to the FEM part file. More...
class  BeamSectionOrientationOptions
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CaePart::NewBeamSectionOrientationOptions

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BeamSectionsCollection
 Represents the collection of all NXOpen::CAE::BeamSection in a fem part. More...
class  Bolt
 Represents Bolt
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::BoltBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BoltBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::BoltBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::BoltCollection::CreateBoltBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  BoltCollection
 Provides method for creating builder for bolt operation commands in a fem/afem part. More...
class  BoundingVolumePrimitive
 Represents a Bounding Volume Primitive class NXOpen::CAE::BoundingVolumePrimitive . More...
class  BoundingVolumeSelectionRecipe
 Represents Bounding Volume based Selection Recipe
To obtain an instance of this object use one of the creator in NXOpen::CAE::SelectionRecipeCollection . More...
class  BoxBoundingVolume
 Represents Box Bounding Volume for Selection Recipe
This is a sub object

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  BushingEADBuilder
 This class provides Bushing Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateBushingEadBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  CacheResultRecipe
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CacheResultRecipe Manager class to delete and find cached result recipes. More...
class  CacheResultRecipeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CacheResultRecipeBuilder Cached result types will used during the post processing workflows. More...
class  CacheResultRecipeManager
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CacheResultRecipeManager Cached result type objects lifecycle is manager using this class
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  CADModeling
 The CADModeling class provides method to create cad face using polygon face
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::FemPart

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  CAEBody
 Represents a CAE body geometry. More...
class  CAEConnection
 Represents Connection Recipe
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CAEConnectionBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CAEConnectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CAEConnectionBuilder which can be used to create 1D connections. More...
class  CAEConnectionCollection
 Provides method for creating builder for connection operation commands in a fem/afem part. More...
class  CaeDataContainer
 Represents a list of named properties, where the property name is a unique string. More...
class  CaeDOFSet
 Represents a dofset class NXOpen::CAE::CaeDOFSet . More...
class  CaeDOFSetCollection
 Provides methods for managing DOFSet NXOpen::CAE::CaeDOFSet. More...
class  CaeDOFSetDisplay
 Represents a DOF Set display attributes. More...
class  CAEEdge
 Represents a CAE edge geometry. More...
class  CAEFace
 Represents a CAE face geometry. More...
class  CaeGroup
 Represents a group class NXOpen::CAE::CaeGroup . More...
class  CaeGroupCollection
 Provides methods for managing set NXOpen::CAE::CaeGroup. More...
class  CaeLabel
 Represents an object that manages annotation for CAE
To obtain an instance of this object use on of the creator in NXOpen::CAE::NoteCollection . More...
class  CaeNote
 Represents an object that manages annotation for CAE
To obtain an instance of this object use on of the creator in NXOpen::CAE::NoteCollection . More...
class  CaeNoteBuilder
 Represents a CAE note builder class
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NoteManager::CreateCaeNoteBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  CaePart
 This is an abstract class for NX parts of type .fem and .sim. More...
class  CaeRegion
 Represents a cae region object. More...
class  CaeRegionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CaeRegionBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateCaeRegionBuilder

Created in NX7.0.0. More...
class  CaeRegionCollection
 Provides methods for managing CAE::CaeRegion in a sim part. More...
class  CaeSensor
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CaeSensor
This is a sub object

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  CaeSession
 This class provides access to all session related CAE functionality. More...
class  CAESet
 Represents a group of CAE object sets. More...
class  CAEVertex
 Represents a CAE vertex geometry. More...
class  CAEWeldConnection
 Represents WeldConnection Recipe
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CAEWeldConnectionBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CAEWeldConnectionBuilder
 Builder for creating 1D Weld Connection
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CAEConnectionCollection::CreateWeldConnectionBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CfdAutoRefinementConstraint
 The automatic refinement constraint is used by surface wrap recipes
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CfdAutoRefinementConstraintBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  CfdAutoRefinementConstraintBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CfdAutoRefinementConstraint builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CfdAutoRefinementConstraintCollection::CreateBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  CfdAutoRefinementConstraintCollection
 Provides methods for managing automatic refinement constraintsCAE::CfdAutoRefinementConstraint in a fem part. More...
class  CfdContactPreventionConstraint
 The contact prevention constraint is a type of constraint which is used by the Fluid Domain Recipe to generate a fluid domain. More...
class  CfdContactPreventionConstraintBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CfdContactPreventionConstraint builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CfdContactPreventionConstraintCollection::CreateBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  CfdContactPreventionConstraintCollection
 Provides methods for managing Contact Prevention ConstraintsCAE::CfdContactPreventionConstraint in a fem part. More...
class  CfdLocalResolutionConstraint
 The local resolution constraint is a type of constraint which is used by the Fluid Domain Recipe to generate a fluid domain. More...
class  CfdLocalResolutionConstraintBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CfdLocalResolutionConstraint builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CfdLocalResolutionConstraintCollection::CreateBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  CfdLocalResolutionConstraintCollection
 Provides methods for managing Local Resolution ConstraintsCAE::CfdLocalResolutionConstraint in a fem part. More...
class  CircularEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the circular edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  CircularImprintBuilder
 Builder for creating Circular Imprint
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateCircularImprintBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ClippingParameters
 This class is worked as a packet of information that can be used to set the clipping parameters of a NXOpen::CAE::Post object. More...
class  ComacViewerBuilder
 Represents the correlation MAC matrix viewer builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolutionCollection::CreateComacViewerBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CombineTrisBuilder
 Builder for creating Combine Tris
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateCombineTrisBuilder

Created in NX7.0.0. More...
class  CompanionResult
 Represents additional results data that will augment a primary set of Analysis results associated to a NXOpen::CAE::SimSolution . More...
class  CompanionResultBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CompanionResult builder and can be used to create or edit an NXOpen::CAE::CompanionResult
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CompanionResultCollection::CreateCompanionResultBuilder
Default values. More...
class  CompanionResultCollection
 Provides methods for managing CompanionResults NXOpen::CAE::CompanionResult in a NXOpen::CAE::SimResultReference. More...
struct  Complex
 A complex number
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ConflictResolutionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ConflictResolutionBuilder builder which can resolve conflicts between the two input BCs by a specified rule
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSolution::CreateConflictResolutionBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  ContactMeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ContactMeshBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateContactMeshBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  ConvertToConvergentBodyBuilder
 Builder for creating a convergent body from CAE.CAEBody
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CaePart::CreateConvertToConvergentBodyBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  ConvexMeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ConvexMeshBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateConvexMeshBuilder
Default values. More...
class  CoordinateSelectionRecipe
 Represents a single node selection recipe based on coordinates. More...
class  CorrelAlignmentBuilder
 This builder is used to control the alignment parameters of a NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolution
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSolution::CreateAlignmentBuilder

class  CorrelApplyAlignmentFromBuilder
 This builder is used to apply the alignment matrix read from selected xml file to the test model
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CorrelManager::CreateCorrelApplyAlignmentFromBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  CorrelBaseBuilder
 Represents the abstract builder class for all objects defined in correl meta solution
This is an abstract class, and cannot be created. More...
class  CorrelFineTuneAlignmentBuilder
 This builder is used to nudge the alignment by a fine adjustment
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CorrelManager::CreateCorrelFineTuneAlignmentBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  CorrelManager
 Represents the correl manager that contains all correl and pre-test objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CorrelModePairingBuilder
 This builder is used to control the mode pairing behavior of a NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolution
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolution::CreateModePairingBuilder

Created in NX6.0.1. More...
class  CorrelSolution
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolution , which is a meta-solution used to compare results from two structural dynamics solutions
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolutionBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CorrelSolutionBuilder
 This is a manager to the CAE::CorrelSolution class. More...
class  CorrelSolutionCollection
 Represents a collection of correl meta solution
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CorrelManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  CreateJtBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::CreateJtBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  CrossSectionParameters
 This class is worked as a packet of information that can be used to change cross-section state. More...
class  CurveOperation
 Provides methods to evaluate curve expressions. More...
class  CyclicSymmetricParameters
 Implementation of axi-symmetry utility
To obtain an instance of this class use. More...
class  CylinderBoundingVolume
 Represents Box Bounding Volume for Selection Recipe
This is a sub object

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  CylinderFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the cylinder face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  DamperEADBuilder
 This class provides Damper Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateDamperEadBuilder
Default values. More...
class  DataProcessing
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DataProcessing . More...
class  DataProcessingBlock
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DataProcessingBlock . More...
class  DataProcessingBlockBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::DataProcessingBlock object which represets a data processing block. More...
class  DataProcessingBlockCollection
 Represents a collection of DPM events. More...
class  DataProcessingBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::DataProcessing object which represets a data processing meta solution. More...
class  DataProcessingCollection
 Represents a collection of Data Processing meta solution. More...
class  DataReaderDatabaseOptions
 Exposes the options that can be set when opening a database. More...
class  DataReaderOptionBase
 Base class for the all the option types exposed by the data reader. More...
class  DataReaderOptionCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::DataReaderOptionBase . More...
class  DataReaderOptionDouble
 Specialization of a NXOpen::CAE::DataReaderOptionBase to handle double values. More...
class  DataReaderOptionEnum
 Specialization of a NXOpen::CAE::DataReaderOptionBase to handle enumerated values. More...
class  DataReaderOptionInt
 Specialization of a NXOpen::CAE::DataReaderOptionBase to handle integer values. More...
class  DataReaderOptionString
 Specialization of a NXOpen::CAE::DataReaderOptionBase to handle string values. More...
class  DataReaderOptionUnit
 Specialization of a NXOpen::CAE::DataReaderOptionBase to handle units. More...
class  DataReaderUnitCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::Unit . More...
class  DataSource
 This is the class representing a scenario data source. More...
class  DataSourceBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DataSourceBuilder which can be used to create scenario data sources. More...
class  DataSourceCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::DataSource . More...
class  DefaultFormatHandler
 Represents the default format handler associated to data sources which require no special options to be read. More...
class  DeformationParameters
 This class is worked as a packet of information that can be be used to deform NXOpen::CAE::Post objects. More...
class  DeletePolygonFaceBuilder
 Builder for Delete Polygon Face
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateDeletePolygonFaceBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  DeleteUnreferencedEntitiesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DeleteUnreferencedEntitiesBuilder builder which can be used to delete entites (by category) that are not referenced by the active solution of the simulation
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateDeleteUnreferencedEntitiesBuilder
Default values. More...
class  DependentMesh
 Represents Mesh Recipe
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::DependentMeshBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  DependentMeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::Mesh2d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateDependentMeshBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  DependentMeshListItemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DependentMeshListItemBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::DependentMeshBuilder::CreateNewListItem

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  DependentMeshListItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  DestinationCollectorBuilder
 Represents a Element Collector Container (Ecc) selection. More...
class  DisplayNodalCsysBuilder
 Represents a CAE::DisplayNodalCsysBuilder . More...
struct  DofTerm
 Used to specify a term of the Degree of freedom. More...
class  DurabilityAxisSearch
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityAxisSearch . More...
class  DurabilityAxisSearchCollection
 Represents a collection of stress axes. More...
class  DurabilityDamageEvaluationBuilder
 Represents the builder for evaluating durability damage. More...
class  DurabilityDataControlBuilder
 Represents a builder class for the transient event data control. More...
class  DurabilityEvaluateFatigueHistoryBuilder
 Represents the builder for evaluating fatigue histories. More...
class  DurabilityEvent
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityEvent , which is an event of a durability solution process. More...
class  DurabilityEventBuilder
 Represents the abstract builder class for all durability events. More...
class  DurabilityEventCollection
 Represents a collection of durability events. More...
class  DurabilityEventFatigueSettingsBuilder
 Represents a builder class for the event fatigue settings. More...
class  DurabilityEventOverridesBuilder
 Represents a builder class for Event Overrides. More...
class  DurabilityEventSolverBuilder
 Represents the builder for solving the durability event. More...
class  DurabilityEventStrengthSettingsBuilder
 Represents a builder class for the event strength settings. More...
class  DurabilityExcitation
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityExcitation . More...
class  DurabilityExcitationBuilder
 Represents the abstract builder class for all durability excitations. More...
class  DurabilityExcitationCollection
 Represents a collection of durability excitations. More...
class  DurabilityFatigue
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityFatigue . More...
class  DurabilityFatigueCollection
 Represents a collection of event fatigue settings. More...
class  DurabilityFunctionExcitation
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityFunctionExcitation . More...
class  DurabilityFunctionExcitationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityFunctionExcitation builder. More...
class  DurabilityLoadPattern
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityLoadPattern . More...
class  DurabilityLoadPatternBuilder
 Represents a CAE::DurabilityLoadPattern builder. More...
class  DurabilityManager
 Represents the durability manager that contains all durability objects. More...
class  DurabilityMetaSolution
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityMetaSolution . More...
class  DurabilityMetaSolutionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityMetaSolution builder. More...
class  DurabilityMetaSolutionCollection
 Represents a collection of correl meta solution. More...
class  DurabilityRandomEvent
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityRandomEvent . More...
class  DurabilityRandomEventBuilder
 Represents the builder for the random durability event. More...
class  DurabilityRandomFatigue
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityRandomFatigue . More...
class  DurabilityRandomFatigueBuilder
 Represents a builder class for the event fatigue settings. More...
class  DurabilityRandomFatigueCollection
 Represents a collection of random fatigue. More...
class  DurabilityResultPath
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityResultPath . More...
class  DurabilityResultPathBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityResultPath builder. More...
class  DurabilityResultsReportBuilder
 Represents the builder for reporting the durability results. More...
class  DurabilitySolveOptions
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilitySolveOptions . More...
class  DurabilitySolveOptionsCollection
 Represents a collection of correl meta solution. More...
class  DurabilitySolverBuilder
 Represents the builder for solving the durability solution process. More...
class  DurabilityStaticEvent
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityStaticEvent . More...
class  DurabilityStaticEventBuilder
 Represents the builder for the static durability event. More...
class  DurabilityStrainGageAnalyzerBuilder
 Represents the builder for analyzing strain gage data. More...
class  DurabilityStrength
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityStrength . More...
class  DurabilityStrengthCollection
 Represents a collection of event strength settings. More...
class  DurabilityStressAxesBuilder
 Represents a builder class for the event fatigue settings. More...
class  DurabilityTransientEvent
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurabilityTransientEvent . More...
class  DurabilityTransientEventBuilder
 Represents the builder for the transient durability event. More...
class  DurSpecialistAnalysisType
 TODO: Add documentation. More...
class  DurSpecialistAnalysisTypeCollection
 Represents a collection of DurSpecialist AnalysisType
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistManager

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  DurSpecialistBlockLoadEventBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistBlockLoadEvent builder. More...
class  DurSpecialistDataSources
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistDataSources
Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  DurSpecialistDurWeldSet
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistDurWeldSet . More...
class  DurSpecialistDurWeldSetBuilder
 Represents a CAE::DurSpecialistDurWeldSet builder
This is an abstract class, and cannot be created. More...
class  DurSpecialistFlexBodyEventBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistFlexBodyEventBuilder builder. More...
class  DurSpecialistLoadEventListBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistLoadEventListBuilder builder. More...
class  DurSpecialistLocalDefinitionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistLocalDefinition builder. More...
class  DurSpecialistParameterObject
 TODO: Add documentation. More...
class  DurSpecialistResultTableToggles
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistResultTableToggles . More...
class  DurSpecialistSimulationObject
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistSimulationObject . More...
class  DurSpecialistSimulationObjectTable
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistSimulationObjectTable
Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  DurSpecialistSolution
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistSolution . More...
class  DurSpecialistSolutionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistSolution builder. More...
class  DurSpecialistSuperpositionEventBuilder
 Represents a builder class for creating and editing an NXOpen::CAE::DurSpecialistSuperpositionEvent . More...
class  EdgeDensity
 Represents a CAE edge density. More...
class  EdgeFaceImprintBuilder
 Builder for creating Face Face Imprint
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateEdgeFaceImprintBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  EdgePathMethod
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::EdgePathMethod . More...
class  EdgeSeparation
 Represents Edge Separation. More...
class  EdgeSeparationConditionBuilder
 Represents Edge Separation Condition used to create a NXOpen::CAE::EdgeSeparationConditionBuilder which can be used to create NXOpen::CAE::EdgeSeparation objects. More...
class  EdgeSticherBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::EdgeSticherBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::FemPart::CreateEdgeSticherBuilder
Default values. More...
struct  ElemEdgefaceObject
 Structure used to retrieve list of Element Edges or Element Faces in a group. More...
class  ElemEdgePathMethod
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElemEdgePathMethod . More...
class  ElementAssociatedDataUtils
 Represents a system to access element associated data. More...
class  ElementConnectivityBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementConnectivityBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementConnectivityBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementCreateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementCreateBuilder which allows you to manually create elements from existing nodes. More...
class  ElementDeleteBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementDeleteBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateDeleteElementBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementDetachBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementDetachBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementDetachBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ElementExtractBuilder
 Builder for creating Element Extract
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementExtractBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ElementExtrudeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementExtrudeBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementExtrudeBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementInfoUtils
 Represents a system to query information about FE-based elements
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ElementModifyLabelBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementModifyLabelBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementModifyLabelBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementModifyOrderBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementModifyOrderBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementModifyOrderBuilder

Created in NX6.0.1. More...
class  ElementModifyTypeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementModifyTypeBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementModifyTypeBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  ElementProjectBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementProjectBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementProjectBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementReflectBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementReflectBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementReflectBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementRevolveBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementRevolveBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementRevolveBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementRotateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementRotateBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementRotateBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  ElementSplitBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementSplitBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementSplitBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementTranslateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ElementTranslateBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateElementTranslateBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ElementTypeBuilder
 Represents the specification of the FEA Element Type for a meshing dialog. More...
class  ElementTypes
 Represents an NXOpen::CAE::ElementTypes class. More...
class  ElemLabelMethod
 Represents the output from the elem label smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  FaceDensity
 Represents a CAE face density. More...
class  FaceFaceImprintBuilder
 Builder for creating Face Face Imprint
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateFaceFaceImprintBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  FaceFromBoundaryBuilder
 Builder for creating Polygon Face by boundary
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateFaceFromBoundaryBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  FeatureEdgeNodeMethod
 Represents the output from the feature edge node smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  FeatureElemEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the feature element edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  FeatureElemFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the feature element face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  FeatureElemMethod
 Represents the output from the feature element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  FeatureNodeMethod
 Represents the output from the feature node smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  FeatureShellElemMethod
 Represents the output from the feature shell element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.2. More...
class  FEElemEdge
 Represents a Finite Element Edge which can be shared by more that one element. More...
class  FEElement
 Represents a Finite Element. More...
class  FEElementLabelMap
 Represents a Elementl Label to an CAE::FEElement map, it can be used to quickly convert a CAE::FEElement label, which is generally used in solver input files and results files, in the element object itself CAE::FEElement. More...
class  FEElemFace
 Represents a Finite Element Face. More...
class  FemCreationOptions
 Represents the FEM creation options to be used when a FEM part is created. More...
class  FEModel
 This class represents a Finite Element Model. More...
class  FEModelOccAttribute
 This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model Attributes. More...
class  FEModelOccurrence
 This class represents a Finite Element Model Occurrence. More...
class  FemPart
 Represents an NX part of type .fem. More...
class  FemSignalProcessingApplication
 Implementation of the NXOpen::Fields::IApplication . More...
class  FemSignalProcessingSignalAttributes
 Implementation of the NXOpen::Fields::IApplicationData . More...
class  FemSynchronizeOptions
 Represents the synchronize options to be used when a FEM part is created These options will be used to synchronize the specified entities from the master CAD part file to the FEM part file. More...
class  FENode
 Represents a Finite Element Node. More...
class  FENodeLabelMap
 Represents a Nodel Label to an CAE::FENode map, it can be used to quickly convert a CAE::FENode label, which is generally used in solver input files and results files, in the node object itself CAE::FENode. More...
class  FieldRecipe
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::FieldRecipe
To obtain the object of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultProbe::GetOutputRecipe

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  FilletFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the fillet face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  FilterBodyMethod
 Represents the output from the filter bodies smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  FilterEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the filter edges smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  FilterElemMethod
 Represents the output from the filter element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  FilterFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the filter face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  FlatPatternsBuilder
 Represents a Flat Patterns Builder. More...
class  FluidDomainBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::FluidDomainRecipe
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::FluidDomainCollection::CreateBuilder

Created in NX7.5.2. More...
class  FluidDomainCollection
 Provides methods for managing fluid domainsNXOpen::CAE::FluidDomainRecipe in a fem part. More...
class  FluidDomainRecipe
 Represents a FluidDomainRecipe. More...
class  FormatHandlerCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::IFormatHandler . More...
class  FreeBodyResultsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::FreeBodyResultsBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  FreezeGeometryBuilder
 Builder for creating Freeze Geometry
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::GeometryRecipeCollection::CreateFreezeGeometryBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  FreezeGeometryRecipe
 Represents FreezeGeometryRecipe
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::FreezeGeometryBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  FrfSet
 This is the class representing a FRF set. More...
class  FrfSetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::FrfSetBuilder which can be used to create FrfSets. More...
class  FrfSetCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::FrfSet . More...
class  Function
 Represents a function object
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::FunctionBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  FunctionBuilder
 This builder class is used to create or edit NXOpen::CAE::Function objects. More...
class  FunctionCollection
 Represents a collection of function objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  GapEADBuilder
 This class provides Gap Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateGapEadBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  GeneralGeometryBeamSection
 Represents a General Geometry Beam Cross Section
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::GeneralGeometryBeamSectionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  GeneralGeometryBeamSectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::GeneralGeometryBeamSectionBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::BeamSectionsCollection::CreateGeneralGeometryBeamSectionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  GeometryRecipe
 Represents a Geometry Recipe. More...
class  GeometryRecipeCollection
 Provides methods for managing set NXOpen::CAE::GeometryRecipe. More...
class  GlobalLayupImportFromPptBuilder
 Represents a Global Layup IMport From Ppt Builder. More...
class  GraphFromResultProbeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::GraphFromResultProbeBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  GraphRecipe
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::GraphRecipe
To obtain the object of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultProbe::GetOutputRecipe

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  GRMSearch
 Contains methods for searching Teamcenter for CAE objects, as well as a cache of already found items. More...
class  GroupByBoundaryBuilder
 Represents a CAE::GroupByBoundaryBuilder . More...
class  GroupEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the Group Edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  GroupElemEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the Group Element Edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  GroupElemFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the Group Element Face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  GroupElemMethod
 Represents the output from the Group Element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  GroupElemMethodElemOption
 Represents the output from the Group Element smart selector method. More...
class  GroupFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the Group Face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  GroupMethod
 Represents the output from the Group smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  GroupNodeMethod
 Represents the output from the Group Node smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  HoleElementEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the hole element edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  HybridMesh
 Represents swept Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh3dHybridBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  IAncillaryDisplayableEntity
class  IApplicationObjectManager
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::IApplicationObjectManager . More...
class  IBeamSectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::IBeamSectionBuilder
This is an abstract class

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  IExportableFEEntity
 Represents an EXPORTABLE_FE_ENTITY. More...
class  IFEModel
 This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model. More...
class  IFolder
 This class represents an Interface to the Folder. More...
class  IFormatHandler
 Represents a data source format handler. More...
class  IHierarchicalFEModel
 This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model. More...
class  IMeshCollector
 Represents the base IMeshCollector class for MeshCollector and MeshCollectorOccurrence classes. More...
class  IMeshManager
 Manages meshesNXOpen::CAE::IMeshManager in cae parts. More...
class  ImportedResult
 Represents analysis results for a imported solver results file. More...
class  ImportedSolutionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ImportedSolutionBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateImportedSolutionBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ImportSimulationBuilder
 Represents NXOpen::CAE::ImportSimulationBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimPart::CreateImportSimBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ImprintBuilder
 Builder for creating Imprint
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateImprintBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  InterpolationEADBuilder
 This class provides Interpolation Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateInterpolationEadBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  IPostScenarioDataSource
 This class represents a data source that can be used for a post processing scenario. More...
class  IPostScenarioVisualizationCustomization
 Visualization specific customization data. More...
class  ISensorSet
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ISensorSet
No creator for this interface object

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  Iteration
 Represents iteration present in a NXOpen::CAE::Loadcase . More...
class  LabelRangeSelectionRecipe
 Represents a Selection Recipe based on label ranges. More...
class  Laminate
 Represents a Laminate, which is a specialized kind of NXOpen::CAE::PhysicalPropertyTable. More...
class  LaminateDampingFactorBuilder
 The builder for the damping factor. More...
class  LaminateDrapingData
 Encapsulate the ply information related to the draping algorithm
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDrapingDataBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  LaminateDrapingDataBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDrapingData builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePly::CreateDrapingDataBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  LaminateDrapingExtension
 Encapsulate the ply information related to a ply draping extension
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDrapingExtensionBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  LaminateDrapingExtensionBuilder
 Builder class for NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDrapingExtension
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePly::CreateDrapingExtensionBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  LaminateDrapingOrientation
 Encapsulates the ply draping results
Don't support KF. More...
class  LaminateDynamicEvent
 The Laminate Dynamic Event. More...
class  LaminateDynamicEventBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicEvent builder
This is an abstract class. More...
class  LaminateDynamicEventCollection
 Represents a collection of laminate dynamic events
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicSim

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  LaminateDynamicSim
 The Laminate Dynamic Simulation builder is the journalling interface to build the LaminateDyanmicSim object. More...
class  LaminateDynamicSimBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicSim builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicSimCollection::CreateDynamicSimBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  LaminateDynamicSimCollection
 Represents a collection of laminate dynamic sims
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateManager

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  LaminateElementFilterBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGraphicalReport builder
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateExtrudeSetup
 Extrude Setup
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateExtrudeSetupBuilder

Created in NX6.0.4. More...
class  LaminateExtrudeSetupBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateExtrudeSetup builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLaminateExtrudeSetupBuilder
Default values. More...
class  LaminateExtrudeSetupCollection
 Represents a collection of laminate extrusion setups
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateFiberOrientationOptions
 Laminate Fiber Orientation Options
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateFiberOrientationOptionsBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateFiberOrientationOptionsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateFiberOrientationOptions builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayup::CreateFiberOrientationOptionsBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateFillSetupBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateFillSetupBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLaminateFillSetupBuilder

Created in NX7.5.2. More...
class  LaminateGlobalLayup
 Represent a global layup in the ply based modeling. More...
class  LaminateGlobalLayupCollection
 Represents a global layup, which is defined by a sequence of NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayup , each with a name and a list of plies. More...
class  LaminateGlobalLayupMgr
 Represent the laminate global layup manager which manages all the global layups in the laminate ply-based modeling project
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::FEModel

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  LaminateGlobalLayupPlyGroupCollection
 Represents a laminate layup in the global layup context (ply based modeling), which is defined by a sequence of NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePlyGroup , each with a name and a list of plies. More...
class  LaminateGraphicalReport
 Represents a laminate graphical report
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateGraphicalReportBuilder
 Represents a CAE::LaminateGraphicalReport builder
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateGraphicalReportCollection
 Represents a collection of CAE::LaminateGraphicalReport
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePostReport

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  LaminateIDrapingOrientation
 Encapsulates the ply draping results
Don't support KF. More...
class  LaminateImportedLayupBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateImportedLayupBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLaminateImportedLayupBuilder
Default values. More...
class  LaminateImportZonesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateImportZonesBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLaminateImportZonesBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  LaminateLayupOffset
 laminate layup offset More...
class  LaminateLayupOffsetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateLayupOffset builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLayupOffsetBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateLayupOffsetCollection
 Represents a collection of layup offset rules
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateLockAngleBuilder
 Represents a builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayup::CreateLockAngleBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateManager
 Represents the laminate manager that contains all laminate post report setups
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  LaminateMatOrientation
 Laminate Material Orientation
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateMatOrientationBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateMatOrientationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateMatOrientation builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLaminateMatOrientationBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateMatOrientationCollection
 Represents a collection of layup growth rules
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  LaminateModeProperty
 Represents the properties of one normal mode
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  LaminateModePropertyCollection
 Represents a collection of laminate mode properties
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicSim

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  LaminatePly
 Represents one ply in a laminate layup. More...
class  LaminatePlyCollection
 Represents a list of plies, which have a material, a thickness, an orientation, and a color. More...
class  LaminatePlyFilterBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePlyFilterBuilder
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminatePlyGroup
 Represents one ply group in a laminate layup. More...
class  LaminatePlyGroupCollection
 Represents a laminate layup, which is defined by a sequence of CAE::LaminatePlyGroup , each with a name and a list of plies. More...
class  LaminatePlyMaxThicknessVarBuilder
 Builder used to modify the ply maximum accepted thickness variation for laminate fill
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePly::CreateLaminatePlyMaxThicknessVarBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  LaminatePlySection
 The Laminate Ply Section. More...
class  LaminatePlySectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePlySection builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreatePlySectionBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  LaminatePlySectionCollection
 Represents a collection of Laminate Ply Section. More...
class  LaminatePostReport
 Represents an advanced post reporting setup for laminate results. More...
class  LaminatePostReportBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePostReport builder
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminatePostReportCollection
 Represents a collection of laminate post reports
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateManager

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  LaminateQuickReport
 Represents a laminate quick report
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateQuickReportBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateQuickReport builder
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateQuickReportCollection
 Represents a collection of CAE::LaminateQuickReport
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePostReport

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  LaminateRandomEvent
 The Laminate Dynamic Event. More...
class  LaminateRandomEventBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateRandomEvent builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicEventCollection::CreateRandomEventBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  LaminateRelabelPliesBuilder
 Represents a CAE::LaminateDynamicEvent builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateRelabelPliesBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  LaminateReportObject
 laminate report object More...
class  LaminateReportObjectBuilder
 Represents a Report Object Builder. More...
class  LaminateReportObjectCollection
 Represents a collection of laminate report objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminateManager

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  LaminateSelectEntitiesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateSelectEntitiesBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateLaminateSelectEntitiesBuilder

Created in NX7.5.2. More...
class  LaminateSineEvent
 The Laminate Sine Event. More...
class  LaminateSineEventBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateSineEvent builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateDynamicEventCollection::CreateSineEventBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  LaminateSpreadsheetReport
 Represents a laminate spreadsheet report
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateSpreadsheetReportBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LaminateSpreadsheetReport builder
There is no kf creator. More...
class  LaminateSpreadsheetReportCollection
 Represents a collection of NXOpen::CAE::LaminateSpreadsheetReport
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::LaminatePostReport

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  LaminateViewDrapingResultsBuilder
 Represents the builder for the draping results viewer
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgr::CreateViewDrapingResultsBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  LayoutState
 This is the class representing a layout state. More...
class  LayoutStateApplicator
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LayoutStateApplicator which can be used to visualize a layout state. More...
class  LayoutStateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LayoutStateBuilder which can be used to create layout states. More...
class  LayoutStateCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::LayoutState . More...
class  LayoutStateDataReference
 This class represents a data reference of a layout state. More...
class  LayoutStateDataReferenceCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::LayoutStateDataReference . More...
class  LbcAssociationMgr
 Represents an abstract NXOpen::CAE::LbcAssociationMgr
This is an abstract class

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  Loadcase
 Represents loadcases present in a NXOpen::CAE::Result . More...
class  LocalRemeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::LocalRemeshBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateLocalRemeshBuilder
Default values. More...
class  LumpedMassEADBuilder
 This class provides LumpedMass Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateLumpedMassEadBuilder
Default values. More...
class  ManualMorphBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ManualMorphBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateManualMorphBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  ManualNodeAssociationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ManualNodeAssociationBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateManualNodeAssociationBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  ManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ManualSweepBetweenSelection::CreateNewListItem

Created in NX7.5.2. More...
class  ManualSweepBetweenListItemSelectionList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  ManualSweepBetweenSelection
 Builder for creating Manual Hex Mesh - Face Dependency type. More...
class  MappedHole
 Represents a CAE mapped hole. More...
class  MappedMesh
 Represents Mesh Recipe
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MappedMeshBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  MappedMeshBuilder
 Represents a Mapped Mesh Builder. More...
class  MappedResult
 Represents analysis results for a imported solver results file. More...
class  MaterialOptions
 Represents the material options to be used when assigning a material to cae part. More...
class  MechanicalLoadSumBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MechanicalLoadSumBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelCheckManager::CreateMechanicalLoadSumBuilder

Created in NX5.0.1. More...
class  MergeFaceBuilder
 Builder for creating Merge Face
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateMergeFaceBuilder
Default values. More...
class  Mesh
 Represents a Mesh. More...
class  Mesh0d
 Represents 0d Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh0dBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh0dBuilder
 Represents 0D Mesh Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::Mesh0d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh0dBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh1d
 Represents 1d Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh1dBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh1dBuilder
 Represents 1d Mesh Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::Mesh1d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh1dBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh2d
 Represents 2d Mesh
This is an abstract class

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh2dBuilder
 Represents 2D Mesh Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::Mesh2d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh2dBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh2dFree
 Represents 2d Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh2dBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh2dFromFacets
 Represents 2d Mesh From Facets
This is an abstract class

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  Mesh2dFromFacetsBuilder
 Represents 2D Mesh From Facets Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::Mesh2dFromFacets
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh2dFromFacetsBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  Mesh3d
 Represents 3d Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh3dTetBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh3dHexBuilder
 Represents 3D Hex Mesh Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::SweptMesh
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh3dHexBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  Mesh3dHybridBuilder
 Represents 3D Mesh Used to create a CAE::Mesh3d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh3dHybridBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  Mesh3dTetBuilder
 Represents 3D Mesh Used to create a CAE::Mesh3d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMesh3dTetBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  MeshCollector
 Represents a MeshCollector. More...
class  MeshCollectorBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshCollectorBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateCollectorBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults
 Represents the base MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults class for Mesh, MeshCollector and MeshCollectorOccurrence classes. More...
class  MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults0d
 Represents 0d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults1d
 Represents 1d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults2d
 Represents 2d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshCollectorDisplayDefaults3d
 Represents 3d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshCollectorOccurrence
 Represents a MeshCollector Occurrence. More...
class  MeshCollectorOccurrenceBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrenceBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManagerOccurrence::CreateOccurrenceBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  MeshControl
 Represents a MeshControl. More...
class  MeshControlBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshControl
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshControlCollection::CreateBuilder
Default values. More...
class  MeshControlCollection
 Provides methods for managing mesh controlsNXOpen::CAE::MeshControl in a fem part. More...
class  MeshControlDisplayManager
 Provides method for creating builder for mesh control display operation commands in both sim and fem part. More...
class  MeshControlDisplayOptionsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshControlDisplayOptionsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshControlDisplayManager::CreateBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  MeshDisplaySettings
 Represents the base MeshDisplaySettings class for Mesh class. More...
class  MeshDisplaySettings0d
 Represents 0d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::Mesh, CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshDisplaySettings1d
 Represents 1d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::Mesh, CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshDisplaySettings2d
 Represents 2d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::Mesh, CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshDisplaySettings3d
 Represents 3d Mesh Display Settings
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::Mesh, CAE::MeshCollector, or CAE::MeshCollectorOccurrence classes

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  MeshFollower
 Represents Mesh Recipe
This is an abstract class

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  MeshFromBoundaryBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshFromBoundaryBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateMeshFromBoundaryBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  MeshManager
 Creates MeshesNXOpen::CAE::Mesh in a fem part. More...
class  MeshManagerOccurrence
 Manages MeshOccurrencs and MeshCollectorOccurrences in a fem part. More...
class  MeshManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshManualSweepBetweenListItemSelection
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh3dHexBuilder::CreateNewListItem

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  MeshManualSweepBetweenListItemSelectionList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  MeshMate
 Represents a Mesh Mate. More...
class  MeshPoint
 Represents a smart NXOpen::CAE::MeshPoint . More...
class  MeshPointBaseBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointBaseBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be directly instantiated

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointCollection
 Provides methods for managing constraints NXOpen::CAE::MeshPoint in a sim part. More...
class  MeshPointConicCenterBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointConicCenterBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointConicCenterBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointExistingPointBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointExistingPointBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointExistingPointBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointInsideVolumeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointInsideVolumeBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointInsideVolumeBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointMultipleOnCurveBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointMultipleOnCurveBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointMultipleOnCurveBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointOnCurveBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointOnCurveBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointOnCurveBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointOnFaceBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointOnFaceBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointOnFaceBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshPointProjectBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointProjectBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshPointCollection::CreateMeshpointProjectBuilder

Created in NX5.0.2. More...
class  MeshRefinementBuilder
 Represents Mesh Refinement Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::MeshRefinementBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateMeshRefinementBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  MeshShellFromSolid
 Represents 2d Mesh that follows 3d mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SurfaceCoatBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  MMCCreateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MMCCreateBuilder which can be used to create or edit NXOpen::CAE::MeshMate objects. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcess
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcess . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcess object which represets a data processing meta solution. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessFanNoiseSegmentation
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessFanNoiseSegmentation . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessFanNoiseSegmentationBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessFanNoiseSegmentation object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessFrequencyOptions
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessFrequencyOptions . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessInputFile
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessInputFile . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessInputFileBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessInputFile object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMapping
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMapping . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMapping object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingData
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingData . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingDataBuilder
 Represents a CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingData builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingDatas::CreateBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessMeshMappingDatas
 Represents a collection of MLPP mesh mapping datas. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessOperation
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessOperation . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessOperationBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessOperation object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessOperations
 Represents a collection of MLPP events. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessor
 Represents a collection of Data Processing meta solution. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessPressureToForce
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessPressureToForce . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessPressureToForceBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessPressureToForce object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessTbl
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessTbl . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessTblBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessTbl object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeSignal
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeSignal . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeSignalBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeSignal builder
There is no kf creator for this. More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeToWaterfall
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeToWaterfall . More...
class  ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeToWaterfallBuilder
 Builds a NXOpen::CAE::ModelAndLoadPreProcessTimeToWaterfall object which represets an operation. More...
class  ModelCheckManager
 Provides method for creating builder for node element operation commands in a fem part. More...
class  ModelDisplayBuilder
 This class provides Model Display Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CaePart::CreateModelDisplayBuilder
Default values. More...
class  ModelingObjectPropertyTable
 Represents a Modeling Object Property Table. More...
class  ModelingObjectPropertyTableCollection
 Creates Modeling Object property tablesNXOpen::CAE::ModelingObjectPropertyTable in a fem model. More...
class  ModelUpdateCorrelMethodBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateCorrelMethodBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolution::CreateCorrelMethodBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateDesignVariable
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateDesignVariable , which is a meta-solution used to update finite element models to match real life test data
Created in NX8.0.1. More...
class  ModelUpdateDesignVariablesCollection
 Represents a collection of durability events. More...
class  ModelUpdateDesignVariablesRapidCreateBuilder
 This class is the builder that is used for the rapid creation of design variables. More...
class  ModelUpdateOptimOptionsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateOptimOptionsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolution::CreateOptimOptionsBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateOptionsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateOptionsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolution::CreateOptionsBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateOverallWeightsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateOverallWeightsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolution::CreateOverallWeightsBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateSensitivityViewerBuilder
 Represents NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSensitivityViewerBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolutionCollection::CreateSensitivityViewerBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateSolution
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolution , which is a meta-solution used to update finite element models to match real life test data
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolutionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateSolutionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolutionBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelUpdateSolutionCollection::CreateSolutionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  ModelUpdateSolutionCollection
 Represents a collection of model update meta solution
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CorrelManager
class  ModeSet
 This is the class representing a Mode set. More...
class  ModeSetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ModeSetBuilder which can be used to create ModeSets. More...
class  ModeSetCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::ModeSet . More...
class  ModifiableFEModelOccAttribute
 This class represents an Interface to the Finite Element Model. More...
class  MorphRevolvedMeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MorphRevolvedMeshBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateMorphRevolvedMeshBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  MoveNodeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MoveNodeBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateMoveNodeBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  MultipleElementCreateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MultipleElementCreateBuilder which can be used to create mutiple elements in one efficient opertation. More...
class  MultipleNodeCreateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::MultipleNodeCreateBuilder which can be used to create multiple nodes in one efficient operation. More...
class  NamedPropertyTable
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NamedPropertyTable which is a superclass to NXOpen::CAE::PhysicalPropertyTable. More...
class  NamedPropTableWithTargetSet
 Represents a Solver Specific Modeling Object with associated target set(s) More...
class  NodalForceReport
 Free Body Object. More...
class  NodalForceReportBuilder
 Nodal Force Report Builder
An instance of this class can not be obtained

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  NodeAlignBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeAlignBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeAlignBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodeAssociationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeAssociationBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeAssociationBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  NodeCreateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeCreateBuilder . More...
class  NodeDeleteBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeDeleteBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeDeleteBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodeDissociationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeDissociationBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeDissociationBuilder

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  NodeElementInfoBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementInfoBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementInfoManager::CreateNodeElementInfoBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodeElementInfoManager
 Provides method for creating builder for node element info operation commands in both sim and fem part. More...
class  NodeElementManager
 Provides method for creating builder for node element operation commands in a fem part. More...
class  NodeLabelMethod
 Represents the output from the node label smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  NodeModifyLabelBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeModifyLabelBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeModifyLabelBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodeModifyLocationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeModifyLocationBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeModifyLocationBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodeProjectBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeProjectBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeProjectBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  NodeReflectBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeReflectBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeReflectBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodeRotateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeRotateBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeRotateBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodesBetweenNodesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodesBetweenNodesBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodesBetweenNodesBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodesOnCurveBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodesOnCurveBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodesOnCurveBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NodesRepositionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodesRepositionBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodesRepositionBuilder

Created in NX6.0.2. More...
class  NodeTranslateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NodeTranslateBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateNodeTranslateBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  NoteCollection
 Represents a collection of CAE notes
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CaePart

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  NoteFolder
 Represents an object that manages annotation for CAE
To obtain an instance of this object use on of the creator in NXOpen::CAE::NoteManager . More...
class  NoteManager
 Represents an object that manages annotation for CAE
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CaePart

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  NotePreferencesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NotePreferencesBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NoteManager::CreateNotePreferencesBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  NumberFormat
 Represents the settings of format number value

Created in NX11.0.2. More...
class  NxBcPlotContours
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::NxBcPlotContours object returned from NXOpen::CAE::SimBcPlotContoursBuilder::CreatePlotObject in NXOpen::CAE::SimBcPlotContoursBuilder . More...
class  OneDimensionalElementSplitBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::OneDimensionalElementSplitBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateOneDimensionalElementSplitBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  OpenDuctMeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::OpenDuctMeshBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateOpenDuctMeshBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  OrderedEdgeElemMethod
 Represents the output from the ordered edge element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  OrderedEdgeNodeMethod
 Represents the output from the ordered edge node smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  OrderedFeatureEdgeElemMethod
 Represents the output from the ordered feature edge element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  OrderedFeatureEdgeNodeMethod
 Represents the output from the ordered feature edge node smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  OrderedSelection
 Represents list of ordered selection entitites
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  Override
 This class represents an override. More...
class  OverrideCollection
 Provides methods for managing NXOpen::CAE::Override. More...
class  PhysicalPropertyTable
 Represents a Physical Property Table. More...
class  PhysicalPropertyTableCollection
 Creates physical property tablesNXOpen::CAE::PhysicalPropertyTable in a fem model. More...
class  PointSelectionRecipe
 Represents a single node selection recipe based on coordinates of a point. More...
class  PolygonFaceOnMeshBuilder
 Builder for creating Polygon Face On Mesh
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreatePolygonFaceOnMeshBuilder
Default values. More...
class  PolygonGeometryManager
 Provides methods for managing set NXOpen::CAE::PolygonGeometryManager. More...
class  Post
 Represents Post-Processing
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  Post3DGraphBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::Post3DGraphBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostAnnotation
 Controls appearance of a annoation object in a postview. More...
class  PostAnnotationBuilder
 Builder to create NXOpen::CAE::PostAnnotation from NXOpen::CAE::Post. More...
class  PostAnnotationPreference
 Represents Post-Annotation Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostColorbar
 This class has the information related to post legend colorbar. More...
class  PostColorbarColorParameters
 This class has the information related to post colorbar color control values. More...
class  PostColorbarUnderFlowOverFlowParameters
 This class has the information related to post colorbar underflow overflow values. More...
class  PostColorbarValueParameters
 This class has the information related to post colorbar value control. More...
class  PostCoordinateSystem
 This class is worked as a packet of information that can be used to set the Coordinate System Parameters of a NXOpen::CAE::Post object. More...
class  PostCustomHeaderLines
 This class has the information related to post legend custom header lines. More...
class  PostEnvironmentsManager
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostEnvironmentsManager provides Post Environment Support
Not support KF. More...
class  PostGeneralPreference
 Represents General Post Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  PostGraph
 This class provides interfaces to query graph attributes
An instance of this class can not be obtained

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  PostGraphAcrossIterationsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostGraphAcrossIterationsBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  PostGraphAlongPathBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostGraphAlongPathBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated
Default values. More...
class  PostGraphBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostGraphBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  PostGraphOrbitBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostGraphOrbitBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX9.0.0. More...
class  PostGraphPreference
 Represents Post-Graph Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostHeader
 This class has the information related to post legend header. More...
class  PostIdentifyPreference
 Represents Post-Identify Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostJtExportBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostJtExportBuilder used for exporting JTs of Result Types in Post Processing
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ResultManager::CreatePostJtBuilder

Created in NX8.5.0. More...
class  PostLegend
 This class has the information related to post legend. More...
class  PostLegendPreference
 Represents Post-Legend Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostMesh
 This class has the information related to post mesh group. More...
class  PostPreference
 Represents Post Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::Post

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostProcessingSession
 This is the class representing a NXOpen::CAE::PostProcessingSession . More...
class  PostProcessingSessionApplicator
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostProcessingSessionApplicator which can be used to visualize a post processing pession. More...
class  PostResultNavigatorPreference
 Represents Post-ResultNavigator Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  PostResultPreference
 Represents Post-Result Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  PostScenario
 This class represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenario . More...
class  PostScenarioAction
 Represents an action that can be invoked on the parent scenario. More...
class  PostScenarioAvailableDescriptorCollection
 A collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDescriptor s. More...
class  PostScenarioBuilder
 This class represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder . More...
class  PostScenarioBuilderDataDefinitionCollection
 This is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDataDefinition available to a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder for a selected Data Source
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  PostScenarioBuilderSlot
 This class represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilderSlot . More...
class  PostScenarioBuilderSlotCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilderSlot . More...
class  PostScenarioColorBarsCustomization
 TODO: Add documentation. More...
class  PostScenarioConfigurationVariable
 A configuration variable to which values can be bound in order to define a user selection (NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioSelectionParameters ) for a post scenario (NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder ). More...
class  PostScenarioConfigurationVariableCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioConfigurationVariable . More...
class  PostScenarioCoordinateSystem
 Represents a local coordinate system. More...
class  PostScenarioDataDefinition
 Represents a data source data definition. More...
class  PostScenarioDefinition
 Represents a data source data definition. More...
class  PostScenarioDescriptor
 This class represents a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDescriptor . More...
class  PostScenarioDescriptorCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDescriptor . More...
class  PostScenarioInputDefinition
 Represents an Input Definition, part of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDescriptor . More...
class  PostScenarioInputDefinitionCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioInputDefinition . More...
class  PostScenarioManager
 Manages the creation of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder . More...
class  PostScenarioMeshDefinition
 A mesh definition, in the context of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDescriptor , requires a mesh for the scenario. More...
class  PostScenarioMeshDefinitionCollection
 Represents a collection of Mesh Definitions available in a certain Scenario Definition's Input Definition. More...
struct  PostScenarioModeDescription
 Mode description. More...
class  PostScenarioParameters
 The class represents the NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioParameters used to instanciate a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder . More...
class  PostScenarioSelectionParameters
 The class handles the User Selection for a Scenario. More...
class  PostScenarioVariable
 A selection variable to which values can be bound in order to define a user selection for a post scenario. More...
class  PostScenarioVariableCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioVariable . More...
class  PostScenarioVariant
 A dynamically typed scalar value. More...
class  PostScenarioVisualizationCollection
 Represents a collection of Visualizations available in a certain Scenario Definition's Input Definition. More...
class  PostScenarioVisualizationCustomizationCollection
 Collection holding visualization customization data. More...
class  PostScenarioVisualizationDefinition
 A visualization, in the context of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioDescriptor , dictates how data will be visualized on-screen. More...
class  PostSelectionEntity
 This class has the information related to post selection entity. More...
class  PostShowhideBuilder
 Represents NXOpen::CAE::PostShowhideBuilder . More...
class  PreTestDofSet
 Represents Dof Set within a pre-test setup
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestDofSetBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestDofSetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PreTestDofSet builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolutionCollection::CreatePretestDofsetBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestExciterConfig
 Represent a exciter selection configuration
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestExciterConfigBuilder

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  PreTestExciterConfigBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PreTestExciterConfig builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolutionCollection::CreateExciterConfigBuilder
Default values. More...
class  PreTestExciterConfigCollection
 Represents a collection of exciter selection configuration
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PreTestExciterSelectionControl

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  PreTestExciterSelectionControl
 Represents a pre-test exciter selection setup
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolution

Created in NX8.0.0. More...
class  PreTestExciterSelectionDofSetCollection
 Represents a collection of exciter selection configuration. More...
class  PreTestExportUnvBuilder
 This is a manager to the NXOpen::CAE::PreTestExportUnvBuilder class. More...
class  PreTestSensorConfig
 Represent a sensor selection configuration
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSensorConfigBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestSensorConfigBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSensorConfig builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolutionCollection::CreateSensorConfigBuilder
Default values. More...
class  PreTestSensorConfigCollection
 Represents a collection of sensor selection configuration
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSensorSelectionControl

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestSensorSelectionControl
 Represents a pre-test sensor selection setup
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolution

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestSensorSelectionDofSetCollection
 Represents a collection of sensor selection configuration. More...
class  PreTestSolution
 Represents a pre-test setup
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolutionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestSolutionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolution builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolutionCollection::CreatePretestBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PreTestSolutionCollection
 Represents a collection of pre-test setups
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CorrelManager

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PrimitiveMesh
 Represents Primitive Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::PrimitiveMeshBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  PrimitiveMeshBuilder
 Represents Primitive Mesh Used to create a CAE::Mesh
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreatePrimitiveMeshBuilder

Created in NX7.5.1. More...
class  PrimitiveRecipeMesh
 Represents a primitive recipe mesh. More...
class  PrimitiveRecipeMeshBuilder
 Represents a Primitive Recipe Mesh Used to create a CAE::Mesh
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreatePrimitiveRecipeMeshBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ProbeOutputRecipe
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ProbeOutputRecipe
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  ProjectNodesToCadGeometryBuilder
 Allows you to query the mesh nodes that are off the underlying Cad geometry by a given tolerance, and if requested this builder can adjust the node locations to put them back on to the underlying Cad geometry. More...
class  PropertyTable
 Represents a property table. More...
class  QueryCurve
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::QueryCurve
An instance of this class can be obtained from NXOpen::CAE::QueryCurveBuilder . More...
class  QueryCurveBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::QueryCurveBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::QueryCurveManager::CreateQueryCurveBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  QueryCurveManager
 Provides methods for managing the query curves. More...
class  QueryCurvePost
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::QueryCurvePost Use NXOpen::CAE::ResultManager to create an instance of this class
An instance of this class can be obtained from NXOpen::CAE::ResultManager . More...
class  QueryCurveUsageOptions
 Represents the options to apply a query curve. More...
class  ReassignElementsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ReassignElementsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateReassignElementsBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  RecipeConvexMesh
 Represents a convex mesh. More...
class  RecipeOpenDuctMesh
 Represents a open duct mesh. More...
class  RecipeSurfaceWrap
 Represents 2d mesh associated to fluid domain body, all from surface wrapper. More...
class  RelatedCurveMethod
 Represents the output from the related curve smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the related edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedElemEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the related element edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedElemFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the related element face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedElemMethod
 Represents the output from the related element smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the related face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedNodeMethod
 Represents the output from the related node smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RelatedVertexMethod
 Represents the output from the related vertex smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  RemesherBuilder
 Represents Remesher Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::RemesherBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateRemesherBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  RemoveRibsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::RemoveRibsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateRemoveRibsBuilder
Default values. More...
class  Result
This class provides interfaces to query analysis results. More...
class  ResultAccess
 Represents a specific result state for a given NXOpen::CAE::Result . More...
class  ResultManager
 Manages results
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX6.0.2. More...
class  ResultMeasure
 Represents a ResultMeasure class NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasure . More...
class  ResultMeasureCollection
 Provides methods for managing ResultMeasures NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasure. More...
class  ResultMeasureModelSubset
 Represents a a subset of the model upon which to calculate results
This is an abstract class, and cannot be created. More...
class  ResultMeasureModelSubsetFE
 Represents a FE-based subset of the model upon which to calculate results
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultMeasureModelSubsetGeom
 Represents a geometry-based subset of the model upon which to calculate results
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultMeasureResultAllOptions
 Represents the combination of all result options for result measure
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultMeasureResultDirectionOptions
 Represents the result directional options for result measure
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultMeasureResultDirectionSectionOptions
 Represents the result directional and beam/shell section options for result measure
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultMeasureResultOptions
 Represents the basic result options for result measure
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultMeasureResultSectionOptions
 Represents the result with beam/shell section options for result measure
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::ResultMeasureCollection . More...
class  ResultParameters
 This class is worked as a packet of information that can be either be used to change result state or pass around for information exchange between two NXOpen::CAE::ResultAccess objects. More...
class  ResultParametersWithNodalForceReport
To obtain an instance of this class use Session::ResultManager . More...
class  ResultParametersWithProbe
To obtain an instance of this class use Session::ResultManager . More...
class  ResultProbe
 Result Probe Object. More...
class  ResultProbeBuilder
 Result probe Builder
An instance of this class can not be obtained
Default values. More...
class  ResultsCombinationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ResultsCombinationBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  ResultsEnvelopeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ResultsEnvelopeBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  ResultsManipulationBuilder
 Represents an abstract NXOpen::CAE::ResultsManipulationBuilder
This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated

Created in NX7.5.2. More...
class  ResultsModelExportBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ResultsModelExportBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  ResultsReductionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ResultsReductionBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  ResultType
 This class represents a result type from a result file. More...
class  ResultVariable
 Controls Result Exp Object. More...
class  RigidEADBuilder
 This class provides Rigid Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateRigidEadBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  SelectCAEBody
 Represents a single object selection. More...
class  SelectCAEBodyList
 Represents a list of objects on a selection list. More...
class  SelectCAEEdge
 Represents a single object selection. More...
class  SelectCAEEdgeList
 Represents a list of objects on a selection list. More...
class  SelectCAEFace
 Represents a single object selection. More...
class  SelectCAEFaceList
 Represents a list of objects on a selection list. More...
class  SelectElementsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SelectElementsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SelectElementsManager::CreateSelectElementsBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  SelectElementsManager
 Provides method for creating builder for select element operation commands in both fem and sim part. More...
class  SelectFEElemFaceList
 Represents a list of objects on a selection list. More...
class  SelectFENode
 Represents a single object selection. More...
class  SelectFENodeList
 Represents a list of objects on a selection list. More...
class  SelectGroupsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SelectGroupsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SelectGroupsManager::CreateSelectGroupsBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  SelectGroupsManager
 Provides method for creating builder for select groups operation commands in both fem and sim part. More...
class  SelectionRecipe
 Represents a class NXOpen::CAE::SelectionRecipe . More...
class  SelectionRecipeCollection
 Provides methods for managing Selection Recipes NXOpen::CAE::SelectionRecipe. More...
class  SelectionRecipeDisplay
 Represents the display attributes of a CAE::SelectionRecipe. More...
class  SelectMeshList
 Represents a list of objects on a selection list. More...
class  SelRecipeAdapter
 Selection Recipe Adapter
Use the NXOpen::CAE::SelRecipeBuilder class to add strategy. More...
class  SelRecipeAttributeStrategy
 Selection Recipe Attribute Strategy
Use the NXOpen::CAE::SelRecipeBuilder class to add strategy. More...
class  SelRecipeBaseStrategy
 Selection Recipe Base Strategy
Use the NXOpen::CAE::SelRecipeBuilder class to add strategy. More...
class  SelRecipeBoundingVolumeStrategy
 Selection Recipe Bounding Volume Strategy
Use the NXOpen::CAE::SelRecipeBuilder class to add strategy. More...
class  SelRecipeBuilder
 Selection Recipe Builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SelectionRecipeCollection::CreateSelRecipeBuilder

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  SelRecipeCoordinateStrategy
 Represents a coordinate strategy that resolves to a single node. More...
class  SelRecipeLabelRangeStrategy
 Represents a Selection Recipe Strategy based on label ranges. More...
class  SelRecipePointStrategy
 Represents a point strategy that resolves to a single node. More...
class  SelRecipeProximityStrategy
 Represents a proximity strategy. More...
class  SelRecipeSingleLabelStrategy
 Represents a Label Strategy that resolved to a single Node Label. More...
class  SelRecipeStrategy
 Selection Recipe Strategy
Use the NXOpen::CAE::SelRecipeBuilder class to add strategy. More...
class  SensorSet
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SensorSet
This is a sub object

Created in NX1847.0.0. More...
class  SensorSetMgr
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SensorSetMgr . More...
class  SensorSetRef
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SensorSetRef
No creator for this object. More...
class  SetManager
 Represents a group of CAE object sets. More...
struct  SetObject
 Structure used to pass objects into SetManager and CAESet. More...
class  ShapeMetricViewerBuilder
 Represents the correlation Shape metrics viewer builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::CorrelSolutionCollection::CreateShapeMetricViewerBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  Shell2SolidBuilder
 Represents 3D Tet Mesh Used to create a CAE::Mesh3d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateShell2solidBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  ShellEADBuilder
 This class provides Shell Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateShellEadBuilder
Default values. More...
class  ShellTo3dHybridBuilder
 Represents 3D Shell To Hybrid mesh Used to create a CAE::Mesh3d
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateShellto3dhybridBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  ShipMeshAutomation
 Represents Ship Mesh Automation
This is an abstract class

Created in NX11.0.2. More...
class  ShipMeshAutomationBuilder
 Represents Ship Mesh Automation Used to create a NXOpen::CAE::ShipMeshAutomation
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateShipMeshAutomationBuilder

Created in NX11.0.2. More...
class  ShowAdjacentBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ShowAdjacentBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ShowHideManager::CreateShowAdjacentBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ShowAdjacentGroupMethod
 Represents the output from the Show Hide Group smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ShowElemNodeLabelsBuilder
 Represents a CAE::ShowElemNodeLabelsBuilder . More...
class  ShowHideBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ShowHideBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ShowHideManager::CreateShowHideBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  ShowHideGroupMethod
 Represents the output from the Show Hide Group smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ShowHideManager
 Provides method for creating builder for Show Hide operation commands in a fem/sim part. More...
class  ShowOnlyBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ShowOnlyBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ShowHideManager::CreateShowOnlyBuilder

Created in NX5.0.0. More...
class  SignalProcessingDBSettings
 This is the class handling the dB settings option: a dB reference value and a dB format (10 or 20). More...
class  SignalProcessingPlotData
 Exposes the ability to change the Spectrum scaling, correction mode and acoustical weighting applied on a curve displayed in a XY plot. More...
class  SimAutoBcRecipe
 Represents a simulation recipe containing the parameters needed for the generation of a set of face pairs from the faces/bodies in the model. More...
class  SimBC
 Represents BC class which is a superclass to NXOpen::CAE::SimLoad and NXOpen::CAE::SimConstraint . More...
class  SimBCBuilder
 This is a manager to the CAE::SimBC class. More...
class  SimBCDisplay
 Represents a BC display attributes. More...
class  SimBcGroup
 Represents a BC group in a solution or solution step. More...
class  SimBcPlotContoursBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SimBcPlotContoursBuilder builder which can be used to generate a plot of a NXOpen::CAE::SimBC in the graphics area. More...
class  SimBcXyPlotBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SimBcXyPlotBuilder builder which can be used to generate a XY plot of a NXOpen::CAE::SimBC in the graphics area. More...
class  SimCondition
 This class represents a Condition which defines a state where all or some values of NXOpen::CAE::SimConditionParam are known. More...
class  SimConditionCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimCondition . More...
class  SimConditionParam
 This class represents a named measurable quantity. More...
class  SimConditionParamCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimConditionParam which represents a measurable environment. More...
class  SimConditionSeqMgr
 This is the manager for Condition Sequences. More...
class  SimConditionSequence
 This class represents a time history of NXOpen::CAE::SimCondition . More...
class  SimConditionSequenceCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimConditionSequence . More...
class  SimConditionTimeStep
 This class represents a step in the time history of a NXOpen::CAE::SimConditionSequence . More...
class  SimConditionTimeStepCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimConditionTimeStep . More...
class  SimConstraint
 Represents a constraint. More...
class  SimConstraintCollection
 Provides methods for managing constraints NXOpen::CAE::SimConstraint in a sim part. More...
class  SimConstraintGroup
 Represents a constraint group in a solution or solution step. More...
class  SimConstraintSet
 Represents a cae constraint set object. More...
class  SimConstraintSetBuilder
 Represents a CAE::SimConstraintSetBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateConstraintSetBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  SimConstraintSetCollection
 Provides methods for managing SimConstraintSet in a sim part. More...
class  SimGroupContainer
 Represents UGS::CaeSim::LbcGroupContainer. More...
class  SimLbcFolder
 Represents a folder object in the .sim files. More...
class  SimLbcFolderCollection
 Provides methods for managing LbcFolders NXOpen::CAE::SimLbcFolder in a sim part. More...
class  SimLoad
 Represents a load. More...
class  SimLoadCollection
 Provides methods for managing loads NXOpen::CAE::SimLoad in a sim part. More...
class  SimLoadGroup
 Represents a load group in a solution or solution step. More...
class  SimLoadRecipe
 This is the class handling the attributes of a load recipe. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipe . More...
class  SimLoadRecipeFunctionAttributes
 This is the class handling the default attributes of a source used by a load recipe. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeLbcGenerator
 Handles generation of subcases and loads based on a NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipe . More...
class  SimLoadRecipeMapEntry
 These objects represent one line in a NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipe 's mapping. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeMapEntryCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipeMapEntry s. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeMapEntryTargetTypes
 The class handles the enum definitions needed by load recipe map entries. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeMapping
 This is the class handling the mapping of a certain load type of a load recipe. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeMappingCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipeMapping s. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeSource
 This is the class handling the attributes of a source used by a load recipe. More...
class  SimLoadRecipeSourceCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipeSource . More...
class  SimLoadRecipeTypes
 The class handles the enum definitions needed by load recipes. More...
class  SimLoadSet
 Represents a cae load set object. More...
class  SimLoadSetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadSetBuilder builder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateLoadSetBuilder

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  SimLoadSetCollection
 Provides methods for managing NXOpen::CAE::SimLoadSet in a sim part. More...
class  SimMotionLoadsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SimMotionLoadsBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateMotionLoadsBuilder

Created in NX5.0.1. More...
class  SimMotionLoadsListItemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SimMotionLoadsListItemBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateMotionLoadsListItemBuilder

Created in NX5.0.1. More...
class  SimPart
 Represents an NX part of type .sim. More...
class  SimRecipe
 This is an abstract class. More...
class  SimRecipeCollection
 Provides methods for managing NXOpen::CAE::SimRecipe in a sim part. More...
class  SimResultReference
 Represents a Result Reference in the .sim files. More...
class  SimSimulation
 This is the root object in a .sim file. More...
class  SimSimulationObject
 Represents a simulation object. More...
class  SimSimulationObjectCollection
 Provides methods for managing simulation objects NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulationObject in a sim part. More...
class  SimSimulationObjectGroup
 Represents a simulation object group in a solution or solution step. More...
class  SimSolution
 Represents a solution in the .sim files. More...
class  SimSolutionCollection
 Provides methods for managing Solutions NXOpen::CAE::SimSolution in a NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation. More...
class  SimSolutionStep
 Represents a subcase/step in a solution. More...
class  SimSolveManager
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SimSolveManager manager which is used to manage the solve process of solutions. More...
class  SingleLabelSelectionRecipe
 Represents a Selection Recipe based on a single Node Label. More...
class  SketchCurves
 Represents a Beam Cross Section
This is an abstract class

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  SketchCurvesCollection
 Represents the collection of all NXOpen::CAE::SketchCurves in a fem part. More...
class  SliverFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the sliver face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  SmartSelectionManager
 Provides methods for creating smart selection methods in a cae part. More...
class  SmoothOptResultsBuilder
 This builder is meant for optimization results related to material density. More...
class  SolidPropertyCheckBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SolidPropertyCheckBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::ModelCheckManager::CreateSolidPropertyCheckBuilder

Created in NX5.0.1. More...
class  SolutionManager
 Represents NXOpen::CAE::SolutionManager
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateSolutionManager

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  SolutionResult
 Represents analysis results for a given NXOpen::CAE::SimSolution . More...
class  SolverAppendOption
 This class provides access to the append option setting for importing solver specific data into existing Fem/Sim. More...
class  SphereBoundingVolume
 Represents Sphere Bounding Volume for Selection Recipe
This is a sub object

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  SpiderElementBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SpiderElementBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateSpiderElementBuilder

Created in NX5.0.1. More...
class  SpringEADBuilder
 This class provides Spring Associated Data Support
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateSpringEadBuilder
Default values. More...
class  StandardBeamSection
 Represents a Standard Beam Cross Section
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::StandardBeamSectionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  StandardBeamSectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::StandardBeamSectionBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::BeamSectionsCollection::CreateStandardBeamSectionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  StepManager
 Represents NXOpen::CAE::StepManager
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation::CreateStepManager

Created in NX10.0.0. More...
class  SuppressHoleBuilder
 Builder for creating Hole Suppression Hole
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManager::CreateSuppressHoleBuilder
Default values. More...
class  SurfaceCoatBuilder
 Builder for creating Surface Coat
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateSurfaceCoatBuilder

Created in NX6.0.1. More...
class  SwapDiagonalBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::SwapDiagonalBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateSwapDiagonalBuilder

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  SweepBetweenMeshBuilder
 Builder for creating swept mesh between faces. More...
class  SweptMesh
 Represents swept Mesh
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::Mesh3dHexBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  TangentContinuousEdgeMethod
 Represents the output from the circular edge smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX7.5.1. More...
class  TangentFaceMethod
 Represents the output from the tangent face smart selector method
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::SmartSelectionManager

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  TestModel
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::TestModel . More...
class  TestModelCollection
 Represents a collection of Data Processing meta solution. More...
class  ThickenMeshBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ThickenMeshBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager::CreateThickenMeshBuilder

Created in NX11.0.0. More...
class  ThicknessBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ThicknessBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementInfoManager::CreateThicknessBuilder

Created in NX6.0.1. More...
class  ThicknessPlotContours
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ThicknessPlotContours object returned from NXOpen::CAE::ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder::CreatePlotObject in NXOpen::CAE::ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder . More...
class  ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::ThicknessPlotContoursBuilder builder which can be used to generate a plot of a NXOpen::CAE::SimBC in the graphics area. More...
class  TransientResultsReductionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::TransientResultsReductionBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::ResultManager . More...
class  UnifiedDatabaseOptions
 Represents the sum of options associated with the "Generic Data Source" format. More...
class  UnStitchEdgeBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::UnStitchEdgeBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::FemPart::CreateUnStitchEdgeBuilder

Created in NX6.0.0. More...
class  UserDefinedSolidBeamSection
 Represents a User-Defined Solid Beam Cross Section
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::UserDefinedSolidBeamSectionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  UserDefinedSolidBeamSectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::UserDefinedSolidBeamSectionBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::BeamSectionsCollection::CreateUserDefinedSolidBeamSectionBuilder

Created in NX7.5.0. More...
class  VatvSet
 This is the class representing a Vatv result set. More...
class  VatvSetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::VatvSetBuilder which can be used to create VATVSets. More...
class  VatvSetCollection
 This class is a collection of NXOpen::CAE::VatvSet . More...
class  ViewLaminateBuilder
 Represents a View Laminate Builder. More...
class  ViewLayoutManager
 Represents Interface to access CAE View Layout Manager object
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX12.0.0. More...
class  ViewportSynchronizationOptions
 This class represents a NXOpen::CAE::ViewportSynchronizationOptions . More...
class  WeldBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen::CAE::WeldBuilder
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::CAE::MeshManager::CreateWeldBuilder

Created in NX7.5.2. More...
class  WeldRow
 Represents a CAE weld row. More...


enum  CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveContainment { CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveContainmentInside, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveContainmentInsideCrossing, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveContainmentOutside, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveContainmentOutsideCrossing }
 Used to specify the containment for the Bounding Volume Primitive. More...
enum  CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveType {
  CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveTypeBoxCsysAndEdgeLengths, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveTypeBoxTwoDiagonalPoints, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveTypeCylinderCsysDiameterAndHeight, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveTypeCylinderTwoPointsAndDiameter,
  CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveTypeSphereOriginAndDiameter, CaeBoundingVolumePrimitiveTypeArbitraryVolume
 the bounding volume creation method More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEnd {
  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndNone, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndX, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndY, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndZ,
  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndRx, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndRy, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsComponentEndRz
 Indicates which translational or rotational degree of freedom to use as component end. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsCsysDataType { CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsCsysDataTypeCartesian, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsCsysDataTypeCylindrical, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsCsysDataTypeSpherical }
 Indicates which type of coordinate system to use if using coordinate system data to orient the material. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsDof { CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsDofOff, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsDofOn }
 Indicates if a rigid element dof is on or off. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsEndReleaseSetting { CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsEndReleaseSettingOff, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsEndReleaseSettingOn }
 Indicates which end release setting to use. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsEndReleaseState { CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsEndReleaseStateSet, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsEndReleaseStateClear }
 Indicates whether to set or clear end release settings. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsMatOrientationMethod { CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsMatOrientationMethodNone, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsMatOrientationMethodOriAngle, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsMatOrientationMethodCoordinateSystem, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsMatOrientationMethodCsysData }
 Indicates which material orientation method to use. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsOrientationMethod {
  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsOrientationMethodNone, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsOrientationMethodVector, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsOrientationMethodCsystem, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsOrientationMethodNode,
 Indicates which orientation method to use. More...
enum  CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsVectorChoiceType { CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsVectorChoiceTypeHorizontal, CaeElementAssociatedDataUtilsVectorChoiceTypeVertical }
 Indicates which vector choice to use. More...
enum  CaeGroupElementSubType { CaeGroupElementSubTypeFace, CaeGroupElementSubTypeEdge }
 Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.g face of an element, edge of an element ..etc. More...
enum  CaeSetGroupFilterType {
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeNode, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeElement, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomFace, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomBody,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomCurve, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomPoint, CaeSetGroupFilterTypePointElement, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElement,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeShellElement, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeSolidElement, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomPlanarFace, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomCylFace,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElementTypeBar, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElementTypeBeam, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElementTypeRod, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElementTypeBearing,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeNodeAndElement, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeCaeGeometry, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeCaeMesh, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBoundingVolume,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeElementFace, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeElementEdge, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomEdge, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomCircularedge,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElementTypeMpc, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeCaePointMesh, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeCaeBeamMesh, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeCaeShellMesh,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeCaeSolidMesh, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamMeshTypeBar, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamMeshTypeBeam, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamMeshTypeRod,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamMeshTypeBearing, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamMeshTypeMpc, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeGeomVertex, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeFeEntity,
  CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamElementTypeJoint, CaeSetGroupFilterTypeBeamMeshTypeJoint
 Used to specify the filter to extract type of objects from a group e.g geometric face, element, node ..etc. More...
enum  CaeSetObjectSubType {
  CaeSetObjectSubTypeNone, CaeSetObjectSubTypeElementFace, CaeSetObjectSubTypeElementEdge, CaeSetObjectSubTypePart,
 Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.g face of an element, edge of an element ..etc. More...
enum  CorrelSensorsettype { CorrelSensorsettypeMode, CorrelSensorsettypeFrf }
 Sensor Set type. More...
enum  CorrelShapemetrictype {
  CorrelShapemetrictypeMac, CorrelShapemetrictypeComac, CorrelShapemetrictypeMsf, CorrelShapemetrictypeXortho,
  CorrelShapemetrictypeNco, CorrelShapemetrictypeSco
 shape Metric Code More...
enum  Criteria { CriteriaNone = -1, CriteriaRange, CriteriaDiscreteValues }
 Specify the filter element thickness criteria. More...
enum  DisplaySectionType { DisplaySectionTypeNone, DisplaySectionTypeCurves, DisplaySectionTypeSolid }
 specifies the type of display for 1d element sections More...
enum  ElementNormalsType { ElementNormalsTypeNone, ElementNormalsTypeTails, ElementNormalsTypeVectors }
 specifies the type of display for 2d element normals More...
enum  FolderType { FolderTypeNew, FolderTypeExisting }
 Select folder for new note. More...
enum  MarkerType0d {
  MarkerType0dNone, MarkerType0dPlus, MarkerType0dDot, MarkerType0dAsterisk,
  MarkerType0dCircle, MarkerType0dPoundsign, MarkerType0dCross, MarkerType0dSquare,
  MarkerType0dTriangle, MarkerType0dDiamond, MarkerType0dCenterLine, MarkerType0dFilledCircle,
  MarkerType0dFilledSquare, MarkerType0dFilledSquareWithOneRing, MarkerType0dFilledSquareWithTwoRings, MarkerType0dTriangleInTriangle,
  MarkerType0dFilledDiamond, MarkerType0dCircleInCircle, MarkerType0dCircleInSquare, MarkerType0dLargeFilledSquare,
  MarkerType0dSquareInSquare, MarkerType0dThickCircle, MarkerType0dLargeBox
 specifies the marker to use for the 0d element display More...
enum  PathType { PathTypeShortestPath, PathTypeMostTangentPath }
 Specify the path method type. More...
enum  Plane { PlaneXyOfWcs = 1, PlaneModelView, PlaneXzOfWcs, PlaneYzOfWcs }
 Plane on which annotation will be created. More...
enum  PostScenarioCoordinateSystemType { PostScenarioCoordinateSystemTypeRectangular, PostScenarioCoordinateSystemTypeCylindrical, PostScenarioCoordinateSystemTypeSpherical }
 Coordinate System Types. More...
enum  PostScenarioPlotTypes { PostScenarioPlotTypesReplace, PostScenarioPlotTypesUpdateScenario, PostScenarioPlotTypesOverlay }
 This controls the display behaviour of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder on NXOpen::Builder::Commit . More...
enum  PostScenarioVariantComponent {
  PostScenarioVariantComponentScalar, PostScenarioVariantComponentX, PostScenarioVariantComponentY, PostScenarioVariantComponentZ,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentMagnitude, PostScenarioVariantComponentXx, PostScenarioVariantComponentYy, PostScenarioVariantComponentZz,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentXy, PostScenarioVariantComponentXz, PostScenarioVariantComponentYx, PostScenarioVariantComponentYz,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentZx, PostScenarioVariantComponentZy, PostScenarioVariantComponentDeterminant, PostScenarioVariantComponentMean,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentMaxShear, PostScenarioVariantComponentMinPrincipal, PostScenarioVariantComponentMidPrincipal, PostScenarioVariantComponentMaxPrincipal,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentWorstPrincipal, PostScenarioVariantComponentOctahedral, PostScenarioVariantComponentVonMises, PostScenarioVariantComponentAxial,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentTorque, PostScenarioVariantComponentAxialXx, PostScenarioVariantComponentShearXy, PostScenarioVariantComponentShearXz,
  PostScenarioVariantComponentBendingYy, PostScenarioVariantComponentBendingZz, PostScenarioVariantComponentTorsionXx
 Components of vectors or tensors. More...
enum  PostScenarioVariantType {
  PostScenarioVariantTypeUnary, PostScenarioVariantTypeBoolean, PostScenarioVariantTypeInteger, PostScenarioVariantTypeDouble,
  PostScenarioVariantTypeComplex, PostScenarioVariantTypeString, PostScenarioVariantTypeUnicodeString, PostScenarioVariantTypeVector3d,
  PostScenarioVariantTypeComponent, PostScenarioVariantTypeModeDescription, PostScenarioVariantTypeWildcard, PostScenarioVariantTypeCoordinateSystem
 The data type of a CAE.PostScenarioVariant Value. More...
enum  RadiusType { RadiusTypeAllTypes, RadiusTypeInside, RadiusTypeOutside }
 Specify the radius point type. More...
enum  Type {
  TypeAll, TypeOnlyFeature, TypeFree, TypeNonmanifold,
 Specify the feature element edge type. More...
enum  XyFunctionDataComplexType { XyFunctionDataComplexTypeRealOnly, XyFunctionDataComplexTypeRealImaginary, XyFunctionDataComplexTypeMagnitudePhase }
 Represents function data complex type. More...
enum  XyFunctionDataType {
  XyFunctionDataTypeGeneral, XyFunctionDataTypeTime, XyFunctionDataTypeCrossSpectrum = 3, XyFunctionDataTypeFrequencyResponseFunction,
  XyFunctionDataTypeTransmissibility, XyFunctionDataTypePowerSpectralDensity = 9, XyFunctionDataTypeSpectrum = 12, XyFunctionDataTypeShockResponseSpectrum = 24,
  XyFunctionDataTypeTemperature = 31, XyFunctionDataTypeStressStrain, XyFunctionDataTypeLife, XyFunctionDataTypeCampbellDiagram,
  XyFunctionDataTypeTimingChart, XyFunctionDataTypeStiffnessAndDamping, XyFunctionDataTypeFastRmsFittedPsd, XyFunctionDataTypeVehicle,
  XyFunctionDataTypeMotionGeneral, XyFunctionDataTypeAutoPower, XyFunctionDataTypeCrossPower
 Defines the data type of a function in AFU file. More...
enum  XyFunctionGeneralType {
  XyFunctionGeneralTypeGeneral, XyFunctionGeneralTypeTime, XyFunctionGeneralTypeSpectrum, XyFunctionGeneralTypePowerSpectralDensity,
  XyFunctionGeneralTypeShockResponseSpectrum, XyFunctionGeneralTypeFrequencyResponseFunction, XyFunctionGeneralTypeTemperature, XyFunctionGeneralTypeStressStrain,
  XyFunctionGeneralTypeLife, XyFunctionGeneralTypeCrossSpectrum, XyFunctionGeneralTypeTransmissibility, XyFunctionGeneralTypeCampbellDiagram,
  XyFunctionGeneralTypeTimingChart, XyFunctionGeneralTypeStiffnessAndDamping, XyFunctionGeneralTypeFastRmsFittedPsd, XyFunctionGeneralTypeVehicle,
  XyFunctionGeneralTypeMotionGeneral, XyFunctionGeneralTypeNumber
 Defines general purpose type of a function. More...
enum  XyFunctionLoadType {
  XyFunctionLoadTypeGeneral, XyFunctionLoadTypeTime, XyFunctionLoadTypeSpectrum, XyFunctionLoadTypePowerSpectralDensity,
  XyFunctionLoadTypeShockResponseSpectrum, XyFunctionLoadTypeFastRmsFittedPsd
 Defines load purpose type of a function. More...
enum  XyFunctionMacroType {
  XyFunctionMacroTypeGeneral, XyFunctionMacroTypeMotion, XyFunctionMacroTypeResponse, XyFunctionMacroTypeLoad,
 Defines the application type of a function. More...
enum  XyFunctionMaterialType {
  XyFunctionMaterialTypeGeneral, XyFunctionMaterialTypeTime, XyFunctionMaterialTypeTemperature, XyFunctionMaterialTypeStressStrain,
 Defines material purpose type of a function. More...
enum  XyFunctionMeasure {
  XyFunctionMeasureGeneral, XyFunctionMeasureDisplacement, XyFunctionMeasureForce, XyFunctionMeasureTemperature,
  XyFunctionMeasureTime, XyFunctionMeasureFrequency, XyFunctionMeasureMass, XyFunctionMeasureVelocity,
  XyFunctionMeasureAcceleration, XyFunctionMeasureAngularDisplacement, XyFunctionMeasureAngularVelocity, XyFunctionMeasureAngularAcceleration,
  XyFunctionMeasureMoment, XyFunctionMeasurePressure, XyFunctionMeasureStress, XyFunctionMeasureStrain,
  XyFunctionMeasureRpm, XyFunctionMeasureOrder, XyFunctionMeasureCycles, XyFunctionMeasureLoadfactor,
  XyFunctionMeasureTorque, XyFunctionMeasureGravity, XyFunctionMeasureCurvature, XyFunctionMeasureElementForce,
  XyFunctionMeasureElementMoment, XyFunctionMeasureMotorSignal, XyFunctionMeasureUnitlessScalar, XyFunctionMeasureUnitlessReal,
  XyFunctionMeasureUnitlessInteger, XyFunctionMeasureVoltage, XyFunctionMeasureElectricCurrent, XyFunctionMeasureDamping,
  XyFunctionMeasurePower, XyFunctionMeasureMassFlow, XyFunctionMeasureEnergy, XyFunctionMeasureArea,
  XyFunctionMeasureMomentPerAngle, XyFunctionMeasureDynamicViscosity, XyFunctionMeasureConvectionCoefficient, XyFunctionMeasureHeatFlux,
  XyFunctionMeasureVelocityPerPressure, XyFunctionMeasureMessDensity, XyFunctionMeasureSpecificHeat, XyFunctionMeasureThermalConductivity,
  XyFunctionMeasureThermalExpansionCoefficient, XyFunctionMeasureLengthPerAngle, XyFunctionMeasureFrequencySquared, XyFunctionMeasureFrequencyCubed,
 Defines measurement unit types. More...
enum  XyFunctionMotionType {
  XyFunctionMotionTypeTime, XyFunctionMotionTypeTimingChart, XyFunctionMotionTypeStiffnessAndDamping, XyFunctionMotionTypeVehicle,
  XyFunctionMotionTypeMotionGeneral, XyFunctionMotionTypeNumber
 Defines motion purpose type of a function. More...
enum  XyFunctionResponseType {
  XyFunctionResponseTypeGeneral, XyFunctionResponseTypeTime, XyFunctionResponseTypeSpectrum, XyFunctionResponseTypePowerSpectralDensity,
  XyFunctionResponseTypeShockResponseSpectrum, XyFunctionResponseTypeFrequencyResponseFunction, XyFunctionResponseTypeCrossSpectrum, XyFunctionResponseTypeTransmissibility,
 Defines response purpose type of a function. More...
enum  XyFunctionUnit {
  XyFunctionUnitUnknown, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementM, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementMm, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementIn,
  XyFunctionUnitDisplacementFt, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementCm = 126, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementKm = 250, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementMi,
  XyFunctionUnitDisplacementMicron, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementNm, XyFunctionUnitDisplacementAngstrom, XyFunctionUnitForceN = 5,
  XyFunctionUnitForceMn, XyFunctionUnitForceBf, XyFunctionUnitForcePoundal = 91, XyFunctionUnitForceCn = 127,
  XyFunctionUnitForceKgf, XyFunctionUnitTemperatureC = 8, XyFunctionUnitTemperatureF, XyFunctionUnitTemperatureK,
  XyFunctionUnitTemperatureR = 283, XyFunctionUnitTimeSec = 11, XyFunctionUnitTimeMin, XyFunctionUnitTimeHour,
  XyFunctionUnitFrequencyHz, XyFunctionUnitFrequencyKhz = 284, XyFunctionUnitFrequencyMhz, XyFunctionUnitFrequencyGhz,
  XyFunctionUnitMassKg = 15, XyFunctionUnitMassG, XyFunctionUnitMassBm, XyFunctionUnitMassTon,
  XyFunctionUnitMassLbfIn, XyFunctionUnitMassSlug = 89, XyFunctionUnitMassKgfM = 129, XyFunctionUnitMassKgfMm,
  XyFunctionUnitMassKgfCm, XyFunctionUnitMassMg = 287, XyFunctionUnitVelocityM = 20, XyFunctionUnitVelocityMm,
  XyFunctionUnitVelocityIn, XyFunctionUnitVelocityFt, XyFunctionUnitVelocityCm = 132, XyFunctionUnitVelocityKmHr = 255,
  XyFunctionUnitVelocityMiHr, XyFunctionUnitVelocityFtMin, XyFunctionUnitAccelerationM = 24, XyFunctionUnitAccelerationMm,
  XyFunctionUnitAccelerationIn, XyFunctionUnitAccelerationFt, XyFunctionUnitAccelerationGs, XyFunctionUnitAccelerationCm = 133,
  XyFunctionUnitAngularDisplacementRadian = 29, XyFunctionUnitAngularDisplacementDegree, XyFunctionUnitAngularDisplacementRev = 167, XyFunctionUnitAngularDisplacementPiRad = 288,
  XyFunctionUnitAngularVelocityRadian = 31, XyFunctionUnitAngularVelocityDegree, XyFunctionUnitAngularVelocityRevSec = 168, XyFunctionUnitAngularVelocityRevMin,
  XyFunctionUnitAngularAccelerationRadian = 33, XyFunctionUnitAngularAccelerationDegree, XyFunctionUnitAngularAccelerationRevSec2 = 170, XyFunctionUnitAngularAccelerationRevMin2,
  XyFunctionUnitMomentMnMm = 35, XyFunctionUnitMomentNMm, XyFunctionUnitMomentNM, XyFunctionUnitMomentBfIn,
  XyFunctionUnitMomentBfFt, XyFunctionUnitMomentCnCm = 134, XyFunctionUnitMomentKgfM, XyFunctionUnitMomentKgfMm,
  XyFunctionUnitMomentKgfCm, XyFunctionUnitPressureKpa = 40, XyFunctionUnitPressureMpa, XyFunctionUnitPressurePa,
  XyFunctionUnitPressurePsi, XyFunctionUnitPressureLbfFt, XyFunctionUnitPressureBar, XyFunctionUnitPressureAt,
  XyFunctionUnitPressureCnCm2 = 138, XyFunctionUnitPressureKgfCm2, XyFunctionUnitPressureKgfM2, XyFunctionUnitPressureKgfMm2,
  XyFunctionUnitPressureNCm2 = 289, XyFunctionUnitPressureMmH2o, XyFunctionUnitPressureMmHg, XyFunctionUnitPressureInH2o,
  XyFunctionUnitPressureInHg, XyFunctionUnitStressKpa = 47, XyFunctionUnitStressMpa, XyFunctionUnitStressPa,
  XyFunctionUnitStressPsi, XyFunctionUnitStressLbfFt = 90, XyFunctionUnitStressCnCm2 = 142, XyFunctionUnitStressKgfM2,
  XyFunctionUnitStressKgfMm2, XyFunctionUnitStressKgfCm2, XyFunctionUnitStressNCm2 = 294, XyFunctionUnitStrainMm = 51,
  XyFunctionUnitStrainIn, XyFunctionUnitStrainM = 146, XyFunctionUnitStrainCm, XyFunctionUnitRpmRpm = 53,
  XyFunctionUnitOrderOrder, XyFunctionUnitCyclesDuty, XyFunctionUnitTorqueMnMm, XyFunctionUnitTorqueNMm,
  XyFunctionUnitTorqueNM, XyFunctionUnitTorqueBfIn, XyFunctionUnitTorqueBfFt, XyFunctionUnitTorqueCnCm = 148,
  XyFunctionUnitTorqueKgfM, XyFunctionUnitTorqueKgfMm, XyFunctionUnitTorqueKgfCm, XyFunctionUnitGravitationalAccelerationM = 61,
  XyFunctionUnitGravitationalAccelerationMm, XyFunctionUnitGravitationalAccelerationIn, XyFunctionUnitGravitationalAccelerationFt, XyFunctionUnitGravitationalAccelerationGs,
  XyFunctionUnitGravitationalAccelerationCm = 161, XyFunctionUnitElementForceMnMm = 70, XyFunctionUnitElementForceNMm, XyFunctionUnitElementForceNM,
  XyFunctionUnitElementForceBfIn, XyFunctionUnitElementForceBfFt, XyFunctionUnitElementForceCnCm = 152, XyFunctionUnitElementForceKgfM,
  XyFunctionUnitElementForceKgfMm, XyFunctionUnitElementForceKgfCm, XyFunctionUnitElementForceJM2 = 295, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentMnMm = 75,
  XyFunctionUnitElementMomentNMm, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentNM, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentBfIn, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentBfFt,
  XyFunctionUnitElementMomentCnCm = 156, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentKgfM, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentKgfMm, XyFunctionUnitElementMomentKgfCm,
  XyFunctionUnitVoltageV = 80, XyFunctionUnitVoltageMv, XyFunctionUnitVoltageMicrov = 296, XyFunctionUnitVoltageLbfInAS,
  XyFunctionUnitElectricCurrentA = 82, XyFunctionUnitElectricCurrentMa, XyFunctionUnitElectricCurrentMicroa = 298, XyFunctionUnitLoadfactorNone = 84,
  XyFunctionUnitMotorSignalNone, XyFunctionUnitUnitlessScalarNone, XyFunctionUnitUnitlessRealNone, XyFunctionUnitUnitlessIntegerNone,
  XyFunctionUnitDampingMnMm = 92, XyFunctionUnitDampingNMm, XyFunctionUnitDampingNM, XyFunctionUnitDampingBfIn,
  XyFunctionUnitDampingCnCm = 162, XyFunctionUnitDampingKgfM, XyFunctionUnitDampingKgfMm, XyFunctionUnitDampingKgfCm,
  XyFunctionUnitDampingLbmSec = 299, XyFunctionUnitDampingKgSec, XyFunctionUnitAreaM2 = 122, XyFunctionUnitAreaMm2,
  XyFunctionUnitAreaIn2, XyFunctionUnitAreaFt2, XyFunctionUnitAreaCm2 = 160, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleMnMmDeg = 172,
  XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleMnMmRad, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleNMmDeg, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleNMmRad, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleNMDeg,
  XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleNMRad, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleLbfInDeg, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleLbfInRad, XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleLbfFtDeg,
  XyFunctionUnitMomentPerAngleLbfFtRad, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxMicrowattMm2 = 205, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxWattMm2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxBtuSecIn2,
  XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxMwattMm2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxWattCm2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxWattM2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxWattIn2,
  XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxBtuSecFt2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxBtuHrIn2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxBtuHrFt2, XyFunctionUnitHeatFluxLbfinSecIn2,
  XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleMmDeg = 268, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleMmRad, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleMmRev, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleCmDeg,
  XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleCmRad, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleCmRev, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleMDeg, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleMRad,
  XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleMRev, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleInDeg, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleInRad, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleInRev,
  XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleFtDeg, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleFtRad, XyFunctionUnitLengthPerAngleFtRev, XyFunctionUnitPowerLbmft2sp3 = 96,
  XyFunctionUnitPowerLbfinps, XyFunctionUnitPowerMuw, XyFunctionUnitPowerW, XyFunctionUnitPowerKw,
  XyFunctionUnitPowerMw, XyFunctionUnitPowerBtuph, XyFunctionUnitPowerBtupm, XyFunctionUnitPowerBtups,
  XyFunctionUnitFrequencySquaredHz2 = 303, XyFunctionUnitFrequencySquaredKhz2, XyFunctionUnitFrequencySquaredMhz2, XyFunctionUnitFrequencySquaredGhz2,
  XyFunctionUnitFrequencyCubedHz3, XyFunctionUnitFrequencyCubedKhz3, XyFunctionUnitFrequencyCubedMhz3, XyFunctionUnitFrequencyCubedGhz3,
  XyFunctionUnitCurv1M = 66, XyFunctionUnitCurv1Mm, XyFunctionUnitCurv1In, XyFunctionUnitCurv1Ft,
  XyFunctionUnitCurv1Cm = 166, XyFunctionUnitCurv1Micron = 311, XyFunctionUnitCurv1Nm, XyFunctionUnitCurv1Angstrom,
  XyFunctionUnitCurv1Km, XyFunctionUnitCurv1Mi, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowKgSec = 105, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowGSec,
  XyFunctionUnitMassFlowLbfSecFt, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowLbfSecIn, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowLbmSec, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowKgHr,
  XyFunctionUnitMassFlowKgMin, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowGHr, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowGMin, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowLbmHr,
  XyFunctionUnitMassFlowLbmMin, XyFunctionUnitMassFlowMgSec, XyFunctionUnitEnergyLbmFt2Sec2, XyFunctionUnitEnergyLbfin,
  XyFunctionUnitEnergyMicroj, XyFunctionUnitEnergyJ, XyFunctionUnitEnergyBtu, XyFunctionUnitEnergyMj = 301,
  XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityKgMSec = 182, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityKgMmSec, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityGCmSec, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityLbfSecIn2,
  XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityLbfSecFt2, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityLbmInSec, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityLbmFtSec, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityMnSecMm2,
  XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityNSecMm2, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityNSecCm2, XyFunctionUnitDynamicViscosityNSecM2, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientMicrowattMm2Degc,
  XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientWattMm2Degc, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientBtuSecIn2Degf, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientMwattMm2Degc, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientWattCm2Degc,
  XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientWattM2Degc, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientWattIn2Degc, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientBtuSecFt2Degf, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientBtuHrIn2Degf,
  XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientBtuHrFt2Degf, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientLbfinSecIn2Degf, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientMwattMm2Degk, XyFunctionUnitConvectionCoefficientWM2Degk = 302,
  XyFunctionUnitMessDensityLbmFt3 = 216, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityMgMm3, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityGMm3, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityGCm3,
  XyFunctionUnitMessDensityKgM3, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityKgMm3, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityTM3, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityTMm3,
  XyFunctionUnitMessDensityLbfsec2In4, XyFunctionUnitMessDensitySlugFt3, XyFunctionUnitMessDensityLbmIn3, XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatMicrojKgDegk,
  XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatJKgDegk, XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatKjKgDegk, XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatMjMgDegk, XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatBtuLbmDegf,
  XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatBtuInLbfSec2Degf, XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatLbfinLbmDegf, XyFunctionUnitSpecificHeatLbfinInLbfSec2Degf, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityMicrowattMmDegc,
  XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityWattMmDegc, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityWattMDegk, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityBtuSecInDegf, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityBtuHrFtDegf,
  XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityWattMDegc, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityBtuHrInDegf, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityMwattMmDegc, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityWattCmDegc,
  XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityMwattMmDegk, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityBtuSecFtDegf, XyFunctionUnitThermalConductivityLbfinSecInDegf, XyFunctionUnitThermalExpansionCoefficientDegc,
  XyFunctionUnitThermalExpansionCoefficientDegf, XyFunctionUnitThermalExpansionCoefficientDegk, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureMm3NSec = 258, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureM3NSec,
  XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureMm3MnSec, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureM3MnSec, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureIn3LbfSec, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureFt3LbfSec,
  XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureM2SecKg, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureMm2SecKg, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureIn2SecLbm, XyFunctionUnitVelocityPerPressureFt2SecLbm,
  XyFunctionUnitNumber = 316
 Defines all units used by xy function. More...
enum  XyFunctionUnitSystem {
  XyFunctionUnitSystemFunction, XyFunctionUnitSystemModel, XyFunctionUnitSystemMetricBase, XyFunctionUnitSystemEnglishBase,
  XyFunctionUnitSystemMetricCaeBase, XyFunctionUnitSystemEnglishCaeBase, XyFunctionUnitSystemSi, XyFunctionUnitSystemCustom
 Represents the unit system. More...

Detailed Description

Provides classes and interfaces relating to Advanced Simulation and Design Simulation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Used to specify the containment for the Bounding Volume Primitive.


completely inside the primitive


completely inside or partially inside the primitive


completely outside the primitive


completely outside or partially outside the primitive

the bounding volume creation method


box csys and edge lengths


box two diagonal points


cylinder csys diameter and height


cylinder two points and diameter


sphere origin and diameter


arbitrary volume

Indicates which translational or rotational degree of freedom to use as component end.


No Component End Specified.


X translational.


Y translational.


Z translational.


RX rotational.


RY rotational.


RZ rotational.

Indicates which type of coordinate system to use if using coordinate system data to orient the material.


Use cartesian coordinate system data to orient the material.


Use cylindrical coordinate system data to orient the material.


Use spherical coordinate system data to orient the material.

Indicates if a rigid element dof is on or off.





Indicates which end release setting to use.


End release set to off.


End release set to on.

Indicates whether to set or clear end release settings.


Set end release values.


Clear end release values.

Indicates which material orientation method to use.


No material orientation specified.


Specify an angle to orient the material.


Use a coordinate system to orient the material.


Use coordinate system data to orient the material.

Indicates which orientation method to use.


No material orientation specified.


Use a vector to orient the element.


Use a csystem to orient the element.


Use a node to orient the element.


Use a csys data to orient the element.

Indicates which vector choice to use.


The vector is defined to be horizontal.


The vector is defined to be vertical.

Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.g face of an element, edge of an element ..etc.


sub type is element face


sub type is element edge

Used to specify the filter to extract type of objects from a group e.g geometric face, element, node ..etc.


filter type is node


fitler type is any element


filter type is geometric face


filter type is geometric body


filter type is geometric curve


filter type is geometric point


filter type is 0D element


filter type is 1D element


filter type is 2D element


filter type is 3D element


filter type is geometric planar face


filter type is geometric cylindrical face


filter type is 1D element of type Bar


filter type is 1D element of type Beam


filter type is 1D element of type Rod


filter type is 1D element of type Bearing


filter type is any node and element


filter type is any cae geometry


filter type is any cae mesh


filter type is any bounding volume


filter type is element face


filter type is element edge


filter type is geometry edge


filter type is geometry edge


filter type is 1D element of type MPC


filter type is 0D cae mesh


filter type is 1D cae mesh


filter type is 2D cae mesh


filter type is 3D cae mesh


filter type is 1D mesh of type Bar


filter type is 1D mesh of type Beam


filter type is 1D mesh of type Rod


filter type is 1D mesh of type Bearing


filter type is 1D mesh of type MPC


filter type is geometry vertex


filter type is any FE entity - node, element, element edge and element face


filter type is 1D element of type Joint


filter type is 1D mesh of type Joint

Used to specify the sub type of selected objects e.g face of an element, edge of an element ..etc.


sub type is the same as the type of the object


sub type is element face


sub type is element edge


sub type is part, used for Gravity Loads


sub type is selection recipe

Sensor Set type.





shape Metric Code


Shape metric type is Modal Assurance Criteria.


Shape metric type is Coordinate Modal Assurance Criteria.


Shape metric type is Modal Scale Factors.


Shape metric type is Cross Orthogonality.


Shape metric type is Normalized Cross Orthogonality.


Shape metric type is SEREP-Cross-Orthogonality.

Specify the filter element thickness criteria.


Dont filter by thickness.


Filter by range of values.


Filter by discrete values.

specifies the type of display for 1d element sections







specifies the type of display for 2d element normals







Select folder for new note.


Create new folder.


Add to Existing folder.

specifies the marker to use for the 0d element display






















center line


filled circle


filled square


filled square with one ring


filled square with two rings


triangle in triangle


filled diamond


circle in circle


circle in square


large filled square


square in square


thick circle


large box

Specify the path method type.


attempt to find the shortest path possible


attempt to find the most tangent path possible

Plane on which annotation will be created.


XY Plane.


Model View Plane.


XZ Plane.


YZ Plane.

Coordinate System Types.


cartesian coordinate system


cylindrical coordinate system


spherical coordinate system

This controls the display behaviour of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder on NXOpen::Builder::Commit .


completely replaces the contents of a viewport with the new NXOpen::CAE::PostScenario


updates a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenario that is already displayed


attempts to overlay a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenario over a viewport that already contains plotted scenarios

Components of vectors or tensors.


represents that the data is scalar


X component of a 3D vector.


Y component of a 3D vector.


Z component of a 3D vector.


the magnitude of a 3D vector


XX component of a tensor.


YY component of a tensor.


ZZ component of a tensor.


XY component of a tensor.


XZ component of a tensor.


YX component of a tensor.


YZ component of a tensor.


ZX component of a tensor.


ZY component of a tensor.


the determinant of a tensor


the mean of a tensor


the max shear of a tensor


the min principal of a tensor


the mid principal of a tensor


the max principal of a tensor


the worst principal of a tensor


the octahedral of a tensor


the von mises of a tensor


axial bar/rod force resultant


torsional bar/rod force resultant


Axial XX shell force resultant.


Shear XY shell force resultant.


Shear XZ shell force resultant.


Bending YY shell force resultant.


Bending ZZ shell force resultant.


Torsion XX shell force resultant.

The data type of a CAE.PostScenarioVariant Value.


an empty value


a boolean value


an integer number


a real number


a complex number


an ASCII character string


a Unicode UTF-8 character string


a 3D vector


a component


a mode number and frequency


a wildcard value


a local result coordinate system

Specify the radius point type.


All fillet types.


inside radius


outside radius

Specify the feature element edge type.


compute all edge types


compute only feature angle edge types


compute free element edges


compute nonmanifold element edges


compute free and nonmanifold element edges

Represents function data complex type.


Real Only data.


Complex data: Real and Imaginary.


Complex data: Magitude and Phase Angle.

Defines the data type of a function in AFU file.


Function is General Function.


Function is Time History.


Function is Cross Spectrum.


Function is Frequency Response Function.


Function is Transmissibility.


Function is Power Spectral Density.


Function is Spectrum.


Function is Shock Response Spectrum.


Function is Temperature.


Function is Stress/Strain Function.


Function is Fatigue Life.


Function is Campbell Diagram.


Function is Timing Chart.


Function is Stiffness and Damping.


Function is Fast RMS Fitted PSD.


Function is Vehicle.


Function is Motion General Function.


Auto Power.


Cross Power.

Defines general purpose type of a function.


Function is General Function.


Function is Time History.


Function is Spectrum.


Function is Power Spectral Density.


Function is Shock Response Spectrum.


Function is Frequency Response Function.


Function is Temperature.


Function is Stress/Strain Function.


Function is Fatigue Life.


Function is Cross Spectrum.


Function is Transmissibility.


Function is Campbell Diagram.


Function is Timing Chart.


Function is Stiffness and Damping.


Function is Fast RMS Fitted PSD.


Function is Vehicle.


Function is Motion General Function.


General Type Function Number.

Defines load purpose type of a function.


Function is General Function.


Function is Time History.


Function is Spectrum.


Function is Power Spectral Density.


Function is Shock Response Spectrum.


Function is Fast RMS Fitted PSD.

Defines the application type of a function.


Function could be used in any application.


Function is only used in a motion application.


Function is only used to define a response.


Function is only used to define a load.


Function is only used to define a material.

Defines material purpose type of a function.


Function is General Function.


Function is Time History.


Function is Temperature.


Function is Stress/Strain Function.


Function is Fatigue Life.

Defines measurement unit types.


General unit.


Displacement unit.


Force unit.


Temperature unit.


Time unit.


Frequency unit.


Mass unit.


Velocity unit.


Acceleration unit.


Angular displacement unit.


Angular velocity unit.


Angular acceleration unit.


Moment unit.


Pressure unit.


Stress unit.


Strain unit.


RPM unit.


Order unit.


Cycles unit.


Load Factor unit.


Torque unit.


Gravity unit.


Curvature unit.


Element force unit.


Element moment unit.


Motor signal unit.


Unitless scalar unit.


Unitless real unit.


Unitless integer unit.


Voltage unit.


Electric current unit.






Mass flow (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)




Moment Per Angle.


Dynamic Viscosity (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


Heat Flux.


Velocity per Pressure (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


mess density (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


specific heat (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


thermal conductivity (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Expansion Coefficient (legacy supported measure, deprecated in NX1847)


Length Per Angle.


Frequency Squared.


Frequency Cubed.


Measure number.

Defines motion purpose type of a function.


Function is Time History.


Function is Timing Chart.


Function is Stiffness and Damping.


Function is Vehicle.


Function is Motion General Function.


Motion Type Function Number.

Defines response purpose type of a function.


Function is General Function.


Function is Time History.


Function is Spectrum.


Function is Power Spectral Density.


Function is Shock Response Spectrum.


Function is Frequency Response Function.


Function is Cross Spectrum.


Function is Transmissibility.


Function is Fast RMS Fitted PSD.

Defines all units used by xy function.


Unknown unit.


Displacement unit: m.


Displacement unit: mm.


Displacement unit: in.


Displacement unit: ft.


Displacement unit: centimeters.


Displacement unit: km.


Displacement unit: mi.


Displacement unit: micron.


Displacement unit: nm.


Displacement unit: angstrom.


Reaction Force unit: N.


Reaction Force unit: mN.


Reaction Force unit: lbf.


Reaction Force unit: Poundal.


Reaction Force unit: centi-Newtons.


Reaction Force unit: kilogram-Force.


Temperature unit: C.


Temperature unit: F.


Temperature unit: K.


Temperature unit: R.


Time unit: seconds.


Time unit: minutes.


Time unit: hours.


Frequency unit: Hz.


Frequency Unit: kHz.


Frequency Unit: MHz.


Frequency Unit: GHz.


Mass unit: Kg.


Mass unit: g.


Mass unit: lbm.


Mass unit: ton.


Mass unit: lbf-sec^2/in.


Mass unit: lbf-sec^2/ft.


Mass unit: kgf-sec^2/m.


Mass unit: kgf-sec^2/mm.


Mass unit: kgf-sec^2/cm.


Mass Unit: Mg (megagrams)


Velocity unit: m/sec.


Velocity unit: mm/sec.


Velocity unit: in/sec.


Velocity unit: ft/sec.


Velocity unit: cm/sec.


Velocity unit: km/hr.


Velocity unit: mi/hr.


Velocity unit: ft/min.


Acceleration unit: m/sec^2.


Acceleration unit: mm/sec^2.


Acceleration unit: in/sec ^2.


Acceleration unit: ft/sec^2.


Acceleration unit: gs.


Acceleration unit: cm/sec^2.


Angular displacement unit: radian.


Angular displacement unit: degree.


Angular displacement unit: Revolutions.


Angular displacement unit: pi-rad.


Angular velocity unit: radian/sec.


Angular velocity unit: degree/sec.


Angular velocity unit: Revolutions Per Second.


Angular velocity unit: Revolutions Per Minute.


Angular acceleration unit: radian/sec ^2.


Angular acceleration unit: degree/sec ^2.


Angular acceleration unit: Revolutions Per Second Squared.


Angular acceleration unit: Revolutions Per Minute Squared.


Moment unit: mN-mm.


Moment unit: N-mm.


Moment unit: N-m.


Moment unit: lbf-in.


Moment unit: lbf-ft.


Moment unit: cN-cm.


Moment unit: kgf-m.


Moment unit: kgf-mm.


Moment unit: kgf-cm.


Pressure unit: KPa.


Pressure unit: MPa.


Pressure unit: Pa.


Pressure unit: Psi.


Pressure unit: lbf/ft^2.


Pressure unit: bar.


Pressure unit: atm.


Pressure unit: cN/cm^2.


Pressure unit: kgf/cm^2.


Pressure unit: kgf/m^2.


Pressure unit: kgf/mm^2.


Pressure unit: N/cm^2.


Pressure unit: mm-H2O.


Pressure unit: mm-Hg.


Pressure unit: in-H2O.


Pressure unit: in-Hg.


Stress unit: KPa.


Stress unit: MPa.


Stress unit: Pa.


Stress unit: Psi.


Stress unit: lbf/ft^2.


Stress unit: cN/cm^2.


Stress unit: kgf/m^2.


Stress unit: kgf/mm^2.


Stress unit: kgf/cm^2.


Stress unit: N/cm^2.


Strain unit: mm/mm.


Strain unit: in/in.


Strain unit: cm/cm.


Strain unit: cm/cm.


RPM unit: rpm.


Order unit: order.


Cycles unit: duty cycles.


Torque unit: mN-mm.


Torque unit: N-mm.


Torque unit: N-m.


Torque unit: lbf-in.


Torque unit: lbf-ft.


Torque unit: cN-cm.


Torque unit: kgf-m.


Torque unit: kgf-mm.


Torque unit: kgf-cm.


Gravitational Acceleration unit: m/sec^2.


Gravitational Acceleration unit: mm/sec^2.


Gravitational Acceleration unit: in/sec ^2.


Gravitational Acceleration unit: ft/sec^2.


Gravitational Acceleration unit: gs.


Gravitational Acceleration unit: cm/sec^2.


Membrane Force unit: mN/mm.


Membrane Force unit: N/mm.


Membrane Force unit: N/m.


Membrane Force unit: lbf/in.


Membrane Force unit: lbf/ft.


Membrane Force: Cn/cm.


Membrane Force: kgf/m.


Membrane Force: kgf/mm.


Membrane Force: kgf/cm.


Membrane Force unit: J/m^2.


Bending Moment unit: mN-mm/mm.


Bending Moment unit: N-mm/mm.


Bending Moment unit: N-m/m.


Bending Moment unit: lbf-in/in.


Bending Moment unit: lbf-ft/ft.


Bending Moment unit: cN-cm/cm.


Bending Moment unit: kgf-m/m.


Bending Moment unit: kgf-mm/mm.


Bending Moment unit: kgf-cm/cm.


Voltage unit: V.


Voltage unit: mV.


Voltage unit: microV.


Voltage unit: lbf-in/A-s.


Electric Current unit: A.


Electric Current unit: mA.


Electric Current unit: microA.


Load Factor unit: none.


Motor Signal unit: none.


Unitless Scalar unit: none.


Unitless Real unit: none.


Unitless Integer unit: none.


Damping unit: mN-sec/mm.


Damping unit: N-sec/mm.


Damping unit: N-sec/m.


Damping unit: lbf-secin.


Damping unit: cN-sec/cm.


Damping unit: kgf-sec/m.


Damping unit: kgf-sec/mm.


Damping unit: kgf-sec/cm.


Damping unit: lbm/sec.


Damping unit: kg/sec.


Area unit: Squared meters.


Area unit: Squared millimeters.


Area unit: Squared inches.


Area unit: Squared feet.


Area unit: Squared centimeters.


Moment Per angle Unit: MilliNewton MilliMeter Per Degree.


Moment Per angle Unit: MilliNewton MilliMeter Per Radian.


Moment Per angle Unit: Newton MilliMeter Per Degree.


Moment Per angle Unit: Newton Milli Meter Per Radian.


Moment Per angle Unit: Newton Meter Per Degree.


Moment Per angle Unit: Newton Meter Per Radian.


Moment Per angle Unit: Pound-Force Inch Per Degree.


Moment Per angle Unit: Pound-Force Inch Per Radian.


Moment Per angle Unit: Pound-Force Foot Per Degree.


Moment Per angle Unit: Pound-Force Foot Per Radian.


Heat Flux unit: microW/mm^2.


Heat Flux unit: W/mm^2.


Heat Flux unit: Btu/sec-in^2.


Heat Flux unit: mW/mm^2.


Heat Flux unit: W/cm^2.


Heat Flux unit: W/m^2.


Heat Flux unit: W/in^2.


Heat Flux unit: Btu/sec-ft^2.


Heat Flux unit: Btu/hr-in^2.


Heat Flux unit: Btu/hr-ft^2.


Heat Flux unit: lbf-in/sec-in^2.


Length per angle unit: Milimeters per degree.


Length per angle unit: Milimeters per radian.


Length per angle unit: Milimeters per revolution.


Length per angle unit: Centimeters per degree.


Length per angle unit: Centimeters per radian.


Length per angle unit: Centimeters per revolution.


Length per angle unit: Meters per degree.


Length per angle unit: Meters per radian.


Length per angle unit: Meters per revolution.


Length per angle unit: Inches per degree.


Length per angle unit: Inches per radian.


Length per angle unit: Inches per revolution.


Length per angle unit: Feet per degree.


Length per angle unit: Feet per radian.


Length per angle unit: Feet per revolution.


Power Unit: lbm-ft/s3.


Power Unit: lbf-in/s.


Power Unit: microWatt.


Power Unit: Watt.


Power Unit: KiloWatt.


Power Unit: milliWatt.


Power Unit: BTUperhour.


Power Unit: BTUperminute.


Power Unit: BTUpersecond.


Frequency Squared Unit: Hz^2.


Frequency Squared Unit: kHz^2.


Frequency Squared Unit: MHz^2.


Frequency Squared Unit: GHz^2.


Frequency Cubed Unit: Hz^3.


Frequency Cubed Unit: kHz^3.


Frequency Cubed Unit: MHz^3.


Frequency Cubed Unit: GHz^3.


Curvature unit: 1/m.


Curvature unit: 1/mm.


Curvature unit: 1/in.


Curvature unit: 1/ft.


Curvature unit: 1/cm.


Curvature unit: 1/micron.


Curvature unit: 1/nm.


Curvature unit: 1/angstrom.


Curvature unit: 1/km.


Curvature unit: 1/mi.


Mass Flow Unit: Kilogram Per Second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Gram Per Second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Pound Second Per Foot (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Pound Second Per Inch (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Pound Mass Per Second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Kilogram Per Hour (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Kilogram Per Minute (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Gram Per Hour (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Gram Per Minute (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Pound Mass Per Hour (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Pound Mass Pe rMinute (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mass Flow Unit: Megagram Per Second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy Unit: Pounds Mass-Feet Squared Per Second Squared (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy Unit: Pound Force Inch (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy Unit: MicroJoules (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy Unit: Joule (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy Unit: Btu (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Energy Unit: millijoules (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: kilograms per meter per second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: kilograms per millimeter per second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: grams per centimeter per second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: pound-force seconds per square inch (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: pound-force seconds per square foot (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: pound-masses per inch per second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: pound-masses per foot per second (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: millinewton second per millimeter squared (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: newton second per millimeter squared (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: newton second per centiimeter squared (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Dynamic Viscosity Unit: newton second per meter squared (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: microW/mm^2-dC (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: W/mm^2-dC (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: Btu/sec-in^2-dF (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: mW/mm^2-dC (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: W/cm^2-dC (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: W/m^2-dC (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: W/in^2-dC (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: Btu/sec-ft^2-dF (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: Btu/hr-in^2-dF (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: Btu/hr-ft^2-dF (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: lbf-in/sec-in^2-dF (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: mW/mm^2-dK (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Convection Coefficient unit: W/m^2-dK (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Pound Mass per Cubic Foot (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Mega Gram Per Cubic Milli Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Gram Per Cubic Milli Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Gram Per Cubic Centi Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Kilogram Per Cubic Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Kilogram Per Cubic Milli Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Tonne Per Cubic Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Tonne Per Cubic Milli Meter (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Pounds Second Squared Per Inch Fourth (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Slugs Per Cubic Feet (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Mess Density unit: Pound Massper Cubic Inch (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:microJoules per kilogram per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:Joules per Kilogram per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:kiloJoules per Kilogram per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:milliJoules per Megagram per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:Btu per pound mass per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:Btu inches per pound foot second squared Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:pound force inch per poundmass per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Specific Heat unit:pound force inch inch per pound foot second squared Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: microWatts per millimeter per Delta Centrigade (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Watts per millimeter per Delta Centrigade (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Watts per meter per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Btu per second per inch per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Btu per hour per foot per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Watts per meter per Delta Celsius (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Btu per hour per inch per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: milliWatts per millimeter per Delta Celsius (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Watts per centimeter per Delta Celsius (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: milliWatts per millimeter per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: Btu per second per feet per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Conductivity unit: pound force inch per second per inch per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Expansion Coefficient unit: Expansion coefficient per Delta Celsius (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Expansion Coefficient unit: Expansion coefficient per Delta Fahrenheit (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Thermal Expansion Coefficient unit: Expansion coefficient per Delta Kelvin (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: mm^3/N-s (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: m^3/N-s (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: mm^3/mN-s (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: m^3/mN-s (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: in^3/lbf-s (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: ft^3/lbf-s (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: m^2-s/kg (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: mm^2-s/kg (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: in^2-s/lbm (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Velocity per pressure unit: ft^2-s/lbm (legacy supported unit, deprecated in NX1847)


Unit number.

Represents the unit system.


Function unit.


Model unit.


the Metric Base unit


the English Base unit


the Metric CAE Base


the English CAE Base


International standard unit.


Custom unit.

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