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NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy Class Reference

Represents a NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssyCollection::CreateBuilder
Default values. More...

Inheritance diagram for NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy:
NXOpen::Builder NXOpen::TaggedObject NXOpen::GeometricUtilities::IComponentBuilder

Public Types

enum  HoleOperation { HoleOperationAdd, HoleOperationRemove }
 Represents the action on the hole menu of the fastener assembly. More...
enum  ModeMethod { ModeMethodAdd = 1, ModeMethodEdit }
 Represents adding and editing modes for the fastener assembly. More...
enum  SelectionObjectMethod { SelectionObjectMethodTop, SelectionObjectMethodBottom }
 Represents selection object type. More...
enum  SelectionTypeMethod { SelectionTypeMethodHole, SelectionTypeMethodPosition }
 Represents selection type for position and hole. More...
enum  StackTypeMethod {
  StackTypeMethodScrew, StackTypeMethodTopStack, StackTypeMethodBottomStack, StackTypeMethodRootNode,
  StackTypeMethodTopNode, StackTypeMethodBottomNode
 Represents screw_array type. More...

Public Member Functions

void AddParentNewPart (const NXString &fileName, int index, bool parentNode)
 Adds new part for the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void AddParentNewPart (const char *fileName, int index, bool parentNode)
 Adds new part for the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void AddRemovalHoleIndex (int index)
 Add the removal hole index in the fastener setup data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void AddScrewArray (const NXString &krxFile, const NXString &lengthMatch, const NXString &libPath, const NXString &libName, const NXString &fullPath, int index, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod type)
 Adds stack array
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void AddScrewArray (const char *krxFile, const char *lengthMatch, const char *libPath, const char *libName, const char *fullPath, int index, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod type)
 Adds stack array
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
NXOpen::NXObjectAddTopNode (const NXOpen::Point3d &point, const NXOpen::Point3d &direction, NXOpen::NXObject *selObject, int index)
 Adds top node for the fastener assembly. More...
void AdjustFastenerLength (int parentIndex, int childIndex, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod nodeType)
 Adjusts the fastener assembly length
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
NXOpen::Assemblies::ComponentPatternBuilderComponentPatternBuilder ()
 Returns the current component pattern builder
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void CreateArrayHole (int index)
 Creates array hole data for the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void CreateFastenerConstraints (int index)
 Creates fastener assembly constraint
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void CreatePatternComponent (bool createPattern)
 Create the pattern component when the positioining pattern sketch feature is not exsit; edit pattern component when the positioining pattern feature is exsit
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void CreatePositioningFeatureOnPoint (NXOpen::NXObject *selobj, const NXOpen::Point3d &inputPosition, bool centerFace)
 Create positioning feature on the given position
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
NXOpen::Tooling::AddReusablePartCreateReusableBuilder (int parentIndex, int childIndex, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod nodeType)
 Creates new reusable builder. More...
void CreateReusablePocket (bool commit)
 Creates reusable pocket
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void CreateSameAssemblyData (int addedIndex, int index)
 Creates the same assembly data type
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void DeleteArrayHole (int index)
 Deletes array hole data for the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void DeleteReusablePocket ()
 Deletes reusable pocket
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void EraseAssemblyData (int parentIndex)
 Erases the assembly data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void EraseFastenerAssembly (int parentInx, bool removeParent, bool removeScrew, bool removeStack, bool removeArray, bool removeBuilder, bool initscrewBuilder, bool initstackBuilder, bool removeData)
 Erases fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void EraseFastenerAssemblyData (int index)
 Erases the fastener assembly data, including the hole data and assembly data in the fastener setup data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void EraseFastenerSetupData ()
 Erases the data (hole and assembly data) in fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void EraseStackArray (int parentIndex, int inx, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod type)
 Erases stack array
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
NXOpen::Features::FeatureFindPositioningFeatureSet ()
 Find the positioning feature set by pattern sketch. More...
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::ModeMethod GetFastenerMode ()
 Gets the fastener mode. More...
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectionTypeMethod GetFastenerSelectionType ()
 Gets the selection type for the hole in the fastener assembly. More...
NXOpen::Tooling::ReusablePocketBuilderGetReusablePocketBuilder ()
 Gets the reusable pocket builder. More...
void InitPocketBuilder ()
 Inits pocket builder
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void OffsetPositioningFeature (double offsetValue)
 Offset the positioning feature
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
NXOpen::SketchPositioningFeature ()
 Returns the positioning feature that needed for fastener assembly
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void ReadAssemblyConfigure (int holeNum, NXOpen::Assemblies::Component *partOcc)
 Reads fastener assembly configuration data from the hole data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void RemoveFastenerConstraints (int index)
 Removes fastener assembly constraint
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void RemoveSelectedHole ()
 Removes the selected hole from the fastener setup data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void RenameParentNode (int index, const NXString &newname)
 Renames the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void RenameParentNode (int index, const char *newname)
 Renames the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SaveDropPointPosition (const NXOpen::Point3d &tempPnt)
 Keep the first drop point position
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void SaveUdoData ()
 Saves UDO data for fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SelectScrewSize (int inx, double diameter, double origindiameter, bool selDiameter)
 Selects the screw size
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetAssemblyExtentLength (int index, double extentLength)
 Sets the extent length for the fastener assembly data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetBlindHole (int inx, bool blindhole)
 Sets the blind hole for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX10.0.0. More...
void SetComponentPatternBuilder (NXOpen::Assemblies::ComponentPatternBuilder *patternComponentBuilderTag)
 Sets the current component pattern builder
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void SetCreatePocket (bool create)
 Sets the flag to indicate whether to create pocket when adding the fastener
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetDefaultPlanarFaces (NXOpen::NXObject *defaultPlanarFace, int inx)
 Sets the default planar face for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetFastenerExtentLength (double extentLength)
 Sets the extent length for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetFastenerMode (NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::ModeMethod modeMethod)
 Sets the fastener mode
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetFastenerSelectionType (NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectionTypeMethod selectionType)
 Sets the selection type for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleDatumCsys (NXOpen::NXObject *datumCsys, int index)
 Sets the datum CSYS for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX12.0.0. More...
void SetHoleDefaultCylindricalFace (NXOpen::NXObject *defaultCylFaces, int index)
 Sets the default cylindrical face for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleDiameter (double diameter, int index)
 Sets the diameter for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleDirection (const NXOpen::Point3d &direction, int index)
 Sets the direction for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleFaces (NXOpen::NXObject *holeFace, int index)
 Sets the faces for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleHeight (double height, int index)
 Sets the height for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleOriginDiameter (double originDiameter, int index)
 Sets the origin diameter for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleOriginHeight (double originheight, int index)
 Sets the origin height for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleOriginPosition (const NXOpen::Point3d &originposition, int index)
 Sets the origin position for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHolePosition (const NXOpen::Point3d &position, int index)
 Sets the position for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetHoleSideCylindricalFaces (NXOpen::NXObject *sideCylFace, int index)
 Sets the side cylindrical faces for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetInstanceFeatureFaces (NXOpen::NXObject *instanceFeature, int inx)
 Sets the instance feature face for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetItemName (const NXString &partName, const NXString &itemName)
 Adds item description for the part
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetItemName (const char *partName, const char *itemName)
 Adds item description for the part
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetPositioningFeature (NXOpen::Sketch *sketch)
 Sets the positioning feature that needed for fastener assembly
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void SetReusablePocketBuilder (NXOpen::Tooling::ReusablePocketBuilder *pocketTag)
 Sets the reusable pocket builder
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetReuseBuilder (int index, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod nodeType, int childIndex, NXOpen::Assemblies::Component *partOcc)
 Sets the reuse builder
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SetSidePlanarFaces (NXOpen::NXObject *sidePlanarFace, int index)
 Sets the side planar faces for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SubstituteFastenerStack (int parentIndex, int childIndex, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod nodeType, const NXString &partFile, const NXString &krxFile, const NXString &libName, const NXString &pathInLib, const NXString &lengthMatch, const NXString &fullPath)
 Substitutes fastener stack
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void SubstituteFastenerStack (int parentIndex, int childIndex, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod nodeType, const char *partFile, const char *krxFile, const char *libName, const char *pathInLib, const char *lengthMatch, const char *fullPath)
 Substitutes fastener stack
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateDefaultStandard (int index, const NXString &standard, const NXString &form, const NXString &type)
 Updates default standard hole data for the fastener assembly configuration
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateDefaultStandard (int index, const char *standard, const char *form, const char *type)
 Updates default standard hole data for the fastener assembly configuration
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateFastenerLength (bool adjustLength)
 Updates the fastener length
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateFastenerStacks (int parentIndex, bool updateScrew, bool updatePocket)
 Updates fastener stacks
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateHoleData (int inx, double originheight, const NXOpen::Point3d &originPoint, bool threadhole, bool blindhole)
 Updates the hole data
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateHolePostion (int parentIndex, const NXOpen::Point3d &dirOne, const NXOpen::Point3d &tempPnt, const NXOpen::Point3d &pointOne, double height, double orignHeight, double offSetDistance)
 Updates the hole positon for position method
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateStackPosition (int parentIndex, int childIndex, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod nodeType, double deltaLength)
 Updates the fastener assembly after changing stacks or changing stack properties
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
void UpdateTopBottomStacks (int index, NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectionObjectMethod type, bool isSameFace, NXOpen::NXObject *face)
 Updates fastener assembly according to the new extends
Created in NX9.0.0. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NXOpen::Builder
NXOpen::NXObjectCommit ()
 Commits any edits that have been applied to the builder. More...
void Destroy ()
 Deletes the builder, and cleans up any objects created by the builder. More...
std::vector< NXOpen::NXObject * > GetCommittedObjects ()
 For builders that create more than one object, this method returns the objects that are created by commit. More...
NXOpen::NXObjectGetObject ()
 Returns the object currently being edited by this builder. More...
void ShowResults ()
 Updates the model to reflect the result of an edit to the model for all builders that support showing results. More...
virtual bool Validate ()
 Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NXOpen::TaggedObject
tag_t Tag () const
 Returns the tag of this object. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy
To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssyCollection::CreateBuilder
Default values.

Property Value
















10 (millimeters part), 1 (inches part)




100 (millimeters part), 10 (inches part)






10 (millimeters part), 1 (inches part)




360 (millimeters part), 360 (inches part)






0 (millimeters part), 0 (inches part)














10 (millimeters part), 0.4 (inches part)


50 (millimeters part), 2 (inches part)


100 (millimeters part), 4 (inches part)






0 (millimeters part), 0 (inches part)


































25 (millimeters part), 1 (inches part)








25 (millimeters part), 1 (inches part)


100 (millimeters part), 4 (inches part)














1 (millimeters part), 1 (inches part)


50 (millimeters part), 2 (inches part)




360 (millimeters part), 360 (inches part)

Created in NX5.0.0.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Represents the action on the hole menu of the fastener assembly.


Click the add hole group menu.


Click the remove menu.

Represents adding and editing modes for the fastener assembly.


Add fastener assembly.


Edit fastener assembly.

Represents selection object type.


Top object.


Bottom object.

Represents selection type for position and hole.


Hole type.


Position type.

Represents screw_array type.


Screw type.


Top stack type.


Bottom stack type.


Root node type.


Top node type.


Bottom node type.

Member Function Documentation

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AddParentNewPart ( const NXString fileName,
int  index,
bool  parentNode 

Adds new part for the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

fileNameNew fastener assembly parent node name
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
parentNodeWhether the fastener assembly node is parent
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AddParentNewPart ( const char *  fileName,
int  index,
bool  parentNode 

Adds new part for the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

fileNameNew fastener assembly parent node name
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
parentNodeWhether the fastener assembly node is parent
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AddRemovalHoleIndex ( int  index)

Add the removal hole index in the fastener setup data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly to be removed
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AddScrewArray ( const NXString krxFile,
const NXString lengthMatch,
const NXString libPath,
const NXString libName,
const NXString fullPath,
int  index,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  type 

Adds stack array
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

krxFileThe krx file of the stack
lengthMatchThe length match from fastener data and given node
libPathAsk fastener library path
libNameAsk fastener library name
fullPathStack file full path
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
typeThe stack type method
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AddScrewArray ( const char *  krxFile,
const char *  lengthMatch,
const char *  libPath,
const char *  libName,
const char *  fullPath,
int  index,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  type 

Adds stack array
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

krxFileThe krx file of the stack
lengthMatchThe length match from fastener data and given node
libPathAsk fastener library path
libNameAsk fastener library name
fullPathStack file full path
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
typeThe stack type method
NXOpen::NXObject* NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AddTopNode ( const NXOpen::Point3d point,
const NXOpen::Point3d direction,
NXOpen::NXObject selObject,
int  index 

Adds top node for the fastener assembly.

Output the instance of the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None
pointThe point of the fastener to assemble
directionThe direciton of the fastener to assemble
selObjectThe default cylindrical face of the hole data, selObject type should be FACE
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::AdjustFastenerLength ( int  parentIndex,
int  childIndex,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  nodeType 

Adjusts the fastener assembly length
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent index
childIndexchild index
nodeTypethe stack type method
NXOpen::Assemblies::ComponentPatternBuilder* NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::ComponentPatternBuilder ( )

Returns the current component pattern builder
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreateArrayHole ( int  index)

Creates array hole data for the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexthe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreateFastenerConstraints ( int  index)

Creates fastener assembly constraint
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexthe hole index in the fastener assembly to create constraints
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreatePatternComponent ( bool  createPattern)

Create the pattern component when the positioining pattern sketch feature is not exsit; edit pattern component when the positioining pattern feature is exsit
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

createPatternFlag to decide whether to create pattern component or edit, set flag as true to create and set flag false to edit
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreatePositioningFeatureOnPoint ( NXOpen::NXObject selobj,
const NXOpen::Point3d inputPosition,
bool  centerFace 

Create positioning feature on the given position
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

selobjtop or bottom face
inputPositionThe input position
centerFacewhether to use face center as location
NXOpen::Tooling::AddReusablePart* NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreateReusableBuilder ( int  parentIndex,
int  childIndex,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  nodeType 

Creates new reusable builder.

the new NXOpen::Tooling::AddReusablePart instance
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None
parentIndexparent node index in the fastener assembly
childIndexchild node index in the fastener assembly
nodeTypethe stack type method
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreateReusablePocket ( bool  commit)

Creates reusable pocket
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

commitwhether to create pocket
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::CreateSameAssemblyData ( int  addedIndex,
int  index 

Creates the same assembly data type
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

addedIndexfind the the hole index with the same parameter and node type in the fastener assembly
indexthe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::DeleteArrayHole ( int  index)

Deletes array hole data for the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexthe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::DeleteReusablePocket ( )

Deletes reusable pocket
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::EraseAssemblyData ( int  parentIndex)

Erases the assembly data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent index
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::EraseFastenerAssembly ( int  parentInx,
bool  removeParent,
bool  removeScrew,
bool  removeStack,
bool  removeArray,
bool  removeBuilder,
bool  initscrewBuilder,
bool  initstackBuilder,
bool  removeData 

Erases fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentInxparent index
removeParentwhether to remove parent instance
removeScrewwhether to remove screw
removeStackwhether to remove top stack and bottom stack
removeArraywhether to remove component array
removeBuilderwhether to remove builder
initscrewBuilderwhether to initialize screw builder
initstackBuilderwhether to initialize stack builder
removeDatawhether to remove data
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::EraseFastenerAssemblyData ( int  index)

Erases the fastener assembly data, including the hole data and assembly data in the fastener setup data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly to be removed
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::EraseFastenerSetupData ( )

Erases the data (hole and assembly data) in fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::EraseStackArray ( int  parentIndex,
int  inx,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  type 

Erases stack array
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexParent index
inxChild index
typeThe stack type method
NXOpen::Features::Feature* NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::FindPositioningFeatureSet ( )

Find the positioning feature set by pattern sketch.

Positioning feature set
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::ModeMethod NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::GetFastenerMode ( )

Gets the fastener mode.


Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectionTypeMethod NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::GetFastenerSelectionType ( )

Gets the selection type for the hole in the fastener assembly.

The selection type to add the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None
NXOpen::Tooling::ReusablePocketBuilder* NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::GetReusablePocketBuilder ( )

Gets the reusable pocket builder.

The reusable component pocket builder
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::InitPocketBuilder ( )

Inits pocket builder
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::OffsetPositioningFeature ( double  offsetValue)

Offset the positioning feature
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

offsetValuethe offset distance of the positionging feature
NXOpen::Sketch* NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::PositioningFeature ( )

Returns the positioning feature that needed for fastener assembly
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::ReadAssemblyConfigure ( int  holeNum,
NXOpen::Assemblies::Component partOcc 

Reads fastener assembly configuration data from the hole data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

holeNumhole num
partOccparent node part occurance
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::RemoveFastenerConstraints ( int  index)

Removes fastener assembly constraint
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexthe hole index in the fastener assembly to delete constraints
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::RemoveSelectedHole ( )

Removes the selected hole from the fastener setup data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::RenameParentNode ( int  index,
const NXString newname 

Renames the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexparent node index in fastener assembly
newnamenew name for the parent node
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::RenameParentNode ( int  index,
const char *  newname 

Renames the parent node
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexparent node index in fastener assembly
newnamenew name for the parent node
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SaveDropPointPosition ( const NXOpen::Point3d tempPnt)

Keep the first drop point position
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

tempPntthe first drop point position in hole data
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SaveUdoData ( )

Saves UDO data for fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectScrewSize ( int  inx,
double  diameter,
double  origindiameter,
bool  selDiameter 

Selects the screw size
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

inxparent index
diameterdiameter in hole data
origindiameterorigin diameter in hole data
selDiameterwhether to select diameter
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetAssemblyExtentLength ( int  index,
double  extentLength 

Sets the extent length for the fastener assembly data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexhole index in fastener assembly
extentLengthThe extent Length of the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetBlindHole ( int  inx,
bool  blindhole 

Sets the blind hole for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX10.0.0.

License requirements : None

inxparent index
blindholewhether the hole is blind hole
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetComponentPatternBuilder ( NXOpen::Assemblies::ComponentPatternBuilder patternComponentBuilderTag)

Sets the current component pattern builder
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

patternComponentBuilderTagThe reusable component pattern builder
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetCreatePocket ( bool  create)

Sets the flag to indicate whether to create pocket when adding the fastener
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

createWhether the fastener assembly is created pocket
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetDefaultPlanarFaces ( NXOpen::NXObject defaultPlanarFace,
int  inx 

Sets the default planar face for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

defaultPlanarFaceThe default planar face of the hole data, defaultPlanarFace type should be FACE
inxThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetFastenerExtentLength ( double  extentLength)

Sets the extent length for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

extentLengthThe extent Length of the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetFastenerMode ( NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::ModeMethod  modeMethod)

Sets the fastener mode
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

modeMethodmode method
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetFastenerSelectionType ( NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectionTypeMethod  selectionType)

Sets the selection type for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

selectionTypeThe selection type to add the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleDatumCsys ( NXOpen::NXObject datumCsys,
int  index 

Sets the datum CSYS for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX12.0.0.

License requirements : None

datumCsysThe datum csys of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly, datumCsys type should be Axis
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleDefaultCylindricalFace ( NXOpen::NXObject defaultCylFaces,
int  index 

Sets the default cylindrical face for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

defaultCylFacesThe default cylindrical faces of the hole data, defaultCylFaces type should be FACE
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleDiameter ( double  diameter,
int  index 

Sets the diameter for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

diameterThe diameter of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleDirection ( const NXOpen::Point3d direction,
int  index 

Sets the direction for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

directionThe direcion of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleFaces ( NXOpen::NXObject holeFace,
int  index 

Sets the faces for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

holeFaceThe hole face of the hole data, holeFace type is FACE
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleHeight ( double  height,
int  index 

Sets the height for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

heightThe height of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleOriginDiameter ( double  originDiameter,
int  index 

Sets the origin diameter for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

originDiameterThe origin diameter of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleOriginHeight ( double  originheight,
int  index 

Sets the origin height for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

originheightThe origin height of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleOriginPosition ( const NXOpen::Point3d originposition,
int  index 

Sets the origin position for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

originpositionThe origin position of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHolePosition ( const NXOpen::Point3d position,
int  index 

Sets the position for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

positionThe position of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetHoleSideCylindricalFaces ( NXOpen::NXObject sideCylFace,
int  index 

Sets the side cylindrical faces for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

sideCylFaceThe side cylinderical Face of the hole data
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly, sideCylFace type should be FACE
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetInstanceFeatureFaces ( NXOpen::NXObject instanceFeature,
int  inx 

Sets the instance feature face for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

instanceFeatureThe instance feature face of the hole data, instanceFeature type should be FACE
inxThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetItemName ( const NXString partName,
const NXString itemName 

Adds item description for the part
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

partNameThe part name
itemNameItem name
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetItemName ( const char *  partName,
const char *  itemName 

Adds item description for the part
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

partNameThe part name
itemNameItem name
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetPositioningFeature ( NXOpen::Sketch sketch)

Sets the positioning feature that needed for fastener assembly
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

sketchPositioning feature
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetReusablePocketBuilder ( NXOpen::Tooling::ReusablePocketBuilder pocketTag)

Sets the reusable pocket builder
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

pocketTagThe reusable component pocket builder
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetReuseBuilder ( int  index,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  nodeType,
int  childIndex,
NXOpen::Assemblies::Component partOcc 

Sets the reuse builder
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexparent node index in fastener assembly
nodeTypethe stack type method
childIndexchild hole index in fastener assembly
partOccnew part occruance
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SetSidePlanarFaces ( NXOpen::NXObject sidePlanarFace,
int  index 

Sets the side planar faces for the hole in the fastener assembly
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

sidePlanarFaceThe side planar face of the hole data, sidePlanarFace type should be FACE
indexThe hole index in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SubstituteFastenerStack ( int  parentIndex,
int  childIndex,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  nodeType,
const NXString partFile,
const NXString krxFile,
const NXString libName,
const NXString pathInLib,
const NXString lengthMatch,
const NXString fullPath 

Substitutes fastener stack
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent node index in the fastener assembly
childIndexchild node index in the fastener assembly
nodeTypethe stack type method
partFilepart file
krxFilekrx file
libNamelibrary name
pathInLiblibrary path
lengthMatchthe length match from fastener data and given node
fullPathscrew file full path
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SubstituteFastenerStack ( int  parentIndex,
int  childIndex,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  nodeType,
const char *  partFile,
const char *  krxFile,
const char *  libName,
const char *  pathInLib,
const char *  lengthMatch,
const char *  fullPath 

Substitutes fastener stack
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent node index in the fastener assembly
childIndexchild node index in the fastener assembly
nodeTypethe stack type method
partFilepart file
krxFilekrx file
libNamelibrary name
pathInLiblibrary path
lengthMatchthe length match from fastener data and given node
fullPathscrew file full path
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateDefaultStandard ( int  index,
const NXString standard,
const NXString form,
const NXString type 

Updates default standard hole data for the fastener assembly configuration
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexThe hole index in hole map data
standardThe default hole standard type in the assembly configuration
formThe default hole form in the assembly configuration
typeThe default hole screw type in the assembly configuration
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateDefaultStandard ( int  index,
const char *  standard,
const char *  form,
const char *  type 

Updates default standard hole data for the fastener assembly configuration
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexThe hole index in hole map data
standardThe default hole standard type in the assembly configuration
formThe default hole form in the assembly configuration
typeThe default hole screw type in the assembly configuration
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateFastenerLength ( bool  adjustLength)

Updates the fastener length
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

adjustLengthWhether to adjust length in the fastener assembly
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateFastenerStacks ( int  parentIndex,
bool  updateScrew,
bool  updatePocket 

Updates fastener stacks
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent index
updateScrewwhether to update screw
updatePocketwhether to update pocket
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateHoleData ( int  inx,
double  originheight,
const NXOpen::Point3d originPoint,
bool  threadhole,
bool  blindhole 

Updates the hole data
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

inxparent index
originheightorigin height in hole data
originPointorigin point in hole data
threadholewhether the hole is thread hole
blindholewhether the hole is blind hole
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateHolePostion ( int  parentIndex,
const NXOpen::Point3d dirOne,
const NXOpen::Point3d tempPnt,
const NXOpen::Point3d pointOne,
double  height,
double  orignHeight,
double  offSetDistance 

Updates the hole positon for position method
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent node index
dirOnedirection in hole data
tempPntposition in hole data
pointOneorigin position in hole data
heightheight in hole data
orignHeightorigin height in hole data
offSetDistanceoffset distance in hole data
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateStackPosition ( int  parentIndex,
int  childIndex,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::StackTypeMethod  nodeType,
double  deltaLength 

Updates the fastener assembly after changing stacks or changing stack properties
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

parentIndexparent index
childIndexchild index
nodeTypenode type
deltaLengththe stack length to be changed
void NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::UpdateTopBottomStacks ( int  index,
NXOpen::Tooling::FastenerAssy::SelectionObjectMethod  type,
bool  isSameFace,
NXOpen::NXObject face 

Updates fastener assembly according to the new extends
Created in NX9.0.0.

License requirements : None

indexparent node index in fastener assembly
typetop object or bottom object type
isSameFacewhether the fastener assembly is same face
facetop or bottom face

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Copyright 2017 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.