NX Open C++ Reference Guide
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
oCNXOpen::AME::AMEManagerRepresents a manager of automation designer objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::AME::DiagramManagerRepresents an object that manages sheet elements
oCNXOpen::AME::IEngObjectRepresents Engineering Object
Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::AME::IPortRepresents an IPort
This is an abstract class, and cannot be instantiated
oCNXOpen::AME::IPortsContainerRepresents Ports Container
Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::AnimationDesigner::AnimationDesignerManagerRepresents an object to manage Animation Designer application objects
oCNXOpen::Annotations::Annotation::AssociativeOriginDataDescribes the geometry that an annotation's origin is associated with
oCNXOpen::Annotations::AnnotationManagerRepresents an object that manages annotation and PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) display instance objects
oCNXOpen::Annotations::CharacterSpaceFactorSpecifies the standard font character space factor for each of the text types
oCNXOpen::Annotations::LetteringSpecifies lettering data
oCNXOpen::Annotations::LineCfwSpecifies color, font, and width
oCNXOpen::Annotations::NarrowDimensionDataSpecifies the narrow dimension preferences
oCNXOpen::Annotations::OrdinateDimension::DoglegPreferencesSpecifies the ordinate dogleg preferences
oCNXOpen::Annotations::PmiManagerRepresents an object that manages PMI objects
oCNXOpen::Annotations::TextCfwSpecifies color, font, and width for text
oCNXOpen::Annotations::ValueSpecifies the value data
oCNXOpen::Assemblies::AssemblyManagerRepresents the Assembly Manager
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::Assemblies::ClearanceSet::SummarySummary of the most recent Clearance Analysis results
oCNXOpen::Assemblies::DegreesOfFreedomStructure used to report the Degrees of Freedom of a component
oCNXOpen::Assemblies::ProductInterface::CollectionThis class represents the collection of product interface objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Part

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::Assemblies::ProductOutlineManagerRepresents a collection of assemblies
oCNXOpen::AssembliesUtilsContains various assembly utility methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::AttributeManagerProvides methods for querying and updating attributes
oCNXOpen::BaseCallbackA base class for all NXOpen callback classes
oCNXOpen::BasePart::HistoryEventInformationContains part history event information
oCNXOpen::BasePart::IncompleteStatusIncomplete part return data
oCNXOpen::BasePart::TransientStatusTransient part return data
oCNXOpen::CAE::AbstractionManagerProvides method for creating builder for abstraction commands in a fem part
oCNXOpen::CAE::AeroStructManagerRepresents the Aerosizing manager that contains all Aerosizing objects
oCNXOpen::CAE::AeroStructures::Author::ABBRepresents a AeroStruct application building block (ABB)
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::AeroStructures::Author::MethodLibraryRepresents a NXOpen::CAE::AeroStructures::Author::MethodLibrary object
oCNXOpen::CAE::AfuDataConvertorConvert data values for the AFU Data Record
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::AfuManager

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::AfuManagerAFU File and Data Record Manager
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::AfuMathOperationDoes math operations on the AFU Data Records
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::AfuManager

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::AssociationUtilitiesRepresents Physical NXOpen::CAE::AssociationUtilities class
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CaeSession

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::BeamSection::PropertiesRepresents the properties of the beam section
oCNXOpen::CAE::BeamSectionOffsetOptions::OffsetRepresents the offset value
oCNXOpen::CAE::CADModelingMethod to create cad face using polygon face
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::FemPart

Created in NX8.5.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::CaeGroupCollection::AutoGroupErrorCodesContains list of error codes for each auto group type
oCNXOpen::CAE::CaeGroupCollection::AutoGroupSeedNamesContains the prefix seed names to be given to auto created groups by type If a seed value is passed as NULL, then the auto created groups by that type will be given a default prefix List of default prefixes are as follows: MAT- for material_seed PPT- for ppt_seed Color- for color_seed XSECT- for section_seed LAM- for laminate seed DIM- for dimension seed FE_TYPE- for meshcolltype_seed ACROSS- for connected across assembly component seed
oCNXOpen::CAE::CaeGroupCollection::AutoGroupTypesContains information about the types by which we do auto grouping
oCNXOpen::CAE::CaeSessionThis class provides access to all session related CAE functionality
oCNXOpen::CAE::ComplexA complex number
Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::Connections::UtilsContains universal connections utility methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::Connections::Folder

Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::CorrelAlignmentBuilder::ReferencePtSpecifies the data for the selected reference points
oCNXOpen::CAE::CorrelManagerRepresents the correl manager that contains all correl and pre-test objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::DofTermUsed to specify a term of the Degree of freedom
oCNXOpen::CAE::DurabilityManagerRepresents the durability manager that contains all durability objects
oCNXOpen::CAE::ElemEdgefaceObjectStructure used to retrieve list of Element Edges or Element Faces in a group
oCNXOpen::CAE::ElementAssociatedDataUtilsRepresents a system to access element associated data
oCNXOpen::CAE::ElementInfoUtilsRepresents a system to query information about FE-based elements
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManager

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::ElementTypesRepresents an NXOpen::CAE::ElementTypes class
oCNXOpen::CAE::FEModel::IdSpecificationObjectStructure to specify the Node, Element, and Physical property table start ids and offsets for use in CAE::FEModel::AppendFemodel
oCNXOpen::CAE::FTK::DataManagerFtk data manager
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::DataManager
oCNXOpen::CAE::FTK::FTKManagerFTK function data manager
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::FTKManager
oCNXOpen::CAE::FTK::IApplicationDataRepresents the interface for application specific data class
Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::FTK::IApplicationDataOwnerRepresents the interface for application specific data owner
Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::FTK::OptionSettingManager the options data for AFU Data Record
Not support KF
oCNXOpen::CAE::GroupElemMethodElemOptionRepresents the output from the Group Element smart selector method
oCNXOpen::CAE::IAncillaryDisplayableEntityRepresents an ANCILLARY_DISPLAYABLE_ENTITY
oCNXOpen::CAE::IExportableFEEntityRepresents an EXPORTABLE_FE_ENTITY
oCNXOpen::CAE::IMeshManager::StatusInfoContains status information
oCNXOpen::CAE::IPostScenarioDataSourceThis class represents a data source that can be used for a post processing scenario
oCNXOpen::CAE::LaminateGlobalLayupMgrRepresent the laminate global layup manager which manages all the global layups in the laminate ply-based modeling project
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::FEModel

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::LaminateManagerRepresents the laminate manager that contains all laminate post report setups
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::MeshControlDisplayManagerProvides method for creating builder for mesh control display operation commands in both sim and fem part
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::DuplicateElementsCheckBuilder::DisplaySettingsRepresents the display settings of duplicated elements detected
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::DuplicateNodesCheckBuilder::DisplaySettingsRepresents the display settings data
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::ElementEdgeCheckBuilder::EdgeDisplayStyleDisplay style of the edges detected
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::ElementQualityCheckResults::TestSummaryReprents the summary data of a specified quality checking test type
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::ISelectionBuilderRepresents the model check selection builder
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::ITestValueRepresents the quality check criteria value settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::TestValueTypesRepresents the quality check criteria value settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheck::TestValueTypes::ElementReferenceElement reference definition associated with this test
oCNXOpen::CAE::ModelCheckManagerProvides method for creating builder for node element operation commands in a fem part
oCNXOpen::CAE::NodeElementInfoManagerProvides method for creating builder for node element info operation commands in both sim and fem part
oCNXOpen::CAE::NodeElementManagerProvides method for creating builder for node element operation commands in a fem part
oCNXOpen::CAE::Optimization::DAOOptimizationManagerRepresents the Design and Analysis optimization manager that contains all optimization objects
oCNXOpen::CAE::Optimization::TBSCheckDOF::DofSettingsDisplacement restriction settings on three axial directions of referenced coordinate system
oCNXOpen::CAE::Optimization::TBSIOptimizationTestRepresents an interface to perform optimization test
Created in NX8.5.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::Optimization::TBSOptimizationManagerRepresents the optimization manager to contain the optimization solutions and take charge of creating optimization objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PolygonGeometryManagerProvides methods for managing set NXOpen::CAE::PolygonGeometryManager
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostRepresents Post-Processing
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::AnimationAnimation settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::AnimationParametersAnimation settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::AnimationStreamlineAnimation settings for streamline animation
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::AnnotationBoxAnnotation box display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::ASCIIDiffTolerancesTolerances used for comparing postview ASCII display files
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::Axisymmetric3D Axi-symmetric model display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::ClippingCutting-plane display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::ColorbarColorbar settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::EdgeFaceEdge and Face display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::GraphIdsGraph handle
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::GraphParametersGraph extraction parameters
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::MarkMark display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::PrimaryEdgeFaceEdge and Face Fill display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::StreamlineStreamline display settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::StreamlineDataStreamline data extraction parameters
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::StreamlineExtractionStreamline extraction parameters
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::StreamlineSeedStreamline seed point definition
oCNXOpen::CAE::Post::TextAnnotation text settings
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostAnnotationPreferenceRepresents Post-Annotation Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostGraphPreferenceRepresents Post-Graph Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostIdentifyPreferenceRepresents Post-Identify Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostLegendPreferenceRepresents Post-Legend Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostPreferenceRepresents Post Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::Post

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostProcessingSessionThis is the class representing a NXOpen::CAE::PostProcessingSession
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostResultNavigatorPreferenceRepresents Post-ResultNavigator Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostResultPreferenceRepresents Post-Result Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class use CAE::CaePost::Preference

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioManagerManages the creation of a NXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioBuilder
oCNXOpen::CAE::PostScenarioModeDescriptionMode description
oCNXOpen::CAE::PreTestExciterSelectionControlRepresents a pre-test exciter selection setup
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolution

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::PreTestSensorSelectionControlRepresents a pre-test sensor selection setup
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::PreTestSolution

Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::QualityAudit::ManagerThe Quality Audit Manager class offers means to check for errors at assembly level
oCNXOpen::CAE::QueryCurveManagerProvides methods for managing the query curves
oCNXOpen::CAE::QueryCurvePost::EntityQuery curve post entity
oCNXOpen::CAE::ResponseSimulation::EvaluationSettingManagerRepresents the manager of all evaluation setting objects
oCNXOpen::CAE::ResponseSimulation::ManagerRepresents the Response Dynamics manager to contain all Response Dynamics objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::SimSimulation

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::AveragingAveraging structure to specify averaging options
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::DeformationParametersDeformation parameter structure to specify complete result state for the deformed shape This structure has been replaced by NXOpen::CAE::DeformationParameters
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::ElementValueElement-value structure to specify element value options
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::ResultBasicUnitThe basic units system for a result
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::ResultParametersResult parameter structure to specify complete result state for the color display This structure has been replaced by NXOpen::CAE::ResultParameters
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::ResultSectionResult Section structure to specify a result section for beams and shells
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::TypeResult type structure to specify a result dataset
oCNXOpen::CAE::Result::VelocityParametersVelociy parameter structure to specify result state for the velocity field used in streamline extraction
oCNXOpen::CAE::ResultManagerManages results
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX6.0.2
oCNXOpen::CAE::SelectElementsManagerProvides method for creating builder for select element operation commands in both fem and sim part
oCNXOpen::CAE::SelectionRecipeDisplayRepresents the display attributes of a CAE::SelectionRecipe
oCNXOpen::CAE::SetObjectStructure used to pass objects into SetManager and CAESet
oCNXOpen::CAE::ShowHideManagerProvides method for creating builder for Show Hide operation commands in a fem/sim part
oCNXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipeMapEntryTargetTypesThe class handles the enum definitions needed by load recipe map entries
oCNXOpen::CAE::SimLoadRecipeTypesThe class handles the enum definitions needed by load recipes
oCNXOpen::CAE::SimPart::ImportErrorCodesContains list of error codes for import of each entity type
oCNXOpen::CAE::SimPart::ImportOptionsContains information about which entities to be imported
oCNXOpen::CAE::SimSolveManagerRepresents a NXOpen::CAE::SimSolveManager manager which is used to manage the solve process of solutions
oCNXOpen::CAE::SmartSelectionManagerProvides methods for creating smart selection methods in a cae part
oCNXOpen::CAE::ViewLayoutManagerRepresents Interface to access CAE View Layout Manager object
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::I2DDataPlotRepresents a plot interface which input should be a series of 2D data
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::I3DDataGraphRepresents a graph interface which input is 3D data
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::I3DDataPlotRepresents a plot interface which input is 3D data
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::ICurveDisplaySettingsRepresents the interface for curve display style classes
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::IDisplayableModelThis class represents an interface to the XYPLOT displayable model
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::IDisplayStyleRepresents the interface for plot display style classes
Created in NX9.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::IVisibleDisplayStyleRepresents the interface for visible display style classes
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::WindowManagerManages the separate graphic windows
oCNXOpen::CAE::Xyplot::XYPlotManagerXYPlot function manager
To obtain an instance of this class use NXOpen::Session::XYPlotManager
oCNXOpen::CaeObjectTypeRepresent options for CAE selection
oCNXOpen::CAM::CAMObject::ErrorItemError Item
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationCircularMotionDataTypeCircular motion data type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationFeedContentTypeFeed content type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationHelicalMotionDataTypeHelical motion data type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationLinearMotionDataTypeLinear motion data type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationMotionContactDataTypeMotion contact data type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationMotionPostDataTypeMotion post data type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CamOperationMotionPosTypeMotion pos type
oCNXOpen::CAM::CAMSessionRepresents cam session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAM::DoubleIntentDataThe data for CamUI_DoubleIntentComp
Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAM::DoubleStatusDataThe data for CamUI_DoubleStatusComp
Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAM::FeedStatusDataThe data for CamUI_FeedStatusComp
Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAM::IntStatusDataThe data for CamUI_IntStatusComp
Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::CAM::PathDisplayRepresents a class that is used for NX testing
oCNXOpen::ClipboardOperationsManagerUsed to create importer objects
oCNXOpen::CollaborativeContentManagerRepresents the manager for the various collaborative design contents and this class is usable only when NX is running in managed mode
oCNXOpen::ColorDefinitionRgbSpecifies rgb values for color
oCNXOpen::ColorManagerContains functionality pertaining to colors
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::DexManagerMethods to create Dex Builder objects
oCNXOpen::Diagramming::DiagrammingManagerA manager to deal with all objects
oCNXOpen::Diagramming::SheetManagerA manager to deal with all objects
oCNXOpen::Diagramming::Tables::SizedSymbolRepresents sized symbol information
oCNXOpen::Display::DynamicSectionTypesRepresents a enumerations used by Dynamic Section Builder
oCNXOpen::DisplayManagerRepresents an object to manage display settings
oCNXOpen::DisplayManager::J3dColor3d interface color definition
oCNXOpen::DisplayManager::J3dData3d interface structure
oCNXOpen::DisplayManager::J3dMaterial3d interface material definition
oCNXOpen::DMU::DMUManagerRepresents an object that manages DMU application specific objects and preferences
oCNXOpen::Drafting::AutomationManagerRepresents a NXOpen::Drafting::AutomationManager
oCNXOpen::Drafting::DraftingApplicationManagerRepresents an object that manages drafting objects and member views
oCNXOpen::Drafting::SettingsManagerRepresents an object that manages drafting settings
oCNXOpen::DraftingManagerRepresents an object that manages drafting objects and member views
oCNXOpen::DrawingCompareManagerRepresents an object that manages drawing compare
oCNXOpen::Drawings::ConvertToPMIBuilderManagerRepresents NXOpen::Drawings::ConvertToPMIBuilderManager
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::Drawings::FlatPatternViewStyleProvides access to object and callout properties for sheet-metal data in flat pattern views on drawings
oCNXOpen::Drawings::InheritPmiViewStyleRepresents set of InheritPmiViewStyle applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Drawings::OrderManagerRepresents an object that manages orders
oCNXOpen::Drawings::SheetTemplateManagerRepresents a manager of NXOpen::Drawings::DraftingView s
oCNXOpen::Drawings::ShipbuildingLinesViewStyleRepresents set of Shipbuilding Lines View Style applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Drawings::ShipDraftingViewLinesViewStyleRepresents set of Ship Drafting Lines View Style applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Drawings::ViewStyleRepresents set of style applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::DrawingUtilsContains various drawing utility methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX8.5.3
oCNXOpen::EngineeringFunctionContains Engineering Function methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::Facet::FacetingParametersThe structure of JA faceting parameters
oCNXOpen::Facet::FacetModelingCollectionCollection of freeform facet operations
oCNXOpen::FacetSelectionRuleFactoryThis class contains the factory methods for creating facet selection intent rules
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Part

Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::Features::AeroCollectionThis class contains the factory method for creating aero design feature builder
oCNXOpen::Features::CurveFeatureCollectionManages curve features
oCNXOpen::Features::CustomFeatureClassManagerProvides interfaces to utilise custom feature functionality
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::Features::DesignFeatureCollectionManages design features
oCNXOpen::Features::FillHoleBuilder::BorderContinuityRepresents continuity value at a border curve
oCNXOpen::Features::FlatPattern::ObjectDataCsysStructure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern
oCNXOpen::Features::FlatPattern::ObjectDataEdgeStructure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern
oCNXOpen::Features::FlatPattern::ObjectDataFaceStructure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern
oCNXOpen::Features::FlatPattern::ObjectDataGeneralStructure used to return data about objects in the flat pattern
oCNXOpen::Features::FlatSolid::ObjectDataCsysStructure used to return the objects of a flat solid
oCNXOpen::Features::FreeformCurveCollectionCollection of freeform curve based features
oCNXOpen::Features::FreeformSurfaceCollectionCollection of freeform surface based features
oCNXOpen::Features::IBooleanBase class for Unite, Intersect and Subtract features
oCNXOpen::Features::LatticeFeatureCollectionManages lattice features
oCNXOpen::Features::OptimizeFaceRepresents a optimize face feature
To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen::Features::OptimizeFaceBuilder

Created in NX7.0.0
oCNXOpen::Features::SheetMetal::AeroSheetmetalManagerProvides methods for manipulating the Knowledge Fusion rules in a part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Features::FeatureCollection

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::Features::SheetMetal::SheetmetalBendParametersThis structure contains the bend parameters for a Sheet Metal bend area
oCNXOpen::Features::SheetMetal::SheetmetalManagerRepresents an object that manages sheetmetal features
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Features::FeatureCollection

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::Features::ShipDesign::PenetrationManagerContains the collection objects for creating and iterating over Penetration Request Properties objects
oCNXOpen::Features::ShipDesign::PenetrationUtilsContains various penetration utility methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Features::ShipDesign::PenetrationManager

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Features::Subdivision::CageManipulatorData::ObjectMoveDataContains object movement information
oCNXOpen::Features::Subdivision::CageManipulatorData::ObjectSelectionDataContains object selection information
oCNXOpen::Features::SweepFeatureCollectionManages sweep-like features
oCNXOpen::Features::TrimFeatureCollectionManages design features
oCNXOpen::Features::UserDefinedFeatureClassManagerJA interface for the UserDefinedFeatureClassManager object
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Fields::FieldVariable::BoundsVariable Bounds structure
oCNXOpen::FontCollectionRepresents a collection of typographical fonts (for example, Arial, OldEnglish)
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Formboard::FormboardManagerContains information about flattened harness drawing and drafting data for harness manufacturing drawings (Formboard Drawings)
oCNXOpen::Gateway::BookmarkFileRepresents operations which can be done on bookmark files
oCNXOpen::Gateway::ImageCaptureManagerImageCaptureManager class
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::AnalysisManagerRepresents the collection of analysis commands
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::AnalysisObjectCollectionExCollection of analysis objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::AnalysisObjectCollection

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::CurveAnalysisDisplayRepresents a tool to control whether to show a curve's poles,knots,combs,peaks and inflections
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::AnalysisObjectCollection

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::GeometricProperties::CaeCurveCAE Edge/Curve Geometric Properties
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::GeometricProperties::CaeFaceCAE Face Geometric Properties
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::GeometricProperties::EdgeEdge/Curve Geometric Properties
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::GeometricProperties::FaceFace Geometric Properties
oCNXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::SurfaceAnalysisDisplayRepresents a tool control whether to show a surface's poles and knots
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::GeometricAnalysis::AnalysisObjectCollection

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::GeometricUtilities::CAMDataPrepManagerContains the create functions for builders
oCNXOpen::GeometricUtilities::IComponentBuilderRepresents a component contained in a builder
oCNXOpen::GeometricUtilities::LocalUntrimManagerProvides create builder methods for LocalUntrimBuilder
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Part

Created in NX9.0.0
oCNXOpen::GeometricUtilities::OmnicadManagerRepresents a manager for creating builder objects for OmniCAD Free Transformer
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Part

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::IAttributeSourceObjectBuilderRepresents an interface to perform various database operations on an array of NXOpen::NXObject
oCNXOpen::ImportManagerUsed to create importer objects
oCNXOpen::InferSnapTypeRepresent options for snap selection
oCNXOpen::InformationRepresents a class that provides methods for displaying information about part history, interpart parents and children, features, points, and other NX Objects
oCNXOpen::INXObjectRepresents an interface from which most NXOpen classes inherit
Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Issue::IssueManagerContains the collection objects for creating and iterating over issue objects
oCNXOpen::ITableEditorDataProviderInterface for providing basic data for a Table Editor block
oCNXOpen::JournalManagerRepresents the JournalManager which is used to query data about journals when recording and replaying journal files
oCNXOpen::Layer::LayerManagerRepresents an object that manages layers
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Layer::StateInfoUsed in several methods that get or set the state of a layer
oCNXOpen::LicenseManagerProvides utility methods for managing licenses
oCNXOpen::LicenseManager::LicenseBundleLicense bundle structure containing name of license bundle and number of licenses checked out of the bundle
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::DBNodeManagerRepresents a manager of line designer db nodes
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::DBNodeUtilsRepresents a utils of line designer for journaling uinode methods
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::FactoryCadGeoEquipmentAssemblyBuilder::UpdatedControlDataContains feature update status report
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::FactoryCadGeoEquipmentBuilder::UpdatedControlDataContains feature update status report
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::LineDesignerManagerRepresents a manager of line designer builders
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::LineDesignerUserCallBackManagerRepresents a manager of line designer user callbacks
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::ModelPlantManagerRepresents a manager of line designer model
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::LineDesigner::UINodeUtilsRepresents a utils of line designer for journaling uinode methods
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::ListingWindowRepresents a ListingWindow
oCNXOpen::LoadOptionsContains accessor methods for all the part load options
oCNXOpen::LogFileRepresents the system log file
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::MaterialManagerA manager to deal with all material objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::MaterialUtilitiesRepresents Physical NXOpen::MaterialUtilities class
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::CaeSession

Created in NX10.0.0
oCNXOpen::MathUtilsContains various math utility methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Matrix3x3Represents a 3 x 3 matrix
Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::MeasureManagerProvides methods for manipulating the measurement objects in a part
oCNXOpen::MeasurementProvides methods for calculating and displaying the measurement information
oCNXOpen::MechanicalRouting::BuilderFactoryRepresents an NXOpen::MechanicalRouting::BuilderFactory object
oCNXOpen::MechanicalRouting::ConnectivityServiceRepresents a NXOpen::MechanicalRouting::ConnectivityService object
oCNXOpen::MechanicalRouting::InsulationServiceRepresents a NXOpen::MechanicalRouting::InsulationService object
oCNXOpen::MechanicalRouting::LogicalDesignServiceRepresents a NXOpen::MechanicalRouting::LogicalDesignService object
oCNXOpen::MechanicalRouting::RoutingManagerRepresents an NXOpen::MechanicalRouting::RoutingManager object
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::CamProfileBuilder::ElementContains segment information of a motion segment
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::DynamicObjectTableBuilder::InstanceRepresents Instance definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::ElectricalPartBuilder::AttributeDefined Attribute Structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::ExpressionBlockBuilder::SlotRepresents Slot definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::FunctionObjectBuilder::ParameterDataDefined Parameter Data Structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::FunctionObjectBuilder::RequirementDataDefined Requirement Data Structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::LogicObjectBuilder::ParameterDataDefined Parameter Data Structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::MATLABClientBuilder::SignalDataDefines the signal data
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::MATLABClientBuilder::TagAttributeAttribute of MATLAB item
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::MATLABClientBuilder::TagInfoRepresents MATLABTag info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::MechatronicsManagerContains the collection objects for creating and iterating over Mechatronics Designer System Navigator objects
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::MechatronicsSessionRepresents Mechatronics session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX9.0.0
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::OPCClientBuilder::TagAttributeAttribute of OPC item
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::OPCClientBuilder::TagInfoRepresents OPCUATag info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::OPCUAClientBuilder::TagInfoRepresents OPCUATag info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::PhysicsManagerA manager to deal with all physics objects
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::PlcSimAdvClientBuilder::TagInfoRepresents PLCTag info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::ProfinetClientBuilder::TagInfoRepresents Profinet signal definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SensorsActuatorsListBuilder::ParameterDataDefines the parameter data
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SHMSignalClientBuilder::SHMInfoRepresents SHMInstance info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SHMSignalClientBuilder::SHMSignalRepresents SHMTag info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SHMSignalProviderBuilder::SignalInfoRepresents SHMProviderSignal info definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SignalAdapterBuilder::ParameterDataDefines the parameter data
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SignalAdapterBuilder::SignalDataDefines the signal data
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SignalBuilder::SignalRepresents Signal definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::SymbolTableBuilder::SymbolRepresents Symbol definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::TCPClientBuilder::SignalRepresents TCP signal definition structure
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::TCPSignalServerBuilder::SignalRepresents the data type
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::UDPSignalClientBuilder::SignalRepresents the data type
oCNXOpen::Mechatronics::UDPSignalServerBuilder::SignalRepresents the data type
oCNXOpen::MenuBar::MenuBarManagerInterface for the MenuBarManager object
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::Mfg::AM::ApplicationManagerRepresents the Additive Manufacturing application
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::Mfg::AM::PrinterManagerRepresents the Additive Manufacturing Printer Service
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::Mfg::Mlp::IProcessInterface to the Machining Line Planner process
This is an abstract class, and cannot be instantiated
oCNXOpen::Mfg::Mlp::IResourceInterface to the Machining Line Planner resource
This is an abstract class, and cannot be instantiated
oCNXOpen::Mfg::Mlp::MachiningLinePlannerRepresents the Line Planner
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::MfgModel::MfgModelManagerRepresents the manager for Mfg model
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::MFGViewMaker::MFGViewMakerManagerRepresents a manager of MFGViewMaker builders
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::ModelingViewHighQualityImageRepresents the properties and methods for generating a High Quality Image of a Modeling View
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::ModelingView

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::GraphBuilder::CurveDataContains the structure of curve associated with curve data
oCNXOpen::Motion::IGraphSourceRepresents an interface IGraphSource
Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::IPostControlRepresents an interface IPostControl
Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::MechanismExportRepresents a Mechanism Export object used to export one or more Motion objects to a text file
oCNXOpen::Motion::MechanismImportRepresents a Mechanism Import object used to import a Motion model from a text file
oCNXOpen::Motion::MotionEnvironmentRepresents a Motion Environment
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Motion::MotionSession

Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::MotionManagerA manager to deal with all motion objects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Part

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::MotionMethodsRepresents a NXOpen::Motion::MotionMethods class
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Motion::MotionSession

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::MotionSessionRepresents motion session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::MotionSimulationRepresents Motion.Simulation
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::PackagingMeasureBuilder::GeometryDataRepresents geometry data
oCNXOpen::Motion::PostProcessRepresents the motion post process
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Motion::MotionSession

Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::Motion::PostProcess::EnvelopeToleranceContains settings for envelope tolerance
oCNXOpen::MovieManagerRepresents a MovieManager class
oCNXOpen::Newapp::ApplicationManagerRepresents the Application Manager class
oCNXOpen::NXColorRepresents a standard NX color
oCNXOpen::NXColor::RgbRGB values
oCNXOpen::NXMessageBoxDisplays message box
oCNXOpen::NXObject::AttributeInformationContains attribute information
oCNXOpen::NXObject::ComputationalTimeHolds the computational time value of a time attribute
oCNXOpen::NXObjectManagerMaintains a mapping between Tags and objects
oCNXOpen::NXStringAn internationalized NX text string
oCNXOpen::Optimization::DesignStudyBuilder::DesignStudyObjectiveDefined Objective Structure
oCNXOpen::Optimization::DesignStudyBuilder::DesignStudyVariableDefined variable structure
oCNXOpen::Optimization::OptimizationBuilder::OptimizationConstraintDefined constraint structure
oCNXOpen::Optimization::OptimizationBuilder::OptimizationObjectiveDefined Objective Structure
oCNXOpen::Optimization::OptimizationBuilder::OptimizationVariableDefined variable structure
oCNXOpen::Options::OptionsManagerManages options
oCNXOpen::Part::FeatureUpdateStatusContains feature update status report
oCNXOpen::Part::PartFamilyAttributeDataContains part family attributes information
oCNXOpen::PartDelayedUpdateStatus::DelayStatusInfoLogical structure of part delayed update status
oCNXOpen::PartSaveOptionsContains accessor methods for all part save options that follow the part
oCNXOpen::PDM::AlternateIdManager::AlternateIdsDataContains alternate Ids data
oCNXOpen::PDM::AlternateIdManager::AssignAlternateRevDataContains alternate Revision Id data
oCNXOpen::PDM::ConfigurationManagerRepresents Configuration Manager
Use NXOpen::Session::ConfigurationManager to get the instance of this class
oCNXOpen::PDM::IAttributeGroupOwnerAn interface class for objects that own attribute groups
oCNXOpen::PDM::PartBuilder::PartFileNameDataContains part file name information
oCNXOpen::PDM::PartBuilder::PartNumberDataContains part number information
oCNXOpen::PDM::PartBuilder::PartRevisionDataContains part revision information
oCNXOpen::PDM::PartManagerThis class contains methods to create and manage parts in NX Manager mode
oCNXOpen::PDM::PdmPartThis class serves as a gateway to part-specific tools for NX Manager mode
oCNXOpen::PDM::PdmPart::CheckinInputReservation check-in input struct
oCNXOpen::PDM::PdmPart::CheckoutInputReservation check-out input struct
oCNXOpen::PDM::PdmSearchManagerRepresents search manager class
Use NXOpen::Session::PdmSearchManager to get the instance of this class
oCNXOpen::PDM::PdmSessionRepresents the NX Manager session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::PDM::RequirementUtilsCollection of PDM utility methods
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX6.0.3
oCNXOpen::PDM::WebAppSessionRepresents the Web App session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::PID::PidManagerA manager to deal with all objects
oCNXOpen::PlaneTypesRepresents an NXOpen::PlaneTypes class
oCNXOpen::PLAS::PlasManagerA manager to deal with all objects
oCNXOpen::PlotManagerMethods to create Gateway Builder objects
oCNXOpen::Point2dRepresents two-dimensional cartesian coordinates for a point
Created in NX6.0.0
oCNXOpen::Point3dRepresents three-dimensional cartesian coordinates for a point
Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Point4dRepresents four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates for a point
oCNXOpen::PolygonModelingTaskEnvironmentRepresents the Polygon Modeling task environment associated with a session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::AnnotationPreferencesRepresents the global preferences for annotations
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Annotations::AnnotationManager

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::DraftingPreferenceManagerRepresents a collection of pmi preference builders
oCNXOpen::Preferences::FlatPatternViewPreferencesProvides access to object and callout properties for sheet-metal data in flat pattern views on drawings
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IBaseViewPreferencesRepresents set of IBaseViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IDetailViewPreferencesRepresents set of Detail ViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IGeneralViewPreferencesRepresents set of General View Styles applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IHiddenLinesViewPreferencesRepresents set of HiddenLinesViewStyle applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::InheritPmiPreferencesRepresents set of InheritPmiPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IOrientationViewPreferencesRepresents set of IOrientationViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IPerspectiveViewPreferencesRepresents set of PerspectiveViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IProjectedViewPreferencesRepresents set of ProjectedViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ISectionViewPreferencesRepresents set of SectionViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IShadingViewPreferencesRepresents set of Shading ViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ISmoothEdgesViewPreferencesRepresents set of SmoothEdgesViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IThreadsViewPreferencesRepresents set of ThreadsViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ITraceLinesViewPreferencesRepresents interface for TraceLinesViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IVirtualIntersectionsViewPreferencesRepresents set of Virtual Intersections View Preferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::IVisibleLinesViewPreferencesRepresents set of VisibleLinesViewPreferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ObjectPreferencesCaptures the UI based calls required for Object Preferences
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartAeroSheetmetalRepresents the NX Sheetmetal preferences applicable to part
Preferences are in control of the part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartDraftingRepresents the set of drafting preferences applicable to part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartFlexiblePrintedCircuitDesignRepresents the Flexible Printed Circuit Design preferences applicable to part
Preferences are in control of the part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartFlexiblePrintedCircuitDesign::FlatPatternCalloutTypeDisplayThe members of the following structure are the display data for a callout in a flat pattern drawing member view
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartFlexiblePrintedCircuitDesign::FlatPatternObjectTypeDisplayThe members of the following structure are the display data for an object in a flat pattern drawing member view
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartFlexiblePrintedCircuitDesign::PlanarSegmentCurveTypeDisplayDataThe members of the following structure are the display data
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartModelingRepresents the set of Modeling preferences applicable to part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartObjectRepresents the set of object preferences applicable to entire part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferencesRepresents set of preferences applicable to displayed part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartSheetmetalRepresents the NX Sheetmetal preferences applicable to part
Preferences are in control of the part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartSheetmetal::FlatPatternCalloutTypeDisplayThe members of the following structure are the display data for a callout in a flat pattern drawing member view
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartSheetmetal::FlatPatternObjectTypeDisplayThe members of the following structure are the display data for an object in a flat pattern drawing member view
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartSheetmetal::TabCurveTypeDisplayDataThe members of the following structure are the display data of a tab curve type
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartSketchRepresents the set of Sketcher preferences applicable to entire part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartUserInterfaceRepresents the set of User Interface preferences applicable to entire part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationColorSettingRepresents the set of visualization preferences under color setting tab applicable to part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationEmphasisRepresents visualization preferences for emphasis that are applicable to the entire part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationEmphasis::LayersOptionsSpecifies options that control the appearance of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Layers
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationEmphasis::OriginalColorShellOptionsSpecifies options that control the appearance of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Original Color Shell
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationEmphasis::ShellOptionsSpecifies options that control the appearance of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationEmphasis::WireframeBlendOptionsSpecifies options that control the color-blending effect used to de-emphasize wireframe geometry
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationLineRepresents the set of visualization preferences under Line tab applicable to part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationNamesBordersRepresents the set of visualization preferences of entire Working Part coming under Names/borders Tab
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationPerformanceRepresents the set of visualization performance preferences applicable to entire part
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationScreenRepresents the set of visualization preferences under screen tab applicable to part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationShadeRepresents the set of shade visualization preferences applicable to entire part
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PartVisualizationVisualRepresents the set of visualization preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::PartPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::PostProcessingCAE Post Processing preferences
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX8.0.1
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingApplicationViewAll of the various preferences and options available from the Routing Application View file
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingCharacteristicsContains all of the various preferences for option and required characteristics
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingElectricalThe RoutingElectrical object stores a set of route electrical preferences
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingLogicalThe RoutingLogical object stores a set of route logical preferences
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingMechanicalThe RoutingMechanical object stores a set of route mechanical preferences
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingPartContains the preferences related to placing/finding/adding parts and generating the Routing bill of materials
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingPartLibraryRepresents a Routing Part library
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingPartLibrary::ColumnPart table column type
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingPathThe RoutingPath object stores a set of path preferences
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingStockThe Preferences for Routing Stock objects
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RoutingUserPreferencesAllows access to the User Preferences section of the Routing Application View file
oCNXOpen::Preferences::RulePreferencesProvides methods for manipulating the Knowledge Fusion preferences in a session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionAssembliesRepresents the set of Assemblies Preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionDraftingRepresents the set of Drafting preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionMeasureRequirementsRepresents the two options available on the Measure Requirements toolbar and applicable to the entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionModelingRepresents the set of Modeling preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionNXGatewayRepresents the set of NXGateway Preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionPdmRepresents the NX Manager preferences for the entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX4.0.1
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionPmiRepresents the set of PMI preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferencesRepresents a collection of session based preferences
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionSketchRepresents the set of sketch preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionUserInterfaceRepresents the set of User Interface preferences applicable to entire session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionUserInterfaceUIRepresents all UI based session user interface preferneces
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationColorSettingRepresents the set of visualization preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationEmphasisRepresents visualization preferences for emphasis that are applicable to the entire session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationHighEndRenderingRepresents the set of visualization preferences under High End Rendering tab applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX11.0.1
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationHighQualityImageRepresents the High Quality Image preferences for the entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX4.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationPerformanceRepresents visualization performance preferences that are applicable to the entire session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationScreenRepresents the set of visualization preferences under screen tab applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationShadeRepresents the UI related Visualization Shade preferences
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationSpecialEffectsRepresents the set of visualization special effect preferences applicable to entire session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionVisualizationVisualRepresents all UI based session Visualization visual preferences
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SessionWorkPlaneRepresents the set of WorkPlane preferences applicable to session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

oCNXOpen::Preferences::ShipbuildingLinesViewPreferencesRepresents set of Shipbuilding Lines View Preferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ShipDraftingViewLinesViewPreferencesRepresents set of Ship Drafting View Lines View Preferences applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SketchPreferencesRepresents the set of sketch preferences applicable on NXOpen::Sketch object
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Sketch

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::SubdivisionModelingPreferencesRepresents the set of Modeling preferences applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX9.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewPreferencesRepresents set of style applicable to drafting views
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationSpecialEffectsRepresents the set of visualization special effect preferences applicable to entire session
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationSpecialEffects::ColorHLSRepresents three constituents of a HLS color pattern
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationSpecialEffects::ColorHSVRepresents three constituents of a HSV color pattern
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationSpecialEffects::ColorRGBRepresents three constituents of a RGB color pattern
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationSpecialEffects::FogDataRepresents the constituents of fog data
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationVisualRepresents the set of View related Visualization visual preferences
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::View

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationVisual::DisplayAppearanceOptionsDescribes the rendering style and the appearance of edges and silhouettes in the view
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationVisual::SurfaceDisplayOptionsDescribes the appearance of edges and silhouettes in the view
oCNXOpen::Preferences::ViewVisualizationVisual::TrueSurfaceDisplayPrefRepresents the various surface display parameters
oCNXOpen::Preferences::VisualizationFontsRepresents visualization preferences for standard text fonts applicable to the entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::VisualizationHandlesRepresents the set of visualization preferences under handles tab applicable to entire session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Preferences::SessionPreferences

Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::VisualizationLineThis class is for UI related preferences changes
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Preferences::WorkPlane::GridSizeGrid size parameters
oCNXOpen::Preferences::WorkPlane::NonuniformGridSizeNonuniform grid size parameters
oCNXOpen::Preferences::WorkPlane::PolarGridSizePolar grid size parameters
oCNXOpen::PressLineSimulation::ApplicationManagerRepresents a manager the of press line simulation application builders
oCNXOpen::PropertiesManagerMethods to create Gateway Properties Builder objects
oCNXOpen::PvtransManagerMethods to create Pvtrans Builder objects
oCNXOpen::Report::AutomationLoggerRepresents the automation logger to log information for report automation program
oCNXOpen::Report::CommandManagerRepresents the command manager
oCNXOpen::Report::ReportManagerRepresents the report manager
oCNXOpen::ResourceBarManagerRepresents an interface to manage Resource Bar tabs
oCNXOpen::Routing::BendReportManagerThe Routing Bend Report Manager allows you to get a variety of bend reports
oCNXOpen::Routing::BendReportManager::Mil98ReportUsed in the MIL-D-9898 C specification reports
oCNXOpen::Routing::BendReportManager::SegmentInformationUsed by all the reports to hold the information of the segments under port, solid body, segment, stock, stock component, or feature representing the piece of stock
oCNXOpen::Routing::BendReportManager::XyzReportUsed in the XYZ bend reports
oCNXOpen::Routing::BendReportManager::YbcReportUsed in the YBC bend reports
oCNXOpen::Routing::CharacteristicList::CharacteristicInformationContains the type and name of a characteristic
oCNXOpen::Routing::CustomManagerThe Routing Custom Manager allows you to customize Routing by setting session wide Routing preferences and by adding plugins, callbacks, and design rules
oCNXOpen::Routing::DesignRuleManagerRepresents NXOpen::Routing::DesignRuleManager object
Creator not available in KF
oCNXOpen::Routing::ReuseLibraryRepresents a NXOpen::Routing::ReuseLibrary
No creator is available in KF
oCNXOpen::Routing::RouteManagerManages various Routing collections and methods for use in the current work part
oCNXOpen::Routing::RouteManager::SearchCriteriaFill in this information with as much as you know about the object you want to find
oCNXOpen::Routing::SegmentManagerContains the type of the routing part as well as the Collection objects for creating/iterating over routing objects
oCNXOpen::Routing::SegmentManager::SubdivideOptionContains subdivide segment method information
oCNXOpen::RuleManagerProvides methods for manipulating the Knowledge Fusion rules in a part
oCNXOpen::RuleManager::AdoptableTypesUsed to return adoptable object types
oCNXOpen::RuleManager::DebugInstanceUsed to return debug update information for instances
oCNXOpen::RuleManager::DebugRuleUsed to return debug update information for rules
oCNXOpen::RuleManager::FunctionArgumentsInformationUsed to return information about the arguments for a function
oCNXOpen::RuleManager::FunctionInformationUsed to return information about a function
oCNXOpen::RuleManager::ParameterRuleUsed to specify parameter values for child rule creation or modification
oCNXOpen::SaveOptionsContains accessor methods for all part save options that follow the session
oCNXOpen::ScRuleFactoryThis class contains the factory methods for creating selection intent rules
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Part

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::SelectionDefines an interface object for executing selection operations
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::Selection::MaskTripleUsed in selection methods to set the types of objects that are selectable
oCNXOpen::Selection::SelectionDescriptorFor a rectangle deselection, the fields Deselection , MultipleSelection , Rectangle bits would be set
oCNXOpen::Session::UndoMarkDataThis structure contains data about an undo mark
oCNXOpen::ShapeSearch::SearchManagerThis class manages Shape Search
oCNXOpen::SheetMetal::FlatPatternSettings::FlatPatternCalloutTypeDisplayThe members of the following structure are the display data for a callout in a flat pattern drawing member view
oCNXOpen::SheetMetal::FlatPatternSettings::FlatPatternObjectTypeDisplayThe members of the following structure are the display data for an object in a flat pattern drawing member view
oCNXOpen::ShipDesign::ApplicationUtilsRepresents Generator which wrap the ship api for china
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::ShipDesign::ShipSession

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::ShipDesign::GeneralArrangementManagerRepresents the interface for General Arrangement classes
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::ShipDesign::ShipSession

Created in NX12.0.0
oCNXOpen::ShipDesign::GeneratorRepresents Generator which wrap the ship api for china
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::ShipDesign::ShipSession

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::ShipDesign::NavigatorCollectionRepresents the interface for navigator action classes
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::ShipDesign::ShipSession

Created in NX11.0.1
oCNXOpen::ShipDesign::ShipSessionRepresents Ship session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX11.0.0
oCNXOpen::SIM::PostConfigurator::PostConfiguratorManagerRepresents Post Configurator Manager
Use NXOpen::Session::PostConfiguratorManager to get the instance of this class
oCNXOpen::Sketch::ConstraintGeometryUsed by the create geometric constraint methods to indicate what geometry the constraint should be applied to
oCNXOpen::Sketch::ConstraintGeometryHelpUsed by several constraint creation methods that need a help point or parameter to indicate how to create the constraint
oCNXOpen::Sketch::CopyObjectDataThis structure represents a map between the original object to be copied and the corresponding copied object
oCNXOpen::Sketch::DimensionGeometryUsed in the dimension creation methods to indicate what geometry to create the dimension on
oCNXOpen::SpreadsheetManagerRepresents a class for interacting with spreadsheets
oCNXOpen::SubdivisionTaskEnvironmentRepresents the subdivision task environment associated with a session
oCNXOpen::TaggedObjectAn object that has a Tag
oCNXOpen::TaggedObjectCollectionA base class for all NXOpen tagged object collections
oCNXOpen::ToolDesigner::DBNodeManagerRepresents a manager of tool designer db nodes
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::ToolDesigner::ToolDesignerManagerRepresents a manager of tool designer builders
Use the static method in this class to obtain an instance
oCNXOpen::Tooling::AddReusableFeatureCollection::InputDataDefines the input data of AddReusableFeatureBuilder
oCNXOpen::Tooling::CaeReuseLibraryRepresents a NXOpen::Tooling::CaeReuseLibrary
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::CAE::BaseFEModel

Created in NX7.5.2
oCNXOpen::Tooling::CAMDataManagerRepresents an object that manages cam data objects
oCNXOpen::Tooling::GuidedExtensionManagerRepresents the manager of the GuidedExtension builder
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Tooling::ToolingManager
oCNXOpen::Tooling::MoldwizardManagerProvides create builder methods for Moldwizard
oCNXOpen::Tooling::MWMoldedPartValidationManagerRepresents a manager of the MWMoldedPartValidation builder
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Tooling::ToolingManager

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Tooling::ProgressiveDieManagerProvides create builder methods for Progressive Die
oCNXOpen::Tooling::ReusableObjectManagerRepresents a collection of ReusableObjects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Tooling::ToolingManager

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Tooling::SIZERExportBuilder::MCDMechanicalDataDefines the mechanical data in MCD mode
oCNXOpen::Tooling::SIZERExportBuilder::MechanicalDataDefines the mechanical data in Motion mode
oCNXOpen::Tooling::ToolingManagerContains the collection objects for creating and iterating over Reuse Library objects
oCNXOpen::Tooling::ToolingSessionRepresents Tooling session
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::Tooling::WallThicknessCheckerManagerRepresents the manager of the WallThicknessChecker builder
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Tooling::ToolingManager

Created in NX8.0.0
oCNXOpen::TransientObjectAn NX transient object
oCNXOpen::UIStyler::StylerRepresents a Uistyler for UI Styler
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::UpdateProvides methods for update and delete
oCNXOpen::UserDefinedObjects::UserDefinedClassManagerJA interface for the UserDefinedClassManager object
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::Session

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::UserDefinedObjects::UserDefinedObject::LinkDefinitionContains the linked object and it's status along with the type of link
oCNXOpen::UserDefinedObjects::UserDefinedObjectManagerThis class creates and manages UserDefinedObjects
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::BasePart

Created in NX5.0.0
oCNXOpen::UserDefinedObjects::UserDefinedObjectManager::LinkedUdoDefinitionUsed to define a link to a UserDefinedObject
oCNXOpen::Validate::ValidationManagerRepresents an object that manages validator and parser associated instance objects
oCNXOpen::Validate::XmlComparatorProvides a generic comparator for finding differences between two XML format files
Represents config options in comparison

For example:
oCNXOpen::Vector3dRepresents a three-dimensional vector
Created in NX3.0.0
oCNXOpen::ViewDependentDisplayManagerRepresents all view dependent display operations
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::View

Created in NX5.0.0
To obtain an instance of this class, refer to NXOpen::UI

Created in NX11.0.1
oCNXOpen::VisualReporting::VisualReportExplorerThe Explorer of the results of a visual report
oCNXOpen::VisualReporting::VisualReportManagerA manager for load, creation and activation of visual reports
oCNXOpen::WCSRepresents the World Coordinate System
oCNXOpen::Weld::JointExitBuilder::FilletSizesThe structure for defining fillet weld lengths
oCNXOpen::Weld::LogInfoRepresents entity and its log message
Created in NX7.5.0
oCNXOpen::Weld::WeldCpdUtilsProvides methods for access a WeldCpdUtils class object in NX
oCNXOpen::Weld::WeldJointBuilder::JointMidPointDataJoint evaluation information at the mid point
oCNXOpen::Weld::WeldObjectBuilder::FeatureInfoStructure used to identify if each feature is newly created or edited
oCNXOpen::Weld::WeldPointExitBuilder::FeatureInfoStructure used to identify newly created features
oCstd::exceptionSTL class
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