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NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree Class Reference

Represents the Tree block in block styler automation. More...

Inheritance diagram for NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree:
NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock NXOpen::TaggedObject

Public Types

typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ControlType,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when edit is attempted on any cell. More...
enum  BeginLabelEditState { BeginLabelEditStateAllow, BeginLabelEditStateDisallow }
 Represents the state to allow/disallow the node label edit. More...
enum  ColumnDisplay { ColumnDisplayText, ColumnDisplayIcon }
 Represents the column display type. More...
enum  ColumnResizePolicy { ColumnResizePolicyConstantWidth, ColumnResizePolicyResizeWithContents, ColumnResizePolicyResizeWithTree }
 Represents column resize policy. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback4< int,
*, int,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when column sort is attempted. More...
enum  ColumnSortOption { ColumnSortOptionUnsorted, ColumnSortOptionAscending, ColumnSortOptionDescending }
 Represents the column sort option. More...
enum  ControlType { ControlTypeNone, ControlTypeComboBox, ControlTypeListBox }
 Represents the type of edit options. More...
enum  EditControlOption { EditControlOptionAccept, EditControlOptionReject }
 Represents the options to accept or reject the changed value. More...
enum  EndLabelEditState { EndLabelEditStateAcceptText, EndLabelEditStateRejectText }
 Represents the state to accept/reject the edited label of node. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DragType,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when node is dragged. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback5
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DropType,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int,
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when an attempt is made to drop the node on any target node. More...
enum  NodeInsertOption {
  NodeInsertOptionFirst, NodeInsertOptionLast, NodeInsertOptionSort, NodeInsertOptionAlwaysFirst,
 Represents the node insert option which is used while inserting the node in tree. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditState,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when label edit is attempted on any column. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when double clicked is performed on the node. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback2
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when the node is deleted from tree. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback7
< bool,
*, std::vector
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * >
, int,
*, int,
int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when nodes are dropped on any target node. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback5
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int,
*, int > 
 Represents the callback to show the menu when nodes are dragged using MB3 or right mouse click, and dropped on any target node. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback6
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOption,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int, int, NXString,
 Represents the callback which gets called when user selects an option in edit-control set by BlockStyler.Tree.AskEditControlCallback. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback4
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditState,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int, NXString
 Represents the callback which gets called when label edit is completed on any column. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback2
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when the node is expanded. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called for each node when the column is inserted using BlockStyler::Tree::InsertColumn . More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback2
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when the node is inserted. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when MB3 or right click is attempted on node or tree. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when one of the menu option is selected. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback4
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int, bool > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when pre selection is attempted on node. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback4
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int, bool > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when the node is selected. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< void,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when the state icon is clicked. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< NXString,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when the node state is set by BlockStyler::Node::SetState and the corresponding state icon of node state is not known. More...
typedef NXOpen::Callback3
< NXString,
*, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node
*, int > 
 Represents the callback which gets called when tree seeks the tooltip. More...

Public Member Functions

bool CanStretchHeight ()
 Returns the CanStretchHeight. More...
bool CanStretchWidth ()
 Returns the CanStretchWidth. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::NodeCopyNode (NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *sourceNode)
 Copies the existing BlockStyler::Node . More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::TreeListMenuCreateMenu ()
 Creates the menu. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::NodeCreateNode (const NXString &displayText)
 Creates the node but does not insert it. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::NodeCreateNode (const char *displayText)
 Creates the node but does not insert it. More...
void DeleteNode (NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node)
 Deletes the node from tree. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::NodeFirstSelectedNode ()
 Returns the first selected node among the available selected nodes. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnDisplay GetColumnDisplayType (int columnID)
 Gets the display type of the column. More...
int GetColumnId (int columnPosition)
 Gets the column Id for the provided column position. More...
int GetColumnPosition (int columnID)
 Gets column position. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnResizePolicy GetColumnResizePolicy (int columnID)
 Gets the column resize policy. More...
bool GetColumnSortable (int columnID)
 Gets the flag indicating whether the column is sortable. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnSortOption GetColumnSortOption (int columnID)
 Gets the column sort option. More...
NXString GetColumnTitle (int columnID)
 Gets the column title. More...
bool GetColumnVisible (int columnID)
 Gets the flag indicating whether the column is visible. More...
int GetColumnWidth (int columnID)
 Gets column width. More...
< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > 
GetSelectedNodes ()
 Gets the selected nodes. More...
std::vector< NXStringGetSelectionModeMembers ()
 Gets the SelectionMode. More...
int Height ()
 Returns the Height
Created in NX8.5.0. More...
int InsertColumn (int columnID, const NXString &columnTitle, int columnWidth)
 Inserts a column. More...
int InsertColumn (int columnID, const char *columnTitle, int columnWidth)
 Inserts a column. More...
void InsertNode (NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *newNode, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *parentNode, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *afterNode, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::NodeInsertOption nodeInsertOption)
 Inserts the node. More...
bool Localize ()
 Returns the Localize
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int MaximumHeight ()
 Returns the MaximumHeight
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int MaximumWidth ()
 Returns the MaximumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
int MinimumHeight ()
 Returns the MinimumHeight
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int MinimumWidth ()
 Returns the MinimumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
int NumberOfColumns ()
 Returns the number of column inserted in the tree. More...
void Redraw (bool redraw)
 Freezes the tree if the value is set to False which implies that no changes would occur in the tree after this point. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::NodeRootNode ()
 Returns the root node. More...
int ScrollFrozenColumn ()
 Returns the ScrollFrozenColumn. More...
int ScrollLineNumber ()
 Returns the ScrollLineNumber. More...
NXString SelectionModeAsString ()
 Returns the SelectionMode
Created in NX8.5.0. More...
void SelectNode (NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, bool isSelect, bool isOtherNodeAffected)
 Selects the provided node. More...
void SelectNodes (const std::vector< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > &node, bool isSelect, bool isOtherNodeAffected)
 Selects the provided nodes. More...
void SetAskEditControlHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::AskEditControlCallback &cb)
 Sets the node-edit-control callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetCanStretchHeight (bool stretchHeight)
 Sets the CanStretchHeight. More...
void SetCanStretchWidth (bool stretchWidth)
 Sets the CanStretchWidth. More...
void SetColumnDisplayType (int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnDisplay displayType)
 Sets the display type of the column. More...
void SetColumnResizePolicy (int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnResizePolicy resizePolicy)
 Sets the column resize policy. More...
void SetColumnSortable (int columnID, bool isSortable)
 Sets the flag indicating whether the column is sortable. More...
void SetColumnSortHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnSortCallback &cb)
 Sets the column sort callback. More...
void SetColumnSortOption (int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnSortOption sortOption)
 Sets the column sort option. More...
void SetColumnTitle (int columnID, const NXString &columnHeaderTitle)
 Sets the column title. More...
void SetColumnTitle (int columnID, const char *columnHeaderTitle)
 Sets the column title. More...
void SetColumnVisible (int columnID, bool isVisible)
 Sets the flag indicating whether the column is visible
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void SetColumnWidth (int columnID, int columnWidth)
 Sets the column width
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetEditOptions (std::vector< NXString > &stringArray, int defaultIndex)
 Sets the options in edit-control. More...
void SetHeight (int height)
 Sets the Height
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void SetIsDragAllowedHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::IsDragAllowedCallback &cb)
 Sets the callback handler for node drag
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void SetIsDropAllowedHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::IsDropAllowedCallback &cb)
 Sets the callback handler for node drop
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void SetLocalize (bool localize)
 Sets the Localize
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void SetMaximumHeight (int maxHeight)
 Sets the MaximumHeight
Created in NX8.5.0. More...
void SetMaximumWidth (int maxWidth)
 Sets the MaximumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void SetMenu (NXOpen::BlockStyler::TreeListMenu *menu)
 Sets the menu, resulting the menu to appear on the screen. More...
void SetMinimumHeight (int minHeight)
 Sets the MinimumHeight
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void SetMinimumWidth (int minWidth)
 Sets the MinimumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0. More...
void SetOnBeginLabelEditHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnBeginLabelEditCallback &cb)
 Sets the on-begin-label-edit callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnDefaultActionHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDefaultActionCallback &cb)
 Sets the on select node callback
Created in NX7.5.2. More...
void SetOnDeleteNodeHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDeleteNodeCallback &cb)
 Sets on delete node callback
Created in NX6.0.0. More...
void SetOnDropHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDropCallback &cb)
 Sets the callback handler for node drop
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnDropMenuHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDropMenuCallback &cb)
 Sets the callback handler for on drop menu. More...
void SetOnEditOptionSelectedHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnEditOptionSelectedCallback &cb)
 Sets the on-end-label-edit callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnEndLabelEditHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnEndLabelEditCallback &cb)
 Sets the on-end-label-edit callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnExpandHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnExpandCallback &cb)
 Sets the on expand callback to the tree. More...
void SetOnInsertColumnHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnInsertColumnCallback &cb)
 Sets the on insert column callback to the tree. More...
void SetOnInsertNodeHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnInsertNodeCallback &cb)
 Sets the on insert node callback. More...
void SetOnMenuHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnMenuCallback &cb)
 Sets the on menu callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnMenuSelectionHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnMenuSelectionCallback &cb)
 Sets the on menu selection callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnPreSelectHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnPreSelectCallback &cb)
 Sets on pre select callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnSelectHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnSelectCallback &cb)
 Sets the on select node callback
Created in NX7.5.0. More...
void SetOnStateChangeHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnStateChangeCallback &cb)
 Sets the on state change callback. More...
void SetPreSelectionTimeOut (double timeOut)
 Sets the pre selection time out. More...
void SetScrollFrozenColumn (int scrollFrozenColumn)
 Sets the ScrollFrozenColumn. More...
void SetScrollLineNumber (int scrollLineNumber)
 Sets the ScrollLineNumber. More...
void SetSelectionModeAsString (const NXString &enumString)
 Sets the SelectionMode
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void SetSelectionModeAsString (const char *enumString)
 Sets the SelectionMode
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void SetShowExpandCollapseMarker (bool show)
 Sets the ShowExpandCollapseMarker. More...
void SetShowHeader (bool show)
 Sets the ShowHeader
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void SetShowMultipleColumns (bool show)
 Sets the ShowMultipleColumns
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void SetShowToolTips (bool show)
 Sets the ShowToolTips
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void SetSortRootNodes (bool sort)
 Sets the SortRootNodes. More...
void SetStateIconNameHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::StateIconNameCallback &cb)
 Sets the state icon name callback. More...
void SetToolTipTextHandler (const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ToolTipTextCallback &cb)
 Sets the tool tip callback. More...
void SetWidth (int width)
 Sets the Width
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bool ShowExpandCollapseMarker ()
 Returns the ShowExpandCollapseMarker. More...
bool ShowHeader ()
 Returns the ShowHeader
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bool ShowMultipleColumns ()
 Returns the ShowMultipleColumns
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bool ShowToolTips ()
 Returns the ShowToolTips
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bool SortRootNodes ()
 Returns the SortRootNodes. More...
int Width ()
 Returns the Width
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- Public Member Functions inherited from NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock
bool Enable ()
 Returns the Enable. More...
bool Expanded ()
 Returns the Expanded
Created in NX8.5.0. More...
void Focus ()
 Focuses on the block. More...
NXOpen::BlockStyler::PropertyListGetProperties ()
 Returns the properties of the block. More...
bool Group ()
 Returns the Group
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NXString Label ()
 Returns the Label
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NXString Name ()
 Returns the name of the block or BlockID
Created in NX6.0.0. More...
void SetEnable (bool enable)
 Sets the Enable. More...
void SetExpanded (bool expanded)
 Sets the Expanded
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void SetGroup (bool group)
 Sets the Group
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void SetLabel (const NXString &label)
 Sets the Label
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void SetLabel (const char *label)
 Sets the Label
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void SetShow (bool show)
 Sets the Visibility of block. More...
bool Show ()
 Returns the Visibility of block. More...
NXString Type ()
 Returns the type of block
Created in NX6.0.0. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NXOpen::TaggedObject
tag_t Tag () const
 Returns the tag of this object. More...

Detailed Description

Represents the Tree block in block styler automation.

To start utilizing the tree use methods such as BlockStyler::Tree::InsertColumn , BlockStyler::Tree::CreateNode , BlockStyler::Tree::InsertNode etc. It is must to insert the column on the tree before inserting any node. Node can be created but cannot be inserted without the column available on the tree. Note that some of the methods of this class such as BlockStyler::Tree::InsertColumn must be used in or after the BlockStyler.BlockDialog.DialogShown callback after which tree is fully constructed and ready for use.
Created in NX7.5.0.

Member Typedef Documentation

Represents the callback which gets called when edit is attempted on any cell.

Edit-control is made available on the cell based on control type returned by this callback.

Use BlockStyler::Tree::SetEditOptions in this callback to show the options in the edit-control. Further BlockStyler.Tree.OnEditOptionSelectedCallback is called when option is selected.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when column sort is attempted.

The possible return values are 0, positive and negative value, suggesting respectively that both nodes are same, first node greater than second, and first node smaller than second.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when node is dragged.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when an attempt is made to drop the node on any target node.

If multiple nodes are selected and dragged then this callback is invoked for each of the selected nodes.

If node is dragged using MB3 then the callback BlockStyler.Tree.OnDropMenuCallback is invoked which is expected to provide and show the menu. Subsequently, BlockStyler.Tree.OnDropCallback might get invoked.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when label edit is attempted on any column.

The label edit is allowed/disallowed based on return value of this callback.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when double clicked is performed on the node.

Created in NX7.5.2.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when the node is deleted from tree.

It is expected to perform only clean-up operation related to the deleted node such as clean-up of Node Data.

Avoid operations such as node insert, node delete etc, and avoid calling any methods of tree. This is particularly severe when dialog is closed (through Ok, dialog-reset etc) because by then tree is unavailable and any usage of tree method would raise exception. As the callback is called for each node, the exception would be raised number of times equaling number of nodes available on tree.

Created in NX6.0.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when nodes are dropped on any target node.

This callback is invoked irrespective of case whether nodes are dragged using MB1 or MB3. If nodes are dragged using MB3 then BlockStyler.Tree.OnDropMenuCallback is called prior to the invocation of this callback.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback to show the menu when nodes are dragged using MB3 or right mouse click, and dropped on any target node.

The menu can be made available using two methods BlockStyler::Tree::CreateMenu and BlockStyler::Tree::SetMenu . Subsequently, menu is shown and selected menu option is passed as paremeter in the callback BlockStyler.Tree.OnDropCallback

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when user selects an option in edit-control set by BlockStyler.Tree.AskEditControlCallback.

If returned BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOptionAccept then the edited option/text is accepted else it is rejected and old option/text remains.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when label edit is completed on any column.

The edited label is accepted/rejected based on return value of this callback.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when the node is expanded.

This is called only once.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called for each node when the column is inserted using BlockStyler::Tree::InsertColumn .

This callback in not invoked if no node is available on the tree.

In this callback it is expected to provide column text for individual node.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when the node is inserted.

Created in NX6.0.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when MB3 or right click is attempted on node or tree.

Value of Node parameter is NULL if MB3 is attempted on area other than node. This distinction allows to have separate menu for node and tree.
The menu can be made available using two methods BlockStyler::Tree::CreateMenu and BlockStyler::Tree::SetMenu . Subsequently BlockStyler.Tree.OnMenuSelectionCallback is invoked after the menu item is selected.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when one of the menu option is selected.

Refer to callback BlockStyler.Tree.OnMenuCallback to make available the menu.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when pre selection is attempted on node.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when the node is selected.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when the state icon is clicked.

This callback does not get called when state is changed using the method BlockStyler::Node::SetState . The node state can be changed in this callback using BlockStyler::Node::SetState , e.g., node can be changed from checked state to unchecked state and vice-versa.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when the node state is set by BlockStyler::Node::SetState and the corresponding state icon of node state is not known.

This callback is expected to provide the icon name for the node state used in the application. This callback is called only once for any given node state.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Represents the callback which gets called when tree seeks the tooltip.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

Member Enumeration Documentation

Represents the state to allow/disallow the node label edit.

Use these options in callback BlockStyler.Tree.OnBeginLabelEditCallback.


Use this option to allow label edit.


Use this option to disallow label edit.

Represents the column display type.

If the type is BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnDisplayIcon then the provided text is interpreted as icon.





Represents column resize policy.


Constant width.


Width resized with contents.


Width resize with tree window resize.

Represents the column sort option.







Represents the type of edit options.

Use these options in edit control callback




Combo box.


List box.

Represents the options to accept or reject the changed value.


Use this option to allow edit.


Use this option to disallow edit.

Represents the state to accept/reject the edited label of node.

Use these options in callback BlockStyler.Tree.OnEndLabelEditCallback.


Use this option to accept the edited text.


Use this option to reject the edited text and retain the previous one.

Represents the node insert option which is used while inserting the node in tree.


Node is placed first in the hierarchy in which it is inserted.


Node is placed last in the hierarchy in which it is inserted.


Node is sorted according to display text and placed accordingly in the hierarchy in which it is inserted.


Node is placed first in the hierarchy in which it is inserted.

This is same as BlockStyler::Tree::NodeInsertOptionFirst , except that it remains first after a column sort. If there is more than one node beneath a single parent with this option then they will be sorted relative to each other.


Node is placed last in the hierarchy in which it is inserted.

This is same as BlockStyler::Tree::NodeInsertOptionLast , except that it remains last after a column sort. If there is more than one node beneath a single parent with this option then they will be sorted relative to each other.

Member Function Documentation

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::CanStretchHeight ( )

Returns the CanStretchHeight.

If true, height of list box will change.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::CanStretchWidth ( )

Returns the CanStretchWidth.

If true, width of TreeList block will change.
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node* NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::CopyNode ( NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node sourceNode)

Copies the existing BlockStyler::Node .

The tree can copy either its own node or the node of another tree. The copied node can only be inserted into the tree which has copied that node. The column texts are not passed to the copied node.

Copied node.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
sourceNodeSource node. Can be node of other tree.
NXOpen::BlockStyler::TreeListMenu* NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::CreateMenu ( )

Creates the menu.

Use BlockStyler::Tree::SetMenu to set the created menu.


Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node* NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::CreateNode ( const NXString displayText)

Creates the node but does not insert it.

Use BlockStyler::Tree::InsertNode to insert the node.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
displayTextSpecifies the display text of the node.
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node* NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::CreateNode ( const char *  displayText)

Creates the node but does not insert it.

Use BlockStyler::Tree::InsertNode to insert the node.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
displayTextSpecifies the display text of the node.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::DeleteNode ( NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node node)

Deletes the node from tree.

Further usage of deleted node is illegal. The last place where node can be used is in BlockStyler.Tree.OnDeleteNodeCallaback callback which gets called when node is deleted.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

nodeNode to delete
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node* NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::FirstSelectedNode ( )

Returns the first selected node among the available selected nodes.

Returns NULL if no node is selected.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnDisplay NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnDisplayType ( int  columnID)

Gets the display type of the column.

Display type.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnId ( int  columnPosition)

Gets the column Id for the provided column position.

Unique column Id associated with the column.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnPositionColumn position.
int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnPosition ( int  columnID)

Gets column position.

Returns -1 if no column is associated with the provided column Id.

Column position.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnResizePolicy NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnResizePolicy ( int  columnID)

Gets the column resize policy.

Resize policy.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnSortable ( int  columnID)

Gets the flag indicating whether the column is sortable.

Flag indicating whether the column is sortable.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnSortOption NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnSortOption ( int  columnID)

Gets the column sort option.

Column sort option.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
NXString NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnTitle ( int  columnID)

Gets the column title.

Column header title.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnVisible ( int  columnID)

Gets the flag indicating whether the column is visible.

Flag indicating whether the column is visible.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetColumnWidth ( int  columnID)

Gets column width.

Column width.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
std::vector<NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *> NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetSelectedNodes ( )

Gets the selected nodes.

Selected nodes.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
std::vector<NXString> NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::GetSelectionModeMembers ( )

Gets the SelectionMode.

Value to get from the property
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None
int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::Height ( )

Returns the Height
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::InsertColumn ( int  columnID,
const NXString columnTitle,
int  columnWidth 

Inserts a column.

Inserts a column with following defaults:

The new column is placed after the last available column. If no column is available then the inserted one becomes the first column of the tree.

Absolute column position.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column. Any further interaction with the column is done with this column Id.
columnTitleColumn header title.
columnWidthProviding value less than zero will set the default width of 0 for the column.
int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::InsertColumn ( int  columnID,
const char *  columnTitle,
int  columnWidth 

Inserts a column.

Inserts a column with following defaults:

The new column is placed after the last available column. If no column is available then the inserted one becomes the first column of the tree.

Absolute column position.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None
columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column. Any further interaction with the column is done with this column Id.
columnTitleColumn header title.
columnWidthProviding value less than zero will set the default width of 0 for the column.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::InsertNode ( NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node newNode,
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node parentNode,
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node afterNode,
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::NodeInsertOption  nodeInsertOption 

Inserts the node.

Subsequently BlockStyler.Tree.OnInsertNodeCallback is called. Reinserting the node in same or different tree is not allowed.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

newNodeNew Node.
parentNodeParent node under which new node is supposed to be placed.
afterNodeNew node placed after this node. If there is mismatch between parent-node and after-node then former is honoured.
nodeInsertOptionNode insert option. Provide the value if after node is NULL. This value is not considered if a valid after-node is supplied.
bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::Localize ( )

Returns the Localize
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::MaximumHeight ( )

Returns the MaximumHeight
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::MaximumWidth ( )

Returns the MaximumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::MinimumHeight ( )

Returns the MinimumHeight
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::MinimumWidth ( )

Returns the MinimumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::NumberOfColumns ( )

Returns the number of column inserted in the tree.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::Redraw ( bool  redraw)

Freezes the tree if the value is set to False which implies that no changes would occur in the tree after this point.

The tree remains in that state until the value is set to True, after which the tree completely updates itself with the changes performed on it in between the two calls. Use this method to efficiently utilize the tree when it is subjected to enourmous changes.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

redrawFlag corresponds to freeze/unfreeze of tree changes.
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node* NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::RootNode ( )

Returns the root node.

If more than one root node is available in top hierarchy then the first root node is returned.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ScrollFrozenColumn ( )

Returns the ScrollFrozenColumn.

It specifies the number of columns to freeze while scrolling.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ScrollLineNumber ( )

Returns the ScrollLineNumber.

It specifies the number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel rotates.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

NXString NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SelectionModeAsString ( )

Returns the SelectionMode
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SelectNode ( NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node node,
bool  isSelect,
bool  isOtherNodeAffected 

Selects the provided node.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

nodeNode to be selected
isSelectSelect/Deselect flag. If true, the provided node is selected, else deselected.
isOtherNodeAffectedFlag indicating whether selection of other nodes is affected. If true, all the previous selected nodes are deselected, else unaffected.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SelectNodes ( const std::vector< NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node * > &  node,
bool  isSelect,
bool  isOtherNodeAffected 

Selects the provided nodes.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

nodeNodes to be selected
isSelectSelect/Deselect flag. If true, the provided nodes are selected, else deselected.
isOtherNodeAffectedFlag indicating whether selection of other nodes is affected. If true, all the previous selected nodes are deselected, else remain so.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetAskEditControlHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::AskEditControlCallback cb)

Sets the node-edit-control callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetCanStretchHeight ( bool  stretchHeight)

Sets the CanStretchHeight.

If true, height of list box will change.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetCanStretchWidth ( bool  stretchWidth)

Sets the CanStretchWidth.

If true, width of TreeList block will change.
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnDisplayType ( int  columnID,
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnDisplay  displayType 

Sets the display type of the column.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
displayTypeDisplay type.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnResizePolicy ( int  columnID,
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnResizePolicy  resizePolicy 

Sets the column resize policy.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column
resizePolicyResize policy
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnSortable ( int  columnID,
bool  isSortable 

Sets the flag indicating whether the column is sortable.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
isSortableFlag indicating whether the column is sortable.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnSortHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnSortCallback cb)

Sets the column sort callback.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnSortOption ( int  columnID,
NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ColumnSortOption  sortOption 

Sets the column sort option.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
sortOptionColumn sort option.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnTitle ( int  columnID,
const NXString columnHeaderTitle 

Sets the column title.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
columnHeaderTitleColumn header title.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnTitle ( int  columnID,
const char *  columnHeaderTitle 

Sets the column title.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
columnHeaderTitleColumn header title.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnVisible ( int  columnID,
bool  isVisible 

Sets the flag indicating whether the column is visible
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column
isVisibleFlag indicating whether the column is visible
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetColumnWidth ( int  columnID,
int  columnWidth 

Sets the column width
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

columnIDUnique column Id associated with the column.
columnWidthColumn width.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetEditOptions ( std::vector< NXString > &  stringArray,
int  defaultIndex 

Sets the options in edit-control.

This method must be used in BlockStyler.Tree.AskEditControlCallback to make available the options in edit-control.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

stringArrayOptions to be made availabe in edit-control
defaultIndexIndex for default selection. This is zero based, for instance if it is set to 1 then 2nd option is selected by default during edit operation.
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetHeight ( int  height)

Sets the Height
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetIsDragAllowedHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::IsDragAllowedCallback cb)

Sets the callback handler for node drag
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetIsDropAllowedHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::IsDropAllowedCallback cb)

Sets the callback handler for node drop
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetLocalize ( bool  localize)

Sets the Localize
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetMaximumHeight ( int  maxHeight)

Sets the MaximumHeight
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetMaximumWidth ( int  maxWidth)

Sets the MaximumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetMenu ( NXOpen::BlockStyler::TreeListMenu menu)

Sets the menu, resulting the menu to appear on the screen.

This method must be used in callback which is intended to create menu, such as BlockStyler.Tree.OnMenuCallback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetMinimumHeight ( int  minHeight)

Sets the MinimumHeight
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetMinimumWidth ( int  minWidth)

Sets the MinimumWidth
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnBeginLabelEditHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnBeginLabelEditCallback cb)

Sets the on-begin-label-edit callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnDefaultActionHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDefaultActionCallback cb)

Sets the on select node callback
Created in NX7.5.2.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnDeleteNodeHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDeleteNodeCallback cb)

Sets on delete node callback
Created in NX6.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnDropHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDropCallback cb)

Sets the callback handler for node drop
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnDropMenuHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnDropMenuCallback cb)

Sets the callback handler for on drop menu.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnEditOptionSelectedHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnEditOptionSelectedCallback cb)

Sets the on-end-label-edit callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnEndLabelEditHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnEndLabelEditCallback cb)

Sets the on-end-label-edit callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnExpandHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnExpandCallback cb)

Sets the on expand callback to the tree.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnInsertColumnHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnInsertColumnCallback cb)

Sets the on insert column callback to the tree.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnInsertNodeHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnInsertNodeCallback cb)

Sets the on insert node callback.

Created in NX6.0.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnMenuHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnMenuCallback cb)

Sets the on menu callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnMenuSelectionHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnMenuSelectionCallback cb)

Sets the on menu selection callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnPreSelectHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnPreSelectCallback cb)

Sets on pre select callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnSelectHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnSelectCallback cb)

Sets the on select node callback
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetOnStateChangeHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::OnStateChangeCallback cb)

Sets the on state change callback.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetPreSelectionTimeOut ( double  timeOut)

Sets the pre selection time out.

BlockStyler.Tree.OnPreSelectCallback is called based on this value.
Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

timeOutTime in millisecond
void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetScrollFrozenColumn ( int  scrollFrozenColumn)

Sets the ScrollFrozenColumn.

It specifies the number of columns to freeze while scrolling.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetScrollLineNumber ( int  scrollLineNumber)

Sets the ScrollLineNumber.

It specifies the number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel rotates.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetSelectionModeAsString ( const NXString enumString)

Sets the SelectionMode
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetSelectionModeAsString ( const char *  enumString)

Sets the SelectionMode
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetShowExpandCollapseMarker ( bool  show)

Sets the ShowExpandCollapseMarker.

If true, displays a sign as a marker alongside first node of the tree indicating if it is expanded or collapsed.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetShowHeader ( bool  show)

Sets the ShowHeader
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetShowMultipleColumns ( bool  show)

Sets the ShowMultipleColumns
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetShowToolTips ( bool  show)

Sets the ShowToolTips
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetSortRootNodes ( bool  sort)

Sets the SortRootNodes.

If true, sorting of root nodes is allowed.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetStateIconNameHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::StateIconNameCallback cb)

Sets the state icon name callback.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetToolTipTextHandler ( const NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ToolTipTextCallback cb)

Sets the tool tip callback.

Created in NX7.5.0.

License requirements : None

void NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SetWidth ( int  width)

Sets the Width
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ShowExpandCollapseMarker ( )

Returns the ShowExpandCollapseMarker.

If true, displays a sign as a marker alongside first node of the tree indicating if it is expanded or collapsed.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ShowHeader ( )

Returns the ShowHeader
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ShowMultipleColumns ( )

Returns the ShowMultipleColumns
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ShowToolTips ( )

Returns the ShowToolTips
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

bool NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::SortRootNodes ( )

Returns the SortRootNodes.

If true, sorting of root nodes is allowed.
Created in NX8.5.0.

License requirements : None

int NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::Width ( )

Returns the Width
Created in NX11.0.0.

License requirements : None

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Copyright 2017 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.