SpringbackCompensationBuilder Class

class NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder

Bases: NXOpen.Features.FeatureBuilder

Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensation feature.

To create a new instance of this class, use NXOpen.Die.DieCollection.CreateSpringbackCompensationBuilder()

Default values.

Property Value
ConvexityEnabled false
CreateFacets false
DefinedBy OneStepFeature
DeformationFactor 1
Degree Two
Divisions 3
ResultType Compensated
ShapeValue 0.5
SmoothingFactor 1e-009
StepSize 1.0

New in version NX7.5.0.


Property Description
AngleTolerance Returns or sets the angle tolerance.
CalculateMaxDeviation Returns or sets the indication if the feature should calculate the maximum deviation of the result.
ConvexityDirection Returns or sets the convexity direction.
ConvexityEnabled Returns or sets the toggle that determines whether to constrain convexity
CreateFacets Returns or sets the value determines if a faceted output body is also created.
DefinedBy Returns or sets the type of data that will be used to define the feature.
DeformationFactor Returns or sets the deformation factor determines how much of the calculated deformation is applied to the result body.
Degree Returns or sets the polynomial degree (one unit less than the order).
DistanceTolerance Returns or sets the distance tolerance.
Divisions Returns or sets the number of equi-distant points to divide the cube of the sheet body (N x N x N).
DrawVector Returns or sets the vector indicating the draw direction.
InnerCurve Returns the inner boundary curve of the transition area.
IsGlobalDeformation Returns or sets the indication if the feature is a generic Global Deformation.
OneStep Returns the one-step feature.
OuterCurve Returns the outer boundary curve of transition area.
ParentFeatureInternal Returns or sets whether or not the latest timestamped parent feature of this feature should be made internal
PatchSolutionFlag Returns or sets the patch solution flag
PatchSurfaceFilename Returns or sets the patch surface filename
ProductFacets Returns the product facets.
ProductPointsFile Returns or sets the product points file name.
ProductSheet Returns the sheet body representing the product shape.
ResultType Returns or sets the type of output to generate.
ShapeValue Returns or sets the parameter that determines the shape of the transition area.
SmoothingFactor Returns or sets the smoothing factor regulates a trade-off between interpolation error and smoothing when creating the result body.
SprungFacets Returns the sprung facets.
SprungPointsFile Returns or sets the sprung points file name.
StepSize Returns or sets the step size.
SurroundingPatchSurfaceFilename Returns or sets the surrounding patch surface filename
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.


Method Description
Commit Commits any edits that have been applied to the builder.
CommitFeature Commits the feature parameters and creates the feature
Destroy Deletes the builder, and cleans up any objects created by the builder.
GetCommittedObjects For builders that create more than one object, this method returns the objects that are created by commit.
GetFeature Returns the feature currently being edited by this builder.
GetObject Returns the object currently being edited by this builder.
GetProductPoints Get the sample points on the product surface.
GetSprungPoints Get the sample points on the sprung surface.
HideInternalParentFeatureAfterEdit Re-suppress an internal parent feature (a slave feature) after it has been edited.
SetParentFeatureInternal Set the parent features which would be internal or slaves to the feature being created or commited
SetProductPoints Set the sample points on the product surface.
SetSprungPoints Set the sample points on the sprung surface.
ShowInternalParentFeatureForEdit Unsuppress an internal parent feature (a slave feature) so it can be edited.
ShowResults Updates the model to reflect the result of an edit to the model for all builders that support showing results.
UnsetParentFeatureInternal Set the internal parent feature of the feature being edited to external
Validate Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.


SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType Enumeration The type of input data that defines the compensation.
SpringbackCompensationBuilderDegreeType Enumeration The polynomial degree type.
SpringbackCompensationBuilderResultSheetType Enumeration The type of sheet body you would like created as output.

Property Detail



Returns or sets the angle tolerance.


Getter Method

Signature AngleTolerance

Return type:float

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature AngleTolerance

Parameters:angleTolerance (float) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the indication if the feature should calculate the maximum deviation of the result.

True indicates the deviation should be calculated, false indicates the deviation will not be calculated.


Getter Method

Signature CalculateMaxDeviation

Return type:bool

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature CalculateMaxDeviation

Parameters:calculateMaxDeviation (bool) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the convexity direction.


Getter Method

Signature ConvexityDirection

Return type:NXOpen.Direction

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature ConvexityDirection

Parameters:convexityDirection (NXOpen.Direction) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the toggle that determines whether to constrain convexity


Getter Method

Signature ConvexityEnabled

Return type:bool

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature ConvexityEnabled

Parameters:isConvexityEnabled (bool) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the value determines if a faceted output body is also created.

True indicates to output a faceted body, false indicates that a faceted body is not output. Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.FacetedBodies


Getter Method

Signature CreateFacets

Return type:bool

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature CreateFacets

Parameters:createFacets (bool) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the type of data that will be used to define the feature.


  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.OneStep()


  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.ProductSheet()
  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.ProductFacets()
  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.SprungFacets()


  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.ProductSheet()
  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.SetProductPoints()
  • Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.SetSprungPoints()


Getter Method

Signature DefinedBy

Return type:NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DefinedBy

Parameters:definedBy (NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the deformation factor determines how much of the calculated deformation is applied to the result body.


Getter Method

Signature DeformationFactor

Return type:float

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DeformationFactor

Parameters:deformationFactor (float) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the polynomial degree (one unit less than the order).


Getter Method

Signature Degree

Return type:NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDegreeType

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Degree

Parameters:degree (NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDegreeType) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the distance tolerance.


Getter Method

Signature DistanceTolerance

Return type:float

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DistanceTolerance

Parameters:distanceTolerance (float) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the number of equi-distant points to divide the cube of the sheet body (N x N x N).


Getter Method

Signature Divisions

Return type:int

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Divisions

Parameters:divisions (int) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the vector indicating the draw direction.


Getter Method

Signature DrawVector

Return type:NXOpen.Direction

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DrawVector

Parameters:drawVector (NXOpen.Direction) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns the inner boundary curve of the transition area.


Getter Method

Signature InnerCurve

Return type:NXOpen.Section

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the indication if the feature is a generic Global Deformation.

True indicates the feature is a Global Deformation, false indicates the feature is not a Global Deformation.


Getter Method

Signature IsGlobalDeformation

Return type:bool

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature IsGlobalDeformation

Parameters:isGlobalDeformation (bool) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns the one-step feature.

Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.OneStepFeature.


Getter Method

Signature OneStep

Return type:NXOpen.Features.SelectFeature

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the outer boundary curve of transition area.


Getter Method

Signature OuterCurve

Return type:NXOpen.Section

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the product facets.

Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.FacetedBodies. Optional.


Getter Method

Signature ProductFacets

Return type:NXOpen.Facet.SelectFacetedBody

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the product points file name.

This is saved for reference only. The product points are actually defined by calling Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.SetProductPoints(). Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points. Optional.


Getter Method

Signature ProductPointsFile

Return type:str

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature ProductPointsFile

Parameters:filename (str) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns the sheet body representing the product shape.

Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.FacetedBodies or Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points.


Getter Method

Signature ProductSheet

Return type:NXOpen.SelectBody

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the type of output to generate.


Getter Method

Signature ResultType

Return type:NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderResultSheetType

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature ResultType

Parameters:resultType (NXOpen.Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderResultSheetType) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the parameter that determines the shape of the transition area.


Getter Method

Signature ShapeValue

Return type:float

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature ShapeValue

Parameters:shapeValue (float) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the smoothing factor regulates a trade-off between interpolation error and smoothing when creating the result body.


Getter Method

Signature SmoothingFactor

Return type:float

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SmoothingFactor

Parameters:smoothingFactor (float) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns the sprung facets.

Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.FacetedBodies.


Getter Method

Signature SprungFacets

Return type:NXOpen.Facet.SelectFacetedBody

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the sprung points file name.

This is saved for reference only. The product points are actually defined by calling Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilder.SetSprungPoints(). Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points. Optional.


Getter Method

Signature SprungPointsFile

Return type:str

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SprungPointsFile

Parameters:filename (str) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Returns or sets the step size.


Getter Method

Signature StepSize

Return type:float

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature StepSize

Parameters:stepSize (float) –

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)

Method Detail



Get the sample points on the product surface.

Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points. Optional.

Signature GetProductPoints()

Returns:Points representing the shape of the product.
Return type:list of NXOpen.Point3d

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Get the sample points on the sprung surface.

Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points.

Signature GetSprungPoints()

Returns:Points representing the shape of the sprung sheet.
Return type:list of NXOpen.Point3d

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Set the sample points on the product surface.

Must have the same number as sprung points. Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points. Optional.

Signature SetProductPoints(productPoints)

Parameters:productPoints (list of NXOpen.Point3d) – Points representing the shape of the product.

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Set the sample points on the sprung surface.

Must have the same number as product points. Only when type is Die.SpringbackCompensationBuilderDefinedByType.Points.

Signature SetSprungPoints(sprungPoints)

Parameters:sprungPoints (list of NXOpen.Point3d) – Points representing the shape of the sprung sheet.

New in version NX7.5.0.

License requirements: die_engineering (“DIE ENGINEERING”) OR nx_freeform_2 (“advanced freeform modeling”)



Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.

If the component is not in a state to commit then an exception is thrown. For example, if the component requires you to set some property, this method will throw an exception if you haven’t set it. This method throws a not-yet-implemented NXException for some components.

Signature Validate()

Returns:Was self validation successful
Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.1.

License requirements: None.