View Class

class NXOpen.View

Bases: NXOpen.NXObject

Represents a view.

View can be obtained either from NXOpen.ViewCollection or from NXOpen.ModelingViewCollection.

This class is not created directly by the user.

New in version NX3.0.0.


Property Description
AbsoluteOrigin Returns the view origin in absolute space.
IsOccurrence Returns whether this object is an occurrence or not.
JournalIdentifier Returns the identifier that would be recorded in a journal for this object.
LockRotations Returns or sets the Lock Rotations toggle state of a view.
Matrix Returns the view matrix.
Name Returns the custom name of the object.
Origin Returns the view origin.
OwningComponent Returns the owning component, if this object is an occurrence.
OwningPart Returns the owning part of this object
Prototype Returns the prototype of this object if it is an occurrence.
RenderingStyle Returns or sets the rendering style of the view.
Scale Returns the view scale
SyncViews Returns or sets the Synchronized Views toggle state of a view.
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.
TriadVisibility Returns or sets the visibility of the view triad in the view.
WcsVisibility Returns or sets the visibility of the WCS in the view.


Method Description
AskVisibleObjects Returns an array of objects visible in a view @return The array of visible objects
Concatenate Concatenates the given translation with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view.
DeleteAllAttributesByType Deletes all attributes of a specific type.
DeleteAttributeByTypeAndTitle Deletes an attribute by type and title.
DeleteUserAttribute Deletes the first attribute encountered with the given Type, Title.
DeleteUserAttributes Deletes the attributes encountered with the given Type with option to update or not.
Expand Expands the specified view to fill as much of the layout which contains the view as possible, without changing the aspect ratio of the view.
FindObject Finds the NXOpen.NXObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.
Fit Adjusts the bounds of a given view so that it fully encompasses the extents of the model geometry.
FitAfterShowOrHide Adjusts the bounds of a given view conditionally so that it fully encompasses the extents of the model geometry.
FitToObjects Adjusts the bounds of a given view so that it fully encompasses the extents of the given objects.
GetAttributeTitlesByType Gets all the attribute titles of a specific type.
GetAxis Returns one of the view axes.
GetBooleanUserAttribute Gets a boolean attribute by Title and array Index.
GetComputationalTimeUserAttribute Gets a time attribute by Title and array Index.
GetIntegerAttribute Gets an integer attribute by title.
GetIntegerUserAttribute Gets an integer attribute by Title and array Index.
GetRealAttribute Gets a real attribute by title.
GetRealUserAttribute Gets a real attribute by Title and array Index.
GetReferenceAttribute Gets the reference string (not the calculated value) of a string attribute that uses a reference string.
GetStringAttribute Gets a string attribute value by title.
GetStringUserAttribute Gets a string attribute by Title and array Index.
GetTimeAttribute Gets a time attribute by title.
GetTimeUserAttribute Gets a time attribute by Title and array Index.
GetUserAttribute Gets the first attribute encountered on the object, if any, with a given Title, Type and array Index.
GetUserAttributeAsString Gets the first attribute encountered on the object, if any, with a given title, type and array index.
GetUserAttributeCount Gets the count of set attributes on the object, if any, of the given type.
GetUserAttributeLock Determine the lock of the given attribute.
GetUserAttributeSize Gets the size of the first attribute encountered on the object, if any, with a given Title and Type.
GetUserAttributeSourceObjects Returns an array of objects from which this object presents attributes.
GetUserAttributes Gets all the attributes that have been set on the given object.
GetUserAttributesAsStrings Gets all the attributes that have been set on the given object.
HasUserAttribute Determines if an attribute with the given Title, Type and array Index is present on the object Unset attributes will not be detected by this function, as its purpose is to test for the actual presence of the attribute on the object.
MakeWork Makes the given view the work view.
Orient Changes the view orientation relative to the specified absolute coordinate system.
Print Prints a representation of this object to the system log file.
Regenerate Regenerates the display of given view.
Restore Restores a view to its last remembered rotation, scale and translation.
Rotate Rotates the view by concatenating the given matrix to the existing rotation matrix of the view.
SetAttribute Creates or modifies an integer attribute.
SetBooleanUserAttribute Creates or modifies a boolean attribute with the option to update or not.
SetName Sets the custom name of the object.
SetOrigin Moves the given position to the center of the view.
SetReferenceAttribute Creates or modifies a string attribute which uses a reference string.
SetRotationTranslationScale Sets the rotation, translation and scale of the specified view.
SetScale Sets the scale of the specified view to the desired scale factor.
SetTimeAttribute Creates or modifies a time attribute.
SetTimeUserAttribute Creates or modifies a time attribute with the option to update or not.
SetUserAttribute Creates or modifies an attribute with the option to update or not.
SetUserAttributeLock Lock or unlock the given attribute.
SnapToClosestCannedOrientation Changes the orientation of the given view to the orientation of the canned view whose orientation is the closest to that of the given view.
SnapToVariantCannedOrientation Similar to NXOpen.View.SnapToClosestCannedOrientation except it changes the orientation of the given view to the orientation of some canned view variant based on I-deas’s ‘snapview’ logic whose orientation is the closest to one of the six orthographic and eight flavors of trimetric views.
UpdateCustomSymbols Updates custom symbol in a drawing member view or drawing sheet
UpdateDisplay Updates the display of given view, as needed.
Zoom Scales the specified view to a desired relative scale.
ZoomAboutPoint Scales the specified view such that the given scale_about_point does not move.
ZoomByRectangle Scales the specified view such that the specified rectangle is as large as possible while being fully contained within the viewport.


ViewCanned Enumeration Describes a simplified indexing scheme for accessing canned views with interfaces that use this enum as a parameter.
ViewRenderingStyleType Enumeration Describes the rendering style for geometry displayed in the view.
ViewScaleAdjustment Enumeration Describes simple, predefined adjustments that may be applied to a view’s scale while another operation is performed, in conjunction, on the view.
ViewScaleFactor Enumeration Describes the relative scales to which a view can be set
ViewShowOrHideType Enumeration Specifies whether a show or hide operation, or both, has just been done

Property Detail



Returns the view origin in absolute space.


Getter Method

Signature AbsoluteOrigin()

Return type:NXOpen.Point3d

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns whether this object is an occurrence or not.


Getter Method

Signature IsOccurrence()

Returns:This object is an occurrence
Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the identifier that would be recorded in a journal for this object.

This may not be the same across different releases of the software.


Getter Method

Signature JournalIdentifier()

Return type:str

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the “Lock Rotations” toggle state of a view.

If there is no error, the current toggle state is returned


Getter Method

Signature LockRotations()

Returns:Returns current toggle state

True - Toggle is ON currently

False - Toggle is OFF currently

Return type:bool

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature LockRotations(newToggleState)

Parameters:newToggleState (bool) – Sets new toggle state True - Sets toggle ON False - Sets toggle OFF

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the view matrix.

This 3x3 orthonormal matrix specifies the rotation from model space to untranslated view space.


Getter Method

Signature Matrix()

Return type:NXOpen.Matrix3x3

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the custom name of the object.


Getter Method

Signature Name()

Return type:str

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the view origin.

This is the negation of the position in “untranslated view space”, which is the coordinate space obtained by multiplying positions in absolute space by the matrix from NXOpen.View.Matrix`. Note that the origin in this method is not in the same space as the origin passed to NXOpen.View.Origin`, where the input origin is in absolute space.

The position given to this property is the same as the translation used in NXOpen.View.Concatenate and in the other similar concatenate methods.

If you want to get the view origin in absolute space, use NXOpen.View.AbsoluteOrigin`


Getter Method

Signature Origin()

Return type:NXOpen.Point3d

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the owning component, if this object is an occurrence.


Getter Method

Signature OwningComponent()

Return type:NXOpen.Assemblies.Component

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the owning part of this object


Getter Method

Signature OwningPart()

Returns:The owning part of this object or null if it does not have an owner
Return type:NXOpen.BasePart

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the prototype of this object if it is an occurrence.


Getter Method

Signature Prototype()

Returns:The prototype of this object or null if this object is not an occurrence
Return type:NXOpen.INXObject

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the rendering style of the view.


Getter Method

Signature RenderingStyle()

Return type:NXOpen.ViewRenderingStyleType

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature RenderingStyle(renderingStyle)

Parameters:renderingStyle (NXOpen.ViewRenderingStyleType) –

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the view scale


Getter Method

Signature Scale()

Return type:float

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the “Synchronized Views” toggle state of a view.

If there is no error, the current toggle state is returned


Getter Method

Signature SyncViews()

Returns:Returns current toggle state

True - Toggle is ON currently

False - Toggle is OFF currently

Return type:bool

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SyncViews(newToggleState)

Parameters:newToggleState (bool) – Sets new toggle state True - Sets toggle ON False - Sets toggle OFF

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the visibility of the view triad in the view.


Getter Method

Signature TriadVisibility()

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature TriadVisibility(triadVisibility)

Parameters:triadVisibility (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the visibility of the WCS in the view.


Getter Method

Signature WcsVisibility()

Return type:bool

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature WcsVisibility(isVisible)

Parameters:isVisible (bool) –

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.

Method Detail



Returns an array of objects visible in a view

Signature AskVisibleObjects()

Returns:The array of visible objects
Return type:list of NXOpen.DisplayableObject

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Overloaded method Concatenate

  • Concatenate(translation)
  • Concatenate(scale)
  • Concatenate(translation, scale)
  • Concatenate(centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)
  • Concatenate(translation, centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)
  • Concatenate(scale, centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)
  • Concatenate(translation, scale, centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)


Concatenates the given translation with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. The translation is defined in view space.

In batch mode, the translation of the view is modified, but no display occurs

Signature Concatenate(translation)

Parameters:translation (NXOpen.Point3d) – Point in view space to put at the center of the view

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Concatenates the given scale with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. The scale is applied to the view using the current view origin.

In batch mode, the scale of the view is modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Concatenate(scale)

Parameters:scale (float) – Relative scale factor

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Concatenates the given translation and scale with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. The translation is defined in view space, and conceptually occurs first. Then, the scale is applied to the view using the new view origin. Although this is logically a two step process, only the final result appears in the graphics window.

In batch mode, the translation and scale of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Concatenate(translation, scale)

  • translation (NXOpen.Point3d) – Point in view space to put at the center of the view
  • scale (float) – Relative scale factor

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Concatenates the given rotation with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. First, if a center of rotation is given, a translation occurs to move the center of the view to the center of rotation. Then, the rotation occurs about the center of rotation. Finally, if a center of rotation is being used, the view is translated back to the origin it had upon entering the function. Although this is logically a three step process, only the final result appears in the graphics window.

In batch mode, the rotation of the view is modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Concatenate(centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)

  • centerOfRotation (NXOpen.Point3d) – If not NULL, this specifies a point in view space about which the view is to be rotated
  • rotationAxis (NXOpen.Vector3d) – The axis to rotate about
  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Concatenates the given translation and rotation with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. The translation is defined in view space, and conceptually occurs first. Then, if a center of rotation is given, a translation occurs to move the center of the view to the center of rotation. Third, the rotation occurs about the center of rotation. Finally, if a center of rotation is being used, the view is translated back to the origin it had after the translation. Although this is logically a four step process, only the final result appears in the graphics window.

In batch mode, the translation and rotation of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Concatenate(translation, centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)

  • translation (NXOpen.Point3d) – Point in view space to put at the center of the view
  • centerOfRotation (NXOpen.Point3d) – If not NULL, this specifies a point in view space about which the view is to be rotated
  • rotationAxis (NXOpen.Vector3d) – The axis to rotate about
  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Concatenates the given scale and rotation with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. First, the scale is applied to the view using the current view origin. Then, if a center of rotation is given, a translation occurs to move the center of the view to the center of rotation. Third, the rotation occurs about the center of rotation. Finally, if a center of rotation is being used, the view is translated back to the origin it had upon entering the function. Although this is logically a four step process, only the final result appears in the graphics window.

In batch mode, the scale and rotation of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Concatenate(scale, centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)

  • scale (float) – Relative scale factor
  • centerOfRotation (NXOpen.Point3d) – If not NULL, this specifies a point in view space about which the view is to be rotated
  • rotationAxis (NXOpen.Vector3d) – The axis to rotate about
  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Concatenates the given translation, scale and rotation with the previous viewing transformation of the specified view. The translation is defined in view space, and conceptually occurs first. Then the scale is applied to the view using the newly defined center. Third, a translation occurs to move the center of the view to the center of rotation (if any). Fourth, the rotation occurs about the center of rotation. Finally, if a center of rotation is being used, the view is translated back to its origin as specified by the first argument. Although this is logically a five step process, only the final result appears in the graphics window.

In batch mode, the translation, scale and rotation of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Concatenate(translation, scale, centerOfRotation, rotationAxis, angle)

  • translation (NXOpen.Point3d) – Point in view space to put at the center of the view
  • scale (float) – Relative scale factor
  • centerOfRotation (NXOpen.Point3d) – If not NULL, this specifies a point in view space about which the view is to be rotated
  • rotationAxis (NXOpen.Vector3d) – The axis to rotate about
  • angle (float) – Rotation angle in radians

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.




Expands the specified view to fill as much of the layout which contains the view as possible, without changing the aspect ratio of the view.

Other views in the layout are no longer displayed. The view becomes the work view. A view that is not displayed cannot be expanded.

In batch mode, the data for the view is changed to reflect that the view is expanded, but no display occurs.

Signature Expand()

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Finds the NXOpen.NXObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.

An object may not return the same value as its JournalIdentifier in different versions of the software. However newer versions of the software should find the same object when FindObject is passed older versions of its journal identifier. In general, this method should not be used in handwritten code and exists to support record and playback of journals.

An exception will be thrown if no object can be found with the given journal identifier.

Signature FindObject(journalIdentifier)

Parameters:journalIdentifier (str) – Journal identifier of the object
Return type:NXOpen.INXObject

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Adjusts the bounds of a given view so that it fully encompasses the extents of the model geometry.

If the view is displayed, the changes will appear in the display of that view, and, if enabled, the change in the bounds of the view is animated.

In batch mode, the data for the bounds of the view are changed to the adjusted bounds, but no display occurs.

Signature Fit()

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Adjusts the bounds of a given view conditionally so that it fully encompasses the extents of the model geometry.

This method is intended to be used only immediately after a show or hide operation has been done. The fit operation is performed only if the “Fit on Show or Hide” option is enabled by Preferences.SessionVisualizationScreen.DoFitOnHideOrShow, and if the work view is not a drawing view. If only a hide operation has been done and a fit would cause the view scale to decrease, the fit will not be done. If the view is displayed, the changes will appear in the display of that view, and, if enabled, the change in the bounds of the view is animated.

In batch mode, the data for the bounds of the view may be changed to the adjusted bounds, if the “Fit on Show or Hide” option is enabled and the other conditions are met, but no display occurs.

Signature FitAfterShowOrHide(type)

Parameters:type (NXOpen.ViewShowOrHideType) – Whether a Show or Hide or both has been done

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Adjusts the bounds of a given view so that it fully encompasses the extents of the given objects.

If the view is displayed, the changes will appear in the display of that view and, if enabled, the change in the bounds of the view is animated.

In batch mode, the data for the bounds of the view are changed to the adjusted bounds, but no display occurs.

Signature FitToObjects(objects)

Parameters:objects (list of NXOpen.IFitTo) – The objects whose display is to be included in the displayed bounds of the view

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns one of the view axes.

These are the components of the 3x3 matrix which is the rotation of absolute space which results in view space.

Signature GetAxis(xYZAxis)

Parameters:xYZAxis (NXOpen.XYZAxis) – Whether to return the X, Y or Z axis
Returns:The X, Y or Z axis of the view
Return type:NXOpen.Vector3d

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Makes the given view the work view.

The view must be currently displayed. As there must be exactly one work view at any time, the previous work view is no longer the work view.

In batch mode, the given view becomes the work view internally, but no display occurs.

Signature MakeWork()

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Overloaded method Orient

  • Orient(matrix)
  • Orient(viewName, viewScale)
  • Orient(viewName, viewScale)


Changes the view orientation relative to the specified absolute coordinate system. If enabled, the change in orientation of the view is animated. A view that is not displayed cannot be oriented.

In batch mode, the orientation of given view is changed internally, but no display occurs.

Signature Orient(matrix)

Parameters:matrix (NXOpen.Matrix3x3) – Orientation relative to the absolute coordinate system. Must be orthonormal.

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Changes the view orientation to a specified canned view. If enabled, the change in orientation of the view is animated. A view that is not displayed cannot be oriented.

In batch mode, the orientation of given view is changed internally, but no display occurs.

Signature Orient(viewName, viewScale)


New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Changes the view orientation to a specified view. If enabled, the change in orientation of the view is animated. A view that is not displayed cannot be oriented.

In batch mode, the orientation of given view is changed internally, but no display occurs.

Signature Orient(viewName, viewScale)

  • viewName (str) – Custom view name NOTE: The full Unicode character set is not supported for this parameter.
  • viewScale (NXOpen.ViewScaleAdjustment) – Desired view scale

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.




Prints a representation of this object to the system log file.

Signature Print()

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Regenerates the display of given view.

The current scale of the view is used to determine the tessalation of curves, facets and software line fonts. The view must be already displayed.

In batch mode, internal state information is reset as if the display were regenerated, but no display occurs.

Signature Regenerate()

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Restores a view to its last remembered rotation, scale and translation.

A view that is not displayed cannot be restored. If enabled, the restoration of the view is animated.

In batch mode, internal state information is restored, but no display occurs.

Signature Restore()

Returns:Status of restore operation

False - Restore successful

True - No Restore data available

Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Overloaded method Rotate

  • Rotate(matrix)
  • Rotate(origin, vector, angle)


Rotates the view by concatenating the given matrix to the existing rotation matrix of the view. A view that is not displayed cannot be rotated.

In batch mode, the rotation of the view is modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Rotate(matrix)

Parameters:matrix (NXOpen.Matrix3x3) – Matrix relative to the absolute coordinate system. Must be orthonormal.

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Rotates the specified view using the specified origin of rotation and about the specified axis. The origin and the axis are specified in absolute coordinates. A view that is not displayed cannot be rotated.

In batch mode, the rotation of the view is modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Rotate(origin, vector, angle)

  • origin (NXOpen.Point3d) – Origin in absolute space
  • vector (NXOpen.Vector3d) – X,Y,Z components in absolute space
  • angle (float) – Angle in degrees

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.




Sets the custom name of the object.

NOTE: This method should not be used to edit a read-only object such as a Mirrored PMI object. If it is, the changes will be overridden when the part is updated.

Signature SetName(name)

Parameters:name (str) –

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Moves the given position to the center of the view.

The position is given in absolute coordinates. The scale and rotation of the view are unchanged.

In batch mode, the origin of the view is changed internally, but no display occurs.

Signature SetOrigin(origin)

Parameters:origin (NXOpen.Point3d) – The new view origin

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the rotation, translation and scale of the specified view.

The rotation is applied first, about the absolute origin. Then the translation of the “look at” point to the view center is done, then the view is scaled about the view center.

In batch mode, the rotation, translation and scale of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature SetRotationTranslationScale(rotMatrix, translation, scale)

  • rotMatrix (NXOpen.Matrix3x3) – 3x3 rotation matrix to use for the view - replaces * the existing view rotation matrix (is not * concatenated with it
  • translation (NXOpen.Point3d) – Point in view space to put at the center of the view
  • scale (float) – Absolute scale factor

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the scale of the specified view to the desired scale factor.

In batch mode, the scale of the view is modified, but no display occurs.

Signature SetScale(scale)

Parameters:scale (float) – Absolute scale factor

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Changes the orientation of the given view to the orientation of the canned view whose orientation is the closest to that of the given view.

A view that is not displayed cannot be snapped. If enabled, the change in the orientation of the view is animated.

In batch mode, the orientation of the view is changed internally, but no display occurs.

Signature SnapToClosestCannedOrientation()

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Similar to NXOpen.View.SnapToClosestCannedOrientation except it changes the orientation of the given view to the orientation of some canned view “variant” based on I-deas’s ‘snapview’ logic whose orientation is the closest to one of the six orthographic and eight flavors of trimetric views.

In batch mode, the orientation of the view is changed internally, but no display occurs.

Signature SnapToVariantCannedOrientation()

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Updates custom symbol in a drawing member view or drawing sheet

Signature UpdateCustomSymbols()

New in version NX8.0.1.

License requirements: None.



Updates the display of given view, as needed.

The current scale of the view is used to determine the tessalation of curves, facets and software line fonts. The view must be already displayed.

In batch mode, internal state information is updated, but no display occurs.

Signature UpdateDisplay()

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Scales the specified view to a desired relative scale.

The “reduce” and “increase” scale options are fixed at 10%. All the scale options provided by NXOpen.ViewScaleFactor have an internal limiting factor. This scale can’t be increased or decreased indefinitely. The change in view scale is not animated.

In batch mode, the scale of the view is modified, but no display occurs.

Signature Zoom(scaleFactor)

Parameters:scaleFactor (NXOpen.ViewScaleFactor) – Relative scale factor

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Scales the specified view such that the given scale_about_point does not move.

If the specified scale is extremely small or extremely large, a minimum or maximum scale will be used. These are the same minimum and maximum values as used interactively. The relative_scale will be concatenated to the current scale of the view, so that 1.0 means no change of scale and 2.0 means that the scale of the view will be doubled. The scale_about_point and current_view_center are given in View Space. The view must already be displayed.

In batch mode, the scale and translation of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature ZoomAboutPoint(relativeScale, scaleAboutPoint, viewCenter)

  • relativeScale (float) – Relative scale [1.0 = no change]
  • scaleAboutPoint (NXOpen.Point3d) – The point to remain stationary, in View Space
  • viewCenter (NXOpen.Point3d) – The point to be considered as the view center, in View Space. This may be NULL, in which case the current view center is used.

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Scales the specified view such that the specified rectangle is as large as possible while being fully contained within the viewport.

If the rectangle and the viewport do not have the same aspect ratio, the viewport will contain some of the view not within the rectangle. If the rectangle is extremely small or extremely large, a minimum or maximum scale will be used. These are the same minimum and maximum values as used interactively. The two opposite corners of the rectangle are given in View Space. The view must already be displayed. If enabled, the change in the bounds of the view is animated.

In batch mode, the scale and translation of the view are modified, but no display occurs.

Signature ZoomByRectangle(corner1, corner2)

  • corner1 (NXOpen.Point3d) – One corner of the rectangle, in View Space
  • corner2 (NXOpen.Point3d) – The opposite corner of the rectangle, in View Space

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.