Convert Alternate ShapeRepresentations to JT When Saving an Assembly

Dataset ID and Dataset Revision IDs are managed during the Save process. The Create JT option must be toggled on to save and convert documents to JT in Teamcenter's Save Manager.

Create JT option

A warning message displays if the conversion process failed. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for further information, if necessary.

The created JT files display in the Updated files list window at the end of the Save process when the catia2jt.bat/ scripts are used during conversion process

Updated files list

Alternate Shape Representations

Alternate Shape Representations in a CATIA assembly do not display in the Save Manager when JT Preferences are set to create JTs for Alternate Shape Representations.

For example, CATShapes are not listed in the Save Manager below. However, Alternate Shape Representations and their JT files are listed in the Updated files list; JT files are listed when the conversion is performed using the catia2jt.bat/ script.

Alternate Shape Representations