Preferences Related to Foreign Files

See Also:

Teamcenter must be restarted after modifying preferences.

View these preferences in an .xls file.

Manage Foreign Files

CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save manages foreign files during the Save, Import/Export, State Details, Check in/Check out and Save As/Revise processes when the value of this preference is true. Foreign files are only managed during the Load and Import/Export processes when this preference is false.

CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save = true

The default value is false.

It is strongly advised to set the CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save preference to true when CATIAV4_as_foreign_file is also true to avoid mixing behaviors.

Dataset types for foreign files must have a catia_doc_atribute when CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save =   true.

Alternate Shape Representation

The value of the CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep must be set to NONE to load the non-native CATIA dataset under a product as an alternate shape representation, without acting on the active shape.

CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep =

Alternate Shape Representation, Determine Active Shape

Define the CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep Teamcenter Preference and the ordered list of dataset types that should be used to determine the active shapes in CATIA when loading the non-native CATIA datasets under a product as an alternate shape representation with an ordered list.

CATIA_load_all_product_shapeRep = true
CATIA_component_dataset_types  = catiaV4, CATcgm, CATwrl
CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep = CATwrl

The example above indicates:

For example, the Integration is configured with the following settings:

CATIA_load_all_product_shapeRep = true
CATIA_component_dataset_types  = catiaV4, CATcgm, CATwrl
CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep = CATwrl

and following steps are performed:

1.      A product is created in CATIA.

A product is created in CATIA

2.      The product is saved in Teamcenter.

3.      The wrl dataset is attached as a foreign file under the item revision, from My Teamcenter.

The wrl dataset is attached as a foreign file under the item revision

The wrl dataset is attached as a foreign file under the item revision

4.      The assembly is loaded into CATIA.

Loaded in CATIA

catia_doc_attributes Form Name

The catia_doc_attributes form is created in Teamcenter during CatiaDBConfig. Modify the form within Teamcenter Preferences. This setting must contain at least two fields:

catia_doc_attributes_form = newFormName

Another form may be used, but it must contain the two required fields listed above. The default value is catia_doc_attributes.

Component Shape Representation

Do not define the CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep when loading a non-native CATIA dataset under a product as a component shape representation. For example:

CATIA_load_all_product_shapeRep = true
CATIA_component_dataset_types  = catiaV4, CATcgm, CATwrl
CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep = not defined in Teamcenter

The example above indicates:

File Name Customization

File names are built by using patterns specific to file type. Change the variable within Teamcenter Preferences to customize files names.

File names can be customized for the following types:

For example, a file name can be built according to the pattern, itemID_itemRev-itemName.  A pattern has a syntax of its own. Refer to the following pattern table for examples.

Pattern Data Example
{0} ItemID 005423
{1} ItemRevID B
{2} ItemRevName BRAKE
{3} ItemTypeName ICATProduct
{4} ItemRevDescription A brake
{5} DatasetName Brake_DATASET
{6} DatasetTypeName CATProduct
{7} DatasetDescription The brake
{8} LinkType Specification
{9} DatasetUID AAAX5G78KJIH24
{10} Multi-field Key

with CATIA_partnumber_separator preference set to _ (underscore) and
multi-field key defined with {item_id, object_type}:

{0}_{1}_{3}-{2} ... 005423_B_ICATProduct-BRAKE.CATProduct

CATIA_foreignfile_file_name_format =  {0}_{1}

The above setting results in the file name 005423_B.model.

When this variable is not set, then the default is used:

The CATIA_foreignfile_file_name_format is used only when the CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save is true.

Item Type

Use CATIA_foreignfile_item_type to define a list of item types to use when saving a foreign file.  This preference is used only when the value of CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save is true.

When the item type preference is not defined, a list of all item types available in Teamcenter displays and the default item type is defined by the CATIA_item_type Teamcenter Preference. If this type is not available then the first item type in Teamcenter list is the default item type.

Multiple values are permitted.

Load in an Assembly

A non-CATIA dataset type (DirectModel for the .jt file, or CATwrl for a wrl file) must be defined within Teamcenter Preferences prior to loading the dataset. These values must be real names not display names.

Multiple values are permitted.

CATIA_component_dataset_types =

This list can be slightly different from what is used by the Integration, for instance:

CATIA_component_dataset_types list Actual list used by the Integration.
CATwrl, CATcgr CATPart, catia, CATwrl, CATcgr
CATPart, CATwrl, CATcgr CATPart, catia, CATwrl, CATcgr
CATwrl, CATcgr, CATPart catia, CATwrl, CATcgr, CATPart
catia, CATwrl, CATcgr CATPart, catia, CATwrl, CATcgr
CATwrl, CATcgr, catia CATPart, CATwrl, CATcgr, catia
CATPart and catia are already in the list List's order is kept

For each dataset type defined in the list, define the Named Reference to load by defining a new variable built within the dataset type name defined in the CATIA_component_dataset_type variable.



When this variable has not defined for a dataset type of the CATIA_component_dataset_types list, the first named reference found will be used for the Load process.

Load Under a Product in an Assembly

When used in conjunction with CATIA_component_dataset_types and CATIA_load_all_product_shapeRep, the CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep Teamcenter Preference manages how a non-native CATIA dataset under a product is loaded.

The CATIA_product_alternate_shape_rep Teamcenter Preference does not change Active Shapes. For example, if an Alternative Shape already exists and is active after the Load process, it remains active.

Multiple values are permitted.

Non-native CATIA datasets under a product can be loaded with the product in one of two ways:

Load JTs From NX

Load JT datasets created with NX in CATIA V5 by setting the DirectModel dataset type in the CATIA_component_dataset_types and CATIA_rename_jt_from_nx to true.

CATIA_rename_jt_from_nx = true

The default value is false.

Manage V4 Files as Foreign Files

Use CATIA_V4_as_foreign_file to manage V4 files as Foreign Files.

CATIA_V4_as_foreign_file = true

The default value is false.

Replace Load as cgr is not managed when this preference is set to false.

It is strongly advised to set CATIA_manage_foreignfiles_on_save to true when CATIA_V4_as_foreign_file is also true to avoid mixing behaviors.