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Package NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign


package  GeneralArrangement


class  AddDataSetBuilder
 This class is used to add a dataset to an item in Teamcenter More...
class  AlongGuideCut
 Represents a corner cut feature More...
class  AlongGuideCutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.AlongGuideCut builder More...
class  AnchorPoint
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.AnchorPoint builder. More...
class  AnchorPointList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  Bracket
 Represents a bracket feature. More...
class  BracketBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Bracket builder. More...
class  BuiltUpBlockBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.BuiltUpBlockBuilder More...
class  BuiltUpManModeBuilder
 This class allows you to set the NX Ship BuiltUp Profile Manufacturing Mode for one or more components. More...
class  BuiltUpOffsetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.BuiltUpOffsetBuilder . More...
class  BulkHeadListItemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.BulkHeadListItemBuilder More...
class  BulkHeadListItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  BulkHeads
 Represents a bulk head feature More...
class  BulkHeadsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.BulkHeads builder More...
class  CloneWeldsBuilder
 This class is used to clone detail design welds to manufacturing. More...
class  CollarPlate
 Represents a collar plate feature. More...
class  CollarPlateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CollarPlate builder. More...
class  CompareModeBuilder
 This class is used to compare between the two Shipbuilding modes of Design and Manufacturing. More...
class  ConceptFromSpreadsheet
 Represents a concept from spreadsheet feature More...
class  ConceptFromSpreadsheetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ConceptFromSpreadsheet builder More...
class  CopyObjectsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CopyObjectsBuilder It is used in Ship Building Application. More...
class  CopyPasteNewBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CopyPasteNewBuilder It is used in Ship Building Application. More...
class  CornerCut
 Represents a corner cut feature More...
class  CornerCutBuilder
 Builder used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CornerCut feature. More...
class  CornerCutListItemBuilder
 Used to supply the list of corner cut locations and seam curves to the NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CornerCutBuilder More...
class  CornerCutListItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  CustomBracket
 Represents a custom bracket feature More...
class  CustomBracketBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CustomBracket builder More...
class  Cutout2
 Represents a cutout2 feature More...
class  Cutout2Builder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Cutout2 builder More...
class  CuttingSideFacesBuilder
 Used to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.CuttingSideFacesBuilder which is used to attribute the cutting side, and opposing cutting side, faces on the plate bodies. More...
class  Deck
 Represents a Deck feature in Basic Design. More...
class  DeckBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Deck feature. More...
class  DeckListBuilder
 This builder allows you to define the general arrangement view information. More...
class  DeckListItemBuilder
 Represents a DeckListItemBuilder. More...
class  DeckListItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  Decks
 Represents a decks feature More...
class  DecksBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Decks builder. More...
class  DeleteSeamBuilder
 Used to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.DeleteSeamBuilder which is used to delete the seams from the ship structural components. More...
class  DisplaySolidBuilder
 This class is used to identify ship structure that is to have a temporary solid display built for it. More...
class  Divide
 Represents divide feature(s) More...
class  DivideBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.Divide builder which is used to edit all divide features. More...
class  DrawingAnnotationBuilder
 This builder allows you to define the drawing annotation information. More...
class  DrawingPartBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.DrawingPartBuilder . More...
class  DrawingPartBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  DrawingSheetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.DrawingSheetBuilder . More...
class  DrawingSheetBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  DrawingTemplateBuilder
 Represents a drawing template selection block More...
class  DvToMvMapping
 Represents a plate feature More...
class  DvToMvMappingBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.DvToMvMapping builder. More...
class  EdgeCut
 Represents a edge cut feature More...
class  EdgeCutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.EdgeCut builder. More...
class  EdgeReinforcement
 Represents a edge reinforcement feature. More...
class  EdgeReinforcementBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.EdgeReinforcement builder which is used to create or edit a edge reinforcement system feature. More...
class  EditBoundaryBuilder
 Used to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.EditBoundaryBuilder which is used to change the boundaries and split knuckle locations of profile systems. More...
class  EditContextAttributesBuilder
 Represents the class Features. More...
class  EditStockBuilder
 Used to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.EditStockBuilder which is used to change the stock information on the basic design features. More...
class  EditWeldingBuilder
 Used to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.EditWeldingBuilder which is used to change the welding characteristics on the seams in the plate systems. More...
class  EndCut
 Represents an end cut feature More...
class  EndCutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.EndCut builder. More...
class  ExamineSteelFeatureBuilder
 Represents the examine steel feature builder to examine steel feature. More...
class  ExcessMaterial
 Represents a excess material feature More...
class  ExcessMaterialBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ExcessMaterial builder. More...
class  ExpansionDrawing
 Represents a expansion drawing feature. More...
class  ExpansionDrawingBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ExpansionDrawingBuilder . More...
class  ExportStructureXMLBuilder
 This is to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ExportStructureXMLBuilder which is used to export ship structure XML More...
class  FeatureParmsBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit the information shared among all Ship Design features. More...
class  FeaturesBatchOperationBuilder
 Use this to cycle through the assembly components and perform the operation globally on the specified feature type. More...
class  FeaturesToTagBuilder
 This class is used to add an attribute to profile features that have been modified by the user to display a 'Metal to Metal' design 'feature'. More...
class  FilterBuilder
 A builder that allows the user to define common properties of ship objects and then add objects of similar properties to the select object list. More...
class  FrameBarOut
 Represents a FrameBarOut More...
class  FrameBarOutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.FrameBarOut builder. More...
class  GeneralArrangementViewBuilder
 This builder allows you to define the general arrangement view information. More...
class  GenericPlateSystem
 Represents a Generic Plate System feature. More...
class  GenericPlateSystemBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.GenericPlateSystem feature. More...
class  Hull
 Represents a Hull feature. More...
class  HullBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Hull feature. More...
class  ImportStructureXMLBuilder
 This is to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ImportStructureXMLBuilder which is used to import ship Structure XML More...
class  InsertFramesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.InsertFramesBuilder builder More...
class  InsertSheetBody
 Represents a insert sheet body feature More...
class  InsertSheetBodyBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.InsertSheetBody builder More...
class  InteractiveAnnotationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.InteractiveAnnotationBuilder builder . More...
class  InteractiveAnnotationTableBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.InteractiveAnnotationBuilder builder . More...
class  InverseBendingLines
 Represents a inverse bending lines feature More...
class  InverseBendingLinesBuilder
 Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.InverseBendingLines feature. More...
class  ItFrameListItemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ItFrameListItemBuilder More...
class  ItFrameListItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  ItFrames
 Represents a Inter Transverse Frame feature More...
class  ItFramesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ItFrames builder More...
class  KnuckledProfiles
 Represents a knuckled profiles manufacturing preparation feature More...
class  KnuckledProfilesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.KnuckledProfiles builder More...
class  LabellingRoomsBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.LabellingRoomsBuilder builder More...
class  LongitudinalBulkhead
 Represents a Longitudinal Bulkhead feature. More...
class  LongitudinalBulkheadBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.LongitudinalBulkhead feature. More...
class  MainDimensions
 Represents a main dimensions feature More...
class  MainDimensionsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.MainDimensions builder. More...
class  ManufacturingAssemblyNavigatorBuilder
 This class is used to define Manufacturing Assembly Structure. More...
class  ManufacturingDataBuilder
 This class is used to generate Manufacturing data. More...
class  ManufacturingOut
 Represents a ManufacturingOut More...
class  ManufacturingOutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ManufacturingOut builder More...
class  ManufacturingPreparation
 Represents a manufacturing preparation feature More...
class  ManufacturingPreparationBuilder
 This builder is used to adds attributes to the part and body identifying manufacturing related data. More...
class  ManufacturingStockBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ManufacturingStockBuilder builder. More...
class  MarkingLine
 Represents a marking line feature. More...
class  MarkingLineBuilder
 Represents a MarkingLine Feature builder More...
class  MarkingLineDesign
 Represents a marking line feature. More...
class  MarkingLineDesignBuilder
 Represents a new MarkingLine Feature builder. More...
class  MarkInsulationAreaBuilder
 Represents a mark insulation area builder for ship. More...
class  MaterialAllowanceBuilder
 Represents the material allowance feature builder to examine steel feature. More...
class  MaterialEstimationBuilder
 Represents the class Features. More...
class  MirrorShipStructureBuilder
 Copy the selected parts (components) about the Mirror Plane with full model history and feature data. More...
class  MoveToContainerBuilder
 This class is used to move detail design parts to a new ship container. More...
class  NamespaceDoc
 Provides classes and interfaces for Ship Design. More...
class  NodeSelectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SpatialBreakdownBuilder . More...
class  OrientationAngleMethodsBuilder
 This class defines the method of angle definition used in the definition of the region's orientation. More...
class  OrientationDefinition
 Represents a Orientation SubObject. More...
class  OrientationDefinitionBuilder
 This class defines the top level object for use in definining the orientation of stiffeners and edge reinforcements. More...
class  OrientationPointMethodsBuilder
 This class is used to define the boundary of the regions when definining the orientation of a profile. More...
class  OrientationRegionItemBuilder
 This class defines each region of the orientation. More...
class  OrientationRegionItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  PenetrationAssociationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PenetrationAssociationBuilder builder More...
class  PenetrationAttachment
 Represents the Penetration Attachment object. More...
class  PenetrationCutoutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PenetrationRequest builder More...
class  PenetrationFolder
 Represents the Penetration Folder object. More...
class  PenetrationList
 Represents the Penetration List object. More...
class  PenetrationManager
 Contains the collection objects for creating and iterating over Penetration Request Properties objects. More...
class  PenetrationRequest
 Represents the Penetration Request object. More...
class  PenetrationRequestBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PenetrationRequest builder More...
class  PenetrationRequestCollection
 Represents a NXOpen.Mechatronics.FunctionObjectCollection More...
class  PenetrationRequestForCutoutBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.PenetrationRequest builder More...
class  PenetrationReviewRequestBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.PenetrationRequest builder More...
class  PenetrationSite
 Represents the Penetration Site object. More...
class  PenetrationUtils
 Contains various penetration utility methods More...
class  Pillar
 Represents a Pillar feature More...
class  PillarBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Pillar builder More...
class  PillarSystem
 Represents a pillar system feature. More...
class  PillarSystemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PillarSystem builder which is used to create or edit a pillar system feature. More...
class  PillarTreatmentBlockBuilder
 Used to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PillarTreatmentBlockBuilder which is used to change the details of end cut and cap for pillar system. More...
class  PinJig
 Represents a Pinjig feature More...
class  PinJigBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PinJig builder More...
class  PinjigDrawingBuilder
 This builder allows you to define the pinjig information. More...
class  PlaneListBuilder
 This class is used to place a plane into a list. More...
class  PlaneListBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  PlanePairBuilder
 This class is used to define a pair of planes in a list. More...
class  Plate
 Represents a plate feature More...
class  PlateBoundaryOptionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PlateBoundaryOptionBuilder builder to define the plate boundary option. More...
class  PlateBoundaryOptionBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  PlateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Plate builder. More...
class  PlateChamfer
 Represents a plate chamfer feature More...
class  PlateChamferBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PlateChamfer builder. More...
class  PlateDivide
 Represents a plate divide feature More...
class  PlateDivideBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.PlateDivide builder which is used to edit a plate divide feature. More...
class  PlatePreparation
 Represents a ship plate preparation feature More...
class  PlatePreparationBuilder
 Used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.PlatePreparation feature. More...
class  PlateStockBuilder
 This builder allows you to define the stock information for plate system features in ship design. More...
class  PlateSystem
 Represents a Plate System feature. More...
class  PlateSystemBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit the information shared between all the Basic Design plate system features in the Ship Design application. More...
class  PointDimBuilder
 This class is used to define a point with dimension list element. More...
class  PointDimBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  PointPairBuilder
 This class is used to define a pair of points in a list. More...
class  Profile
 Represents a profile feature More...
class  ProfileBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Profile builder More...
class  ProfileCutout
 Represents a profile cutout feature for NX8. More...
class  ProfileCutoutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ProfileCutout builder More...
class  ProfileList
 Represents a profile list feature More...
class  ProfileListBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ProfileList builder More...
class  ProfileSystem
 Represents a profile system feature. More...
class  ProfileSystemBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit the information shared between all the Basic Design profile system features in the Ship Design application. More...
class  ProfileTransition
 Represents a profile transition feature More...
class  ProfileTransitionBuilder
 Builder used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ProfileTransition feature. More...
class  ProjectSetupBuilder
 Represents a project setup builder for ship. More...
class  ProjectStructureNode
 Represents a project structure node for ship project setup. More...
class  QualifySketchBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.QualifySketchBuilder builder. More...
class  ReadDataSetBuilder
 This class will read a data set file from Team Center More...
class  RebaseBuilder
 This class is used to synchronize the end cuts from the ones in mfg group to design group. More...
class  ReferenceLine
 Represents a reference line feature. More...
class  ReferenceLineBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ReferenceLine builder. More...
class  RemoveSplitBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.RemoveSplitBuilder . More...
class  ReverseSplitBuilder
 This class is used to provide the capability to reverse the split interaction between ship structures. More...
class  RollingLine
 Represents a rolling line feature. More...
class  RollingLineBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.RollingLine builder. More...
class  RoomAttributeListBuilder
 The builder to define room attributes More...
class  RoomAttributesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.RoomAttributesBuilder It is used in Ship General Arrangement Application. More...
class  RoomBuilder
 Represents a room builder for general arrangement. More...
class  RoomContainerBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.RoomContainerBuilder builder More...
class  RoomPanelBuilder
 Represents a Features.ShipDesign.RoomPanelBuilder builder More...
class  RoomThicknessItemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.RoomThicknessItemBuilder . More...
class  RoomThicknessItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  Seam
 Represents a ship design seam feature. More...
class  SeamBlockBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SeamBlockBuilder More...
class  SeamBlockBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  SeamBuilder
 A NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SeamBuilder used to create or edit a ship design NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Seam feature. More...
class  SectionDrawingBuilder
 This builder allows you to define the section drawing information. More...
class  SectionEditorBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SectionEditorBuilder builder. More...
class  SectionViewBuilder
 It represents NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SectionViewBuilder . More...
class  SectionViewBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  SelectPartBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SelectPartBuilder . More...
class  SelectStructuresBuilder
 This builder allows you to select structures in NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.GeneralArrangementViewBuilder . More...
class  SelectViewBuilder
 Represents a select view builder for ship. More...
class  SetModeBuilder
 This class is used to set the mode to design or manufacturing. More...
class  ShellExpansion
 Represents a shell expansion feature More...
class  ShellExpansionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShellExpansion builder More...
class  ShellTemplate
 Represents a shell template feature. More...
class  ShellTemplateBuilder
 Used to edit or create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShellTemplate feature. More...
class  ShipAttributeHolder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipAttributeHolder builder More...
class  ShipContainerBuilder
 This class is used to specify the "container" part for the Ship Structures application, i. More...
class  ShipCoordinates
 Represents a ship coordinates feature More...
class  ShipCoordinatesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipCoordinates builder More...
class  ShipCutout
 Represents a ship cutout feature More...
class  ShipCutoutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipCutout builder More...
class  ShipDesignPreferencesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipDesignPreferencesBuilder which is used to change default object display settings for ship structures. More...
class  ShipDesignVersionUpBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipDesignVersionUpBuilder builder. More...
class  ShipEndCut
 Represents a ship end cut feature More...
class  ShipEndCutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipEndCut builder More...
class  ShipFeatureConverter
 This class is used to convert/upgrade legacy Ship Design features. More...
class  ShipIntersections
 Represents a ship intersection feature More...
class  ShipIntersectionsBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipIntersections builder More...
class  ShipNameFieldBuilder
 A field, combined with other fields, to generate a name for a Ship Basic Design Object such as a Deck. More...
class  ShipNamesBuilder
 This class provides the mechanism for defining the names of Basic Design objects such as Decks, Bulkheads, Stiffener Systems, etc. More...
class  ShipNamesBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  ShipNamesListBuilder
 This class provides a list of NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipNamesBuilder objects. More...
class  ShipPreparationBuilder
 Creates a builder used to prepare basic design data for meshing. More...
class  ShipPreparationInfo
 Used to interrogate and change the processing within the NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipPreparationBuilder . More...
class  ShipPrimarySectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipPrimarySectionBuilder . More...
class  ShipProfileCutout
 Represents a profile cutout feature for NX75 using sketch expression modifier block. More...
class  ShipProfileCutoutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ProfileCutout builder for editing legacy(NX75) profile cutout feature. More...
class  ShipSection
 Represents a ship section feature More...
class  ShipSectionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipSection builder More...
class  ShipStructureBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipStructureBuilder . More...
class  ShipTrimBody
 Represents a ship trim body feature More...
class  ShipTrimBodyBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ShipTrimBodyBuilder . More...
class  SmartRule
 Represents a smart rule feature. More...
class  SmartRuleBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SmartRule builder More...
class  SpatialBreakdownBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SpatialBreakdownBuilder . More...
class  SplitProfilePlateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SplitProfilePlateBuilder . More...
class  SplitStandardPart
 Represents a split standard part feature. More...
class  SplitStandardPartBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SplitStandardPartBuilder . More...
class  StandardPart
 Represents a standard part feature. More...
class  StandardPartFrameworkBuilder
 Represents the standard part framework builder to add or edit ship standard part. More...
class  StandardPartItemBuilder
 Represents the ship standard part item builder. More...
class  StandardPartItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  StandardPartSCAssist
 Represents More...
class  SteelCollarPlate
 Represents a collar plate steel feature More...
class  SteelCollarPlateBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelCollarPlate builder More...
class  SteelDistribution
 Represents a steel distribution feature More...
class  SteelDistributionBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelDistribution builder More...
class  SteelFeatureSpreadsheetBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelFeatureSpreadsheetBuilder builder. More...
class  SteelInsulation
 Represents a steel insulation feature. More...
class  SteelInsulationBoundaryBuilder
 Represents a Steel Insulation Boundary builder. More...
class  SteelInsulationBoundaryBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  SteelInsulationBuilder
 Represents a builder that is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelInsulation feature. More...
class  SteelSupport
 Represents a steel support feature More...
class  SteelSupportBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelSupport builder More...
class  SteelVentHoles
 Represents a ship vent holes feature More...
class  SteelVentHolesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelVentHoles builder More...
class  Stiffener
 Represents a stiffener feature More...
class  StiffenerBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.Stiffener builder More...
class  StiffenerBySupportPathBuilder
 This class defines the builder to collect stiffener by support path data for Stiffener feature. More...
class  StiffenerLimitBuilder
 This class defines the path limit method used by a Stiffener or Edge Reinforcement feature. More...
class  StiffenerStockBuilder
 This class defines the Profile or Plate stock for a Stiffener or Edge Reinforcement feature. More...
class  StiffenerSystem
 Represents a stiffener system feature. More...
class  StiffenerSystemBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.StiffenerSystem feature. More...
class  SubSystemBuilder
 This class is used to edit the Sub System Definition of a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SubSystems feature. More...
class  SubSystemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  SubSystems
 Represents a sub systems feature. More...
class  SubSystemsBuilder
 This class is used to edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SubSystems feature. More...
class  SynchronizeDesignViewBuilder
 This class is used to synchronize body features from design view to manufacturing view. More...
class  ThicknessDirectionBuilder
 This class allows you to define the thickness direction for plate system features in Ship Basic Design and and for grid planes in Ship Concept Design. More...
class  TraceLines
 Represents a trace lines feature More...
class  TraceLinesBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.TraceLines builder More...
class  TransFrame
 Represents a TransVerse Frame feature More...
class  TransFrameBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.TransFrame builder More...
class  TransFrameListItemBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.TransFrameListItemBuilder More...
class  TransFrameListItemBuilderList
 Represents a list of objects. More...
class  TransitionBuilder
 This is to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.TransitionBuilder which is used to create Detail Design elements from Basic Design elements. More...
class  TransverseBulkhead
 Represents a Transverse Bulkhead feature. More...
class  TransverseBulkheadBuilder
 This class is used to create or edit a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.TransverseBulkhead feature. More...
class  UnfoldedMinRecBuilder
 Represents the class Features. More...
class  UpdateShipLibrary
 Represents a update ship library feature More...
class  UpdateShipLibraryBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.UpdateShipLibrary builder More...
class  ValidateModelBuilder
 This is to create a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ValidateModelBuilder which is used to validate Basic Design Structures. More...
class  VentHolesMarking
 Represents a vent holes marking feature More...
class  VentHolesMarkingBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.VentHolesMarking builder More...
class  VentilationHoles2
 Represents a ventilation holes2 feature More...
class  VentilationHoles2Builder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.VentilationHoles2 builder More...
class  VerifyPenetrationBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.VerifyPenetrationBuilder builder More...
class  WeightAndCGBuilder
 Represents the class Features. More...
class  WeldCut
 Represents a weld cut feature More...
class  WeldCut2
 Represents a weld cut2 feature More...
class  WeldCut2Builder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.WeldCut2 builder More...
class  WeldCutBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.WeldCut builder More...
class  YFrameBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.YFrameBuilder More...
class  ZFrameBuilder
 Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.ZFrameBuilder More...


enum  ExamineSteelFeatureBuilderCheck {
  ProfileWidth, CutoutToHole, CutoutToSeam, CutoutClearance,
  CutoutAngle, StandardInterference, CollarPlateToSeam, CollarPlateToHole,
  WideCollarPlate, NumChecks
 Represents the object types to examine. More...
enum  ExamineSteelFeatureBuilderResult { NoCheck, Pass, Fail, NoResult }
 Represents the status of examining result. More...
enum  ShipnameFieldBuilderType {
  Fixed, Option, Index, Any,
  PositionInformation, ContextAttributeMap, SectionInformation, AttributeMap,
  ParentPartPosition, FrameName, PortOrStarboard, None
 Field Type More...
enum  ShipnamesBuilderMethod { Unknown = -1, MoldingFace, Point, ParentBody }
 The methods of generation of position information More...
enum  ShipnamesBuilderType {
  None, Hull, Deck, LongitudinalBulkhead,
  TransverseBulkhead, StiffenerSystem, EdgeReinforcementSystem, PillarSystem,
  Seam, GenericPlateSystem, StandardPart, CollarPlate,
  Bracket, Plate, Profile, Pillar,
  StandardPartCollarPlate, StandardPartBracket, Grid, Room,
  BasicDesignCollarPlate, BasicDesignBracket, BasicDesignStandardPartCollarPlate, BasicDesignStandardPartBracket
 The type of Ship Object for which automatically generated names will be created More...
enum  ShipnamesBuilderVersion { Legacy, PositionInformation }
 The version of Ship Object naming rule More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Represents the object types to examine.


Check profile width


Check cutout to hole


In basic design,check cutout to seam,In detail design,check cutout to edge


Check cutout top and bottom clearance


Check profile cutout angle offset


Check standard part interference


In basic design,check collar plate to seam,In detail design,check collar plate to edge


Check collar plate to hole


Check wide collar plate


Number of check

Represents the status of examining result.


No check


All pass


No pass


Check but can't find check items

Field Type


Field with an unchanging string


Field whose value can be one of several strings


Field which will have a number generated


Field whose value will be a user enterred string


Field which is generated from mold face plane indicate part location


Field whose value comes from context attribute


Field whose value comes from section


Field value comes from part attribute value whose attribute title configured by "key" value from "source" part


Field value is parent part position information


Field which is generated from mold face using frame name indicate part location


Field indicates which locate port side or starboard side


Unknown Field Type

The methods of generation of position information


The type of Ship Object for which automatically generated names will be created


The version of Ship Object naming rule

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