UF_UNDO_ask_any_mark_exist (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Queries whether at least one mark of visibility exists.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_ask_any_mark_exist
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility,
int * any_exists
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputvisibility of mark of interest
int *any_existsOutputif at least 1 mark of 'visibility' exists then
1 else 0


UF_UNDO_ask_mark_exist (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Queries whether a mark exists.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_ask_mark_exist
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name,
int * exists
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputid of mark to inquire or UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputMark name to inquire. Only used when mark_id
is set to UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID.
int *existsOutputIs 0 if mark_id DOES NOT exist, 1 otherwise


UF_UNDO_ask_mark_visibility (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Finds the visibility of a previously set mark.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_ask_mark_visibility
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name,
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t * visibility
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputMark id to get the visibility of or
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputMark name to get visibility of. This is used
when mark_id is set to UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID.
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t *visibilityOutputThe visibility of the specified mark.


UF_UNDO_ask_next_vis_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Passes back the mark_id of the Next Visible Mark. This is the mark
that is undone to, on a call to UF_UNDO_undo_to_next_vis_mark.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_ask_next_vis_mark
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t * mark_id
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t *mark_idOutputThe mark id of the next visible mark. This may
also be the value UF_UNDO_NO_VIS_MARK_PRESENT
in which case there are no more visible marks
to undo to.


UF_UNDO_ask_number_of_marks (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Finds the number of marks for the specified visibility.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_ask_number_of_marks
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility,
int * how_many
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputThe visibility of the specified mark.
int *how_manyOutputNumber of marks that exist with the specified visibility.


UF_UNDO_delete_all_marks (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Deletes all marks. It instructs all logged on data managers to delete
their marks associated with each mark. It deals with each data
manager in the appropriate way. This function frees up all mark space.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_delete_all_marks


UF_UNDO_delete_all_misc_cbs (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Deletes all the miscellaneous callbacks currently registered.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_delete_all_misc_cbs


UF_UNDO_delete_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Flags the specified mark as deleted. It does not always remove the
mark. The mark is logically deleted from UF_UNDO and therefore
no one can call any UF_UNDO function with the mark id of this
deleted mark successfully.

Since this function does free up some mark space (and sometimes all mark
space) it is useful to call if one is trying to conserve space.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_delete_mark
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputMark to delete or UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputMark name to delete. This is used
when mark_id is set to UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID.


UF_UNDO_delete_to_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Performs a delete to a specific mark (inclusively) that was previously
set by UF_UNDO_set_mark. It instructs all data managers that are
logged on to delete their marks associated with the deleted
UF_UNDO marks. It deletes from the last mark set to the specified mark.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_delete_to_mark
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputMark to delete to or UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputMark name to delete to. This is used
when mark_id is set to UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID.


UF_UNDO_disable_misc_cbs (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Disables all miscellaneous callbacks. That is, no miscellaneous
callback is called by UF_UNDO after this function is called until
UF_UNDO_enable_misc_cbs is called. Miscellaneous callbacks are enabled
when UF_UNDO starts up.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_disable_misc_cbs


UF_UNDO_enable_misc_cbs (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Enables miscellaneous callbacks. That is, all miscellaneous callbacks are
called by UF_UNDO after this function is called until
UF_UNDO_disable_misc_cbs is called. Miscellaneous callbacks are enabled
when UF_UNDO starts up.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_enable_misc_cbs


UF_UNDO_register_misc_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
This function allows the Open API programmer to register a callback to be
executed before or after the setting/undoing of a mark.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_register_misc_cb
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_t cb_type,
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility,
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_f_t func,
void * closure,
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_id_t * id
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_tcb_typeInputCall back types:
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_set_pre to call the function just
before a mark is set. The function will always
be passed a mark_id of -2.

UF_UNDO_misc_cb_set_post to call the function
just after any mark is set but before UF_UNDO
returns back to the application that set the mark.
The passed mark_id is the mark id of the mark just

UF_UNDO_misc_cb_undo_pre to call the function
just before UF_UNDO performs an undo to mark.
The passed mark_id is the mark id of the mark we
are about to undo to.

UF_UNDO_misc_cb_undo_post to call the function
just after UF_UNDO performs an undo to mark
but before UF_UNDO returns to the application
that requested the undo. The passed mark_id is the
mark id of the mark we just undid to.

UF_UNDO_misc_cb_chg_vis to call the function just
after a mark has its visibility changed. The passed
mark_id is the mark id of the mark whose visibility
just changed.
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputIf registering a function that should only be called
if processing a particular mark then enter that
mark_id here. If its a SET_PRE or SET_POST then
this argument is ignored. If you want a function
called whenever any mark is processed then enter

If you enter a mark here and UF_UNDO is
requested to undo over that mark then the callback is
not called. It is only called if the given mark_id is
the one undone to.
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputTake action based on the specific

Only execute the given function if the
mark being set or undone to is user
visible or a mark was just made visible.
Only execute the given function if the
mark being set or undone to is user
invisible or a mark was just made
UF_UNDO_any_vis to execute the function
regardless of the mark's visibility.
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_f_tfuncInputThe function to call.
When this function is executed, the UF text mode will
be set to whatever the mode is when the function is registered.
If your SET_PRE or UNDO_PRE callback returns
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_stop when called then no further
callbacks are called and the setting or undoing of
the mark is not done.
If other callbacks return UF_UNDO_misc_cb_stop when
called then the operation will be partly complete and
an error will be returned. This action is not recommended.
void *closureInputThe argument to pass to the function when the function
is called.
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_id_t *idOutputThe identifier assigned to this registration. This
identifier can be used to remove this registration
via UF_UNDO_unregister_misc_cb().


UF_UNDO_set_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Instructs every data manager which is logged on to set a mark.
Returns an identifier which the application can use to identify the
state of the data managers at the time the mark is set. Additionally,
the application can register a name by which this mark can later be

Note: The maximum number of undo marks in an Open API program is 100.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_set_mark
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name,
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t * mark_id
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputThe user visibility of this mark.
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputoptional name for this mark. If NULL
then not used. If not NULL then must
be '\0' terminated. UF_UNDO copies this
name to some space of its own, therefore,
the caller may do whatever it wants with
'mark_name' after the call.
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t *mark_idOutputidentifier associated with this mark.


UF_UNDO_set_mark_visibility (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Changes the visibility of a previously set mark to visibility.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_set_mark_visibility
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name,
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputMark to change the visibility of or
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputMark name to set visibility of. This is used
when mark_id is set to UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID.
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputThe new visibility for specified mark.


UF_UNDO_set_to_mark_visibility (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
An application calls this function to change the visibility of all existing
marks from the current mark to the specified "to_mark", inclusively.
The visibility of these marks is set to "visibility".

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_set_to_mark_visibility
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t to_mark,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name,
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tto_markInputThe "to_mark" to change the visibility of, or
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputThe mark name of the "to mark" to set visibility.
Only used when to_mark is UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID.
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputThe new visibility for "to mark".


UF_UNDO_undo_to_last_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Performs an undo to the last mark of the specified visibility that was
previously set by UF_UNDO_set_mark. It instructs all data managers
that are logged on to return to their state associated with that mark.
The visibility referred to is the mark's current visibility which may
differ from the mark's original visibility (see UF_UNDO_set_mark_visibility).

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_undo_to_last_mark
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility,
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t * mark_id
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputThe desired visibility of the mark to
undo to.
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t *mark_idOutputid of mark undone to


UF_UNDO_undo_to_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Performs an undo to a specific mark that was previously set by
UF_UNDO_set_mark. It instructs all data managers that are logged on
to return to their state associated with the specified mark.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_undo_to_mark
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t mark_id,
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_t mark_name
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tmark_idInputid of mark to undo to if != UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID
UF_UNDO_mark_name_c_tmark_nameInputname of mark to undo to if
mark_id == UF_UNDO_USE_NAME_ID


UF_UNDO_undo_to_next_vis_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
UNDO to the Next Visible Mark. The Next Visible Mark (NVM) can
be described as follows:
1. Whenever a new mark is set AND that mark is visible,
then it becomes the NVM.
2. If the NVM is undone to or over (i.e. the NVM is mark j
and we undo to mark i, i <= j) then the first visible mark
prior to mark undone to becomes the NVM.
3. Same as 2 except for deleting marks instead of undoing to
4. If the NVM is made invisible then the first visible mark
previous to that NVM is made the new NVM.
5. If an existing invisible mark is made visible, then it is made
the NVM if it was set after the previous NVM.
UF_UNDO's NVM is updated upon a successful call to this function.
Therefore, you may step back thru the visible marks by successive
calls to this function. For example:
while( UF_UNDO_undo_to_next_vis_mark() == UF_UNDO_REQ_OK )

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_undo_to_next_vis_mark


UF_UNDO_undo_to_prev_mark (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Performs an undo to the last mark of the specified visibility that was
set before the previous_to mark. E.g., if previous_to is ID 4 and the
desired visibility is visible then this function finds the last visible mark
that appears before mark 4.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_undo_to_prev_mark
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_t visibility,
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t previous_to,
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t * mark_id
UF_UNDO_user_visibility_tvisibilityInputThe desired visibility of the mark to
undo to.
UF_UNDO_mark_id_tprevious_toInputfind the last mark of "visibility"
appearing before this mark
UF_UNDO_mark_id_t *mark_idOutputThe ID of the mark undone to.


UF_UNDO_unregister_misc_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_undo.h
Removes a registration previously made by UF_UNDO_register_misc_cb.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UNDO_unregister_misc_cb
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_id_t cb_id
UF_UNDO_misc_cb_id_tcb_idInputThe id to remove.