UF_LIB_ask_lib_attribute_values (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function provides a list of attribute values of an NX object that
was previously retrieved from a library. The library is referenced by the
specified UF_CAM_db_object_t. The values are the current values (in the
library) of the specified attributes of the NX object.

The caller should use UF_free_string_array to free these returned arrays.

Internal and External

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_ask_lib_attribute_values
UF_CAM_db_object_t db,
tag_t ug_object,
int count,
const char * * db_alias,
char * * * values
UF_CAM_db_object_tdbInput- the db object to query in
tag_tug_objectInput- the NX object to query about
intcountInput- the number of attribute to ask their
values of
const char * *db_aliasInput- the list of attribute db aliases to
ask the values of
char * * *valuesOutput to UF_*free*- the requested values. This is
an array of strings that must be freed
by calling UF_free_string_array.


UF_LIB_ask_libref (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function provides the library reference (or libref) of the specified
NX object. The libref is an attribute which is returned for every record
in every record set. It is also the attribute which is used to retrieve
an object from a library. An NX object will only have a libref if it was
created by being retrieved from a library.

Internal and External

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_ask_libref
tag_t ug_object,
const char * * libref
tag_tug_objectInput- the desired NX object
const char * *librefOutput to UF_*free*- the libref of the specified object


UF_LIB_ask_record_in_rset (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function provides a record from a record set. The record is returned
as an array of strings. Each element of the array is the value of an
attribute of the specified record. The ith element of the array is the
value of the ith attribute returned from ask_rset_map. Note that all values
are returned as strings. If the value has type double or int the caller
will need to convert as required by the application.

The caller should use UF_free_string_array to free these returned arrays.

Internal and External

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_ask_record_in_rset
UF_RSET_t rset,
int record_num,
int * count,
const char * * * values
UF_RSET_trsetInput- the desired record set
intrecord_numInput- the desired record number (0 based)
int *countOutput- the number of values of attributes
const char * * *valuesOutput to UF_*free*- the values of the attributes. The
caller should call UF_free_string_array
to free this array.


UF_LIB_ask_rset_count (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function returns the number of records that the specified UF_RSET_t

Internal and External

Released in V17.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_ask_rset_count
UF_RSET_t rset,
int * count
UF_RSET_trsetInput- the UF_RSET_t whose record count is desired
int *countOutput- the number of records in the UF_RSET_t


UF_LIB_ask_rset_map (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function provides a description (or map) of the contents of a record
set. It provides a list of the attributes that each record in the record
set has as well as the type of each of those attributes. One can think of
a record set as a table. The rows of the table are the individual records
in the record set. The columns headings are the attributes that are found
in the record set.
NOTE: Use UF_LIB_free_rset_map to free returned memory
See the description

Internal and External

See Also

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_ask_rset_map
UF_RSET_t rset,
int * count,
const char * * * attr_names,
const char * * attr_types
UF_RSET_trsetInput- the record set of interest. This was
returned by execute_query.
int *countOutput- the number of attributes in the record
const char * * *attr_namesOutput to UF_*free*count - the name of the attributes in the
record set.
const char * *attr_typesOutput to UF_*free*count - the types of the attributes. The ith
attr_types is the type of the ith


UF_LIB_delete_rset (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function deletes the specified UF_RSET_t.

Internal and External

Released in V17.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_delete_rset
UF_RSET_t rset
UF_RSET_trsetInput- the record set to delete


UF_LIB_execute_query (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function will execute a query in a library and return a record set
containing the objects in the library that satisfy the query.
See the above File Description for a discussion of the query syntax. The
Class Query in the Definition File is &&ed to the query specified here as
a parameter. The contents of the RSET returned is determined by the
RSET definition for the specified class name. This definition is found in the
Definition File.

Internal and External

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_execute_query
UF_CAM_db_object_t db,
const char * cls_name,
const char * query,
int * count,
UF_RSET_t * rset
UF_CAM_db_object_tdbInput- the library object in which to
execute the query.
const char *cls_nameInput- the class name
const char *queryInput- the query
int *countOutput- the number of objects satisfying the query
UF_RSET_t *rsetOutput- the record of objects that satisfy
the query


UF_LIB_execute_query_for_count (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function will execute a query in a library and return a count of the
number of objects in the library that satisfy the query. See the above
File Description for a discussion of the query syntax. The Class Query in
the Definition File is &&ed to the query specified here as a parameter.

Internal and External

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_execute_query_for_count
UF_CAM_db_object_t db,
const char * cls_name,
const char * query,
int * count
UF_CAM_db_object_tdbInput- the library object in which to
execute the query
const char *cls_nameInput- the class name
const char *queryInput- the query
int *countOutput- the number of objects in the library that
satisfy the query.


UF_LIB_free_rset_map (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function frees the memory returned from UF_LIB_ask_rset_map

Internal and External

See Also

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_free_rset_map
int count,
const char * * attr_names,
const char * attr_types
intcountInput- the number of attributes in the record set.
const char * *attr_namesInput- the name of the attributes in the record
const char *attr_typesInput- the types of the attributes. The ith
attr_types is the type of the ith


UF_LIB_merge_rsets (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function merges the contents of two record sets. The merged record set
contains the records of 'rset1' followed by the records of 'rset2'. The
records appear in the same order they did in their original record sets.
'rset1' and 'rset2' are unchanged.

Internal and External

Released in V17.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_merge_rsets
UF_RSET_t rset1,
UF_RSET_t rset2,
UF_RSET_t * merged_rset
UF_RSET_trset1Input- the record set to merge
UF_RSET_trset2Input- the other record to merge
UF_RSET_t *merged_rsetOutput- the merged record set


UF_LIB_sort_rset (view source)
Defined in: uf_lib.h
This function sorts the contents of a record set. The sort key is of the

db_alias1/{ a|d },db_alias2/{ a|d },...,db_aliasN/{ a|d }

where a = ascending, d = descending. For example, if Diameter and Cost are
both DB Aliases that are found in the record set one could sort the set
primarily by Diameter in ascending order and then, within Diameter, sort by
Cost in decreasing order with a sort key of:


Here Diameter is the primary key. Records of the set that have the same
Diameter are then sorted by Cost. The original record set is not changed.

Internal and External

Released in V17.0
Required License(s)

int UF_LIB_sort_rset
UF_RSET_t rset,
const char * sort_key,
UF_RSET_t * sorted_rset
UF_RSET_trsetInput- the record set to sort
const char *sort_keyInput- the sort key to sort by
UF_RSET_t *sorted_rsetOutput- the sorted record set