SketchConstraintGeometry_Struct Struct

NXOpen.Sketch.ConstraintGeometry is an alias for NXOpen.SketchConstraintGeometry_Struct

class NXOpen.SketchConstraintGeometry_Struct

Bases: object

Used by the create geometric constraint methods to indicate what geometry the constraint should be applied to.


Assume in these examples that you have a Line object in a variable named line1 and a Spline object in a variable named spline1.

1. To specify an entire line, set Geometry = line1 PointType = None SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0

2. To specify the start vertex of a line, set Geometry = line1 PointType = StartVertex SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0

3. To specify the third defining point of a spline Geometry = spline1 PointType = SplingDefiningPoint SplineDefiningPointIndex = 3

4. To specify the first defining point of a spline Geometry = spline1 PointType = StartVertex SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0 – OR – Geometry = spline1 PointType = SplingDefiningPoint SplineDefiningPointIndex = 1

Notes on splines: - spline defining points are numbered starting from 1 - to specify the first [or last] defining point of a spline, you can either use PointType = SplineDefiningPoint and set SplineDefiningPointIndex or use PointType = StartVertex [or EndVertex] - SplineDefiningPointIndex is only used when PointType = SplineDefiningPoint

. Constructor: NXOpen.Sketch.ConstraintGeometry()


Field Description
SplineDefiningPointIndex Ignored unless PointType is SplineDefiningPoint.




Field Value Type:NXOpen.NXObject




Field Value Type:NXOpen.SketchConstraintPointType



Ignored unless PointType is SplineDefiningPoint.

Spline control points are numbered starting from 1 -------------------------------------

Field Value Type:int