NXOpen.ShipDesign Package


ApplicationUtils Class Represents Generator which wrap the ship api for china
GeneralArrangementManager Class Represents the interface for General Arrangement classes
Generator Class Represents Generator which wrap the ship api for china
Navigator Class Represents the interface for navigator action classes
NavigatorCollection Class Represents the interface for navigator action classes
NavigatorNode Class Represents the interface for navigator view classes
NavigatorView Class Represents the interface for navigator view classes
ShipNavigatorNodeBuilder Class Represents the ship navigator node builder to add or edit ship navigator node.
ShipNavigatorRoot Class Represents the interface for ship navigator root classes.
ShipSession Class Represents Ship session


GeneratorClashType Enumeration Clash status to indicate to show space position relation between two bodies 1.
ShipNavigatorNodeBuilderNodeTypes Enumeration Settings to indicate the type of ship navigator node.