PartVisualizationEmphasisShellOptions_Struct Struct

NXOpen.Preferences.PartVisualizationEmphasis.ShellOptions is an alias for NXOpen.Preferences.PartVisualizationEmphasisShellOptions_Struct

class NXOpen.Preferences.PartVisualizationEmphasisShellOptions_Struct

Bases: object

Specifies options that control the appearance of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.

. Constructor: NXOpen.Preferences.PartVisualizationEmphasis.ShellOptions()


Field Description
Rgb the color of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.
Edges whether or not edges are displayed for de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.
EdgesRgb the color of edges displayed for de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.
Translucency the translucency of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.



the color of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.


Field Value Type:NXOpen.NXColorRgb_Struct



whether or not edges are displayed for de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.


Field Value Type:NXOpen.Preferences.PartVisualizationEmphasisEdgesType



the color of edges displayed for de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.


Field Value Type:NXOpen.NXColorRgb_Struct



the translucency of de-emphasized shaded geometry when the See-Thru style is set to Shell.

It is a percentage value between 30 and 100. -------------------------------------

Field Value Type:int