LineWeldData Class

class NXOpen.Annotations.LineWeldData

Bases: NXOpen.TransientObject

Represents line weld data

New in version NX4.0.0.


Property Description
AllroundSymbol Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the allround symbol is displayed
CenterSymbol Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the weld symbol is at center of reference line, applicable only to spot and seam symbols
FieldWeld Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the weld is done at the field site
IdentificationLineLocation Returns or sets the identification line location
SideSeamDisplay Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the side seam is displayed
SideSeamHorizontalFlip Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the side seam is flipped in the horizontal direction
SideSeamVerticalFlip Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the side seam is flipped in the vertical direction
SideSeamView Returns or sets the view for which side seam is to be created.
StaggeredWeldSymbolDisplay Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the staggered weld symbol is displayed
SymbolScale Returns or sets the symbol scale
Tail Returns or sets the tail for the reference line
TopSeamDisplay Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the top seam is displayed
TopSeamReverse Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the top seam direction is reveresed
TopSeamView Returns or sets the view for which top seam is to be created.
WeldStandard Returns the standard


Method Description
Dispose Frees the object from memory.
GetArrowSideData Returns the arrow side data
GetOtherSideData Returns the other side data
GetSideSeamObjects Returns the side seam objects.
GetTailSpecificationText Returns the tail specification text
GetTopSeamObjects Returns the top seam objects.
SetArrowSideData Sets the arrow side data
SetOtherSideData Sets the other side data
SetSideSeamObjects Sets the side seam objects.
SetTailSpecificationText Sets the tail specification text
SetTopSeamObjects Sets the top seam objects.

Property Detail



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the allround symbol is displayed


Getter Method

Signature AllroundSymbol

Returns:Flag indicating whether to display all around symbol
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature AllroundSymbol

Parameters:allroundSymbol (bool) – Flag indicating whether to display all around symbol

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the weld symbol is at center of reference line, applicable only to spot and seam symbols


Getter Method

Signature CenterSymbol

Returns:Flag indicating the weld symbol at the center of reference line
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature CenterSymbol

Parameters:centerSymbol (bool) – Flag indicating the weld symbol at the center of reference line

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the weld is done at the field site


Getter Method

Signature FieldWeld

Returns:Flag indicating whether the weld is done at field site
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature FieldWeld

Parameters:fieldWeld (bool) – Flag indicating whether the weld is done at field site

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the identification line location


Getter Method

Signature IdentificationLineLocation

Returns:New identification line location
Return type:NXOpen.Annotations.IdentificationLineLocation

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature IdentificationLineLocation

Parameters:location (NXOpen.Annotations.IdentificationLineLocation) – Identification line location

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the side seam is displayed


Getter Method

Signature SideSeamDisplay

Returns:Flag indicating whether the side seam is displayed
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SideSeamDisplay

Parameters:sideSeam (bool) – Flag indicating whether the side seam is displayed

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the side seam is flipped in the horizontal direction


Getter Method

Signature SideSeamHorizontalFlip

Returns:Flag indicating whether the side seam is horizontally flipped
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SideSeamHorizontalFlip

Parameters:horizontalFlip (bool) – Flag indicating whether the side seam is horizontally flipped

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the side seam is flipped in the vertical direction


Getter Method

Signature SideSeamVerticalFlip

Returns:Flag indicating whether the side seam is vertically flipped
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SideSeamVerticalFlip

Parameters:verticalFlip (bool) – Flag indicating whether the side seam is vertically flipped

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the view for which side seam is to be created.


Getter Method

Signature SideSeamView

Returns:View for which side seam is to be created
Return type:NXOpen.Drawings.DraftingView

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SideSeamView

Parameters:sideSeamView (NXOpen.Drawings.DraftingView) – New view for which side seam is to be created

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the staggered weld symbol is displayed


Getter Method

Signature StaggeredWeldSymbolDisplay

Returns:Flag indicating whether the staggered symbol is displayed
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature StaggeredWeldSymbolDisplay

Parameters:staggeredDisplay (bool) – Flag indicating whether the staggered symbol is displayed

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the symbol scale


Getter Method

Signature SymbolScale

Return type:float

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SymbolScale

Parameters:symbolScale (float) – New scale

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the tail for the reference line


Getter Method

Signature Tail

Returns:Tail type for the reference line
Return type:NXOpen.Annotations.Tail

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Tail

Parameters:tail (NXOpen.Annotations.Tail) – New tail type for the reference line

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the top seam is displayed


Getter Method

Signature TopSeamDisplay

Returns:Flag indicating whether the top seam is displayed
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature TopSeamDisplay

Parameters:topSeamDisplay (bool) – Flag indicating whether the top seam is displayed

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the flag indicating whether the top seam direction is reveresed


Getter Method

Signature TopSeamReverse

Returns:Flag indicating whether the top seam is reversed
Return type:bool

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature TopSeamReverse

Parameters:reverse (bool) – Flag indicating whether the top seam is reversed

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns or sets the view for which top seam is to be created.


Getter Method

Signature TopSeamView

Returns:View for which top seam is to be created
Return type:NXOpen.Drawings.DraftingView

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature TopSeamView

Parameters:topSeamView (NXOpen.Drawings.DraftingView) – New view for which top seam is to be created

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the standard


Getter Method

Signature WeldStandard

Returns:Weld standard
Return type:NXOpen.Annotations.WeldStandard

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.

Method Detail



Frees the object from memory.

After this method is called, it is illegal to use the object. In .NET, this method is automatically called when the object is deleted by the garbage collector.

Signature Dispose()

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the arrow side data

Signature GetArrowSideData()

Returns:Arrow side line weld data
Return type:NXOpen.Annotations.LineWeldSideData

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the other side data

Signature GetOtherSideData()

Returns:Other side line weld data
Return type:NXOpen.Annotations.LineWeldSideData

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the side seam objects.

Signature GetSideSeamObjects()

Returns:List of side seam objects
Return type:list of NXOpen.DisplayableObject

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the tail specification text

Signature GetTailSpecificationText()

Returns:List of lines
Return type:list of str

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the top seam objects.

Signature GetTopSeamObjects()

Returns:List of top seam objects
Return type:list of NXOpen.DisplayableObject

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the arrow side data

Signature SetArrowSideData(arrowSide)

Parameters:arrowSide (NXOpen.Annotations.LineWeldSideData) – New arrow side line weld data

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the other side data

Signature SetOtherSideData(otherSide)

Parameters:otherSide (NXOpen.Annotations.LineWeldSideData) – New other side line weld data

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the side seam objects.

Following objects are allowed -



Signature SetSideSeamObjects(objects)

Parameters:objects (list of NXOpen.DisplayableObject) – List of new side seam objects

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the tail specification text

Signature SetTailSpecificationText(lines)

Parameters:lines (list of str) – List of lines

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the top seam objects.

Following objects are allowed -




Signature SetTopSeamObjects(objects)

Parameters:objects (list of NXOpen.DisplayableObject) – List of new top seam objects

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Signature SetWeldStandard(standard)

Parameters:standard (NXOpen.Annotations.WeldStandard) – New weld standard

New in version NX4.0.0.

License requirements: None.