Point and Curve Creation Overview | Statement List

Create B-spline

The BCURVE statement can create different types of B-splines: Bezier and B-spline. The system automatically decides which curve to create based upon the input data.

In Unigraphics NX, the degree of a B-spline must be between 1 and 24. The degree for a Bezier curve is one less than the number of points specified. So, for a Bezier curve, the minimum number of points is two (minimum degree of one) and the maximum number of points is 25 (maximum degree of 24 + 1).

For a B-spline curve, the minimum number of points must be one more than the degree specified using the minor word DEGREE. For example, if you specify a B-spline with a degree of five, you must specify at least six points in your object list.