Overview | Creating a GRIP Program | Compiling a GRIP Program | Linking GRIP Object Files | Running a GRIP Program

Debugging a GRIP Program

The final step in the program development process is debugging your GRIP program. The GRIP compiler and linker automatically generate debuggable code.

To debug GRIP code while running a program, select File->Execute Open->Debug Grip. The system prompts you to specify a file to debug.

Using Debug Options

Once you've specified a file to debug, the system displays the main Debug GRIP menu containing the following options:

Using the Menu Header

The menu header lists the following program information:

(subprogram) = name of the current subprogram
(line #)
= the current line number of the program
(reason stopped)
= the reason for suspending the program

Suspended Execution

The debugger suspends execution for one of the following four reasons. Each is listed with its abbreviation as it appears on the menu: