SteelFeatureSpreadsheetBuilder Class

class NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelFeatureSpreadsheetBuilder

Bases: NXOpen.Builder

Represents a NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelFeatureSpreadsheetBuilder builder.

It is used to manage the data contained in the ship sketch based steel feature block.

This class is sub-object of another builder, and cannot be directly instantiated.

New in version NX8.0.0.


Property Description
SectionType Returns or sets the section type
SteelFeatureType Returns or sets the steel feature type (eg: Profile, Edge Reinforcement, etc)
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.


Method Description
CacheSpreadsheetData This method caches parameter data from spreadsheet to the builder.
Commit Commits any edits that have been applied to the builder.
Destroy Deletes the builder, and cleans up any objects created by the builder.
EditParameter This method simply changes the value of a parameter.
EditPrimaryParameter This method changes the value of a parameter and queries from the spread sheet to update the related parameter values.
GetAvailableSectionTypes This method finds the available section types for the current context data.
GetCommittedObjects For builders that create more than one object, this method returns the objects that are created by commit.
GetImportedSketches This method retrieves all the features that are imported into current work part.
GetObject Returns the object currently being edited by this builder.
GetParameterValues This method retrieves all the parameter values related to the current imported sketch template.
GetSpreadsheetData It retrieves the KRUSpreadsheetData object to the builder.
ImportSketch Thie method reads the model file name from the spread sheet, imports the sketch template into current work part, and updates the attribute values and expresseion values from the data spreadsheet.
ResetBuilderData This method cleans up the imported features from current work part, also it rereads the data file and registration.
RestoreSpreadsheetData This method restores parameter data inside the builder.
SetContextEntity Set the context entity on which the context attribute is stored.
SetPossibleContextAttribute Set a possible context attribute (assuming the context entity has not yet been created).
SetPossibleContextAttributeCount Set the possible context attribute count (assuming the context entity has not yet been created).
SetRuleInputs This method sets the rule inputs.
SetSectionSubType1 Sets the section sub type by string value.
SetSectionSubType2 Sets the section sub type2 by string value.
SetSpreadsheetData It sets the KRUSpreadsheetData object to the builder.
SetsDefaultTypesFromContext Set default section types of the builder when a new context entity is set.
ShowResults Updates the model to reflect the result of an edit to the model for all builders that support showing results.
UpdateParametersUsingRules This method updates the parameters in the steel feature data spreadsheet using parameters rules.
UpdateSpreadsheetData This method takes parameter name and parameter value pairs as input and updates the related geometries by updating the expressions, i.
Validate Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.

Property Detail



Returns or sets the section type


Getter Method

Signature SectionType()

Return type:int

New in version NX8.0.0.

Deprecated since version NX8.5.0: Removed with no replacement

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SectionType(nSectionType)

Parameters:nSectionType (int) –

New in version NX8.0.0.

Deprecated since version NX8.5.0: Use NXOpen.Features.ShipDesign.SteelFeatureSpreadsheetBuilder.SetSectionType()

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Returns or sets the steel feature type (eg: Profile, Edge Reinforcement, etc)


Getter Method

Signature SteelFeatureType()

Return type:str

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)


Setter Method

Signature SteelFeatureType(steelFeatureType)

Parameters:steelFeatureType (str) –

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)

Method Detail



This method caches parameter data from spreadsheet to the builder.

Signature CacheSpreadsheetData()

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method simply changes the value of a parameter.

Parameter could be an expression or an attribute. Also a call to UI method UpdateDlgLayout is needed afterwards if UI is concerned.

Signature EditParameter(parameterName, parameterValue)

  • parameterName (str) – the parameter name
  • parameterValue (str) – the parameter value

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method changes the value of a parameter and queries from the spread sheet to update the related parameter values.

A call to UI method UpdateDlgLayout is needed afterwards if UI is concerned.

Signature EditPrimaryParameter(parameterName, parameterValue)

  • parameterName (str) – the parameter name
  • parameterValue (str) – the parameter value

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method finds the available section types for the current context data.

It will do lookups in the registration file to see which context attribute in the table matches the current possible context attributes or the current context entitie’s attributes. Then it repopulates the list of available section types that are used with the current context attribute. All of these table lookups can be expensive for performance.

Signature GetAvailableSectionTypes()

Returns:Array of available section types
Return type:list of str

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method retrieves all the features that are imported into current work part.

Signature GetImportedSketches()

Return type:list of NXOpen.Features.Feature

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: None.



This method retrieves all the parameter values related to the current imported sketch template.

Signature GetParameterValues()

Returns:Array of structures with the parameter data.
Return type:list of NXOpen.Tooling.SpreadsheetDataParameter

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: None.



It retrieves the KRUSpreadsheetData object to the builder.

In most cases, this method is used internally.

Signature GetSpreadsheetData()

Return type:NXOpen.Tooling.SpreadsheetData

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Thie method reads the model file name from the spread sheet, imports the sketch template into current work part, and updates the attribute values and expresseion values from the data spreadsheet.

Signature ImportSketch()

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method cleans up the imported features from current work part, also it rereads the data file and registration.

If UI is concerned, UpdateDlgLayout should be called in UI.

Signature ResetBuilderData()

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method restores parameter data inside the builder.

Signature RestoreSpreadsheetData()

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Set the context entity on which the context attribute is stored.

For example, if you’re spreadsheet builder is being used to create an endcut, the body you’re about to cut should be set as the context entity. Refer to the individual feature’s documentation to see what context entity is expected for the feature you’re using.

Signature SetContextEntity(contextEntity)

Parameters:contextEntity (NXOpen.TaggedObject) –

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Set a possible context attribute (assuming the context entity has not yet been created).

If you have any possible context attributes set in this builder, the context entity will be ignored, and the context attribute will be selected from the list of possible context attributes.

Signature SetPossibleContextAttribute(possibleContextAttributeIndex, possibleContextAttribute)

  • possibleContextAttributeIndex (int) – the index into the possible context attribute array we wish to set
  • possibleContextAttribute (str) –

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Set the possible context attribute count (assuming the context entity has not yet been created).

If you have any possible context attributes set in this builder, the context entity will be ignored, and the context attribute will be selected from the list of possible context attributes.

Signature SetPossibleContextAttributeCount(possibleContextAttributeCount)

Parameters:possibleContextAttributeCount (int) – the number of possible context attributes (use this before setting each possible context attribute via SetPossibleContextAttribute)

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method sets the rule inputs.

The rule inputs will be used to evaluate the section rules and parameter rules defined in xml rule file. Ensure the inputs have been clearly described as comment in the xml rule file, so the user can use them when they want to modify the rules.

Signature SetRuleInputs(inputNames, inputValues)

  • inputNames (list of str) –
  • inputValues (list of str) –

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Sets the section sub type by string value.

Signature SetSectionSubType1(strSectionType)

Parameters:strSectionType (str) –

New in version NX8.5.1.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Sets the section sub type2 by string value.

Signature SetSectionSubType2(strSectionType)

Parameters:strSectionType (str) –

New in version NX8.5.1.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



It sets the KRUSpreadsheetData object to the builder.

In most cases, this method is used internally.

Signature SetSpreadsheetData(pKRUData)

Parameters:pKRUData (NXOpen.Tooling.SpreadsheetData) –

New in version NX8.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Set default section types of the builder when a new context entity is set.

Signature SetsDefaultTypesFromContext()

New in version NX8.5.1.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method updates the parameters in the steel feature data spreadsheet using parameters rules.

The rule inputs should be set before you call this method.

Signature UpdateParametersUsingRules()

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



This method takes parameter name and parameter value pairs as input and updates the related geometries by updating the expressions, i.

  1. sketches.

Signature UpdateSpreadsheetData(paramNames, paramValues)

  • paramNames (list of str) –
  • paramValues (list of str) –

New in version NX8.0.1.

License requirements: nx_ship_detail (“Ship Detail Design”) OR nx_ship_basic (“Ship Basic Design”)



Validate whether the inputs to the component are sufficient for commit to be called.

If the component is not in a state to commit then an exception is thrown. For example, if the component requires you to set some property, this method will throw an exception if you haven’t set it. This method throws a not-yet-implemented NXException for some components.

Signature Validate()

Returns:Was self validation successful
Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.1.

License requirements: None.