NXOpen.PartFamily Package


NXOpen.PartFamily.FamilyAttribute This class represents a part family attribute
NXOpen.PartFamily.Instance Represents an instance of a part family member
NXOpen.PartFamily.InstanceDefinition This class repesents a part family table record (or instance definition on the template) and is created/deleted by PartFamily.TemplateManager.
NXOpen.PartFamily.InstanceSelectionCriteria Represents the selection criteria of a part family instance
NXOpen.PartFamily.MemberIdentifier This class represents the unique identifier for a part family member.
NXOpen.PartFamily.Template This class represents a part family template
NXOpen.PartFamily.TemplateManager This class serves as the manager for all the part family related operations.


FamilyAttributeAttrType Enumeration The part family attribute types.