TBSShapeOptimizationSolution Class

class NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSShapeOptimizationSolution

Bases: NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSOptimizationSolution, NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSIOptimizationTest

Represents a shape optimization solution

To create or edit an instance of this class, use NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSShapeOptimizationSolutionBuilder

New in version NX8.5.0.


Property Description
ControlParameters Returns the parameters to control optimization
DesignArea Returns the design area that will be modified during optimization
IsOccurrence Returns whether this object is an occurrence or not.
JournalIdentifier Returns the identifier that would be recorded in a journal for this object.
MeshSmooth Returns the mesh smooth definition
Name Returns the custom name of the object.
Objectives Returns the objective function of the optimization
OutputControlOptions Returns the output control options of the optimization
OwningComponent Returns the owning component, if this object is an occurrence.
OwningPart Returns the owning part of this object
Prototype Returns the prototype of this object if it is an occurrence.
StopCondition Returns the stop condition to end the optimization
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.
TestFunction Returns the test function


Method Description
DeleteAllAttributesByType Deletes all attributes of a specific type.
DeleteAttributeByTypeAndTitle Deletes an attribute by type and title.
DeleteUserAttribute Deletes the first attribute encountered with the given Type, Title.
DeleteUserAttributes Deletes the attributes encountered with the given Type with option to update or not.
Destroy Deletes an optimization solution and the associated result file optional
Find Finds the NXOpen.TaggedObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.
FindObject Finds the NXOpen.NXObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.
GetAttributeTitlesByType Gets all the attribute titles of a specific type.
GetBooleanUserAttribute Gets a boolean attribute by Title and array Index.
GetComputationalTimeUserAttribute Gets a time attribute by Title and array Index.
GetIntegerAttribute Gets an integer attribute by title.
GetIntegerUserAttribute Gets an integer attribute by Title and array Index.
GetIterationNumber Returns the iteration number during the optimization @return
GetPostResult Returns the post result file name and status @return
GetRealAttribute Gets a real attribute by title.
GetRealUserAttribute Gets a real attribute by Title and array Index.
GetReferenceAttribute Gets the reference string (not the calculated value) of a string attribute that uses a reference string.
GetSmoothResult Returns the result file name and status for a specified smoothing setting @return
GetStringAttribute Gets a string attribute value by title.
GetStringUserAttribute Gets a string attribute by Title and array Index.
GetTestResultFile Returns the file name of test result @return
GetTimeAttribute Gets a time attribute by title.
GetTimeUserAttribute Gets a time attribute by Title and array Index.
GetUserAttribute Gets the first attribute encountered on the object, if any, with a given Title, Type and array Index.
GetUserAttributeAsString Gets the first attribute encountered on the object, if any, with a given title, type and array index.
GetUserAttributeCount Gets the count of set attributes on the object, if any, of the given type.
GetUserAttributeLock Determine the lock of the given attribute.
GetUserAttributeSize Gets the size of the first attribute encountered on the object, if any, with a given Title and Type.
GetUserAttributeSourceObjects Returns an array of objects from which this object presents attributes.
GetUserAttributes Gets all the attributes that have been set on the given object.
GetUserAttributesAsStrings Gets all the attributes that have been set on the given object.
HasUserAttribute Determines if an attribute with the given Title, Type and array Index is present on the object Unset attributes will not be detected by this function, as its purpose is to test for the actual presence of the attribute on the object.
Print Prints a representation of this object to the system log file.
Rename Rename Solution and optionally rename associated results files
SetAttribute Creates or modifies an integer attribute.
SetBooleanUserAttribute Creates or modifies a boolean attribute with the option to update or not.
SetName Sets the custom name of the object.
SetReferenceAttribute Creates or modifies a string attribute which uses a reference string.
SetTimeAttribute Creates or modifies a time attribute.
SetTimeUserAttribute Creates or modifies a time attribute with the option to update or not.
SetUserAttribute Creates or modifies an attribute with the option to update or not.
SetUserAttributeLock Lock or unlock the given attribute.
Solve Solves the optimization solution
SolveTest Solves optimization test

Property Detail



Returns whether this object is an occurrence or not.


Getter Method

Signature IsOccurrence()

Returns:This object is an occurrence
Return type:bool

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the identifier that would be recorded in a journal for this object.

This may not be the same across different releases of the software.


Getter Method

Signature JournalIdentifier()

Return type:str

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the mesh smooth definition


Getter Method

Signature MeshSmooth()

Return type:NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSMeshSmooth

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the custom name of the object.


Getter Method

Signature Name()

Return type:str

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the owning component, if this object is an occurrence.


Getter Method

Signature OwningComponent()

Return type:NXOpen.Assemblies.Component

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the owning part of this object


Getter Method

Signature OwningPart()

Returns:The owning part of this object or null if it does not have an owner
Return type:NXOpen.BasePart

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the prototype of this object if it is an occurrence.


Getter Method

Signature Prototype()

Returns:The prototype of this object or null if this object is not an occurrence
Return type:NXOpen.INXObject

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the test function


Getter Method

Signature TestFunction()

Return type:NXOpen.CAE.Optimization.TBSTestFunction

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: None.

Method Detail



Finds the NXOpen.NXObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.

An object may not return the same value as its JournalIdentifier in different versions of the software. However newer versions of the software should find the same object when FindObject is passed older versions of its journal identifier. In general, this method should not be used in handwritten code and exists to support record and playback of journals.

An exception will be thrown if no object can be found with the given journal identifier.

Signature FindObject(journalIdentifier)

Parameters:journalIdentifier (str) – Journal identifier of the object
Return type:NXOpen.INXObject

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the file name of test result

Signature GetTestResultFile()

Return type:str

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: None.



Prints a representation of this object to the system log file.

Signature Print()

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Sets the custom name of the object.

NOTE: This method should not be used to edit a read-only object such as a Mirrored PMI object. If it is, the changes will be overridden when the part is updated.

Signature SetName(name)

Parameters:name (str) –

New in version NX3.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Solves optimization test

Signature SolveTest()

New in version NX8.5.0.

License requirements: cae_opt_topobead (“NX Bead Optimization”) OR cae_opt_toposhape (“NX Shape Optimization”)