Create new Pages

The ability to create new Pages is controlled by user permissions settings in global and project Administration. You must be granted Permission to CREATE NEW and Permission to MODIFY for Pages in all projects in which you want to create new Pages.

Pages exist within spaces. You can create new pages in any space. There are several access points where you an begin creating a new Page:

  • Index page of any space. Click on the icon on the toolbar. (Tooltip: Create New)

  • Page toolbar. Actions Menu : Create New, when a page is in view mode. Click to reveal.

  • Documents and Pages toolbar. Select this topic in Navigation, and then click on the icon on the page toolbar.

Space Index page.

Page editor.

Documents and Pages topic.

Create a new Page

  1. Launch the Create New dialog.

  2. Click on LiveReport Page or Info Page, depending on the type of new page you want to create.

  3. In the next dialog, enter the title of the new page (any character set), the system identifier in the Name (ID) field (ASCII only), and optionally select a different Space or Subspace to store the page. Note that the Title appears in Navigation, search results, links, and other user interface components that show the Page.

  4. Click OK to finish and create the Page. The new Page opens in edit mode, ready for you to add content.